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iSpace interview questions

sql server
What is normalization and explain(1st,2nd,3rd normal forms) with
Select len(1234.56) what is the output of this. 1 error 2 ouput?
What are the constraints and explain them
Difference between char, varchar and nvarchar
What are correlated subqueries and give an example of it
Difference between temp tables, table variables, CTE
Query: data is
Id name string
1 xxx abbcefd
2 yyy bacdbef
3 zzz abcdefg
Retrieve the rows where existence of b>1 and b<=2 in the string


Create function eg1(@var nvarchar(25))returns int

As declare @var1

Insert into emp values(@var1)

Select 2


Select @var1=ename from emp



Select dbo.eg1(xxxxx)----- what happens when we execute like this

what are data regions available

what are cascading parameters and how wil you set these type of
parameters with an example

difference between table and tablix

color expression for alternative rows

row grouping and column grouping

how will you deploy the reports

what are different containers available

what is a multicast transformation

Difference between merge, union all and merge join

How do you deploy the ssis package

what are the checks you implemented when transforming the data

different approaches in datawarehousing

attribute relation ships

what are the different types of dimensions

what are types of facts and explain with examples

what are different storage modes available

what are aggregations and name aggregations in ur project

proactive caching

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