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Chapter 1 : Use of

Articles : Insert a, an, or the in the blank spaces where

Exercise 1
necessary :

1. He gave me ______ orange, ______ mango and ______ few

2. John Brown is ______best pupil in ______ class.
3. I bought ______ piece of cake.
4. ______ mango he gave me was very sweet.
5. London is ______ capital of Great Britain.
6. We went for ______ walk in the garden.
7. ______ sun rises in ______ east and sets in ______ west.
8. Hercules was ______ mighty warrior.
9. My brother is ______ good swimmer.
10. Russian is not ______ easy language.
11. ______ Germans lost ______ war in 1945.
12. I went to ______ Rex Cinema and saw ______ funny
13. ______ Nile is ______ longest river in Egypt.
14. David is ______ good friend of mine.
15. Mary is ______ only daughter of Mr. Johnson.
16. We started on our journey late in ______ afternoon.
17. Paris is ______ largest city in ______ France.
18. Our watchman is ______ honest man.
19. John Major was ______ Prime Minister of Great Britain.
20. We should begin ______ sentence with ______ capital
letter and end it with ______ full stop.

Exercise 2 : Complete the following sentences by inserting

a, an, or the where necessary:

1. Andrew went to ______ United States to complete his

studies in ______ engineering.
2. Sally comes from ______ poor family.
3. It is ______ crime to plot against the Government.
4. All cats love ______ milk.
5. ______ Library is where you find many books.
6. ______ Japanese are often called ______ hardworking
7. Egypt is called ______ gift of the Nile.
8. Tea is usually grown on ______ hillside.
9. Bangkok is sometimes called ______ Venice of ______ East.
10. ______ other day I went to ______ boxing match for
______ first time.
11. It took me ______ hour to reach ______ station.
12. I received ______ letter from my friend who is on
______ voyage round the world.
13. ______ villagers are generally ______ simple people.
14. ______ twentieth century has brought many wonderful
15. I first met him ______ few years ago when he was
______ student at ______ University.
16. Dogs are very fond of biting ______ bones.
17. He keeps ______ untidy room but ______ work he does
is neat.
18. ______ horse was used ______ great deal before
motorcars came into use.
19. The next examination will be held on ______ 15th
20. We went to ______ zoo in ______ jeep.

Exercise 3 : Complete the following sentences by inserting

a, an, or the where necessary:

1. Why are you in such ______ hurry?

2. ______ sooner you start ______ sooner you will finish.
3. I went for ______ ride on ______ new diesel train.
4. Many ______ man has tried to reach ______ top but none
have succeeded.
5. Last week I purchased ______ dozen eggs.
6. ______ watch is no more ______ luxury; it has become
______ necessity.
7. Jim and Robert are ______ two fastest runners in ______
8. ______ principal called______ boys round him and gave
them ______ good advice before they left school.
9. I have ______ bad headache, have you got ______ Aspro?
10. We heard ______ loud report and went to investigate
where ______ sound came from.
11. If you walk ______ little further you will come to ______
newly built mansion, go up ______ second staircase and
knock on ______ fourth floor.
12. She has ______ black and white cat which is ______
very good rat catcher.
13. Out of all ______ sums given you havent got ______
single one correct.
14. John asked me to meet him at ______ Rex Cinema for
______ six thirty show.
15. ______ experienced teacher is ______ best.
16. Michael is ______ industrious boy ; he studies during
______ day and works at ______ night.
17. I have ______ good many friends whom I can call
upon in time of ______ trouble.
18. Quite ______ number of boys were absent during
______ last period.
19. ______ large crowd of people gathered at ______ scene
of ______ accident.
20. Life in the village was peaceful, not ______ sound was
heard after ______ clock struck nine.

Exercise 4 : Rewrite the following sentences inserting

Articles where necessary. Underline the articles.

1. What beautiful picture this is !

2. The doctor says it is hopeless case.

3. I have not seen him since he was child.

4. Have you never seen giraffe before?

5. Only best is good enough for him.

6. Let us go over details carefully.

7. The poor woman has not penny to her name.

8. He was left without money.

9. Who wishes to go for swim with me?

10. Farmers start their work early in morning.

11. Everybody should value good health.

12. Tiger which is fierce animal is found in many parts of


13. Mexico City is largest city in Mexico.

14. His father works in office on Baker Street.

15. If telephone rings answer it.

16. Sky grew dark and lights began to appear in house.

17. When he as child he often rode on brown pony.

18. Even as boy, Hercules showed signs of great


19. My favourite colour is blue.

20. Where did you leave bicycle?

Exercise 5 : Complete the following sentences by inserting

a, an, or the where necessary:
1. Mrs. Brown has gone to ______ market to buy ______
2. ______ situation on ______ border has become grave.
3. ______ Americans were the first people to send ______ man
to ______ moon.
4. We went for ______ walk round ______ lake and then
entered ______ restaurant for ______ meal.
5. ______ Geography teacher told us to write out ______
names of ______ important towns along ______ river.
6. I read ______ account of ______ final match in one of ______
sports magazines.
7. I found it difficult to get ______ taxi in that part of ______
8. He made ______ same mistake over and over again.
9. Last night we went to ______ movies and saw ______ very
humorous movie.
10. ______ umbrella is ______ useful weapon in ______
11. English has become ______ International language; it
is spoken in many parts of ______ world.
12. Students should be taught how to use ______
13. By ______ time ______ fire engines arrives ______ fire
had spread to ______ next street.
14. ______ book that you brought has ______ few pages
15. We went on ______ excursion to ______ sea coast.
16. Answer only those questions market with ______
17. ______ teacher asked me to show him ______ letter
that I had written.
18. Which is ______ shortest month of ______ year?
19. ______ gold chain that she has round her neck is
______ imitation.
20. ______ large number of people were at ______ airport
to greet ______ actress.
Exercise 6 : Complete the following sentences by inserting
a, an, or the where necessary:

1. All ______ offices in the country were closed as ______ sign

of ______ respect.
2. He completed ______ all ______ work within ______ specified
3. The house in which he is living is ______ new house.
4. We had ______ jolly time at ______ picnic yesterday.
5. The whale is ______ largest mammal in ______ world.
6. They had ______ fight over ______ new girl who entered
school yesterday.
7. ______ minister will present ______ awards after ______
opening ceremony.
8. ______ 3rd June was ______ fine and bright morning.
9. His coat was ______ first thing I saw on entering ______
10. ______ little rain ______ little sun is essential for plants.
11. ______ bad weather usually begins at ______ end of
______ May.
12. French is ______ easier language than ______ Chinese.
13. ______ teacher worked out ______ few problems on
______ blackboard.
14. His house is situated at ______ corner of ______ Nelson
15. ______ government has brought back all ______
prisoners from ______ island prison.
16. He received ______ telephone call and rushed out of
______ house in ______ hurry.
17. Everyone says that ______ movie at ______ Globe
Cinema is ______ very nice movie.
18. ______ only drink that the drinks is ______ water.
19. ______ most precious metal in ______ world is ______
20. He played ______ round of golf with ______ Chairman
of ______ Board of Directors.

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