Work Out: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

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remember maktab from previous lessons as desk or study; here it also means ofcemakes sense!

atTala ila means to look forward to, muqablat means meeting, zumalai means my colleagues. And nally,
sa-uqadimuka means I will introduce you and ijtim means meeting.


And now lets practice some of what youve just learned. First, youll hear the days of the week in Arabic,
and you should translate them into English. Youll hear the correct answer after a pause.

al-ithnayn Monday

ath-thulth Tuesday

al-arbi Wednesday

al-khams Thursday

al-juma Friday

as-sabt Saturday

al-aHad Sunday

Great! Now do the opposite, translating the following words from English into Arabic. After a pause, youll
hear the right answer, which you should repeat for practice.

tomorrow ghadan

yesterday al-briHa

noon aDH-DHuhr

afternoon bad aDH-DHuhr

tonight al-layl

Now translate the following phrases into Arabic. Later, you can practice different variations of time
expressions on your own.

What time is it? kam al-waqt?

Its ten oclock. as-sa al-ashara.

when mata

soon qarban

never abadan


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