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Serving UNC students and the University community since 1893

Volume 124, Issue 139 Thursday, February 23, 2017

Protections for trans students cut

Students I dont think its inconceiv-
able, given the current tone
of our Congress and federal
worry about administration, that similar
legislation at the federal level
could be introduced, Wells
safety under said.
Legislation like HB2 could

Trumps potentially exist within a

limited context federally,
such as legislation requiring
leadership bathroom usage consistent
with ones sex at birth in
public schools, said Shannon
By Becca Heilman Gilreath, a law professor at
Staff Writer Wake Forest University.
They can do those sorts
The Donald Trump admin- of things in areas over which
istration revoked protections they have some ability to
for transgender students regulate, but I dont see a
Wednesday, ordering schools national policy that says
to disregard memos from that, in every bathroom
former President Barack everywhere, this sort of con-
Obamas White House sideration would be put into
which said prohibiting trans- place, he said.
gender students from using Ames Simmons, director of
bathrooms aligning with their transgender policy at Equality
gender identities violates NC, said the Trump admin-
anti-discrimination laws. istrations change of course
Meanwhile, North Carolina on transgender protections
legislators continue attempts doesnt necessarily guarantee
to reach a compromise that a law like HB2 could
regarding House Bill 2. The exist nationwide.
Trump administrations shift We definitely know that
away from federal transgen- the public sentiment is DTH/NATHAN KLIMA
der protections raises ques- against HB2 here in North Brennan Lewis, a sophomore at UNC, discussed the repercussions of House Bill 2 on LGBTQ high school students in North Carolina.
tions about whether HB2 Carolina, and the attempts
could exist on a national to have similar bills in other administration could make if they do decide to let trans Brennan Lewis, a sopho- pushback, they said. People
scale. states have met with public school districts less certain. students use the bathroom in more at UNC who identifies are less afraid to say really
Renee Wells, director concern, he said. Simmons said local school accordance with their gender as genderqueer, said HB2 terrible things to each other.
of N.C. State Universitys Simmons stated that its districts often determine for identity, he said. But they has had the largest impact on Nikolai Mather, a senior
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and important to remember Title themselves how to implement arent sure that they arent high school students. at Northwood High School
Transgender Center, said sim- IX still exists and still pro- policies. gonna be subject to some Just having trans issues in Pittsboro who identifies
ilar bills are being introduced tects students. But signals It makes the waters much other liability by parents who on peoples radars has
across the country. and policy from the Trump muddier for them as far as are objecting to that. brought a lot of really intense SEE PROTECTIONS, PAGE 5

Students petition for active disability sign

The proposed symbol implicit stereotype throughout
certain people.
to the Board of Directors and
basically convince them to
has already been Emory said the new acces-
sibility icon would help to
change the old accessibility
icon to the new accessibility
adopted in New York. change the negative stereo- icon, Marie Payne, another
types of handicapped individ- member of the campaign, said.
By Jackson Liu uals by incorporating motions Things are easier said than
Staff Writer and independence. done Emory said iden-
The Alternative Symbol tifying the costs could be a
A committee of UNC of Accessibility was intro- problem.
students started a petition duced in 2010 and since then We are still trying to fig-
to change the accessibility has spread through media ure that out because theres
signs around campus to show campaigns and activism said a lot to go in the cost, so we
the Alternative Symbol of Chris Corsi, another member have to figure out when the
Accessibility. of the committee. The sign signs are needed to be updat-
The Alternative Symbol has been officially adopted in ed, how much money we can
of Accessibility shows an New York and Connecticut. get and theres a lot of stuff
active person with a disability, Hopefully with that to consider there that we are
rather than the current acces- momentum we can sort of still trying to bring together,
sibility symbol which shows a carry it on here and con- Emory said.
static person. tribute to that momentum, Tiffany Bailey, the director
Senior Taylor Emory said Emory said. of Accessibility Resources and
the group of students have By the end of the spring Service, said there are many
been working since October 2017 semester, the committee unknown factors related to DTH/GABRIELLE THOMPSON
2016 to bring the new signs to hopes to acquire the approval changing the accessibility (From left) Students Mark Ellard, Marie Payne and Chris Corsi stood in the Pit on Thursday, trying to
UNCs campus. of University officials to adopt signs, including the costs or gain signatures in other to change accessibility signs on campus to a more active looking sign.
The whole purpose of the the Alternative Symbol of timeline of the project. She
accessibility icon is to bring Accessibility on UNCs cam- said it would be a gradual number of different things, so Emory said. Everyone brings and, you know, this is just
forth, you know, a new symbol, pus. They hope to get funding project. I dont know the cost of it. something to the table, no a way for us to enhance our
a new alternative to the current from student government We are talking about signs Despite all the difficulties, matter, you know, race, equalities here at UNC and
handicapped sign, Emory said. and other student fundraising in every academic building, the committee still wants to gender, whether you get build on the message that our
You know, the current handi- resources, Corsi said. in every residential building, create a more inclusive and handicapped, whether its a University has done a great
capped sign is very immobile, Starting with the Union, Bailey said. We are talking welcoming environment for cognitive disabilities, physical job.
upright and that symbol can we are trying to implement about handicapped parking people with disabilities. disabilities, you know We
create, you know, negative, and we are trying to take it spots. We are talking about a Everyone has ability, are all equal as human beings

Third rabies case reminds Candidates react to election freeze

pet owners to vaccinate body president have not
Candidates for student Everything was very
crazy there for a
Grier, said he has also used the time
to focus on school.
The majority of the time, Ive

been able to campaign.

advised my team to kind of use it
period of time, and
A rabid skunk gave an positive for rabies the third posi-
tive test case this year.
to focus on schoolwork, make sure
that grades are good and that were very hectic.
Orange County resident Seeing this third case isnt cause
for alarm, said Orange County
By Celia McRae
Staff Writer
not falling behind on the number
one priority, which is our educa- Elizabeth Adkins
and her dog a scare. Community Relations Director
With an injunction on student
tion, Grier said.
Travis Broadhurst, another
Candidate for student body president
Todd McGee. Instead, it provides
By Kaia Findlay an opportunity for education and body presidential elections, can- candidate, said the hold has been around, but were very excited to be
Staff Writer awareness in the community about didates have had to adjust their positive in that it allows for a break able to get back started tomorrow
rabies, vaccinations and what to strategies. from the time-consuming cam- and get the ball rolling and start
It all happened in a blur. do after an encounter with a rabid The freeze will end Thursday paigning. attending debates and, you know,
Susan Gladin entered her yard animal. at 5 p.m. when the UNC Board of Particularly for our campaign, talking to voters and things of that
in rural Orange County Monday to Rabies affects the nervous system Elections announces which candi- the freeze has kind of been a good nature to get ready for the election
see her dog playing with a skunk. At and gets transmitted through saliva dates received the required 1,250 thing, he said. Running a cam- next week.
first she thought it was cute, beauti- or contact with nervous system tis- signatures. paign is a great experience, but it Broadhurst said he is happy with
ful even, and snapped a picture of it. sue. In the southeastern United Candidate Elizabeth Adkins said really takes a toll on your grades. the way the election process has
Then she called her dog and stepped States, raccoons act as the host the hold on campaigning has given Ive been able to catch a break on worked, and that the hold was not a
off the porch. Thats when the skunk animal for the rabies virus. Other her team the chance to take a deep that, and I think the rest of my team bad thing.
attacked. animals that contract the disease breath, catch up on school work and has too. I think although many people
Im a very experienced animal get infected due to scratches or bites prepare to campaign again. Adkins said her team is excited see it in a negative way, there is a
person and I was just blindsided by from an infected host. For us, the break its been to start campaigning again on positive side to it, he said. I think
how quickly the thing moved, she The number of rabies cases ebbs interesting to say the least, but I Thursday. the fact that since the (Student)
said. and flows, said Bob Marotto, direc- think that this hold has been benefi- We were going very hard and, Code is being enforced, and being
The skunk scratched Gladin on tor of Animal Services. cial for all of us, she said. you know, everyone was hitting the enforced on all candidates, it really
the ankle, so she called 911. They The lab saw six positive cases in Everything was very crazy there ground and then we kind of just adds a sense of efficacy to the pro-
put her through to Orange County 2016 and 10 positives in 2015. These for a period of time, and very hec- had to stop because the injunction cess.
Animal Services, who brought the tic. was in place, she said.
animal to their lab. The skunk tested SEE RABIES, PAGE 5 Another candidate, Maurice So weve all been kind of waiting SEE DELAY, PAGE 5

As it turns out, I am perfect just the way I am.

2 Thursday, February 23, 2017 News The Daily Tar Heel

The Daily Tar Heel

Established 1893
123 years of editorial
Students create storytelling podcast
By Kaitlyn Green memory, and was believed to some fiction in the future. Storytelling is a means of acknowledging how cool and
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Staff Writer be the inventress of speech The theme for the upcom- connection, Scannell said. complex everyones lives are
EDITOR@DAILYTARHEEL.COM and writings. ing podcast is Strangers. I think itd be great if the around us.
Humans have been telling Mackinson said she loves Students are encouraged podcast contributed to that @kaitlynbgreen
MANAGING EDITOR stories for thousands of years, creative writing and felt com- to submit writings about on this campus, and just
MANAGING.EDITOR@DAILYTARHEEL.COM constantly passing down tales pelled to start a new creative their interactions with
DANNY NETT to the next generation. platform due to the exclusive strangers, or their own per-
ONLINE MANAGING EDITOR A few UNC students are nature of some of the big stu- sonal interpretation of what
ONLINE@DAILYTARHEEL.COM channeling this timeless dent literary and art publica- the word stranger could
JOS VALLE power of storytelling into tions on campus. mean.
VISUAL MANAGING EDITOR their new literary podcast, She said they can be dif- Once Mnemosyne is run-
VISUALS@DAILYTARHEEL.COM Mnemosyne. ficult to become involved ning, the students hope to
ALISON KRUG Sophomores India with, and hopes Mnemosyne come out with an episode
NEWSROOM DIRECTOR Mackinson, Erin Scannell will provide a more accessible every month, hopefully build-
DTH@DAILYTARHEEL.COM and Kieran Hodnett came up outlet for creative students. ing up to one or two episodes
SARA SALINAS with the idea last semester, We wanted to make a a week.
DIRECTOR OF PROJECTS AND wanting a new platform for place where its easy to get They hope for the first epi-
INVESTIGATIONS creative writers on campus to on and just share what youre sode to come out in March.
showcase their work. doing, Mackinson said. We The deadline for student
ACY JACKSON We really want it to be an just wanted an extra place for submissions for the March
UNIVERSITY EDITOR outlet for UNC students who creative writers to showcase podcast is March 1.
may not necessarily be major- their work. Scannell said she thinks
JANE LITTLE ing in literature or English to The group said theyre storytelling has the power
CITY EDITOR give their stories, Hodnett hoping students will sub- to create bonds through the
said. Everyone is really inter- mit nonfiction pieces, spo- sharing of common human
COREY RISINGER esting and has their own tales ken word and memoirs to experiences.
STATE@DAILYTARHEEL.COM to tell. Mnemosyne. She hopes Mnemosyne will
Scannell wanted to give They are currently looking help foster this connection
SARAH VASSELLO for serious or entertaining on campus and encourage
the podcast a name related
SWERVE@DAILYTARHEEL.COM to nonfiction Mnemosyne nonfiction pieces, but said students to share these expe-
was the Greek goddess of they might like to showcase riences.
ALEX KORMANN Someone reported tres- Someone reported dam-
PHOTO EDITORS passing on the 300 block of Someone reported tres- age to property on the 3000
South Estes Drive exit at 7:29 passing at The Library on the block of Environ Way at 12:48
ELLIE SCIALABBA, p.m. Thursday, according to 100 block of East Franklin a.m. Friday, according to
JESSICA SWANSON Chapel Hill police reports. Street at 1:09 a.m. Friday, Chapel Hill police reports.
COPY CHIEFS according to Chapel Hill
COPY@DAILYTARHEEL.COM Someone reported loud police reports. Someone found property
music and partying on the on the 300 block of South
ASHLEN RENNER 100 block of Ephesus Church Someone reported an Estes Drive at 2:00 p.m.
VIDEO EDITOR Road at 11:05 p.m. Thursday, abandoned vehicle on US Friday, according to Chapel
according to Chapel Hill 15-501 South and Fordham Hill police reports.
police reports. Boulevard at 9:27 a.m. Friday, The person found a zipper
The person reported loud according to Chapel Hill coin purse valued at $15 and
Mail and Office: 151 E. Rosemary St. speaking and a dog barking, police reports. an NC identification card val-
Chapel Hill, NC 27514 reports state. ued at $5.
Jane Wester, Editor-in-Chief, 962-4086
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The Daily Tar Heel News Thursday, February 23,2017 3

Town talk: Whose line is it anyway?

The line Although the two towns
sometimes appear connected,
there is a definitive, legal
between boundary between them.
The jurisdictional bound-
Carrboro and ary as well as the extra-terri-
torial jurisdiction (between
Chapel Hill and Carrboro)
Chapel Hill is clearly demarcated, said
Nikhil Kaza, professor in
meanders UNCs Department of City
and Regional Planning.
Carrboro Board of
By Lauren Talley Aldermen member Bethany
Staff Writer Chaney said the line between
the two meanders a little
Many local residents walk bit. Its not just one simple
their dogs and ride their bikes straight line from the north-
without knowing if they are in ern part to the southern part
Chapel Hill or Carrboro. of the town.
Im not too positive If you were just talking
where one begins and the about downtown, it would
other ends, but I think I be about where Merritt Mill
would be exiting Chapel Hill Road is and it goes through
once I reach Papa Johns on the Northside neighborhood
Franklin, UNC senior Deonta and it sort of curves around
Woods said. certain parts of neighbor-
Serena Singh, a first- hoods, so it gets a little
year and member of UNCs messy, Chaney said.
marathon team, often runs Were not neatly divided
between the two towns, but by Merritt Mill Road either
said if she wasnt a member of between Crooks Corner and
the marathon team, she really St. Paul AME church, St. Paul
wouldnt know where the actually straddles the line. DTH/ALEX KORMANN
border is. There are also signs The boundary line separating Chapel Hill and Carrboro is not entirely clear, though there are a few city limit signs.
When Im running down on Estes Drive and on
Rosemary Street, if I keep Homestead Road marking Chapel Hill and Carrboro used to be considered rural. other, Chaney said. As we being able to walk from
going onto East Weaver Street the line dividing the two work great together, but itd She said the downtown built more roads and neigh- Carrboro to Chapel Hill and
and onto North Greensboro towns as well as a big, swirly be nice to be able to tell them part of Carrboro didnt always borhoods and streets and such the other way around, and we
Street, then I know Im enter- Carrboro sign on the corner apart because they are dif- reach the Chapel Hill border. it just turned out that they like how the town cultures
ing the Carrboro area, Singh of Merritt Mill Road next to ferent places with their own The two towns just began began to touch over time. vary, Chaney said. Its
said. Oftentimes, though, I St. Paul AME Church. qualities that draw people in to grow together; its not that Chaney said every so often unique enough and it makes
only know Im in Carrboro Singh said she likes how to visit both, she said. they were built right next the thought comes up to sense to keep our small town
if buildings around me have the two towns flow together, Chaney said the closeness to each other with a bound- merge the two municipalities, a small town.
signs with the word Carrboro but itd be nice if there was of the towns wasnt intention- ary, but more so that the but Carrboro isnt interested. @laurentalley13
in it. more distinction. al and that Carrboro actually two towns grew toward each We like the seamlessness,

Roe v. Wade plaintiff dies, leaves complicated legacy

Norma McCorvey was a Other people might say thats
a cynical take on what happened,
women have abortions because of
economic reasons than the number
symbol for both pro- and she said. Some say she had a con- of women who have an abortion
version, and that pro-life people because of rape or incest, she said.
anti-abortion groups. in the movement were people who But if you look at public opinion,
accepted her. (support for abortion) is very sus-
By Carina McDermed Austin Anthis, a senior at Duke ceptible to the way you word the
Staff Writer University who opposes abortion, question.
said McCorveys story bridges the Anthis said he hopes the new
Dubbed Jane Roe, Norma two movements. administration will propose limits
McCorvey gained notoriety as the Her legacy can cause both sides on abortion rights.
anonymous plaintiff in the 1973 deci- to empathize with the other side, Having a Republican majority
sion which legalized abortion but he said. So hers is a really unique in both houses of Congress and a
she became symbolically important story in a way but also representa- Republican president gives me some
to both pro-abortion rights and anti- tive of the complex issue of abortion hope, he said. But Im not super con-
abortion groups in the next decades. in America. fident about what President (Donald)
McCorvey, the plaintiff in the Lisa Levenstein, a history profes- Trump himself will do. It seems lower
landmark Supreme Court case sor at UNC-Greensboro, said in an on his priority list, and hes made pro-
Roe v. Wade, died of heart failure email that McCorveys story is not choice comments in the past.
Saturday in Katy, Texas at 69. representative of most women who Levenstein said anti-abortion
Out of the public eye until the have legal abortions. strategists have tried to circumvent
early 1980s, she advocated for pro- The vast majority of people who Roe v. Wade to find alternative ways
abortion rights causes and began to have abortions do not regret them to restrict access to abortion.
talk to news media. But after two and remain pro-choice, she said. Legislative action undermining
religious conversions, she became a That doesnt mean its an easy deci- Roe began almost immediately after PHOTO COURTESY OF LORIE SHAULL
fervent opponent of abortion rights, sion, but her situation definitely isnt Roe passed in 1973, Levenstein Norma McCorvey (left), the plaintiff of Roe v. Wade, died at age 69. Here, McCorvey
said Rebecca Kreitzer, a professor of typical. said. In 1976, Congress passed the (Jane Roe) and her lawyer stand on the steps of the Supreme Court in 1989.
public policy at UNC. Overall public opinion on legal Hyde Amendment, which made it
She played an important role in abortion has remained relatively illegal to use federal monies to fund States like (North Carolina) have waxed and waned over time.
that she was a rallying point and a consistent since the 1960s, she said. abortions. This meant that poor also given government money to fund I think she was more of a symbol
significant figure for people on the Kreitzer said a large majority of women who depended on Medicaid Crisis Pregnancy Centers, (which) are to the pro-life movement than to the
right, but she was really vilified by Americans support access to abor- could not get their abortions paid not staffed by medical personnel, she pro-choice movement, she said. Im
those same people at earlier points tion in cases of protecting the life for, essentially robbing them of the said. The people who work at CPCs not sure she converted anybody to
in her life, Kreitzer said. of the mother, rape or incest. But right to choose. try to convince pregnant women not change their mind about any issues,
Some historians think McCorvey support dramatically decreases if Its increasingly difficult to get to get abortions. but she rallied people around view-
might have condemned abortion in motivations for the abortion are eco- an abortion in states like North Kreitzer said ultimately McCorvey points they already had.
order to gain acceptance from con- nomic or due to preference. Carolina, especially for women with- was a complicated woman, and her @carinamcdermed
servatives, she said. The reality is that far more out financial resources, she said. prominence in both movements

Phones abuzz with sexual health Homestead pool still closed

Town officials arent sure pools during the temporary closure,
Initiatives from SHIFT when we started the service
around sex, pregnancy and con-
University, wrote her disserta-
tion at UNC on research she did when the pool will open.
including the Chapel Hill-Carrboro
YMCA, the UNC Campus Recreation
NC aim to educate traception, Jackson said. promoting BrdsNBz to adoles- Bowman Gray Memorial Pool, Hollow
Jackson said the text services cents in 2013. By Sarah Cheek Rock Racquet and Swim Club and the
youth through texts. function much like a normal call I recognized what a great Staff Writer Orange County Sportsplex.
center. opportunity it was to work on a Orr said the center has not received
By Natalie Short Theres a very small group project that had a real impact on The Homestead Aquatic Center will a lot of complaints from the community
Staff Writer of us, with probably about col- young peoples lives, she said. remain closed while continuing to search other than people asking when the pool
lectively anywhere from 60 to She conducted interviews for the water leak that has prevented will reopen.
BrdsNBz, a North Carolina- 80 years of experience in adoles- and focus groups with teenagers guests from using the pool since Jan. 17. No one from the aquatic center was
based text message service, pro- cent sexual health and working before creating a campaign to We have not been able to locate the available for comment.
vides teenagers with a private directly with adolescents, he market BrdsNBz directly to ado- leak, and its not because of the lack of According to a Feb. 17 statement from
and credible source of sexual said. lescents in schools. trying with two consultants, said Jim the Town of Chapel Hill, several areas of
health information. A teenager who has opted We had to find out what Orr, director of the Chapel Hill Parks and concern were identified and necessary
Sexual Health Initiatives for into the service can text the des- teens liked about the service, Recreation Department. repairs were made, though the water
Teens in North Carolina, the ignated number any question what they thought was interest- Were just going through the possible loss in the lap pool has not completely
nonprofit which offers BrdsNBz, relating to sexual health, and ing and if our messages were options and at this point we have not iso- stopped.
announced earlier this month one of the health professionals good, Willoughby said. lated the leak. Greg Lee, spokesperson for the YMCA
that its services would expand to on Jacksons team will respond She continues to collaborate The closure was originally expected to of the Triangle, said Homestead Pool has
cater to an older population. within 24 hours though with Jackson, and they are last two to three weeks but is now extend- not reached out about how much lon-
Xs N Os, the new initiative, Jackson said responses are often hoping to conduct an analysis ing past the original deadline. The leak is ger the repair will take, but the Chapel
is being piloted in northeastern almost instantaneous. of all the data collected by the the largest the pool has ever had. Hill-Carrboro YMCA is happy to support
Florida among 19-24 year- Depending on the nature of program. The leak was found after the Homestead swimmers as long as it is nec-
olds, SHIFT NC said in a press the question, we will loop them Jackson said while SHIFT Homestead Aquatic Centers water bill essary.
release. back either to a parent or a NC was already gathering feed- was significantly higher in November. We are fortunate that weve got the
Xs N Os has the same easy- trusted adult, if that is required, back from parents, legislators According to a Jan. 27 press release, opportunity to share the space when
to-use format and benefits of Jackson said. But we also then and health educators about how the pool was scheduled to reopen in mid- needed and it hasnt affected our mem-
BrdsNBz but will have a slightly can make referrals so that if to better educate adolescents on February after the delays, but the Feb. 17 bers ability to use the pool at all, Lee
older feel for older young someone feels like they need to sexual health, the nonprofit felt press release now says there is no definite said.
adults, the press release said. get tested, whether its an STD, an important voice was missing schedule for the reopening. Lee said that Homestead Aquatic
Kennon Jackson Jr., direc- or pregnancy or if they want the teenagers themselves. Michael Linnane, a community user of Center has always supported the Chapel
tor of technology for SHIFT information on contraception, Our thought was we need the pool, said he uses Homestead Aquatic Hill-Carrboro YMCA during their pool
NC and the project manager we can loop them back around information from adolescents to Center because of its convenience and closures and that it has fostered a good
for BrdsNBz said the programs to a local resource. help guide what we provide as price. relationship between the two pools.
continue to evolve as new areas BrdsNBz has been asked over programming to our health edu- He typically swims there three times We are always happy to support the
of interest like sexuality become 8,000 questions since its incep- cators and information to our per week. Homestead Aquatic Center and the
more mainstream. tion in 2009, and the service has legislators and information to Since it closed, because of the sched- Recreation Department in Chapel Hill
Relationships and develop- since expanded to seven addi- our statewide partners, so lets ules of the community center pool, I when they are doing work on their pools
ment and sexuality are very tional states, Jackson said. talk to them and see what their havent been able to do my swim at all, and welcome their swimmers as our
fluid, and so were finding that Jessica Willoughby, an assis- questions are, he said. basically, he said. guests, he said.
there are a lot more questions tant professor of health com- Homestead pool users have been able
around those domains than munication at Washington State to use their community pass at other
4 Thursday, February 23, 2017 News The Daily Tar Heel

Chancellors response lands on campus fliers A story of people

The fliers were put who remained
near other anti-
By Cy Neff owners who my great-grand-
Trump materials. Staff Writer father worked for, he worked
to gain that land back as a
By Sofia Edelman Duke professor emeri- sharecropper, sophomore
Assistant University Editor tus Sydney Nathanss book, and sociology and African,
A Mind to Stay: White African American and dias-
Fliers with quotes from Plantation, Black Homeland pora studies major Miriam
Chancellor Carol Folt, images chronicles the story of the Madison said. And to this
of a pig in a police hat and Hargress familys unlikely day we still have that land in
warnings of Nazi propaganda centuries-long ownership of our family.
were put up around the quad a property in cotton-country Nathans worked on the
area some seemingly in Alabama. project for 40 years, taking
response to a statement Nathans gave a talk on trips to the property near
made by Chancellor Carol Wednesday that touched on Greensboro, Alabama and
Folt regarding previous anti- black settlement in the South commuting to UNCs libraries
fascist fliers. and the legacy of slavery. while teaching as a professor
The new fliers included Nathans said the Hargress at Duke.
warnings to wear gloves while family came to own the Between Duke and the
taking down or covering up property under an unusual University of North Carolina,
Nazi propaganda, a statement set of circumstances. Sent the Southern Historical
that Democrats will not save westward in 1844 by slave- Collection, you have the
us, and a quote taken from owner Paul Cameron, of the two greatest treasure chests
Folts email response com- Cameron family after which of Southern history in the
menting on the anti-fascist Cameron Avenue is named, world, Nathans said. When
fliers placed under an image the Hargress family was able I first started teaching there
of a pig in a police hat. DTH/SOFIA EDLEMAN to buy the property from was only one traffic light
First-year Georgia Cassidy Fliers around campus quoted Chancellor Carol Folt below an image of a pig. The quote came from Cameron after emancipation. between here and Durham.
said quoting Folt near a pic- Folts response to another set of fliers, which she said incited violence. As one descendant put Nathans said as the years
ture of a pig was wrong. it, The Camerons stole your went on, he delved deeper
I think it makes sense
for a chancellor to say that
I think people should see that these were appropriate.
I didnt think it was really
labor, but they kept you
together, Nathans said.
into oral histories and old
documents, from slave tran-
shouldnt be posted because it opinions are out there appropriate just because the The family has held onto scripts to interviews with
is promoting hurting people Chancellor is such a great fig- the property in the century members of the Hargress
and violence, Cassidy said.
Hollie Shelton ure at this University, and even and a half since, which is dif- family on their cabins back
But at the same time, people Senior if you disagree with her, its ferent from the predominant porch in Alabama.
are just trying to strongly just kind of, Im not sure if you narrative of black settlement Research manager at
voice their opinions, so there creating a response that is the pig flier was childish, but should basically put that quote after the Civil War. Northwestern University
is a reason for it, but probably appropriate for the event. as long as no violence occurs, on that type of picture, he said. A Mind to Stay, is, Parks Dunlap said they were
not on a campus. To be clear, Chancellor she said everyone should be He said the posters, which instead, a story of people who interested in the narrative
Unlike Cassidy, senior Hollie Folt tries to treat all students able to voice their opinion. he considers protected by free remained on the land, and and research methods.
Shelton thought the fliers were with the same compassionate People put up anti-Semitic speech, do serve a purpose in in fact the very plantation in I think that any work that
appropriate for a college cam- approach, Peters said in the things, people put up things todays political climate. western Alabama in which an academic can put towards,
pus. She said it is important for statement. We always sup- challenging that, I mean, from It doesnt matter what side their forebears were enslaved, specifically white academics,
these issues to be visible. port free speech on this cam- both sides it happens, she said. of the court you are, I think Nathans said. Its an account towards prioritizing voices of
I think people should see pus, even when we find those Im not saying its necessar- (for) both its going to make of what it took for them to color is incredibly compelling
that these opinions are out views objectionable. However, ily right or wrong either way, a difference. Im the type of acquire land, and how and and necessary, Dunlap said.
there and that people do feel in the instance of the flyer, people just do have the right to person that literally enjoys why they held onto it. So I thought that the fact
this way, Shelton said. there was a threat of a specific do that as long as they are not hearing both sides and then The story held personal that there was so much focus
In a statement, University form of violence to members actually harming someone. making opinions, he said. Im significance for some of the on storytelling and reiterat-
spokesperson Joanne Peters of our community and it was Junior Tavares Bush said always saying I like to see stuff audience members. ing direct quotes and talking
said Folts email response to the our responsibility to make he was shocked by the first like this, but at least they have I was inspired by some about the primary documents,
anti-fascist fliers last Thursday clear that we do not tolerate flier, which he saw on Twitter. an opinion about something. of the parallels within my that was very compelling.
was in line with their prior violence at Carolina. As for the subsequent fliers, own family history back in
approaches to these situations Shelton said she thought he said he didnt think they Georgia, because the land-

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The Daily Tar Heel From Page One Thursday, February 23, 2017 5
RABIES diseases like rabies.
Marotto said monitoring
clinics, Marotto said.
If a vaccinated pet inter-
exposure. Taking action is
key, for though symptoms
already vaccinated, got a
booster shot. Gladin began
said the cost of the treatment
depends on a patients insur-
FROM PAGE 1 pets outside and getting them acts with a potentially rabid only show after three to eight her own series of shots ance, but hospitals in the area
totals are a significant decline vaccinated will help with any animal, it receives a booster weeks, the first preventative Tuesday, a treatment called have programs to help with
from the 23 laboratory-posi- size population of rabies- shot and is quarantined from shot must be taken within 48 post-exposure prophylaxis. bills.
tive cases in 2014. positive animals. other animals. In the same hours of exposure. The Orange County Overall, Shelp and Marotto
The fluctuations are a Animal Services requires situation, an unvaccinated pet Gladin said she was Health Department does not stressed the importance of
result of changes in the rac- rabies vaccinations for pets must be quarantined for four pleased with the imme- administer the PEP treat- vaccination to keeping rabies
coon population and there- aged 4 months and older. The months or euthanized. diacy and thoroughness of ment, so patients must go to cases at bay in the commu-
fore the genetic diversity, center offers $10 vaccinations Humans who think theyve the response she got from the emergency room at the nity.
Marotto said. Changes in at clinics throughout the year. been exposed to rabies should Animal Services and the hospital. It keeps your pets with
diversity include changes in We usually provide more call 911. Seeing a bat flying Orange County Health Stacy Shelp, communica- you, Shelp said.
the number of traits govern- than 1,000 vaccinations to around the house or shooting Department. After the inci- tions manager of the Orange
ing sufficient immunity to dogs and cats through those a wild animal can indicate dent, her dog, which was County Health Department,

PROTECTIONS I experienced and that my

friends experienced, he said.
Just having trans issues on peoples radar
FROM PAGE 1 Lewis said transgender has brought a lot of really intense pushback.
as a transgender male, said students are vulnerable and
that instances of self-harm
Brennan Lewis
provisions of HB2 have had
dangerous and detrimental and suicide could increase as UNC-CH sophomore
effects on his environment. a result of the current politi-
There is a lot of hatred; cal climate. before the law was passed. Gilreath said Trump has said
there is a lot of bigotry, and The biggest thing that I think its a larger mes- he has no intention of repeal-
its generally not safe at all I could wish for people at a sage about who is valued, who ing those orders, despite what
for a transgender person, he community level is to start is welcome, who is included, the media says.
said. protecting these students, whose life matters, whose Now the question is, will,
Mather said the law has and a push from the national safety matters, whose security at some point in the future,
affected more than his abil- government would really matters, Wells said. he decide hes changed his
ity to use the bathroom that help to make that happen, The Obama administration mind and those kinds of
reflects his gender identity. they said. previously issued executive orders should be repealed,
After HB2, there was Wells said people are feel- orders requiring any company Gilreath said.
a definite increase in the ing emboldened to verbally doing business with the fed-
amount of hatred and trans- and physically confront peo- eral government to abide by @beccaheilman
gender-related bullying that ple in ways that they didnt nondiscrimination measures.


FROM PAGE 1 our campaign, the
Grier said the complica-
freeze has kind of SECRETARY
tions with the elections and
the way that candidates have been a good thing. OF STATE.
been running their campaign
has proven why he decided to Travis Broadhurst LEGISLATOR.
run and what he is running Candidate for student body president
Theres been a lot of dis-
honesty and ambiguity with
whats been going on, Grier
me, this wouldnt be the case
like I would have been
disqualified and they would
said, and as an outsider, as have moved forward with or The Honorable
a candidate thats running without me, Grier said. So ELAINE F. MARSHALL
who hasnt been a part of that just goes to show the elit-
student government in the ism that we have in student 2017 Woman of Achievement
past year, its been very diffi- government and it goes to In observance of Founders Day
cult to navigate especially show the privileges that a lot
when Im given misinforma- of people have. Monday
February 27, 2017
tion and Im kind of kept Broadhurst said student
7 p.m.
out of the loop, and then in government has tried to abide Jones Auditorium
addition to that, just notic- by Title VI, the election regu-
ing all the politics that are lations, and hopes they can Free and open to the public.
being played. just have a fair election.
Grier said he has been I mean, were all running
disappointed in the way that to make Carolina a better Downtown Chapel Hill
student government has been place, he said, so the sooner The Presidential Lecture at Meredith College
presented by Blue Cross and Blue Shield
942-PUMP Mon - Thurs 11:30 am - 11:00 pm
run, especially in regards we can get to that, the bet-
to the recent hearings and ter. of North Carolina. 106 W. Franklin St. Fri - Sat 11:30 am - 11:30 pm
injunction. Staff Writer Nic Rardin (Next to Hes Not Here) Sunday 12:00 pm - 11:00 pm
The entire hold has been contributed reporting.
about (Joe Nail), so for two
and a half weeks, if that were 17-018

3 hours short for graduation?

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Probably. The mens bas-
ketball team beat Louisville
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2015 The Mepham Group. All rights reserved.

Level: 1 2 3 4 Basketball newbies

Swerve director and non-
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and 3-by-3 box (in
bold borders) contains
every digit 1 to 9. All up in your business
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Solution to
last puzzle
Planned Parenthood,
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Stop. Visit online for more.

Springtime sports
UNCs baseball and
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Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

(C)2012 Tribune Media
Services, Inc.
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Across and Roll Hall of Fame 10 2015 Big Ten champs: 37 John who composed the
1 Oldest U.S. capital inductee Abbr. NBA on NBC theme
8 Spade creator 55 Enchant 11 Sirens victim song
15 Melodic movements 57 Blog comment format 12 Waist-length jackets 38 Much-followed star
16 Ancient region now part usually interpreted as 13 Faint trace 41 Gorge crosser
of France the word spelled by eight 14 Trademarked weapon 43 Former Chrysler head
17 Is serious aptly circled puzzle 20 One-piece beachwear 46 Early Jewish scholar
18 Impulse conductors letters 22 Former #1 golfer 47 116-year-old prize
19 Much toothpaste 61 Norse explorer Lorena who hosts an 48 Philip Glass Einstein
20 U.S. neighbor 62 Daughter of annual Guadalajara on the Beach, e.g.
21 Picnic dramatist Agamemnon LPGA event 49 Kellys ex-partner
22 Letter between 63 End of a baseball game, 23 Heads up 50 Belgian treaty city
November and Papa usually 24 Adorable one 53 Jesus of baseball
25 Singers warm-up 64 Like siblings 25 Screen __ 54 She, in Cherbourg
syllables 26 Four Corners state 56 Bar opening?
26 Indy-winning family Down 28 Openly enjoy, as soup 57 __ Lingus
name 1 __ Adams 29 Convened again 58 DIRECTV parent
27 Swears by 2 Who __ you kidding? 33 Rib eye alternative 59 Ante- kin

Why I Love
29 66, e.g.: Abbr. 3 Actress Vardalos 34 Ethan of Boyhood 60 Bummed out
30 Metaphor for jobs 4 Polynesian archipelago 35 Gather up
31 Lav, in London natives
32 Singer Kitt 5 State as fact
36 ... __ quit! 6 Impede, as a plot 37 Kind of bath

39 Just like that!
40 Sign-off words
7 Guinness suffix
8 __ Her Way
9 A Clockwork Orange
42 Director Lupino narrator
43 Corny state?
44 MSN, for

Reason #893 -
45 Im good
47 Jazzy Jones
50 Miracle

All UNC Students can list

51 Frozen fruit-

your subleases for FREE flavored

52 Slanted
53 Sounds at
54 2017 Rock
6 Thursday, February 23, 2017 Opinion The Daily Tar Heel

Established 1893, 123 years of editorial freedom

They can enjoy more family time, can coach
work in community.
Susan Romaine, on the benefits of providing a living wage
Better idea to get rid of sexism in sports -
make all college sports unisex.
Annie Kiyonaga
Annie Get your Pen
Marcedward, on DTH sexist sports coverage
Sophomore art history and English
major from Chevy Chase, MD.
LETTERS TO affecting them on a per-
sonal level.


Its on men to learn
Kent McKane

columns, about consent

Competition seeks
best senior orator

art and
One in five. Those are
the odds of a young woman TO THE EDITOR:
being sexually assaulted Seniors with speaking

the NEA
during her four years in col- skills, pay attention!
lege. Less than ten percent The Mangum Medal
of these assaults are report- Competition is a historical
ed. Less than one percent speech competition for best

he genesis of my love of these reports lead to con- orator of the senior class,
for studying art can be viction. Yet we wonder why hosted by the Dialectic and
traced pretty concretely, EDITORIAL women dont report their Philanthropic Societies
in my mind, to a moment assault; reliving the experi- every spring semester.
during my senior year of
high school. We were learn-
ing about classical column
styles in my art history class
College: a struggle ence painstakingly, only to
not see justice.
There are no partisan
sides on this matter; there
Started in 1877, this is
UNCs oldest Chancellors
Award, given in memory
of Willie P. Mangum. The
Ionic, Doric, Corinthian.
As I was driving through D.C.
We generally love If you dont go to col-
lege, many teachers
after high school. You get
to go through the pain all
is simply right and wrong.
It is wrong to say that there
winner will receive the
medal and participate in
the following weekend with college, but not at would say, you will end over again. is not a problem. Whats the Chancellors Award cer-
my family, I glanced at the up without money and If youre not on the even more inexcusable is emony.
Supreme Court building and this moment. depressed. way to putting a Dr. in to blame the victim in ANY This years competition

was shocked to discover that ou can be any- To the wide-eyed front of your name and way for what has been done will be held on March 1 at
I recognized the elaborately to them. Telling women not 5:30 p.m. at the top of New
designed, carefully fluted pil-
thing you want youngster we convey the spending hundreds of to dress a certain way, or West.
lars adorning its front. to be when you message that they can be thousands of dollars on a drink or go out alone is not This years prompt is:
I started babbling about grow up, we declare to an astronaut, but thatll be piece of paper whats going to fix this issue. The best thing about
Corinthian column and how children as they enter kin- four years in physics class- the point? What is going to solve graduating from the univer-
the levels on the Colosseum dergarten. rooms to start. Or they It isnt until after nearly this atrocity is educating sity was that I finally had
had pillars of varying intricacy What we forget to men- could be a princess, but two decades in school that men that no means no. time to sit on a log and read
and why that was significant tion is you can be anything they cant be a successful you are fully capable of Educating men that inabil- a good book. Edward
and how amazing it was, hon- you want to be as long as one without (at least) a being a living, breathing, ity to give consent is never Abbey
estly, that the Colosseum was you spend at least four bachelors degree in How productive, decent human consent. Educating men Has university brought
still standing 2000 years later? years at an institution of To Wear a Crown. being. Now you have to that clothing is not consent; you freedom or constraint?
My family was confused I higher learning competing Theres only one route make those big bucks, and alcohol is not consent; rela- Why? Have you benefitted
was enraptured. For the first tionship status is not con- from either?
with those around you in to success: elementary as we all know, money
time, I felt ownership of the sent. Consent is a clear and Please get in contact
seemingly archaic and obscure terms of who is the most school, middle school, makes you happier than conscious yes. Educating with the Dialectic and
architecture that characterized stressed, who can con- high school, college anything else in life. men that without that con- Philanthropic Societies
the city around me. sume the most caffeine in wait, and dont forget Hold up, youre still sent; that uninfluenced, before Feb. 26 if you intend
Studying the history and a 24-hour period and who graduate school. Dont not done. Cheers to the unforced, unimpaired yes: on participating: diphi.web.
iconography of art was, sud- attends the most presti- think youre done being next 30 years of paying off proceeding is a crime.
denly, a game cracking gious of universities. rejected from universities student loans. Its time to end blam-
a secret code that I hadnt ing the victim. Its time to John Jacobi
previously known existed. It end boys will be boys. Its Historian
imbued everyday structures
with meanings that I could
EDITORIAL time to fight until that one
in five becomes zero. And,
The Dialectic and
Philanthropic Societies

Help at home
now decipher. men, Joe Biden is right: Its
Visual cues abound in daily on us. N.C. voters should
life, and visual literacy changed
the way I experienced said daily Cole Barnhill
determine elections
life. This isnt meant as a love
letter to art history. Its about Consider spending Rape Crisis Center offers
therapy and support to
Triangle area people
find their new furry
Public Policy and
Your readers should
the importance of art as a sub-
ject, as a means of discovery
your money to help survivors of sexual vio- best friends. They help Political Science know theres a statewide
movement afoot for the
lence. Donations go to cats and dogs find safe
and in a more nuanced and organizations here. helping pay for community homes where they will be HKonJ showed voters to determine who

poignant way, the details of the strength in numbers controls our elections.
world around us. Every person onations give education programs, keep- loved and looked after. The question for readers
deserves to experience a similar organizations the ing a 24-hour hotline open Donations go to the medi- TO THE EDITOR: is: do you agree, or dis-
moment of awe and ownership financial resourc- and providing resources cal costs of getting ani- I was proud of my home agree, that North Carolina
and understanding to feel in es to survive and oper- for Spanish-speaking com- mals ready to be adopted. state of North Carolina voters should have a chance
tune, if only momentarily, with ate. While giving money munity members. TABLE strives to make after reading about the to join with the overwhelm-
the visions of fellow humans should never be the only Maybe now more sure no child goes hungry record attendance for the ing national majority
both modern and ancient. form of activism one takes, than ever, the Refugee in the Chapel Hill area. HKonJ. The diversity of the whove already approved
Art, in all its forms, can it certainly is helpful. Community Partnership While many kids are advocacy groups in atten- that:
seem unnecessary. Its not. I As of late, weve seen a needs community support. fed during school hours, dance speaks of how power A. Artificial entities such
can say that with certainty. It lies in numbers. as corporations do not have
rise in donations to national Located in Carrboro, the TABLE makes sure they
might not be entirely neces- Positive change can only constitutional rights.
sary, in strictly pragmatic organizations like Planned RCP helps refugees transi- are fed on weekends and be accomplished when B. Money is property
terms, but it is, I believe, utter- Parenthood and the ACLU tion into American soci- the summer. Donations go it is initiated multilater- not free speech; it must not
ly essential. The existence of which is great. Yet there ety through educational mostly to providing food, ally. Advocates for keeping to be used to determine the
the National Endowment for are plenty of local organiza- events and local support. but also to support educa- mental illness care in the outcome of elections.
the Arts shouldnt be up for tions that need your help, Donations help keep tional opportunities. Affordable Care Act walked Our intent is to engage
debate, especially when the too. Here are a few of the the RCP operating and These are just a few alongside pro-immigration enough public support that
proposed cut a package deal local advocacy groups we expanding its capacity for places to consider donating. supporters, showing how the legislators in Raleigh
including the Corporation for think do great work: helping families. Together, we can afford a groups with distinct politi- will recognize the wisdom
Public Broadcasting con- The Orange County Paws4Ever helps better local community. cal goals can promote their in allowing The People to
stitutes 0.0625 percent of the causes to a wide range of vote in November 2018 on
federal budget. people at the same platform. a ballot measure.

Side note about the More so than recent N.C. residents can par-
Corporation for Public years, the actions of the ticipate at various levels:
Broadcasting, which partially current administration (1) Sign a petition:
funds PBS: I didnt have cable have had a tangible impact http://www.ncwethepeople.
as a child, presumably because on citizens, pushing them org/ncwtp-online-petition.
my parents hated me. What Please stop A kinder trash talk Conspiracy theory to march for their interests php
I did have was a plethora of more than ever. (2) Send persuasive
subversively educational pro- Is the student body March Madness is coming It is time we expose The record crowds at the emails to their legislators
gramming through PBS Kids. I president election drama up, and we dedicate this up something we have long march reveal an increased (3) Attend press confer-
learned fractions and decimals over? Or is it thumb to all the believed to be sense of civic duty among ences
from Cyberchase, basic reading just beginning? people who do true profes- the citizens of North (4) Recruit a favorite
skills from Reading Rainbow Like, we want to trash talk well. sors are work- Carolina and the rest of nonprofit organization to
and the joys of travel from write something Insulting people, ing together to the South, which has been become a co-sponsor with
Postcards from Buster. A world snarky about it, the academics make sure all lacking in the previous the current 18 sponsoring
without PBS Kids is not one I but we dont know what the and other non-athletic parts tests and due dates happen five years. Civic duty is an groups in our coalition.
particularly want to witness. heck is going on anymore. of a rival university is just on the same day. We have essential element of a suc-
Programs like NPR and All we know is that the pet- wrong. There is plenty to no actual proof for this cessful democracy because Lucy Christopher
PBS democratized educa- tiness makes all of us look hate about Duke or State claim, but it might be true. it ensures that citizens are Move To Amend
tion programs that educate for bad. At least our student without hurting fellow col- To any faculty claiming this aware of political issues Western North Carolina
the sake of education should leaders do represent how lege kids. Please trash talk isnt true, well, I guess we
not be up for debate. National trash we can be at times. just be kind, too. just have alternative facts.
Endowment for the Arts-funded
arts education programs, which
strive to establish a creative,
Praise Overheard 1984 Too warm? Nah WRITING GUIDELINES
Please type. Handwritten letters will not be accepted.
imaginative education system, Citizen journalism some- As of late, we now have a The weather is beautiful Sign and date. No more than two people should sign letters.
should not be up for debate. times gets a bad reputation. system of see something, outside. On first thought, Students: Include your year, major and phone number.
Now, more than ever, when citi- But here at UNC, say something this seems great. Faculty/staff: Include your department and phone number.
zens are feeling disempowered the Overheard on campus. You Warm weather Edit: The DTH edits for space, clarity, accuracy and vulgarity. Limit
and frustrated and confused, Facebook page know, every 365 days a year! letters to 250 words.
art, along with the federal pro- almost works as college student Wait. This is bad.
grams that support its existence SUBMISSION
a news outlet. LOVES call- It shouldnt be Drop off or mail to our office at 151 E. Rosemary St., Chapel Hill,
and production, must be readily While we still have a bias to- ing the police. Maybe we this warm. It should be cold. NC 27514
available as a creative outlet. ward the DTH, we think it is should go a step further. If Was Al Gore right? Are we Email:
super cool that people use you see an anti-fascist flier going to slowly burn alive in
Overheard to inform oth- just skip the police and call the coffin we currently call

02/24: Lens of Onyx EDITORS NOTE: Columns, cartoons and letters do not necessarily rep-
ers. Great work, Tar Heels. N.C. Rep. Tim Moores office. earth? It seems likely at this resent the opinions of The Daily Tar Heel or its staff. Editorials reflect the
Cameron Jernigan writes on
Black issues on campus. P.S. Overheard sometimes He seems to be calling the point. Enjoy it while it lasts, opinions of The Daily Tar Heel editorial board, which comprises 11 board
makes our jobs a lot easier. shots. friends. members, the opinion assistant editor and editor and the editor-in-chief.

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