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Name: Ami Gabryszewski Date: 02/22/2017

T.P.R. (Total Physical Response) Lesson Plan

Content Area: Reading and Writing (academic language)

WIDA ELP Standard(s): The language of Language Arts.

State standard, grade-level expectation & evidence outcomes:

Reading, Writing, and Communicating 2: Appropriate mechanics and conventions are
used to create simple text.

Topic/Focus: School Supplies

ESL Level: Level 1 (This lesson plan is designed for beginners only, they are NOT expected to
talk. They show what they know through gestures.)

Objectives: After a lesson on the supplies found in a school, the students will be able to
physically respond and engage with the materials that are found in a school setting.

Target Vocabulary:

Commands Vocabulary words

Pick up Pencil
Cut Scissors
Write in Notebook
Read from Book

Materials AND Realia Needed: (What pictures AND realia items do you need to teach
each word and command?)

Scissors, pencils, book, paper / notebook.

Flashcards of the pictures that represent each command.
iPad to play a video when a classroom is preforming these commands.

Anticipatory Set: (What will you do to get them excited about the activity? Will you
sing or use a puppet or show pictures or show objects?)

The teacher will show a video of a classroom that is performing the commands: writing,
cutting, reading, and pencil grip.
Direct Instruction/Modeling/Demonstration: (Look at my example and outline step-by
step what you will say and do to teach them the words and commands.)

1. The teacher will show the image / flashcard for cut. Then she will say the word
cut three times in a row while simultaneously showing the flashcard.
2. She will then cut a piece of paper with scissors, saying, Cut with scissors.
3. Then will refer to its corresponding flashcard.
4. Then as the students begin to understand the gestures, vocabulary, and commands
I will just say either the command or the vocabulary word and students will
perform the gesture that corresponds with each.
5. The teacher then repeats steps 1 to 4 by introducing the command pick up with
the vocabulary word pencil. Then the command write in with the vocabulary
word notebook. The last one to introduce is the command read from and the
vocabulary word book.
6. Once students are comfortable with the vocabulary then the teacher will move
onto their practice and games.

Checking for Understanding: (What will you watch for to make sure they understand?)

Students will match the physical materials with the flashcards that are spread across the
table. They will make the correct imitation of the command in the air around them.

Write down three physical ways students will demonstrate their understanding of
commands and vocabulary being practiced:

1. Students will match the physical materials with the flashcards that are spread across
the table.

2. Students will imitate the command in the air when it is spoken.

3. Students will play simon says, listening to commands and vocabulary and then doing
and action for each one.

Play a game (or other extension activity): (Describe the game. What are the students
doing? What is the teacher doing?)

Simon says: The teacher will say a command or a vocabulary word and the students will
move to that flashcard and do the corresponding gesture for each.

Evaluation: (How will the teacher know that each child understood the words? What
task will they do? What will the teacher watch for? Where will she write it down? What
will she do if they get some wrong?)

Students will show their understanding by matching the correct gesture to the command
or vocabulary word. The teacher will watch to see that students are doing the gestures and
are comfortable with the word. If students get it wrong then the teacher will go to a
different word and gesture and will repeadidly come back to the word or command that
students didnt quite get.
Closure: (How will you finish the lesson and connect it to the main idea?)

At the end of the lesson I will pick up each item (school supplies) and students will have
to provide the action that corresponds with each item.

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