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Computers and Chemical Engineering 94 (2016) 287311

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A modeling strategy for integrated batch process development based

on mixed-logic dynamic optimization
Marta Moreno-Benito a, , Kathrin Frankl b , Antonio Espuna
c , Wolfgang Marquardt b
Centre for Process Systems Engineering, University College London, Torrington Place, London WC1E 7JE, UK
Process Systems Engineering, RWTH Aachen, Turmstrae 46, D-52056 Aachen, Germany
Department of Chemical Engineering, Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya, ETSEIB, Av. Diagonal 647, E-08028 Barcelona, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper introduces an optimization-based approach for the simultaneous solution of batch process
Received 3 January 2016 synthesis and plant allocation, with decisions like the selection of chemicals, process stages, task-unit
Received in revised form 10 June 2016 assignments, operating modes, and optimal control proles, among others. The modeling strategy is based
Accepted 31 July 2016
on the representation of structural alternatives in a state-equipment network (SEN) and its formulation as
Available online 6 August 2016
a mixed-logic dynamic optimization (MLDO) problem. Particularly, the disjunctive multistage modeling
strategy by Oldenburg and Marquardt (2008) is extended to combine and organize single-stage and mul-
tistage models for representing the sequence of continuous and batch units in each structural alternative
Batch process synthesis
Plant allocation
and for synchronizing dynamic proles in input and output operations with material transference. Two
Dynamic optimization numerical examples illustrate the application of the proposed methodology, showing the enhancement
Generalized disjunctive programming of the adaptability potential of batch plants and the improvement of global process performance thanks
Synchronization to the quantication of interactions between process synthesis and plant allocation decisions.
Multistage modeling 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Stephanopoulos and Reklaitis, 2011). Both sub-problems have sev-

eral degrees of freedom closely interrelated, which ultimately
Specialty chemical industries are meant to assimilate and dene the process and the required equipment investment in new
execute many different processes along their lifecycle, as many or previously existing manufacturing facilities in grassroots or
specialty goods are subject to quickly changing markets or may retrot scenarios, respectively. For instance, the development of
be displaced by rapidly advancing technologies. The fast introduc- a batch process stage includes decisions like the operating mode for
tion of new products and processes into manufacturing facilities determining the process structure i.e. parallel, series or single unit
is crucial to be rst in the marketplace. However, such processes operation that best suits the process requirements in the batch
should be also sustainable to ensure a long-term economic via- system. This decision is closely related to the task-unit assignment
bility and maintain their competitiveness in front of stockholders. and equipment selection, especially in the case of existing plants
The investment of time and resources to design, construct, and vali- with a given set of units and connecting pipelines, and is crucial to
date a new plant each time that a different product is approved for exploit the adaptability potential of batch systems. Simultaneously,
commercialization is not a viable strategy in most cases. This way, each equipment unit has to accommodate the assigned tasks using a
batch systems are highly appropriate for specialty chemical sec- batch or semi-continuous procedure, which involves either a chain
tor because their inherent exibility allows their adaptation and of batch operations or an intermittent use of continuously oper-
reconguration to incorporate new production lines with none or ated plant elements, respectively. Notably, batch operations are
only partial plant modications. dened by their duration and dynamic feed-forward trajectories of
After the discovery of a new product and acknowledgment control variables, and their feasibility depends on physical con-
of its market opportunity, the integrated batch process devel- straints like the capacity of the selected units. Additionally, it is
opment problem addresses the synthesis of processing schemes necessary to determine the batch size and the number of batches,
and the allocation of manufacturing facilities (Rippin, 1983; as they are responsible for the total demand satisfaction and inter-
relate with the equipment capacity and process conversion. Other
degrees of freedom for full process development include the selec-
Corresponding author. tion of process stages, the recirculation of intermediate ows, the
E-mail address: (M. Moreno-Benito). installation of buffer tanks for working with different cycle times or
0098-1354/ 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
288 M. Moreno-Benito et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 94 (2016) 287311

Problem sets and indices
Acronyms  set of technological specications indexed by 
AIBN azobisisobutyronitrile j  technological specication of unit j U, |j | = 1, j
AN acrylonitrile U indexed by 
B&B branch-and-bound i set of operating modes in task i PS indexed by
CHR convex-hull relaxation C set of chemical compounds involved into the pro-
CNF conjunctive normal form cess indexed by c
DMF dimethylformamide Cjs C subset of potential reactants, solvents, or catalysts
DO dynamic optimization in unit j U indexed by c
EPC end-point constraints Di, Ui subset of batch units Ui in task i PS whose input
GBD generalized Benders decomposition ow rate is a control variable in conguration
GDP generalized disjunctive programming i . It is dened such that |Di, | = DOFi, |Ui |, where
IFS initial feasible solutions |Ui | represents the degrees of freedom removed by
KPI key performance indicators output ow rates indexed by j
MIDO mixed-integer dynamic optimization Ij Kj subset of input stages for unit j U at Level 1
MILP mixed-integer linear programming indexed by k
MINLP mixed-integer non-linear programming J set of all existing and potential equipment pieces,
MLDO mixed-logic dynamic optimization J = U T Sp Mx indexed by j
MP mathematical programming Ji J subset of equipment pieces within potential task i
NCO necessary conditions of optimality PS indexed by j
NLP non-linear programming Kj set of stages for unit j U at Level 1 indexed by k
OA outer approximation L set of potential stages at Level 0, L = {1, . . ., Lmax }
PC path constraints indexed by k and l
PWC piecewise constant La L subset of active stages at Level 0 indexed by l
RTN resource-task network Lj0 L subset of stages at Level 0 where unit j U can start
SEN state-equipment network
its operation, Lj0 = {1, |Kj | |Oj | + 1 | j =
/ j, j U}
STN state-task network
indexed by l
VA vinyl acetate
Mj set of pipelines for unit j U at Level 1 indexed by
General variables
Mjin Mj subset of input pipelines to unit j U at Level 1

z(t) derivatives of differential process variables
z(t) differential process variables indexed by m
y(t) algebraic process variables Mjout Mj subset of output pipelines from unit j U at Level
udyn (t) dynamic control variables 1 indexed by m
ustat time-invariant or static continuous control variables Mx set of existing and potential mixers indexed by j
uint integer control variables N set of pipelines at Level 0 indexed by n
uBool logical or Booleans decisions Ni N subset of pipelines at Level 0 for task i PS indexed
ubin binary decisions by n
 algebraic time-invariant variables Niin Ni subset of input pipelines to process stage i PS
p process parameters indexed by n
Niout Ni subset of output pipelines to process stage i PS
General functions indexed by n
f DAE system Ni,0 N subset of pipelines at Level 0 whose ow rate is
g path constraints restricted to zero in conguration i of task i
ge end-point constraints PS indexed by n
h algebraic equations evaluated at the nal time f
Ni N subset of pipelines at Level 0 for task i PS whose
l set of relations that dene initial conditions f
ow rate is xed by the preceding task, |Ni | = 1
m stage-to-stage continuity between consecutive
except for process stages preceded by a buffer j T
mathematical stages
indexed by n
fd DAE system in disjunctive equations
Nib Ni bypass pipeline for process stage i PS, |Nib | = 1
gd path constraints in disjunctive equations
indexed by n and b
gd,e end-point constraints in disjunctive equations
Nr N subset of pipelines at Level 0 for recirculation
hd algebraic equations evaluated at the nal time in
indexed by n
disjunctive equations
Njin N subset of input pipelines to unit j J at Level 0
ld set of relations that dene initial conditions in dis-
junctive equations indexed by n
md stage-to-stage continuity between consecutive Njout N subset of output pipelines from unit j J at Level 0
mathematical stages in disjunctive equations indexed by n
Bd equations system to dene bypass stages in disjunc- Oj Kj subset of output stages for unit j U at Level 1
tive equations indexed by k
 objective function PC subset of desired products indexed by p
M. Moreno-Benito et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 94 (2016) 287311 289

PS set of potential process stages or tasks indexed by i xc,n,l (t) composition of compound c C in connection n N
Q set of ordered positions that can be assumed by unit and stage l L at Level 0
procedures of j U indexed by q Yj (*) equipment Boolean for processing or storage unit
Sp set of existing and potential splitters indexed by j j UT
T set of existing and potential storage tanks indexed Zi (*) process stage Boolean for task i PS
by j
Tnr T buffer tank for potential recirculation of ow n
N r , |Tnr | = 1, n N r indexed by j batch sizes in successive process stages, the selection from a set of
U set of existing and potential batch units indexed by alternative technologies, and the selection of chemicals.
j The mathematical formulation and the solution procedure
Ui U subset of existing and potential batch units in pro- for addressing this problem are challenging and computationally
cess stage i PS indexed by j demanding activities for several reasons. The batch nature of the
process involves not only a combinatorial assessment for linking
Problem parameters
the equipment and task networks (Gani and Papaeconomou, 2005)
Demp demand of product p P
but also the adjustment of processing conditions along time in each
DOFi, degrees of freedom with regard to the ow rates
process stage. This way, dynamic models are required for repre-
at Level 0 at process stage i PS, according to each
senting the process performance and dynamic proles of control
conguration i
variables are necessary to fully explore the attainable region of
lj,q starting stage of unit j U when the task-unit
the problem (Srinivasan et al., 2003). Additionally, the transition of
0 = qth element of the ascend-
Boolean Wj,q is true, lj,q batch operations in batch process stages entails the mathematical
ing sort of Lj0 of unit j U representation of discrete events (Barton et al., 1998). Besides, qual-
Lmax maximum number of stages at Level 0 itative information has to be included regarding decisions like tasks
pj,c values for the set of process parameters pj in unit selection, sequencing and splitting, equipment assignment, and
j U when potential chemical alternative c Cjs is chemicals selection. Finally, batch integrity has to be guaranteed
selected for every structural processing alternative by synchronizing the
material transference between batch and semi-continuous plant
Problem variables (* Control variables) elements as a function of the selected processing scheme and the
Batchp production size associated with each batch of prod- task performance achieved. In batch systems, the synchronization
uct p P of the material transference between consecutive processing units
j requires establishing a link between the dynamic proles of the
Fm,k (t)(*) ow rate of input or output connection m Mjin
input and output ows and the duration of the operations with
Mjout in stage k Kj of unit j U at Level 1 material transference that occur at the same time.
Fn,l (t) ow rate of connection n N in stage l L at Level Given the complexity described above, the problem of batch
0 process development is usually decomposed in sub-problems and
int k (t)(*) internal control variable in stage k Kj of unit j U solved independently. Most of the literature follows the nat-
at Level 1 and stage k L of unit j J\U at Level 0 ural decomposition into process synthesis and plant allocation
NBp (*) number of batches of product p P sequence for simplifying the problem. This way, some studies
Rn (*) recirculation Boolean for intermediate ow recycle address the synthesis of batch processes by disregarding the sub-
n Nr sequent assignment of equipment items (Ahmad, 1997; Ali, 1999;
Sc (*) compound Boolean for reactant, solvent, or catalyst Barton et al., 1999; Linninger et al., 1995; Papaeconomou, 2005;
c Cjs in unit j U Sharif et al., 2000), while some contributions include allocation
Shortfallp unaccomplished demand of product p P decisions through sequential decision-making procedures (Cavin
Sizej (*) discrete capacity of unit j U T et al., 2004; Iribarren, 1985; Iribarren et al., 1994; Mosat et al.,
tend nal time at Level 0 2008). Other works focus on the optimal operation of individual
Tf total time at Level 0 units through the application of tools like dynamic optimization
tj,end nal time of unit j U at Level 1 (DO). DO or optimal control is a well-received research eld in the
Tj,f total time of unit j U model at Level 1 last decades that addresses operating decisions like the dynamic
tl (*) duration of stage l L at Level 0 proles of control variables (Binder et al., 2001; Srinivasan et al.,
tj,s starting time of unit j U at Level 1 2003), duration of batch operations (Vassiliadis et al., 1994), and
tk duration of stage k Kj of unit j U at Level 1 structural decisions that determine the conguration of processing
ts starting time at Level 0 units (Jain et al., 2013; Oldenburg et al., 2003). The design of
jk (t) material volume in stage k Kj of unit j U t Level batch plants is a further area of extensive research (Reklaitis, 1989;
1 and stage k L of unit j J\U at Level 0 Barbosa-Pvoa, 2007) where the allocation of manufacturing facil-
j ities and plant sizing are usually solved using predened recipes
V (*) technology Boolean for specication  j in
processing unit j U or approximated models e.g. the xed time and size factor mod-
Wj,q (*) assignment Boolean for processing order q Q in els to simplify the process stage representation (Robinson and
unit j U Loonkar, 1972). In this case, laboratory procedures used during the
X i (*) conguration Boolean for alternative i in pro- product development phase are scaled-up to pre-specify the infor-
mation related to the batch process synthesis, like the chemicals,
cess stage i PS
j operating conditions or processing times involved in the process.
xc,m,k (t) composition of compound c C in input or output
However, divide and conquer strategies jeopardize the efciency
connection m Mjin Mjout and stage k Kj of unit of the resulting process for several reasons. First, the sequential
j U at Level 1 solution of batch process development involves losing a signi-
cant part of the interaction among the degrees of freedom, thus
290 M. Moreno-Benito et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 94 (2016) 287311

restricting the evaluation of the system trade-offs according to decisions simultaneously. Our goal is the systematic optimization
industrial-scale objectives (Moreno-Benito et al., 2014). The poten- of batch processes according to global objectives that embrace the
tial of decisions like temperature proles or task durations for process as a whole, by taking the maximum advantage of new and
improving global processing times, processing conditions, and previously existing equipment in grassroots and retrot scenarios.
tasks sequences is only relevant if production-scale restrictions and This way, we provide a tool for the agile development, improve-
objectives are taken into account in the decision-making. Besides, ment, or adaptation of chemical processes in rapidly changing and
the targets in bench-scale experiments e.g. reaction yield fre- competitive markets. The integrated batch process development
quently differ from those of industrial-scale manufacture, which problem studied here (Section 2) comprises process synthesis deci-
are usually global objectives that include all the different parts of sions like the determination of process stages or tasks and their
the process e.g. the total cost and environmental impact. Addi- splitting into subtasks, the selection of technologies and chemicals,
tionally, the direct implementation of xed recipes in existing the denition of feed-forward control trajectories, duration of batch
equipment may force its operation in extreme and even infeasible operations, and intermediate ow recycles, and the synchroniza-
conditions (Grossmann et al., 1987). This way, it is crucial to take tion of operations with material transference. Simultaneously, the
into account the physical restrictions of the given plant to ensure problem includes plant allocation decisions, namely the equipment
the feasible execution of the new processes. Overall, to fully opti- selection, the task-unit assignment, the denition of the operating
mize the processes and guarantee the best utilization of available mode in single, series, or parallel operation, and the batch sizing.
equipment and new investments, process synthesis and plant allo- Finally, equipment capacities may represent either model con-
cation should be solved simultaneously. straints in existing processing items or further decisions on plant
Signicant efforts have been made for combining synthesis and investments. The combination of all these degrees of freedom in an
allocation sub-problems with different degrees of integration over integrated optimization problem is solved in this paper for the rst
the last fteen years. For instance, some studies address this prob- time without simplications.
lem using DO and mixed-integer dynamic optimization (MIDO) Essentially, the modeling strategy (Section 3) relies on the
formulations to optimize the reference trajectories of control vari- representation of processing alternatives in a state-equipment net-
ables (Charalambides et al., 1995; Sharif et al., 1999), although work (SEN) superstructure (Smith and Pantelides, 1995) and its
they involve the pre-specication of the sequence of process stages mathematical formulation as a MLDO problem (Section 4). In par-
and allocation decisions like the selection of the operating mode ticular, the combination of hybrid discrete/continuous modeling
and the task-unit assignment. Other approaches simplify the prob- and generalized disjunctive programming proposed by Oldenburg
lem through the approximation of the batch process behavior and Marquardt (2008) is extended herein to incorporate:
using algebraic models e.g. the named screening models (Allgor
et al., 1999) and posynomial functions (Iribarren et al., 2004). These (i) The combination of single-stage and multistage models to rep-
approaches have been complemented with the optimization of resent continuous and batch processing elements;
the dynamic feed-forward trajectories of control variables (Allgor (ii) The denition of multiple representation levels to link the
and Barton, 1999), albeit using an iterative evaluation of struc- operations of the different batch units that happen at the same
tural and performance decisions instead of a simultaneous solution time, whose ordering is not known beforehand; and
procedure. In contrast, other works opt for constant set-points (iii) The synchronization of the ow rates and compositions over
for dening the processing conditions while solving the syn- time and the duration of operations with material transfer-
thesis and allocation problems simultaneously (Chakraborty and ence, as a function of the selected process structure and tasks
Linninger, 2002; Linninger and Chakraborty, 1999). Additionally, performance.
several authors seek the sustainable design of processing schemes
in retrot scenarios taking into account the previously existing To the authors knowledge, the combination of these modeling
equipment, while they use heuristic approaches based on path elements to handle simultaneously all the decisions previously dis-
ow decomposition and indicator-based assessment (Banimostafa cussed has not hitherto been applied in the context of batch process
et al., 2012; Bumann et al., 2011; Carvalho et al., 2009; Halim et al., design. In consequence, the major novelty of this work is the order-
2011; Simon et al., 2008). Besides, the representation of the pro- ing and combination of the coexisting single-stage and multistage
cess performance using dynamic models in allocation problems has dynamic models that represent the multiple processing units that
received a strong impulse in the last two decades in the context compose alternative processing schemes.
of short-term scheduling (Bhatia and Biegler, 1996; Capn-Garca Previous contributions on process optimization have not
et al., 2013; Chu and You, 2014; Frankl et al., 2012; Nie et al., addressed the problem solved in this work. For instance, some
2012). However, these contributions do not cover other synthesis authors only study one single process stage (e.g. Oldenburg et al.,
and design decisions such as the selection of process technologies, 2003) or do not use dynamic variables in the material transference
chemicals, or equipment sizing, among others. Finally, the syn- between equipment units (e.g. Ferrer-Nadal et al., 2008). In other
chronization of process stages for linking operations with material works, physical constraints of existing equipment units are not
transference in consecutive processing units is addressed in the considered, what implies that particular equipment constraints do
context of scheduling and design of batch plants (Ferrer-Nadal et al., not restrict the operation of the selected tasks (e.g. Charalambides
2008; Furman et al., 2007), bearing in mind that the sequence of et al., 1995), or each batch process stage is composed of a single
processing units is not known beforehand. The principal objective batch operation instead of a chain of operations (e.g. Corsano
of the synchronization in these works is to elude physically incon- et al., 2004). With this last simplication, the whole process is
sistent allocation solutions; however, material and energy balances represented by a unique multistage model by associating one
are evaluated in a unique time point in each operation with mate- modeling stage with each task. In our work, all these assumptions
rial transference, instead of considering the dynamic proles of the are eliminated by addressing the synchronization of coexisting
input and output ows over a time interval, which characterize single-stage and multistage models. The technical difculty to
batch processes. perform such a synchronization is the need of linking dynamic
This paper presents a novel modeling strategy to optimize the proles of the input and output ows some of them being control
integrated batch process development problem using a compre- variables, like the input/output ow rates over the duration of the
hensive mixed-logic dynamic optimization (MLDO) model that operations with material transference. This is opposite to linking a
evaluates all the interactions between synthesis and allocation single time point and requires the denition of the corresponding
M. Moreno-Benito et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 94 (2016) 287311 291

time interval in the time axis of the semi-continuous elements. study, as it is the case of decisions associated with multiproduct
Additionally, the sequence of processing units is not known and multipurpose campaigns, e.g. batch order.
beforehand, as it depends on structural decisions like the task
selection or the operating mode. The resulting MLDO model of our 3. Modeling strategy
overall approach can be solved through several solution methods; a
direct-simultaneous methodology is used in this work (Section 5). The solution of optimization problems with structural decisions
The benets associated with the proposed optimization-based is usually addressed through the representation of all processing
strategy are illustrated with two numerical examples, namely the alternatives in a superstructure, which is later formulated into
Denbigh competitive reaction system (Section 6) and an acrylic a mathematical model, to be nally optimized (Grossmann and
ber production process (Section 7). Guilln-Goslbez, 2010). In this procedure, the modeling approach
is a key issue for the successful solution of the problem. This
work presents a novel modeling strategy for representing all the
2. Problem statement
degrees of freedom and interactions that characterize the inte-
grated batch process development in a holistic optimization model.
This work solves the batch process synthesis and the plant allo-
The approach is based on a bi-level SEN representation and its for-
cation sub-problems simultaneously in single-product campaigns,
mulation as a MLDO problem. The background of mathematical
in order to dene the process and the required equipment invest-
tools for understanding such a strategy is presented next.
ment in new or existing manufacturing facilities, while enhancing
the process efciency and plant exibility compared to the use of
3.1. Background
xed recipes. The entire problem is dened as follows.
3.1.1. Superstructure representation
Batch design and scheduling problems require superstruc-
Planning data: set of products, intermediates, and raw materials, ture representations that combine plant, process, and material
expected demand for nal products, and maximum time horizon; states. The most popular proposals are the state-task network
Plant diagram: the SEN superstructure of available and poten- (STN) (Kondili et al., 1993), the resource-task network (RTN)
tially installed equipment units for each process stage or task, (Pantelides, 1994), and the state-equipment network (SEN) (Smith
pipelines and connection nodes like mixers and splitters; and Pantelides, 1995). Among them, the SEN entails the repre-
Task network: potential and mandatory tasks, alternative chem- sentation of equipment items and states of transferred material.
icals involved in each process stage i.e. reactants, solvents, or This representation enables the direct formulation of equipment
catalysts , allowed technologies, and possible reuse of interme- equations and clearly illustrates the dependence of the proles
diates in following batches; of material ows on selected processing paths and conversion
Batch process operation: allowed task-unit assignments, batch of preceding process stages. Precisely, other contributions in the
operations within each unit procedure, operation to operation literature have applied SEN superstructures to solve scheduling
switching conditions, and set of limiting processing conditions of problems with process dynamics (Nie et al., 2012; Nie, 2014).
each equipment unit;
Process dynamics: DAE systems to represent the process behav- 3.1.2. Hybrid discrete/continuous models
ior in each unit procedure, initial conditions, and set of process These are dynamic models that represent batch process per-
variables and dynamic or time-invariant controls; formance and batch events by combining discrete and continuous
Data related to performance evaluation: decision criteria and variables (Barton and Pantelides, 1994). Depending on the type
parameters to evaluate the objective function e.g. selling price of of discontinuities represented, they are classied as: (i) single-
nal product, direct cost of raw materials, capital costs, amortiza- stage models, without discrete events, (ii) multistage models, with
tion rates, operating expenses in processing units, environmental explicit discontinuities, and (iii) general hybrid discrete/continuous
impact indicators; models, with implicit and explicit discontinuities. Hybrid dis-
crete/continuous models have been widely used in DO problems for
the goal is to determine: determining the optimal control proles of individual processing
units over time (Binder et al., 2001; Srinivasan et al., 2003). In pre-
dened sequences of process stages, dynamic control trajectories
Synthesis of processing schemes: selection of process stages
have also been optimized in the eld of batch process synthesis
and splitting into subtasks, technological specication, chemi- (Allgor and Barton, 1999; Charalambides et al., 1995; Sharif et al.,
cals involved i.e. reactants, solvents, or catalysts , reference 1999), batch plant design (Bhatia and Biegler, 1996; Corsano et al.,
trajectories of the feed-forward control variables, duration of 2007), and short-term scheduling (Capn-Garca et al., 2013; Chu
batch operations composing each process stage, recirculation of and You, 2014; Frankl et al., 2012; Nie et al., 2012), among others.
intermediate ows to be used in the next batch, and material
transfer synchronization between tasks i.e. synchronization of 3.1.3. Logic-based modeling
ow rates, compositions, and starting and nal times; The incorporation of logical variables and equations into math-
Allocation of manufacturing facilities: selection of processing
ematical models allows the combination of quantitative and
and storage units, task-unit assignment, operating mode i.e. qualitative information. The use of logics in optimization problems
single, series, or parallel operation , and batch sizes; was initially proposed by Balas (1985) in the so-called disjunctive
Plant design: equipment sizing;
programming, and rapidly became an alternative to mixed-integer
modeling for representing structural decisions (Grossmann, 1985;
such that the adopted performance metrics are optimized. This Duran and Grossmann, 1986). These kinds of problems were later
problem can be solved in grassroots and retrot scenarios. In the formalized as generalized disjunctive programming (GDP) (Raman
second case, the already existing equipment units have a prede- and Grossmann, 1991; Floudas and Grossmann, 1994), where qual-
ned size value unless their capacity expansion is considered. For itative decisions are mathematically represented using Booleans
the sake of completeness, it is worth noting that there are other and available process knowledge and heuristic rules are formu-
process development decisions which are out of the scope of this lated through logical propositions. Mixed-logic formulations with
292 M. Moreno-Benito et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 94 (2016) 287311

dynamic equations have contributed to the solution of several

problems such as model predictive control (Bemporad and Morari,
1999), simultaneous design and control (Bansal et al., 2002), and
scheduling of continuous processes with grade transitions (Prata
et al., 2008). In the context of batch process development, Linninger
and Chakraborty (1999) and Chakraborty and Linninger (2002)
addressed the problem of batch process synthesis and plant allo-
cation including logical rules in the superstructure formulation,
but simplifying the problem through approximated process per-
formance models. In contrast, Oldenburg and Marquardt (2008)
and Oldenburg et al. (2003) presented a MLDO formulation that
combined hybrid discrete/continuous models and GDP for solving
the optimal control proles, conguration, sequencing, and opera-
tion of batch equipment items with structural decisions. However,
the formulation only considered individual units rather than task
sequences, so the ordering and synchronization of processing units
were not approached.

3.1.4. Coexisting single-stage and multistage models for

synchronization purposes
Single-stage and multistage models can be used to repre-
sent batch and semi-continuous procedures in the superstructure,
respectively. Since it is necessary to guarantee the lot integrity,
these kinds of models have to be synchronized in operations with
material transference as a function of the selected sequence of
processing units. This synchronization involves establishing a link
Fig. 1. Basic SEN superstructure (a) and bi-level superstructure (b) of the motivating
between the dynamic proles of the input and output ows and the
example 1.
duration of the operations with material transference. However,
currently, there are neither modeling frameworks nor software
tools which can handle coexisting multistage and single-stage Therein, each mathematical stage corresponds to a batch operation.
models. Previous works on optimization of sequences of processing Moreover, in order to perform the coordination and timing of con-
elements with dynamic proles have not addressed the order- secutive units, these multistage and single-stage models are nested
ing and combination of several multistage models associated with in their entirety inside specic terms of the disjunctive equations,
batch units. This is either because the physical constraints of exist- which determine their usage and their order.
ing equipment units were not considered (Charalambides et al., For visualizing this concept, the plant elements and their mod-
1995), or because batch process stages were simplied as a single els are distributed into two representation levels by dividing the
batch operation and the whole process could be represented by a SEN superstructure into Level 1, containing batch units, and Level
unique multistage model i.e. by associating one modeling stage 0, with connection nodes, storage tanks, and semi-continuous
with each task (Corsano et al., 2004). processing units, as illustrated in Fig. 1b for the previous exam-
ple. Independently of their representation level, all the models are
3.2. Bi-level SEN representation and MLDO modeling strategy optimized at the same time. Overall, this modular bi-level repre-
sentation allows the ordering of processing elements as a function
The proposed modeling strategy is based on the combination of of decisions like the task-unit assignment because, this way, the
processing alternatives in a SEN superstructure, which is divided time coordinates of batch units within the integrated optimiza-
into two representation levels and formulated mathematically as a tion problem can be moved in relation to the time horizon of other
MLDO problem. A basic SEN superstructure illustrates the inter- batch units and the complete process. The novel coexistence and
connection between the existing and potential equipment units synchronization of single-stage and multistage models are illus-
and the states of material ows according to the plant diagram, trated in Fig. 2a. The time links across the different models are
e.g. Fig. 1a. This superstructure representation enables the formu- established through disjunctive equations and logical propositions
lation of physical plant restrictions and procedures of processing in the formulation.
elements as well as the denition of the proles of material ows Additionally, for enabling the relations across the mathematical
as a function of the selected units, their order, and their process stages of the different models using standard optimization tools,
conversion. the equations that compose the optimization problem are refor-
The mathematical formulation of the superstructure and all the mulated as following detailed:
associated decisions into a MLDO model comprises disjunctions
and logical propositions, which dene the structural decisions, 1. Transformation of single-stage models at Level 0 into mul-
as well as hybrid discrete/continuous models referred to as tistage models. The connection between the models of the
multistage models in this paper , which determine the pro- different processing units requires the conversion of single-stage
cess performance in each unit. This formulation is inspired by models at Level 0 into multistage models that include all the
the approach by Oldenburg and Marquardt (2008) for solving possible batch operations at Level 1, as represented in Fig. 2b.
the optimization of individual units. Here, the MLDO formulation With this purpose, the sets of equations of the original single-
is extended to combine, organize, and synchronize the multi- stage models are replicated for every possible new stage, and the
ple equipment units in the SEN superstructure according to the continuity of process variables is guaranteed by incorporating
processing alternative that is selected. With this purpose, each unit stage-to-stage relations.
is represented by either a single-stage or a multistage model asso- 2. Normalization of mathematical stages. Since the several
ciated with a semi-continuous or batch procedure, respectively. processing elements at Levels 0 and 1 may be composed of a
M. Moreno-Benito et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 94 (2016) 287311 293

Fig. 2. Multistage and single-stage models of the motivating example 1 to represent

batch and semi-continuous plant elements respectively.

diverse number of mathematical stages with different duration

(see Fig. 2b) which should be solved simultaneously, it is nec-
essary to normalize their time axis. This way, all the stages of
every model can be solved at the same time, as shown in Fig. 2c.
The normalization of time intervals is carried out by multiplying
the differential equations by the stage duration and redening
their derivation interval from 0 to 1. Except for the actual rst
stage, the initial conditions of all other stages should be treated
as degrees of freedom whose values are subject to the fulllment Fig. 3. Synchronization of batch stages and ow rates at Levels 0 and 1 for congu-
of stage-to-stage continuity equations. rations , , , and of the motivating example 1, with |Kj | = 3, j {U1 , U2 }.

3. Explicit denition of stage durations. The normalization of the

time intervals dened in the previous step has a collateral advan-
tage of expressing the stage durations as explicit variables. This
way, it is possible to match the timespans of the mathematical 4.1. Notation
stages of synchronized operations.
4.1.1. Mathematical stages
Mathematical stages k Kj at Level 1 should be linked with
Beyond these reformulations of the model equations, the iden- stages l L at Level 0 to synchronize the duration of batch oper-
tity of each mathematical stage at Levels 0 and 1 is preserved ations in units j U. However, the number of total mathematical
because it is a key issue for the synchronization of the selected divisions that are necessary at Level 0 for this purpose depends on
processing units. the selected tasks i PS and operating modes i . For instance,
the utilization of a single batch unit U1 in the superstructure of
Fig. 1 could involve the three operations load, hold, and unload of
4. Mathematical formulation unit U1 , whereas two additional stages would be required in series
operation to complete the hold and unload operations of a sec-
The variables and equations that compose the optimization ond batch unit U2 , as illustrated in Fig. 3a (conguration ) and d
model for integrated batch process development are detailed in (conguration ). The maximum number of stages Lmax concerning
this section according to the modeling strategy mentioned above all processing alternatives is determined by the structural system
(Section 3). The key sets, parameters and variables required to composed of all the batch units in series. The total time Tf at Level
understand the formulation are rst presented. 0 is then divided into Lmax intervals with different durations. Out of
294 M. Moreno-Benito et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 94 (2016) 287311

Fig. 5. Petri net representing process and bypass stages k Kj in the model of batch
unit j U at Level 1. Circles symbolize stages and bars represent stage-to-stage

Fig. 4. Input/output variables and stages of batch unit j U models, considering

min Mjin input and mout Mjout output ows, and c C chemicals. these variables refer specically to equipment units or mathemat-
ical stages, they may be written with subindices j or k respectively.

the resulting set of stages L = {1, . . ., Lmax }, only the subset La com- 4.2. Batch procedures at Level 1
posed by the so-called active stages is in force in each structural
alternative. The connection between Levels 0 and 1 is especially 4.2.1. Batch units
relevant to stages that represent operations with material trans- Let us consider discontinuous units j U located at Level 1 of
ference. Particularly, these are termed input and output stages and the superstructure. Their operation and process performance are
are denoted by Ij Kj and Oj Kj respectively. represented by a |Kj |-stage model. For each unit, a two-term dis-
junction controlled by Boolean Yj is introduced. If Yj is true, this
4.1.2. Input and output ows processing item is selected to allocate one task, and the |Kj |-stage
Additionally, input and output ows of batch units are repre- model in the corresponding disjunctive term is activated. On the
sented at both Level 0 (denoted by n Njin Njout ) and Level 1 contrary, if Yj is false, the unit is not selected and a bypass strat-
egy (Oldenburg and Marquardt, 2008) is applied in order to dene
(denoted by m Mjin Mjout ) and are linked between the two lev-
an equivalent number of |Kj | mathematical stages, termed bypass
els in the formulation. Essentially, these ows are characterized by stages, where no process takes place. Bypass stages are represented
j j
ow rates Fm,k (t) and compositions xc,m,k (t), which are referred to in the Petri net of Fig. 5. They are characterized by stage durations
as input and output variables. As illustrated in Fig. 4, the inows j
tk equal to zero and a set of equations that override the dynamic
and outows of batch units should be restricted to zero in those model of the batch process.
stages that are not input Kj \Ij or output Kj \Oj stages respectively, Overall, the disjunctive equation for batch unit j U is dened
to guarantee the absence of material transmission. by the following form, taking into account that the time interval
has been normalized (see Fig. 2c):
4.1.3. Control variables Yj
There are four types of decision or control variables:
fj,kd (z j,k (t), zj,k (t), yj,k (t), udyn (t), ustat , uint , pj ), t [0, 1], k Kj ,

1. Dynamic control variables udyn (t): ow rates in input and out- ljd (z j,1 (0), zj,1 (0)),
j d
put connections Fm,k (t), m Mjin Mjout and internal control gj,k (zj,k (t), yj,k (t), udyn (t), u stat
, uint
, p ) 0, t [0, 1], k K ,
j,k j j

variables int k (t) over operations k Kj in batch units j U; 
gj,k (zj,k (1), yj,k (1), uj,k (1), u , u , pj ) 0, k Kj ,
d,e stat int

2. Static or time-invariant decision variables ustat : duration of
zj,k+1 (0) mj,k (zj,k (1)) = 0, k {1, . . ., |Kj | 1},
batch operations tl represented by mathematical stages l at Level

0; dyn
j = hdj (zj,|Kj | (1), yj,|Kj | (1), uj,|K | (1), ustat , uint , pj ),
3. Integer decision variables uint : number of batches NBp of prod- 
tk , t j,end = t j,s + T j,f

uct p P and discrete sizing Sizej of equipment units j U; T j,f =
4. Boolean decision variables uBool : selection of tasks Zi , i k Kj

PS, processing and storage units Yj , j U T, operating modes

X i ,  in process stages i PS, processing orders Wj,q , q

Q, technological specications V ,  , and chemical com- Bd (z j,k (t), zj,k (t), yj,k (t), udyn (t), ustat , uint , j , pj ) = 0, t [0, 1],
j j,k
pounds Sc , c C of processing units j U, and recirculation of , j U,
tk = 0, k Kj ,
intermediate ows Rn , n Nr .
T j,f = 0, t j,end = 0, tj = 0

The consideration of all these decisions may lead to over-

d , g d , g d,e , and md are the DAE system, path constraints
where fj,k
specied problems in some cases. Therefore, it is possible to j,k j,k j,k
improve the efciency of the search procedure and reduce con- (PC), end-point constraints (EPC), and stage-to-stage continuity in
vergence issues, by removing the extra degrees of freedom, which stage k Kj of unit j U. ljd are the relations to determine the ini-
are mostly connected with logical decisions and dynamic control tial conditions, hdj is the set of equations to calculate time-invariant
variables in operations with material transference. The reduction variables  j evaluated at the nal time (t = 1) of the last stage
of the number of control variables is analyzed at the end of this
|Kj |, and Bjd are the equations that dene the system in bypass
section based on the optimization model.
stages. The dynamic model of unit j U comprises time-dependent
derivatives z j,k (t) and differential zj,k (t), algebraic yj,k (t), and con-
4.1.4. Other variables and parameters dyn j
trol uj,k (t) variables including input/output ow rates Fm,k (t) and
The problem comprises other types of variables, namely differ-
j j

ential variables z(t) and their derivatives z(t), algebraic variables compositions xc,m,k (t)
and internal control variables int k (t) in
y(t), time-invariant or static variables , and parameters p. When stages k Kj . It is also characterized by process parameters pj and
M. Moreno-Benito et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 94 (2016) 287311 295

Fig. 6. Basic SEN superstructure of the motivating example 2.

time-invariant variables  j , necessary for the objective function and with alternative c Cjs according to the chemical selection Boolean
other key performance indicators (KPIs), like product selectivity or j
Sc . This constraint is dened as follows:
process conversion in j U.

To complete batch unit models at Level 1, input/output variables j

should be dismissed in those stages which are not input/output  , j U. (5)
c Cs pj = pj,c
stages respectively, as illustrated in Fig. 4, by restricting their value j

to zero. With this purpose, the following equation is dened:

4.3. Synchronization
F in (t) = 0, min Mjin , k Kj \Ij , , j U. (2)
4.3.1. Processing order of batch units
m ,k The time axis for the models of batch units j U that are selected
Fmout ,k (t) = 0, mout Mjout , k Kj \Oj (Eqs. (1) and (2) with Yj = true) should be moved over the time axis
of the entire process at Level 0 according to their processing order,
Additionally, the volume k (t) at unit j U cannot surpass the as illustrated in Fig. 3. Then, each batch unit model is synchronized
equipment capacity Sizej in any stage k Kj , either Sizej is a free with the models of other plant elements by relating the set of stages
decision variable to design a newly installed unit or an expansion or Kj at Level 1 to specic stages l L at Level 0. Assignment Booleans
it is a xed variable associated with an existing item. This constraint Wj,q are dened to lead the synchronization by indicating the order
is formulated by: q Q of unit j U with reference to other batch units. Once a unit is
selected, this should be assigned one and only one processing order
jk (t) Sizej , t [0, 1], k Kj , j U. (3) q Q:

Yj  Wj,q , j U, (6)
4.2.2. Technological specications qQ
In some cases, different processing technologies  can be used
0 L0 . This way, the rela-
and its operation should start in stage lj,q
in the same unitary operation. The selection between alternative j
technologies requires the representation of different equipment tion between stage k Kj at Level 1 and its corresponding stage l L
arrangements that determine the particular physicochemical equa- at Level 0 can be expressed as a function of the processing order
0 1 L. On this
q Q of unit j U through the function l = k + lj,q
tions, parameters, and batch operations sequences for each case.
Hence, every alternative has to be associated with a specic basis, the variables of models at Levels 0 and 1 are connected as
processing item j , |j | = 1, j U, in order to characterize follows:
its DAE system through Eq. (1). For instance, Fig. 6 shows a SEN
with two technological alternatives A and B in equipment units The starting time tj,s of unit j U (Level 1) is calculated from the
U1,A and U1,B respectively. The technology  j associated with 0
general starting time ts and duration tl of stages that precede lj,q
equipment unit j U is represented by Boolean V , which indicates (Level 0) by:
whether such specication is selected (V
= true) or not (V = false)
and is related to the equipment Boolean Yj as follows:
 0 1 ,
lj,q j U; (7)
j qQ t j,s = t s + tl
Yj V ,  j , j U. (4) l=1

4.2.3. Chemical compound alternatives The duration t j of stage k Kj of unit j U (Level 1) has to be
The selection of chemicals like reactants, solvents, or catalysts equal to the duration tl of the corresponding stage l L (Level 0)
c Cjs that are involved in the process of unit j U is represented by by:
Boolean Sc , which indicates whether a chemical compound is used Wj,q
j j
(Sc = true) or not (Sc = false). The SEN of Fig. 6 illustrates an example  j
, j U; (8)
with two possible compounds c1s and c2s in unit U2 . Unlike the case of qQ tl = t , l {lj,q
0 , . . ., |K | + l0 1}
ll0 +1 j,q
alternative technologies  j , the choice of a chemical compound
c Cjs does not necessarily affect the complete set of equations in The proles of input and output variables of unit j U (Level
j j
the model of unit j U (Eq. (1)) but only the set of parameters pj . In 1) i.e. Fm,k (t) and xc,m,k (t), c C, m Mjin Mjout have
this case, such parameters are dened by the values pj,c associated to be equal to the proles of the analogous variables at Level
296 M. Moreno-Benito et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 94 (2016) 287311

0 i.e. Fn,l (t) and xc,n,l (t), c C, n Njin Njout . Additionally,

the latter ones have to be xed to zero in the remaining non-
synchronized stages, as well as in the case that unit j U is not
selected. The resulting equation for every pair of equivalent ows
at Levels 0 and 1 (n, m) (Njin , Mjin ) (Njout , Mjout ) reads as:

Fig. 7. Petri net representing active stages l La = {1, . . ., |La |} and bypass stages
Wj,q l L\La = {|La | + 1, . . ., Lmax } for semi-continuous elements at Level 0. Gray elements
Fn,l (t) = F j j represent feasible paths for other locations of stage |La |.
m,ll0 +1
(t), xc,n,l (t) = x
c,m,ll0 +1
(t), t [0, 1],

j,q j,q

l {lj,q , . . ., |Kj | + lj,q
0 0

Fn,l (t) = 0, xc,n,l (t) = 0, t [0, 1],
l L\{lj,q
, . . ., |Kj | + lj,q
1} Xi
Y i Fn,l (t) = 0, t [0, 1], n Ni,0 , l L

 Fn,l (t) = 0,
j U. (9) i PS. (16)
xc,n,l (t) = 0, t [0, 1], l L

4.5. Plant elements at Level 0

4.4. Process stages
The bypass strategy, previously applied to batch units j U (see
4.4.1. Process stages Fig. 5), is also used at Level 0 to dene the set of extra stages
Logical variable Zi represents the selection of task i PS and, L\La , out of the total number of stages Lmax , that should be dis-
therefore, controls whether the input ow n Niin is processed or regarded in each structural alternative. The reason is that the set
of active stages La representing the sequence of batch operations
whether it is bypassed through pipeline b Nib to the following
in the complete process depend on the selected tasks Zi and their
task. In the problem superstructure of Fig. 6, this decision is related
conguration X i . As shown in Fig. 7, the set of stages l L\La that
to splitter Sp3 . The two exclusive alternatives are dened through
the following disjunction: are not required at Level 0 are overridden by forcing stage durations
tl to zero and withdrawing dynamic equations and constraints of

Zi Zi Level 0 elements.
 , t [0, 1],
Fb,l (t) = 0 Fb,l (t) = Fn,l (t) (10) 4.5.1. Semi-continuous elements
The time variables at Level 0 are related as follows:
l L, n Niin , b Nib , i PS. 
Tf = tl ,
lL (17)
4.4.2. Operating mode
Out of the set of allowed operating modes or congurations t end = t s + T f ,
i in a process stage i PS, with the corresponding Boolean
where Tf is the total batch processing time which starts at initial
variables X i , only one can be selected. This is dened through the
time ts , ends at nal time tend , and is divided in Lmax intervals with
following proposition:
duration tl . Following the bypass strategy, the stage duration is zero
in extra stages l L\La , whereas it is conned between lower tL and
Zi  Xi , (11)
i upper tU bounds in active ones l La :

The principal purpose of conguration Booleans is to govern the t L tl t U , l {1, . . ., |La |},
selection of equipment items j U, represented by variable Yj , and (18)
bypass stages:tl = 0, l {|La | + 1, . . ., Lmax }.
their processing order q Q, represented by variable Wj,q . A logical
proposition is used to dene each conguration. For example, con-
Additionally, material balances in connecting nodes at Level 0
gurations i = {, , , } which correspond to single operation
relate ow rates Fn,l (t) and compositions xc,n,l (t), c C of connec-
in U1 , single operation in U2 , parallel operation in U1 and U2 , and
tions n N in every stage l L. In particular, mixers j Mx are
series operation in U1 followed by U2 in the example of Fig. 1, are
characterized by several input connections nin Njin , |Njin | > 1, and
dened by:
a single output nout Njout , |Njout | = 1, and are described by:
Xi WU1 ,1 YU2 , (12)

Xi WU2 ,1 YU1 , (13) Fnin ,l (t) = Fnout ,l (t), t [0, 1],
nin N in
Xi WU1 ,1 WU2 ,1 , (14)
nout Njout , l L, j Mx, (19)
X i WU1 ,1 WU2 ,2 . (15)

Additionally, conguration Booleans X i enforce specic ow Fnin ,l (t)xc,nin ,l (t) = Fnout ,l (t)xc,nout ,l (t), t [0, 1],
distributions with each operating mode. To do so, the ow rate of nin N in
a specic set of connections n Ni,0 in each conguration i
is restricted to zero, according to: c C, nout Njout , l L, j Mx, (20)
M. Moreno-Benito et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 94 (2016) 287311 297

whereas splitters j Sp are characterized by a single input connec- 4.5.2. Recirculation of intermediate ows
tion nin Njin , |Njin | = 1, and several outputs nout Njout , |Njout | > The recirculation of an intermediate material to be used in a fol-
1, and are described by: lowing batch is represented by connection n Nr . In particular, this
decision is controlled by Boolean Rn , which indicates if the inter-
 mediate ow is recirculated (Rn = true) or not (Rn = false). As a result,
Fnin ,l (t) = Fnout ,l (t), t [0, 1], the ow rate can either acquire a value between the lower FnL and
nout N out upper FnU bounds or be canceled:

n in
Njin , l L, j Sp, (21) Rn

FnL Fn,l (t) FnU , t [0, 1], l L

xc,nin ,l (t) = xc,nout ,l (t), t [0, 1],

c C, nin Njin , nout Njout , l L, j Sp. (22) , n Nr . (25)
Fn,l (t) = 0, t [0, 1], l L

It is not necessary to remove these equations in bypass stages The recirculation of intermediate ows additionally requires the
because all ow rates would be forced to zero through previous installation of buffer tanks j Tnr in the superstructure e.g. tank
Eqs. (9), (19) and (21). r in the example of Fig. 6 in order to store the intermediate
Storage units j T are also dened at Level 0 by |L|-stage mod- material that is later supplied in a subsequent batch. The logical
d , ld , g d , g d,e , hd ,
els. Such models comprise the general functions fj,l j j,l j,l j proposition reads as:
and mdj,l for storage tanks j T and mathematical stages l La . Rn Yj , j Tnr , n N r . (26)
Since storage tanks operate continuously, all the equations are
d = fd
repeated in active stages as dened by fj,l d = gd
, gj,l , and In order to dene mathematically the sequence of storage and
j,l+1 j,l+1
d,e d,e usage of intermediate material, initial conditions zj,l (t = 0) in the
gj,l =
gj,l+1 , l {1, . . ., |La | 1}.
Following, the bypass strategy is rst stage l = 1 of unit Tnr are set to be equal to the nal conditions
applied to two situations: First, if storage unit j T is not selected, zj,l (t = 1) in the last stage l = Lmax , what reads as:
its complete model is deactivated like in the case of batch units

j U. Second, the bypass method is required to differentiate active Rn

La and bypass L\La stages according to Fig. 7, provided that this unit , n Nr . (27)
zj,1 (0) = zj,|Lmax | (1), j Tnr
is selected. The resulting formulation of storage tanks j T reads
Yj 4.6. Batching
(z j,l (t), zj,l (t), yj,l (t), uj,l (t), ustat , uint , pj ), t [0, 1], l {1, . . ., |L |},
4.6.1. Number of batches

ljd (z j,1 (0), zj,1 (0)), The batching problem consists in the division of the total prod-

uct demand into a number of batches of a specic production size.

gj,l (zj,l (t), yj,l (t), uj,l (t), ustat , uint , pj ) 0, t [0, 1], l {1, . . ., |La |},
Common approaches for solving scheduling problems rst address
(zj,l (1), yj,l (1), uj,l (1), ustat , uint , pj ) 0, l {1, . . ., |La |}, the batching activity and following solve the allocation, timing, and

zj,l+1 (0) mdj,l (zj,l (1)) = 0, l {1, . . ., |La | 1}, task sequencing sub-problems. In this work, the simultaneous solu-

(23) tion of batch process development incorporates the optimization
j = hdj (zj,|La | (1), yj,|La | (1), uj,|La | (1), ustat , uint , pj ),
of the number of batches by means of the following equation:
bypass stages:
Bjd (z j,l (t), zj,l (t), yj,l (t), uj,l (t), ustat , uint , j , pj ) = 0, t [0, 1], NBp Batchp + Shortfallp Demandp , p P, (28)
l {|La | + 1, . . ., Lmax }
where Demandp is the total demand of product p P, NBp repre-
sents the number of batches, Batchp stands for the batch production
size, and Shortfallp is the unaccomplished demand.
 Bjd (z j,l (t), zj,l (t), yj,l (t), udyn
(t), ustat , uint , j , pj ) = 0, , j T,
t [0, 1], l L 4.7. Objective function and degrees of freedom

dyn The optimization problem presented above is solved to mini-

where z j,l (t), zj,l (t), yj,l (t), and uj,l (t) are the time dependent
mize the objective function :
derivatives and differential, algebraic, and control variables in
mathematical stage l L, ustat are time-invariant control variables,
minimize  z(t), z(t), y(t), udyn (t), ustat , uint , uBool , , p , (29)
namely stage durations, uint are integer decisions such as the stor- udyn (t), ustat
age tank size, pj are process parameters, and  j are time-invariant uint , uBool
variables which may contribute to the evaluation of the objective
function or KPIs in unit j T. Finally, a constraint to limit the max-
dened by derivatives z(t), differential variables z(t), algebraic
imum volume should be also formulated, which reads as: variables y(t), time-invariant variables  and parameters p,
j j
according to the control variables udyn (t) = {Fm,k (t), int k (t)},
jl (t) Sizej , t [0, 1], l L, j T, (24)
ustat = {tl }, uint = {NBp , Sizej } and uBool = {Zi , Yj , X i , Wj,q , V ,
where jl (t)
is the inventory volume of unit j T in stage l L and j
Sc , Rn }.
Sizej is the maximum capacity of the tank. The decision on the selec- The degrees of freedom of the optimization model are the num-
tion of intermediate tanks is crucial for allowing the recirculation ber of decision variables remaining after subtracting the number
of intermediate ows as well as for dening more than one cycle of equations and predened values. This parameter determines
time or batch size for different parts of the process. the number of practical control variables in the reality. In the
298 M. Moreno-Benito et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 94 (2016) 287311

j j equations (Luus, 1990), (ii) indirect methods through necessary

case of Booleans uBool = {Zi , Yj , X i , Wj,q , V , Sc , Rn }, the number of
degrees of freedom is limited by logical propositions (Eqs. (4), (6), conditions of optimality (NCO) derived from Pontryagins for-
(9), (11), (12)(15), and (26)). As for the dynamic control proles of mulation (Bryson and Ho, 1975), and (iii) direct methods which
j convert the time-continuous optimization problem into a nite-
ow rates in batch units Fm,k (t) udyn (t), these proles are interre-
dimensional nonlinear programming problem by discretization.
lated through global balances in mixers and splitters (Eqs. (19) and
Notably, the advantage of the direct approaches is that they do not
(21)). Therefore, the evaluation of degrees of freedom of dynamic
require an explicit derivation of the necessary conditions of opti-
proles between consecutive units is especially relevant because
mality and the adjoined equations and, after the discretization of
the input and output ow rates of different units j U that are syn-
time-dependent variables of the original problem, provide a math-
chronized cannot behave as decision variables simultaneously. In
ematical programming (MP) problem. There exist different direct
fact, the system over-specication deteriorates the performance of
methods, depending on what parts of the problem are discretized.
the solution search procedure.
In the specic case of the direct-simultaneous strategy (Neuman
The degrees of freedom related to ow rates are denoted by
and Sen, 1973; Tsang et al., 1975), there is a full discretization of
DOFi, and differ for each conguration i and process stage
the dynamic model, as both process and control variable proles
i PS because they depend on the total number of ow rates
are approximated by a series of nite points along the time horizon.
at Level 0 |Ni |, the number of equations in splitters and mixers
The resulting problem is a mixed-integer non-linear programming
|Spi Mxi |, and the number of predened ow rates, namely the
(MINLP) model that can be solved without requiring sensitivities,
ow restrictions |Ni,0 | in conguration i and input ows |Ni | second order derivatives computation, and obligatory variable con-
dened in preceding tasks. Overall, the parameter DOFi, is com- tinuity, as opposed to direct-sequential approaches (Sargent and
puted as follows: Sullivan, 1978). However, their disadvantage is that the model size
DOF i, = No. variables No. equations No. xed variables can increase exponentially in the discretization step.
(30) This work employs the classical direct-simultaneous strategy
= |Ni | |Spi Mxi | |Ni,0 | |Ni |. detailed in the next subsections. The reader interested in alter-
native stochastic and hybrid solution strategies is addressed to
To adjust the number of control variables according to the Moreno-Benito et al. (2015).
degrees of freedom of each structural alternative, outows of batch
units are always considered as free-decision variables:

5.1. MLDO reformulation

Fmout ,k (t) udyn (t), t [0, 1],
To address the relaxation of the original MLDO model
mout Mjout , k Oj , j Ui , i PS, (31)
into MIDO one in classical solution methods, several trans-
while only the inows of the subset of batch units Di, Ui are formations are  required in  the formulation. First, Boolean
dened as control variables in conguration i of process stage variables uBool true, false are replaced by binaries ubin
i PS. The set Di, is dened such as |Di, | = DOFi, |Ui |, where |Ui | 0, 1 . Thus, the vector of logical decision variables uBool =
corresponds to the degrees of freedom assigned to the output ows j j
{Zi , Yj , X i , Wj,q , V , Sc , Rn } is transformed into a vector of binary
in Eq. (31). The resulting equation reads as: j j
variables ubin = {zi , yj , xi , wj,q , v , sc , rn }, whose 0 and 1 values cor-
Xi respond to prior false and true values respectively.
 F in (t) udyn (t), t [0, 1], , i PS.
Second, disjunctive equations that enclose other constraints are
i m ,k transformed into mixed-integer equations. In the MLDO formula-
min Mjin , k Ij , j Di, tion presented in the previous section, these equations are Eqs.
(1), (2), (5), (7)(10), (16), (23), (25), (27) and (32). There are sev-
5. MLDO solution eral alternatives for performing this transformation, like the big-M
(Raman and Grossmann, 1991) and the convex-hull reformulation
Different kinds of solution strategies can be used to tackle (CHR) (Trkay and Grossmann, 1998). In this work, we use binary
the integrated batch process development formulated as a MLDO multiplication. This technique is based on the decomposition of all
problem (Oldenburg and Marquardt, 2008; Stein et al., 2004). The the variables that are contained in the disjunctive terms into vari-
majority of deterministic methods guarantee to nd a local opti- able contributions, except for control variables udyn (t), ustat , and
mum and most advanced algorithms are also able to provide global uint . In particular, the variables that are decomposed are of the fol-
solutions under fairly general assumptions, e.g. (Beaumont, 1990; lowing types: derivatives z(t), differential z(t), algebraic y(t), and
Sahinidis, 1996). In particular, deterministic approaches are based time-invariant  variables. After their decomposition, each variable
on the reformulation of the mixed-logic problem into a mixed- contribution is associated with the constraints inside a disjunctive
integer one, the reformulation of Booleans as continuous variables, term and its corresponding Boolean variable. For instance, let us
or the problem solution with logic-based solution techniques. The consider the following disjunctive equation:
methods of the rst group are also known as classical solution
approaches and are the most extended ones. This is because the

problem reformulation allows exploiting the advantages of mixed-  , Ad {true, false}, x R, u R, (33)
logic modeling e.g. the natural inference of previous knowledge dD Fd (x, u) 0
and rules about the process and their direct conversion into mathe-
matical equations as well as using well established MIDO solution
strategies. where D is the set of disjunctive terms in the equation, Ad are the
Among the classical methods for solving MIDO problems, we Boolean variables that control each of disjunctive terms d D, Fd
nd three different groups, namely: (i) Dynamic Programming are the functions nested in each disjunctive term d D, x are the
(DP) based on HamiltonJacobiBellman formulation to trans- dependent variables, and u are the decision variables. Through sub-
form the original problem into a system of partial differential stituting the Booleans Ad {true, false} by the binaries ad {0, 1}
M. Moreno-Benito et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 94 (2016) 287311 299

and applying binary multiplication, the variables x are decomposed in the polynomials that dene the differential variables, compared
into variable contributions xd and Eq. (33) is reformulated as: to the polynomials of algebraic y(t) and control variables udyn (t),
with order (M 1)th (see Eqs. (B.2) and (B.3) in Appendix B). In
Fd (xd , u) 0,
contrast, continuity across neighboring elements is not necessary

x= xd ad , for algebraic and control variables. In fact, control variables are
approximated to a piecewise constant (PWC) function.
dD (34) Overall, the quality of the approximation of the dynamic model
ad = 1, is determined by the number of collocation points M and nite ele-
dD ments Ne , and so is the complexity of the resulting MINLP problem.
ad {0, 1}, x R, u R. The number of collocation points is a critical parameter because it
Finally, logical propositions, namely Eqs. (4), (6), (11)(15) and denes the order of the resulting polynomials. It is usually selected
(26) of the formulation, are expressed as linear constraints. Such a considering the trade-off between being large enough for securing
transformation can be done systematically by formulating the con- a good approximation of the discretized variables and small enough
junctive normal form (CNF) of the original logical equations. This for limiting the increase in the computational demand associated
way, it is possible to obtain an expression like C1 C2 . . . CN , with high-order polynomials. As for the number of nite elements,
where Cn , n {1, . . . N} are the clauses that must be true in the prob- this factor can be adjusted according to the length of the time inter-
lem, related by and operators (). This procedure involves the val to be discretized. In this work, the full discretization approach
application of a series of pure logical operations, which were rst is applied to each of the mathematical stages k Kj , j U and k L
formalized by Clocksin and Mellish (1981), as reported by Raman that compose the multistage models of the formulation using a pre-
and Grossmann (1991). The operations are detailed in Appendix dened number of nite elements and collocation points. Since the
A. Next, the resulting true-clauses Cn can be transformed into duration of the batch operations is a decision variable, the length
algebraic equality or inequality equations using a number of equiv- of the nite elements can vary after scaling the time intervals of
alences between logical and algebraic expressions (Raman and the optimal solution according to their nal values. In order to
Grossmann, 1991), which are summarized in Table 5 of Appendix A. guarantee an accurate discretization, a large number of nite ele-
ments is selected in this work, taking into account the upper bounds
5.2. MIDO solution of the batch times. Alternatively, an adaptive strategy could be
implemented, by adjusting the number of nite elements for the
The solution of the resulting MIDO problem is addressed discretization of each mathematical stage of the formulation iter-
through the full discretization of the model using the orthogonal atively according to their specic duration. This way, it could be
collocation method. This technique was originally introduced by possible to reduce the model size.
Cuthrell and Biegler (1989) to solve optimal control problems The originated MINLP problem can be solved through sev-
with discontinuous control proles, and renders attractive stabil- eral search algorithms available in literature (Grossmann, 2002).
ity, symmetry, and accuracy properties (Cuthrell and Biegler, 1989, Their strategies are either based on enumeration, such as branch-
Section 3.1). The strategy consists of dividing the time axis into sev- and-bound (B&B) methods with non-linear programming (NLP)
eral intervals referred to as nite elements e {1, . . ., Ne } and sub-problems (Nemhauser and Wolsey, 1988), or on decomposi-
specic time points termed collocation points m {1, . . ., M} tion, such as outer approximation (OA) (Duran and Grossmann,
and approximating the state and control variable proles in these 1986) or generalized Benders decomposition (GBD) (Geoffrion,
locations, as represented in Fig. 8. The position of the collocation 1972). On the one hand, enumeration strategies like the B&B non-
points is determined by computing the roots of an orthogonal poly- linear global optimization solver BARON (Sahinidis, 1996) can
nomial, like the shifted Legendre polynomial of order M. Then, the guarantee global solutions under general assumptions like the
state and control variable proles are approximated using mono- availability of nite lower and upper bounds on the variables and
mial basis representations, such as Lagrange polynomials. expressions in the MINLP to be solved. However, these approaches
Further details about the calculation of the collocation points also have the disadvantage of rendering costlier computational
and the construction of the orthogonal polynomials used in the loads because they operate through the systematic enumeration of
numerical examples are provided in Appendix B. As illustrated in integer combinations and have to address a NLP problem for each
Fig. 8, boundary conditions are dened for differential variables integer solution. On the other hand, the advantage of decomposition
z(t) in each nite element e to enforce their continuity from the approaches is precisely their higher efciency, since the problem
previous element e 1 in time te with the symmetry properties of is iteratively solved through mixed-integer linear programming
the method. For this, it is necessary to establish a larger order Mth (MILP) master problems with linearized equations and NLP primal

Fig. 8. Finite elements discretization for differential z(t), algebraic y(t), and control udyn (t) variable proles, where continuity is only enforced for the rst ones. Diamonds
represent the approximations of z(t), y(t), and udyn (t) and triangles represent the estimates of the derivatives z(t) in the nite elements e {1, . . ., Ne } and boundary and
collocation points m {0, 1, . . ., M, M + 1}.
300 M. Moreno-Benito et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 94 (2016) 287311

problems with xed integer variables. The limitation, in this case, is 144 h. Additionally, a penalty is applied to the product shortfall.
that decomposition approaches only guarantee local optima unless This way, the optimization problem is dened by:
the nonlinear objective function and constraints are convex.
Many of the MINLP solution algorithms have been implemented minimize  = Cost A + Penalty, (36)
udyn (t), ustat ,
in commercial software and operate through modeling interfaces
like GAMS (Rosenthal, 2012). After comparing the performance of uint , uBool
different solvers for optimizing the numerical examples of Sec-
tions 6 and 7, the OA solver DICOPT has been selected as the most j j
where udyn (t) comprise input F1,k (t) and output F2,k (t) ow rates
suitable alternative to be used in this study due to its efciency. The j
principal disadvantage met using global enumeration solvers is the and reaction temperature
k (t) in stages k {1, 2, 3} of batch units
difculty to nd feasible solutions after more than 50 h of compu- j {U1 , U2 }, ustat
is the duration tl of mathematical stages l, uint is
tation, in front of the attainment of optimal solutions, which are the number of batches NBS , and uBool represent the Booleans for
possibly local but already improve the results of non-integrated equipment units Yj , unit ordering Wj,q , and congurations X 1 . The
problems, in not more than 3 h with DICOPT. rst term of the objective function CostA stands for raw material
Global optimality cannot be guaranteed with the OA algorithm expenses of the complete production campaign and is computed
due to the existence of non-convex terms in the model, e.g. bilinear in base of a raw material price p A of 4.8 cD /kg (for further details,
functions in mixers. Hence, it is desirable to repeat the optimiza- see Eqs. (S16) and (S21) in Section S1 of the Supplementary Mate-
tion procedure using different initial feasible solutions (IFSs), with rial), whereas the Penalty term represents the economic charge of
the intention of identifying accidental local optima. In this work, in unaccomplished demand, calculated considering twice the selling
order to generate IFSs effectively, the reduced problem is solved in a price p S of product S, with a value of 43.1 cD /kg (see Eqs. (S17) and
preliminary step by xing feasible combinations of structural vari- (S23)). The complete MLDO model for solving this example is pro-
ables, namely the selection of process stages Zi , equipment units Yj , vided in the Supplementary Material, including the specications
operating modes X i , task-unit assignments Wj,q , technologies V ,
j of the already existing equipment items, which are incorporated
into the optimization problem as operating constraints.
compounds Sc , and recirculation ows Rn . Additionally, constant
proles of the control variables can be used. The combination of fea-
6.2. Problem solution
sible structural decisions in the IFSs is chosen randomly, given that
the starting point for the solver does not regulate the optimal con-
The MLDO problem is reformulated into a MINLP one using 32
guration obtained with the full-space MINLP search. Ultimately,
nite elements and three collocation points in normalized Legendre
the objective is to start the search from different search space loca-
roots, according to the direct-simultaneous strategy explained in
Section 5. This is implemented in GAMS v.24.7.1 (Rosenthal, 2012)
and solved through the decomposition-based OA solver DICOPT
6. Numerical example 1: Denbigh reaction system (Duran and Grossmann, 1986), using CONOPT 3.17A and CPLEX
12.6 to handle the NLP and MILP sub-problems respectively. In this
The numerical example presented in this section addresses the example, four IFSs are rst generated using constant proles for the
j j j
introduction of a new chemical into an already existing plant by control variables F1,k (t), F2,k (t), and
k (t) within each mathematical
addressing the integrated batch process development problem. The stage k {1, 2, 3} of units j {U1 , U2 } and xing the congura-
optimal solution is compared to a standard predened recipe to tion Booleans X 1 = true for each of the four possible congurations
quantify the potential of the proposed approach. Specically, the {, , , }. Next, the complete MINLP problem is solved with
process consists of a competitive reaction mechanism, the Denbigh the prior IFSs and with no IFS. As seen in Table 1, which summarizes
reaction system (Denbigh, 1958): the features of the resulting MINLP model implemented in GAMS,
the best solution is obtained by solving the full MINLP problem
initialized with IFS 4.

6.3. Results and discussion

(35) The optimal solution of the integrated problem is compared

with a xed recipe that has a predened production size of
whose kinetic and thermodynamic data are available in Table
300 kg/batch of product S and requires 70 batches and a batch
S1 (see Supplementary Material). The SEN superstructure of the
cycle time of 2.06 h/batch to fulll the demand of 21 t in its entirety
example corresponds to the reactor network of Fig. 1, comprising
within the time horizon of 144 h. The operating mode is xed to
two batch reactors U1 and U2 with a capacity of 1 m3 . Since the
conguration , setting Boolean decisions X1 , YU2 , and WU2 ,1 with
investment in new equipment units and pipelines is initially not
a true value. Unit U2 is dened to operate with maximum input and
contemplated, the operating modes that can be selected are: oper-
output ow rates (7.7 m3 /h) during load and unload operations and
ation in one single unit U1 (conguration ) or U2 (conguration ),
maximum reaction temperature (110 C) to guarantee that the total
parallel in-phase operation in U1 and U2 (conguration ), or series
demand is satised. The optimization problem is solved for three
operation in U1 followed by U2 (conguration ). Batch procedures
cases with different degrees of freedom to track the effect of the
in the reactors are composed of load, hold, and unload operations
structural and the performance decisions:
and the control variables are the input and output ow rates and
the reaction temperature.
Dynamically optimal recipe: optimization of dynamic control
proles with xed conguration ;
6.1. Optimization problem Structurally optimal recipe: optimization of structural decisions
j j
with constant proles of control variables F1,1 (t), F2,3 (t), and
The production target is to fulll a demand of 21 t of product j
S minimizing the raw material expenses within a time horizon of
k (t), k {1, 2, 3}, j {U1 , U2 };
M. Moreno-Benito et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 94 (2016) 287311 301

Table 1
Features of the MINLP models implemented in GAMS in the Denbigh example, obtained using 32 nite elements and three collocation points in the discretization step: IFS
solutions with xed congurations X 1 = true, {, , , } and complete MINLP problem initialized with IFS 4.

No. equations No. continuous variables No. discrete variables Non-zero elements Non-linear terms Solution time (s)

IFS 1 (xed ) 259

IFS 2 (xed ) 226
103,209 98,339 6 346,791 159,578
IFS 3 (xed ) 581
IFS 4 (xed ) 276
MINLP with IFS 4 102,633 98,321 10 345,639 159,578 4294

optimizing the dynamic proles with a predened conguration ,

whereas the expenditure decreases as far as a 24% when qualitative
decisions are considered as degrees of freedom with constant pro-
les. Going a step further, this improvement becomes a 25% when
all decisions are optimized simultaneously in the optimal recipe i.
The reduction of raw material expenses is related to the increase
in the product selectivity, from 0.448 in the xed recipe to 0.507,
0.593, and 0.597 in the three optimal solutions (see Table 2). Such an
increase is reected in a molar fraction of product S at the nal time
which is higher in the optimal solution (Fig. 10c4) than in the xed
one (Fig. 10a4). At the same time, the consumption of intermediate
R rises signicantly in the optimal recipe, whereas the generation
of byproducts like T is considerably lower.

6.3.3. Key decision variables

Essentially, the improvement of product selectivity is due to the
optimization of the dynamic temperature prole and the arrange-
ment of the two reaction units in series (conguration ). On the
one hand, the temperature prole in the optimal recipe starts at
the lower bound 50 C in the unit procedure of U1 (Fig. 10b1), in
Fig. 9. Optimal solution in the Denbigh example: operating mode and synchroniza- order to enhance the selectivity of R with respect to T by favoring
tion of unit procedures. reaction 1 (Ea,1 = 1000 kcal/kmol, see Table S1 in the Supplemen-
tary Material) with respect to reaction 2 (Ea,2 = 2580 kcal/kmol). The
Optimal recipe i: simultaneous optimization of dynamic proles prole gradually increases to the upper bound of 80 C in U1 , thus
and structural decisions according to the problem statement. favoring reaction 3 (Ea,3 = 1800 kcal/kmol) with respect to reaction
4 (Ea,4 = 1210 kcal/kmol) to improve the selectivity of the desired
In all cases, the number of batches and the duration of batch product S instead of U. In the unit procedure of U2 , the tempera-
operations are free decision variables. ture prole rises even more (Fig. 10c1), reaching the upper bound
of 110 C in this unit. On the other hand, production is restricted
6.3.1. Results in all recipes by the maximum time horizon of 144 h (see Table 2)
The optimal operating mode for both optimizations that include and by the available equipment capacities of 1 m3 in U1 and U2
structural decisions is series conguration , as shown in Fig. 9a. (Fig. 10(a3c3)). Therefore, series conguration favors the pro-
This conguration activates and synchronizes the 3-stage models cess performance by increasing the reaction volume.
of units U1 and U2 , such that the unload operation of the rst unit
corresponds to the load operation of the second one. For the case 6.3.4. Dynamic controls in operations with material transference
of the optimal recipe i, the synchronization of batch operations is In contrast, the use of dynamic control variables in opera-
detailed in Fig. 9b, which illustrates the mathematical stages at tions with material transference barely affects the solution. The
Levels 1 and 0 for the production of one batch. The trajectories feed-forward trajectories of ow rates in the optimal recipe are
j j j
of dynamic control variables F1,1 (t), F2,3 (t), and
k (t), k {1, 2, 3}, lead to their upper bound most of the load/unload time intervals
j {U1 , U2 } are presented in Fig. 10(b1c1, b2c2), showing the (Fig. 10(b2c2)). Thus, in this example, load and unload operations
evolution of the control variable proles range between their lower tend to be as rapid as the pumping capacity permits. The dynamic
and upper bounds. The synchronization of operations with mate- feed-forward prole of reaction temperature is also kept constant
rial transference is illustrated through the equivalence between the in operations with material transference (Fig. 10(b1c1)). In con-
output ow rate F3,2 U1 from unit U and the input ow rate F U2 to trast, the dynamic control proles are exploited in other batch
1 1,1
unit U2 . Additionally, Fig. 10(b3c3, b4c4) shows process variables operations.
like the reaction volume and molar compositions. All of them are
compared to the trajectories of the xed recipe in batch unit U2 6.3.5. Trade-offs among KPIs
(Fig. 10(a1a4)). Since heating costs are not included in the objective function, the
interaction between the selectivity of product S and the processing
6.3.2. Improvement extent expenses does not affect the optimal temperature proles in this
The incentives to improve the process performance through the example. Regardless, processing costs associated with heat con-
proposed modeling strategy are assessed by comparing the raw sumption also diminish (see Table 2) thanks to the reduction in
material savings obtained with the xed recipe. The results, sum- energy consumption in side reactions 2 and 4, which are endother-
marized in Table 2, show a 12% reduction in the consumption of A by mic. The rise of S selectivity also goes hand in hand with a reduction
302 M. Moreno-Benito et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 94 (2016) 287311

Fig. 10. Control and process variable proles in the xed and optimal recipe i in the Denbigh example.

of reactant consumption and to a decrease in the total amount of to the prot of the xed recipe are obtained, respectively. These
reaction mixture required in the system. Consequently, the heat results reect the duplication of labor costs, such as unit cleaning
needed for achieving the reaction temperature is smaller and the and rental.
optimal recipe benets from a collateral reduction of heating costs
of a 15%. Besides, since new investments are not considered, null 6.4. Adaptability potential
amortization values are computed in all recipes. Moreover, due to
a signicant increase in occupation costs by using two reactors, In order to evaluate the potential of the proposed strategy
the total prot is higher in the dynamically optimal solution with to enhance the batch plant exibility and adaptability, the opti-
xed conguration than in the optimal recipe i with operating mal recipe is solved according to other decision criteria, namely
mode . This way, improvements of the 11.9% and 6.5% compared the prot (case ii) and protability (case iii) maximization. These
M. Moreno-Benito et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 94 (2016) 287311 303

Table 2
KPIs and individual economic weights in the Denbigh example: xed recipe, dynamically optimal recipe in U2 , structurally optimal recipe with constant control proles,
and simultaneous optimal recipes for all degrees of freedom in the problem statement in cases: (i) raw material cost minimization, (ii) prot maximization, (iii) protability
maximization, and (iv) prot maximization with capacity expansion. Items in bold correspond to the objective function.

KPI Fixed Dynamically Structurally Optimal Optimal Optimal Optimal

recipe optimal optimal recipe i recipe ii recipe iii recipe iv

Equipment conguration  
No. batches 70 54 47 47 23 31 13
Batch size [kg/batch] 300 389 447 447 913 677 1615
Total processing time [h] 144.03 144.03 144.03 144.03 144.03 66.49 144.03
Batch processing time [h/batch] 2.06 2.67 6.00 5.98 6.26 2.14 11.08
Batch cycle time [h/batch] 2.06 2.67 3.06 3.06 6.26 2.14 11.08
Total prot [D ] 4,764 5,333 5,080 5,096 5,841 4,861 5,965
Total revenue 9,046 9,046 9,046 9,046 9,046 9,046 9,046
Raw material cost 2,250 1,989 1,699 1,687 1,696 2,286 1,692
Processing cost in U 967 899 827 822 789 955 729
Occupation cost in U 1,065 825 1,440 1,440 720 944 535
Amortization in U 0 0 0 0 0 0 125
Penalty 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Prot per batch [D /batch] 68 99 108 108 254 157 459
Protability [D /h] 33 37 35 35 41 73 41
Selectivity of S [kmol S/kmol total] 0.448 0.507 0.593 0.597 0.595 0.441 0.596
Total energy consumption [kWh] 38,692 35,956 33,088 32,897 31,558 38,212 29,159

two objectives additionally include product revenue (RevenueS ),

processing cost (Costj,p ), occupational expenses (Costj,o ), and amor-
tization cost (Costj,a ) of unit j, and are dened by the minimization

minimize  = Profit,
udyn (t), ustat ,

uint , uBool
= RevenueS + Penalty + Cost A (37)

+ (Cost j,p + Cost j,o + Cost j,a ),
j {U1 ,U2 }


minimize  = Profitability = Profit/T total ,

udyn (t), ustat , (38)
uint , uBool

considering the economic data detailed in Table S2 (see Supplemen-

tary Material). Moreover, the prot maximization problem is solved
allowing the re-sizing of batch reactors to evaluate the additional
process improvement that can be obtained with plant modica-
tions (case iv). In this last case, equipment capacities larger than Fig. 11. Temperature proles in batch units in the Denbigh example for the xed
the original 1 m3 volume become degrees of freedom and have and optimal recipes in cases: (i) raw material cost minimization, (ii) prot maxi-
associated amortization cost. mization, (iii) protability maximization, and (iv) prot maximization with capacity
The resulting KPIs in these cases are presented in Table 2. expansion.
The most relevant variations between optimal recipes iiv are
the selected operating modes, batch processing times, the num- Regarding the temperature proles, the prot maximization
ber of lots, and temperature proles, the last ones illustrated in (case i) leads to the maximum temperature of 80 C in unit U1 and
Fig. 11. Additionally, the optimal recipe with equipment capacity a compromise in U2 , operating at 94 C rather than at the upper
expansion involves the re-sizing of unit U1 with a new volume of bound of 110 C. In contrast, protability maximization reaches the
3.5 m3 . Overall, by including occupation costs into the objective upper bound in unit U2 , since the processing time reduction is con-
function, the series conguration is replaced by parallel one  templated indirectly in the objective function (case iii); hence, the
because the simultaneous operation of U1 and U2 in congura- optimal solution takes into account the compromise between the
tion  involves a that fewer batches are needed e.g. 23 lots in economic gain and the reduction of the processing time. As a result,
case ii instead of 47 in case i. This way, the sum of start-ups in the processing time in optimal recipe iii achieves a lower value
each unit decreases and the occupation costs, which have a term almost three times less compared to optimal recipe ii with prot
that depends on the number of start-ups, are reduced signicantly maximization alone. Finally, the higher processing capacity in opti-
in optimal recipes ii and iii (see Table 2 and Eqs. (S2) and (S19) mal recipe iv permits the functioning at the minimum temperature
in the Supplementary Material). As for the processing mode with in recipes with a much longer processing time and batch size (see
capacity expansion of U1 , the optimal conguration is with the Table 2).
single operation of U1 , making the smaller unit U2 available to other Essentially, an improvement of the 23% in the total prot is noted
processes. in optimal recipe ii compared to the use of the xed recipe. This
304 M. Moreno-Benito et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 94 (2016) 287311

Fig. 12. Process stages in acrylic ber production system: general processing scheme (solid lines) and potential processing alternatives (dashed lines).

increase is related to a reduction of raw material, occupation, and the required processing units and their synchronization. Moreover,
processing costs, due to a higher S selectivity, lower energy con- the following qualitative decisions can be made:
sumption, and reduction in the number of unit start-ups. Moreover,
optimal recipe iii involves a rise of the 121% in the protability 1. Solution or suspension copolymerization in the reaction (stage
objective with respect to the xed recipe, even though this solu- 1);
tion exhibits the highest total cost and the lowest selectivity of 2. Organic or aqueous solvent in solution copolymerization (stage
all the optimal solutions. Besides, the consideration of expand- 1);
ing the capacity of processing units in case iv hardly improves 3. Selection of separation (stage 2);
the total prot compared to the optimal solution without equip- 4. Recirculation of the solvent recovered in the separation (stage 2)
ment modications. The reason is that the original two-reactor to the copolymerization reaction (stage 1) in a subsequent batch;
plant was already equipped with the necessary capacity to ful- 5. Selection of washing and ltration (stage 3);
ll the requested product demand, provided that the processing 6. Recirculation of the washing water of the ltration (stage 3) to
units are properly arranged. Nevertheless, the plant modication the copolymerization reaction (stage 1);
affects the expense distribution, dropping all the costs except for 7. Operating mode in the polymer wash and ltration (stage 7), i.e.
the amortization. single unit F71 or series F71 followed by F72 ;
8. Operating mode in the solvent recovery (stage 8), i.e. single unit
C81 or series C81 followed by C82 ;
7. Numerical example 2: acrylic ber production system 9. Recirculation of the solvent recovered in the separation (stage
8) to the copolymerization reaction (stage 1) or the repulping
This case study addresses the development of an industrial-size (stage 4).
batch copolymerization process to produce an acrylic ber with
a specic composition and quality in a grassroots scenario. With The resulting SEN superstructure representing all the possible
this purpose, the presented modeling strategy is applied for con- process stages and structural alternatives for acrylic ber produc-
structing the integrated optimization model that simultaneously tion is presented in Fig. 13.
quanties the interaction between process synthesis and plant allo-
cation decisions like the selection of process stages, equipment 7.1. Optimization problem
technology, chemicals, and solvent recovery and reuse, among oth-
ers. The goal is to produce 5 t of acrylic ber composed of 85% of
The study of the integrated problem solution is motivated by the acrylonitrile (AN) and 15% of vinyl acetate (VA) in bulk format min-
complex reaction mechanisms and physicochemical phenomena imizing the total operational and capital cost. Also, a maximum
for example, the auto-acceleration and the Trommsdorf effect deviation of the 0.025 in the composition should be fullled to
which determine the compromise between productivity and guarantee polymer quality constraints. A single-product campaign
polymer quality. Then, the choice of processing conditions, such is assumed to produce the total amount of nal product in a time
as reactor temperature and monomer feed rate trajectories, and horizon of 144 h. Particularly, the problem tackles the optimization
processing times is crucial to determine the resulting polymer of the batch production process and the batch plant according to
properties and production yield (Giudici, 2000). Additionally, the following objective function:
there exist trade-offs between polymerization and downstream minimize  = Cost M1 + Cost M2 + Cost I + Cost S
tasks, which also contribute to the achievements of the over- udyn (t), ustat (39)
all economic and environmental production targets. Particularly,
polymer-solvent separation can be omitted when high conver- uint , uBool +Cost a + Cost p + Cost waste ,
sions are achieved (Bajaj et al., 1996), the magnitude of the where M1 refers to AN monomer, M2 to VA monomer, I to
environmental impact of organic and aqueous solvents depends initiator azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN), and S to organic solvent
on their molecular composition (Goldfein and Zyubin, 1990), dimethylformamide (DMF), aqueous solvent sodium thiocyanate
and cleaning technologies inuence the polymerization processes (NaSCN(aq)), or suspension medium water. udyn (t) represents
(Capn-Garca et al., 2011). j
the control proles of input and output ow rates (Fin1,k (t),
The process for acrylic ber production comprises a primary j j j
stage for bulk copolymer production and a secondary stage for Fin2,k (t), Fout,k (t)) and cooling temperature (
cool,k (t)) in the solu-
transforming the copolymer into spun format, following the gen- tion and suspension copolymerization reactors j {R11 , R12 },
eral process stages of the block diagram of Fig. 12 (see Section S2 of which follow three operations k {1, 2, 3} load, hold, and unload,
the Supplementary Material for further details). Multiple operating respectively. It also represents the control proles of the heat
modes can be considered for each particular task, which determine (Qheat,k (t)) supplied to the evaporator j {E2 }, which comprises
M. Moreno-Benito et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 94 (2016) 287311 305

Fig. 13. Superstructure of the acrylic ber example, composed of: solution and suspension polymerization reactors R11 and R12 , evaporator E2 , washing and ltering units F3 ,
F5 , F71 and F72 , repulping unit R4 , spinneret S6 , distillation columns C81 and C82 , and buffer tanks T2 , T3 , T4 , T81 and T84 . Equipment elements in black represent the addressed
primary polymerization process for bulk polymer production. Equipment elements in gray represent the secondary part of the process for spun production.

three operations k {1, 2, 3} load, unload of distillate, and unload solvent, and suspension medium. Their process performance is rep-
of both fractions, respectively. ustat denotes the composition of raw resented by dynamic models with discrete events and is controlled
materials in the reactors input stages (cc,in1,k , c {M1 , M2 , I}, k by dynamic feed-forward control trajectories and duration of batch
{1, 2}) and the duration of batch operations (tl , l) and uint stands operations. The model and process parameters are available in Sec-
for the capacity (Sizej ) of processing units j {R11 , R12 , E2 } and the tion S2 of the Supplementary Material.
number of batches NB.
Regarding the logical decisions uBool , these include the selection 7.2. Problem solution
of separation stage (Zi , i {2}), solution or suspension technologies
in copolymerization reactors (V ,  {solu, susp}, j {R11 , R12 }), The MLDO problem is solved through a direct-simultaneous
organic or aqueous solvent in solution copolymerization reac- strategy. The dynamic model is fully discretized using eight nite
tor (Sc , c {DMF, NaSCN(aq)}, j {R11 }), and solvent recovery and elements and three collocation points in normalized Legendre
reuse after the separation (R2,1 ). These decisions are related to roots. Piece-wise constant functions are used to dene the pro-
the selection of procesing units (Yj ), such as polymerization reac- les of control variables. Moreover, given the low inuence of
tors j {R11 , R12 }, separation unit j {E2 }, and recirculation buffer dynamic proles in operations with material transference observed
tank j {T2 }. Finally, the multiple terms of the objective func- in example 1, the dynamic models are approximated in load and
tion  refer to: (i) the expenses of raw material, i.e. monomers unload operations, namely stages k {1, 3} in reactors j {R11 ,
M1 and M2 , initiator I, and solvent or suspension medium S R12 } and evaporator j {E2 }. The resulting MINLP model is com-
(Cost M1 , Cost M2 , Cost I , Cost S ), (ii) equipment amortization (Costa ), putational intense for global optimizers due to the presence of
(iii) total processing cost (Costp ), and (iv) waste disposal costs non-convex terms, even if it is moderate in size, as it can be
(Costwaste ). The denition of these terms and the corresponding observed in Table 3. Therefore, the problem is solved with the OA
economic parameters can be found in Section S2 of the Supple- solver DICOPT in GAMS v.23.8.2 (Rosenthal, 2012), using CONOPT
mentary Material, (Eq. (S39) and Table S11). 3.15D and CPLEX 12.4 optimizers in the NLP and MILP sub-problems
The MLDO model additionally includes disjunctive equations respectively.
and logical propositions to relate the mentioned qualitative Several IFSs are used to initiate the search procedure from dif-
alternatives, as well as multistage models representing potential ferent initial points. Specically, the starting points correspond
units. In particular, the process stages that have a critical impact to several subsystems of the integrated problem and are gener-
on the cost function are the copolymerization reaction deter- ated by xing the Boolean variables that dene specic structural
mining the selectivity and production yield and the separation alternatives of the process. The subsystems are determined by the
stage governing the potential recovery of unreacted monomer, following combinations of technologies and solvent:
306 M. Moreno-Benito et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 94 (2016) 287311

Table 3
Features of the MINLP models implemented in GAMS in the acrylic ber example, obtained using eight nite elements and three collocation points in the discretization step:
IFS solutions with problem subsystems 1a, 1c, 2b, and 3b, and whole MINLP problem initialized with IFS 3.

No. equations No. continuous variables No. discrete variables Non-zero elements Non-linear terms Solution time (s)

IFS 1 (subsystem 1a)

IFS 3 (subsystem 1c)
16,860 8285 4 66,608 15,996 85
IFS 5 (subsystem 2b)
IFS 7 (subsystem 3b)
MINLP with IFS 3 16,860 8285 14 66,608 15,996 338

R11 , S R11 =
(1) Solution polymerization and organic solvent, i.e. Vsolu the solvent selected. The only possibility for disregarding the sep-
true; aration is to utilize solution polymerization with DMF achieving
(2) Solution polymerization and aqueous solvent, i.e. a minimum conversion (subsystem 1c). The proposed modeling
R11 , S R11
Vsolu = true; approach integrates all these degrees of freedom and permits the
R12 = true.
(3) Suspension polymerization, i.e. Vsusp simultaneous evaluation of the trade-offs between process stages
to obtain the optimal solution.
Additionally, these alternatives are evaluated without the
recirculation of distillate from the evaporator E2 (R2,1 = false in sub- 7.3.2. Cost balance
systems 1a, 2a, 3a) and with recirculation (R2,1 = true in 1b, 2b, 3b). The KPIs and cost contributions of the subsystem solutions and
In the specic case of solution polymerization with organic sol- the integrated problem are summarized in Table 4. Essentially,
vent, there exists the possibility of not having separation stage too the most signicant weights are equipment amortization and raw
(Z2 = false in subsystem 3c). The remaining Booleans are computed material expenses, which are considerably higher than the cooling
through the logical propositions of the problem. Overall, seven sets water costs in the reaction and the heating costs in the separation.
of xed logical variables are used to generate IFSs. The computa- The combined expenditure of monomers M1 and M2 is the most
tional performance to calculate some of these IFSs is summarized relevant one, followed by organic and aqueous solvent costs in R11 .
in Table 3. Therefore, the possibility of recirculating solvent in subsystems 1b
and 2b encompasses important raw material savings without loss
of the reaction effectiveness. Nevertheless, despite the raw material
7.3. Results and discussion savings obtained with recirculation, the optimal solution gives pri-
ority to the total cost minimization by eliminating the equipment
7.3.1. Trade-off among process stages investment for the evaporator E2 and the recirculation storage T2 .
The diagram of Fig. 14 presents the optimal objective function
of each subsystem in front of the optimal solution of the inte- 7.3.3. System adaptability
grated MINLP problem for comparison. The optimal solution among Comparing these results with preliminary calculations with
the three polymerization and solvent alternatives 1, 2, or 3 in the xed batch size, it was observed how the results presented here
reaction stage depends on decisions associated with other process have closer values of the objective function for the different sub-
stages like the recirculation choice. Suspension polymerization is systems, thanks to the consideration of the number of batches
chosen when there is no recirculation of the distillate (subsystem as a degree of freedom. However, this similarity does not rep-
3a), whereas solution polymerization with an organic solvent is resent homogeneous optimal solutions but the adaptability of
the best alternative otherwise (subsystem 1b). At the same time, the model to provide favorable solutions by evaluating the deci-
the selection of separation stage depends on decisions made in sions trade-offs. Notably, previous research on exible plant design
the reaction, like the polymerization temperature and monomer (Moreno-Benito et al., 2014) enhanced the batch plant exibility by
dosage, which determine the achieved monomer conversion, and combining process synthesis decisions, like dynamic control pro-
les, with plant allocation decisions, like batch sizing.

7.3.4. System response

The optimal processing scheme corresponds to solution poly-
merization without separation, illustrated in Fig. 15, and is
characterized by the control and processing variable proles rep-
resented in Fig. 16. The optimal temperature trajectory in the
polymerization reactor follows a monotonically increasing func-
tion, whereas the M1 dosage features a local maximum in the
second half of the process that guarantees the desired polymer
composition of 85% of M1 . Thanks to the dosage prole and the
long task duration (i.e. 18.4 h) the process generates slight excess
of monomers and fullls the minimum monomer conversion of the
75% required for this processing structure.
This solution is compared to an equivalent optimization with
halved unitary amortization costs. In this case, the optimal solu-
tion is suspension polymerization with recirculation (i.e. VsuspR12 =

true, R2,1 = true), since the raw material savings are prioritized in
front of amortization costs, which are larger than in the original
Fig. 14. Total cost for each subsystem and the integrated problem with and without
recirculation and avoiding separation stage (i.e. R2,1 = true, R2,1 = false, Z2 = false) in the economic scenario. The control and processing variable proles,
acrylic ber example. In black, integrated solution. illustrated in Fig. 17, are characterized by a reduction of the
M. Moreno-Benito et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 94 (2016) 287311 307

Table 4
KPIs and individual economic weights in the acrylic ber example considering: subsystem alternatives 1ac, 2ab, 3ab, and the whole MINLP problem. Items in bold
correspond to the total cost minimization objective.

1a 1b 1c 2a 2b 3a 3b

Polymerization type Solution Solution Suspension Solution

Solvent type DMF NaSCN(aq) DMF
Process structure (Z2 ,R2,1 ) (1,0) (1,1) (0,0) (1,0) (1,1) (1,0) (1,1) (0,0)
Equipment size [m3 ] 1.5 1.5 2 2.5 2 1.5 1.5 2
No. batches 8 9 6 6 9 17 22 6
Batch size [kg/batch] 625 556 833 833 556 294 227 833
Total processing time [h] 119.9 134.9 89.9 89.9 86.2 144.0 144.0 89.9
Batch proc. time [h/batch] 18.0 18.2 18.3 19.9 11.9 11.6 8.4 18.4
Batch cycle time [h/batch] 16.7 16.9 18.3 18.5 10.6 10.4 7.2 18.4
Total cost [D ] 46,919 41,057 38,614 44,432 42,904 41,567 42,187 38,620
R11 or R12 Amortization 12,234 12,234 14,083 15,716 14,083 12,234 12,234 14,083
Water consumption cost 113 114 113 106 104 372 369 113
Monomer M1 cost 12,048 13,750 8,568 8,412 16,233 10,418 13,151 8,683
Monomer M2 cost 5,082 6,448 2,267 1,619 8,526 1,637 2,013 2,154
Initator I cost 3,355 2,876 7,449 2,258 1,114 1,653 2,145 7,296
Solvent/suspension S cost 1,192 692 2,824 732 236 99 129 2,981
E2 Amortization 8,368 8,368 10,750 9,633 8,368 8,368
Energy cost 202 257 268 452 655 977
Waste disposal cost 1,016 1,130 1,262 1,530 1,980 2,571
T2 Amortization 3,309 3,309 3,309
T4 Amortization 3,309 3,309 3,309 3,309 3,309 3,309 3,309 3,309
Cost per batch [D /batch] 5,865 4,562 6,436 7,405 4,767 2,445 1,918 6,437
Monomer conversion 0.44 0.37 0.75 0.83 0.29 0.71 0.56 0.75

Fig. 15. Optimal structure and logical variables in the acrylic ber example.

monomer dosage along the second stage of R12 , due to a higher optimization model considers the trade-offs between the vari-
input of monomer in the rst load operation, coming from raw ous process stages within the complete process, as well as the
material and recirculation ow rates. There is also a higher excess interactions between synthesis and allocation degrees of free-
of monomer M1 to guarantee the desired composition. This excess dom. Additionally, it could expedite the analysis of processing
is recovered in the distillate fraction in E2 . Even though the poly- alternatives according to diverse processing, economic, or sustain-
merization time is shorter in this case, with a cycle time of 9.1 h, able production drivers. The primary copolymerization stage for
the solution exhibits a polymerization reaction signicantly longer acrylic ber production has been solved successfully, so it could be
than the separation. Consequently, the consideration of more poly- challenging to consider the secondary polymerization process to
merization reactors with a parallel out-of-phase conguration exploit the methodology. Additionally, further degrees of freedom
would be challenging to reduce the cycle time in case of desiring could be incorporated into the model, like the use of several reac-
larger production rates. tors and their arrangement in parallel out-of-phase conguration
To conclude, the major strength of the proposed method- to allow the reduction of the cycle time and increase the production
ology is the holistic evaluation of the decision criteria. The in a limited time horizon.
308 M. Moreno-Benito et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 94 (2016) 287311

8. Conclusions and future directions

This work introduces a modeling strategy to tackle batch process

development and improvement at production scale, pursuing opti-
mal solutions that enhance process efciency and guarantee the
best utilization of available equipment and new investments. With
this purpose, multiple degrees of freedom associated with process
synthesis and plant allocation sub-problems are solved simulta-
neously, while taking into account the plant design and retrot.
The principal novelty of this strategy is the synchronization of
unit procedures with dynamic proles as a function of alternative
processing schemes in an integrated optimization problem. From a
modeling perspective, signicant progress has been made to coor-
dinate coexisting multistage and single-stage models through the
combination of hybrid discrete/continuous models, dynamic opti-
mization, and mixed-logic modeling, in a formulation that can be
handled by current optimization tools. Overall, the resulting MLDO
model manages the problem complexity using mixed-logic equa-
tions, while its reformulation into a MINLP problem enables its
optimization through well-established search algorithms.
The notable improvement of plant adaptability gained through
the presented approach justies and stimulates the research in this
direction. The complex mathematical implications and the risk of
obtaining mathematically intractable problems can be addressed
with appropriated solution strategies like the use of initial fea-
sible solutions and the denition of proper variable bounds. The
promising results of the numerical example show improvements
between the 23% and the 121% in the objective function compared
to the use of xed recipes in all the optimization scenarios iiv of
the Denbigh example. Also, the rapid evaluation of diverse objec-
tive functions proves the potential of the proposed strategy to adapt
Fig. 16. Control and process variable proles of the polymerization reactor R11 for
master recipes according to in-time needs, as they could be changes
the optimal solution in the acrylic ber example: (1) ow rates/dosage and temper- in economic scenarios or decision criteria, and to analyze the sys-
ature and (2) molar compositions and reaction volume. tem response in front of uncertain parameters.

Fig. 17. Control and process variable proles of the polymerization reactor R12 and the separator E2 for the optimal solution with reduced amortization costs in the acrylic
ber example: (a1) ow rates/dosage and temperature, (b1) vapor ow, and (a2b2) molar compositions and volumes.
M. Moreno-Benito et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 94 (2016) 287311 309

This strategy also enables the quantication of interactions Table 5

Basic logical operators expressed using logical and algebraic equations (Raman and
between synthesis and allocation sub-problems. A larger inu-
Grossmann, 1991), where Ad , d {1, . . ., N} are Boolean variables and ad , d {1, . . .,
ence on structural decisions with constant set-points optimization N} are the equivalent binaries.
is identied in the Denbigh example in comparison to the opti-
Logical operator Logical expression Algebraic equation
mization of dynamic proles with xed equipment conguration.
Both cases render improvements over the xed recipe of the 24% Conjunction and () A1 A2 AN a1 1, a2 1, . . ., aN 1
and the 12% respectively. In contrast, the consideration of dynamic Disjunction or () A1 A2 AN a1 + a2 + + aN 1
exclusive or () A1  A2   AN a1 + a2 + + aN = 1
ow rate proles in the operations with material transference has a
Implication () A1 A2 1 a1 + a2 1
minor impact, since most of the corresponding stages are character- or A1 A2 or a1 a2 0
ized by constant proles in the optimal solutions of the numerical Equivalence () (A1 A2 ) (A2 A1 ) a1 a2 0, a2 a1 0
cases tested. or(A1 A2 ) (A2 A1 ) or a1 = a2
Finally, the acrylic ber example shows the trade-offs among
decisions in neighboring process stages. Therein, the inuence of
the distillate recirculation on reaction decisions like the selection 3. Distributing the or operator () over the and operator ()
of the polymerization technology and solvent is illustrated. Like- recursively by using the following equivalence:
wise, reaction decisions like the temperature and dosage proles,
raw monomer concentration, and processing times determine the (A1 A2 ) A3 (A1 A3 ) (A2 A3 ). (A.4)
possibility of omitting separation stage if high monomer conver-
sions are achieved. The large advantage of the presented integrated Table 5 summarizes the relation between logical and algebraic
strategy is its potential to assess all processing alternatives simul- expressions, according to Raman and Grossmann (1991).
taneously and avoid methodologies based on the identication
of challenging solutions and their independent solution, with the
Appendix B. Application of orthogonal collocation on nite
probability of missing optimal solutions.
Future work can be focused on the incorporation of additional
degrees of freedom in the problem, like out-of-phase parallel oper-
Orthogonal collocation on nite elements (Cuthrell and Biegler,
ation and multi-product/multi-purpose production campaigns. The
1989) is used to perform the full discretization of the time-
modular representation of unit procedures in the presented strat-
continuous model. The collocation points used in the numerical
egy should allow the direct extension of the formulation to achieve
examples are calculated with a shifted Legendre polynomial P( ) of
this purpose. Equally, the renement of solution strategies is highly
order M = 3, which is dened as:
relevant to propitiate the use of global optimization solvers and to
face problems with a larger number of process stages and prod- P( ) = 20 3 30 2 + 12 1. (B.1)
ucts. In this regard, the study of adaptive approaches that adjust the
number of nite elements in the discretization of the dynamic mod- The roots of the above polynomial provide the normalized loca-
els according to the selected batch times is suggested. The solution tions m = {0.1127, 0.5000, 0.8873} of the collocation points m {1,
of this problem using hybrid approaches that combine determinis- . . ., M}, in addition to the boundary points located at 0 = 0 and
tic solvers with evolutionary algorithms is another promising area M+1 = 1. Then, Lagrange polynomials are used for the approxima-
of research. tion of the state and control variables. In particular, the polynomials
of the differential z(t), algebraic y(t), and control udyn (t) variables,
and derivatives z(t) have the following form:

The authors would like to thank the nancial support received z(t) = ze,m m (t),
z(t) = ze,m m (t),
from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and m=0 m=0
the European Regional Development Fund (research project SIG- (B.2)

ERA DPI2012-37154-C02-01 and FPU Research Fellowship). Marta y(t) = ye,m
m (t), udyn (t) = ue,m
m (t),
Moreno would also like to thank Prof. Luis Puigjaner for the fruitful m=1 m=1
discussions held during the development of this work.
where ze,m , ye,m , and ue,m represent the approximations of the dif-
ferential, algebraic, and control variables in nite elements e {1,
Appendix A. Reformulation of logical propositions into
. . ., Ne } and collocation or boundary points m {0, 1, . . ., M, M + 1},
linear constraints
M = 3 with normalized locations m = {0, 0.1127, 0.5000, 0.8873, 1}.
m (t) and
m (t) represent the basis functions dened by:
The operations for formulating the conjunctive normal form
(CNF) of a logical proposition were formalized by Clocksin and 
M  M
Mellish (1981). Considering Boolean variables Ad , d {1, 2, 3}, these (t te,m ) (t te,m )
m (t)= ,
m (t)= . (B.3)
operations are: (te,m te,m ) (te,m te,m )
m = 0, m = 1,
m =
/ m m =
/ m
1. Replacing the implication by its equivalent disjunction:
The polynomials of differential variables z(t) are one order
A1 A2 A1 A2 ; (A.1) higher Mth than the polynomials of algebraic y(t) and control
variables udyn (t), with order (M 1)th. The purpose is to dene
2. Moving the negation inward by applying DeMorgans Theorem: boundary conditions of the approximation of differential variables
ze,0 in each nite element e, thanks to the symmetry properties
(A1 A2 ) A1 A2 , (A.2) of the method. This is necessary to enforce their continuity from
previous element e 1 in time te . Thus, accurate initial conditions
(A1 A2 ) A1 A2 , (A.3) ze,0 = z(te1 ) = ze1,M+1 can be calculated through the evaluation of
310 M. Moreno-Benito et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 94 (2016) 287311

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