What Is Business Analytics?

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What is business analytics?

o Describe business analytics

o Describe the evolution of analytics beginning with "scientific management" to its present form

o Describe the differences between analytics and analysis and explain the concept of insights

o Describe the broad types of business analytics

Case for business analytics

o Describe how organizations benefit from using analytics

Understanding data

o Describe the importance of data in business analytics

o Describe the differences between data, information and knowledge

o Describe the various stages that an organization goes through in terms of data maturity

o Explain what an organization can do in the absence of good quality data

Business analytics, business intelligence and data mining

o Explain the differences between business analytics and business intelligence

o Describe the two major components within business analytics and business intelligence

o Understand how Data Mining as a technique helps both business intelligence and business


Analytical decision-making

o Describe the analytical decision-making process

o Describe the characteristics of the analytical decision-making process

Analysing business problems using key questions

o Describe how a business problem can be broken down repeatedly into key questions and

then answered through analytics

o Describe the characteristics of a good key question

Skills of a good business analyst

o Identify the skills of a good business analyst

Future of business analytics

o Describe the current trends that are likely to shape the future of business analytics

Big data analytics in the enterprise

o Describe the characteristics of big data

o Describe how hardware and software technologies are helping analytics handle extremely

large volumes of data

Social media analytics

o Define social media analytics

o Describe the capabilities and common goals of social media analytics

Basic statistical concepts and types of data

o Define statistics and its use in business

o Describe the types of data

o Describe the basic statistical concepts

Sampling techniques

o Explain the concept of sampling and why it is necessary

o Describe the various techniques for sampling

o Describe a good sample

Frequency distributions and measures of central tendency

o Describe frequency distributions

o Explain the various measures of central tendency

Variability and shape

o Explain the different measures of dispersion

o Explain the different measures of shape

One-way analysis of variance

o Explain the concept of ANOVA

o Calculate ANOVA using MS Excel

o Test a hypothesis using ANOVA

o Evaluate the statistical relationships between two random variables and understand the

measure of correlation

o Identify and quantify correlation between two datasets using MS Excel

o Explain the concepts of correlation versus causation

Linear regression

o Explain how to model statistical relationships between two data series using linear


o Create a linear regression model to forecast values using linear regression in MS Excel

Linear programing

o Explain the concept of linearity

o Describe linear programing

o Formulate a linear programing problem

Linear programing allocation models

o Describe allocation models in linear programing

o Solve allocation model problems in linear programing using MS Excel

Linear programing covering models

o Describe covering models in linear programing

o Solve covering model problems in linear programing using MS Excel

What is R

o Recognize why learn R

o Identify the R interface - console

k-Means clustering

o Identify what is clustering?

o Understand the concept of k-Means clustering

o Cluster a dataset in MS Excel using k-Means

o Cluster a dataset in R using k-Means

Statistical modelling

o Define a statistical model

o Understand and build linear models

o Compute regression statistics

o Determine ANOVA


o Understand the concept of multiple regression

o Create a multiple regression model in MS Excel

o Create a multiple regression model in R

o Understand the concept of logistic regression

o Create a logistic regression Model in MS Excel

Learning Outcomes
Optimise business situations that involve whole numbers, such as employees
to deploy
Optimise business decisions that take multiple input variables to predict
between two possible outputs
Model decisions under a variety of future uncertain states, depending on the
decision maker's proneness or aversion to risks
Compute correlation where, at first glance, there seem to be none
correlation between data points in a time series
Compute the regression model for time series data that has correlation within
Optimise business situations where two variables do not move in a linear
Test hypothesis for experiments involving different treatments
Model continuous outcomes that depend on more than one input variable

Group data points dynamically based on the similarities among the members
of each group

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