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Antonina Ayuning Budi (XIIA 5)

Homework is an assignment given by teacher to be brought and finished by

student at home. This kind of assignment should be submitted in certain time. Homework
is generally claimed as an effective way to support what students learn in class. Yet,
claims that it may cause more harm than good for students are also common in our
society nowadays.
Exercising the subject material at home make student performs better in school.
Teacher sometimes drills important point of subject material in homework. By doing
homework, student can do exams better. Furthermore, homework teaches student how to
be responsible, which is a quality that would give them benefits in the future working
life. In addition, homework helps student to build study habits. Such positive habits is
essential in their age. Homework also trains student to make priority scale so they can
manage time.
Despite of good side of homework, lets take a look on its drawbacks. Homework
is not suitable for younger student, because they are still developing study habits
elements like concentration. Besides, if someone were too much engaged in homework, it
would cause many social trouble in their present even future life. This is caused by
decrease of time spent with family and friends which is important to build someones
character and communication skill. Moreover, in some family, parents are strict when it
comes to their children study. This condition is quite stressful for children. Consequently,
it can cause children rebellious attitude like cursing and blustering their parent, or the
worse, skipping school.
Homework has positive sides, such as increasing student academic achievement,
teaching them to be responsible, and building their study habits and time-management
skill. Yet, homework also has negative side, for example being less effective for younger
students, bringing social trouble, and even children rebellion. Actually, the question isn't
about homework vs. no homework. Instead, school should transform homework so that
it's engaging, relevant, and supports learning.

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