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BBB3101 Public Speaking

Name: _____________________________ Total Mind Map Rubrics

Matric No: __________________________ Marks:
Group No: __________________________ /

Main points The mind map The mind map has The mind map
shows 4 or more less than 4 major presents no
major points of points. major points.
the topic.

Sub-points Each branch 1 sub-point None

of main point
has 2 or more
BBB3101 Public Speaking
Connection The branches of Several ideas are All of the ideas
ideas are all not logically are not Name: _____________________________ Total
logically connected connected to the connected to Matric No: __________________________ Marks:
to the Topic. Topic the Topic.
Verbosity (words or Words used Several points / All points are Group No: __________________________ /
phrases used too for the sub-points are written in
long) points are written in complete complete

concise and sentences, too long sentences, too Main points The mind map The mind map has The mind map
Neatness All points are Several points All points
readable and are unreadable unreadable and shows 4 or more less than 4 major presents no
tidy and overall the work is a major points of the points. major points.
appearance is mess topic.
somewhat tidy
Identifi ed Speaker Some of the No potential Sub-points Each branch of 1 sub-point None
found at least branches do not sources main point has 2
potential sources
ONE potential have any sources or more sub-
(not exact such
source per points
as: newspaper,
journal etc) main idea Connection The branches of Several ideas are not All of the ideas
Mind Map Rubrics ideas are all logically logically connected to are not
connected to the the Topic connected to the
Verbosity (words or Topic.
Words used for Several points / sub- Topic.
All points are
phrases used too the points are points are written in written in
long) concise and complete sentences, complete
Neatness short
All points are too longpoints are
Several sentences,
All points too
readable and unreadable and unreadable and the
tidy overall appearance work is a mess
is somewhat tidy

Identified Speaker found Some of the No potential

potential sources at least ONE branches do not sources
(not exact such potential source have any sources
as: newspaper, per main idea
journal etc)

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