Saturn Conjunct Pluto

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Pluto Saturn Aspect: Empowerment of Ambition




Pluto is the adverb of the horoscope it empowers whatever it touches, adding

extreme range of depth and height in expression.

Saturn represents ambition, effort, and accomplishments that requiretime to


Natal Pluto Saturn Aspect: Empowering Ambition

In a natal chart, Pluto conjunct, square or opposition Saturn is sometimes
associated with major accomplishments, even fame.PlutoempowersSaturnian peopleinareasthatareimportantforthem.Like

structure, discipline and ambition to the extreme, makingrecord-breaking feats wheretheirbusiness,careerormarriageis

possible. life,andwhattheyneedinordertobefulfilled.

Pluto conjunct, square or opposite Saturn: Building a Skyscraper session,orgotothearchivetoreadallpast

Ive read that in order to build a skyscraper, you have to dig about 1/3 of the height
of the building into the ground in order to establish the necessary foundation.
Thats a great metaphor for the Plutonian process to plumb depth in order to
reach height. It also conveys the sense of heavy, massive structure that can be built Pluto Ascendant Aspect:
through deeply committed effort. Becoming A Different Person

Midpoints in Astrology: Gain

FamousPeople with Pluto Saturn Aspect Deeper Insight from a Natal
Massive structure can be a metaphor of lasting wealth, ambition, fame or a strong
body: Apple founder Steve Jobs horoscope has Pluto square Saturn, and so does
Unaspected Planets in Your Birth
rock star Eddie Van Helens natal chart. Chart: Gifts and Challenges

Arnold Schwarzeneggers horoscope has Pluto conjunct Saturn in Leo, and so does Pluto Saturn Aspect:
lm maestro Steven Spielbergs natal chart. These are extremely motivated Empowerment of Ambition
individuals that attained prominence through massive accomplishments of their
ambitions the living examples of Pluto-Saturn aspect potential. 1/15
2/18/2017 Searchfor"saturnconjunctpluto"HirokiNiizatoAstrology

If you have Pluto conjunct, square or opposite Saturn in your natal chart, you 12th House Planets: How to
probably sense this potential for massive accomplishment within yourself. This Identify Self Limiting Patterns
energy needs a constructive outlet and a goal toughenough to challenge it.
Mars Saturn Aspects: Shadow vs
Conscious Expression
Transit Pluto Conjunct, Square, Opposition Saturn: Threat of Loss,
or a Period of Hard Work Moon Saturn Aspects: Emotional
Growth through Time
Transit or solar arc Pluto conjunct, square or oppositenatal Saturn is often
associated with a threat of loss in any area of life. It could be a creative destruction Uranus Pluto Transit: Time for
in that it opens the way for a new beginning, but nevertheless it feel formidable. Necessary Changes

Still, this transitcarries potential for extreme empowerment of ambition. At the Exploring the Quindecile Aspect
very least, this is a period that demandshard, hard work to achieve ones goals.
Saturn Neptune Aspect: In
Between Two Worlds
If Pluto-Saturn transit results in an actual loss or a threat of loss, consider whether
this period is forcing you to dig deeper to ndyour internal resources, so that Relationship Astrology:
youll gainenough power to accomplish your life goals later on. Sun/Moon Midpoint in Synastry

Jupiter Pluto Aspects: Vision and

Do you have natal Pluto conjunct, square or opposition Saturn? Are you going
through a Pluto-Saturn transit? Do youidentify with this sense
ofempoweredgoals, discipline and ambition? Feel free to share your thoughts and
experience in the comment section. MarsJupiterAspect:FortuneFavorsthe





Photo: Anthony Doudt Evolving



Mars Saturn Aspects: Shadow vs Conscious Expression


Hot and Cold: The Archetype of Mars Saturn Aspect

Mars is yourinner warrior. If you have ahealthy Mars, youre able to assert yourself
in relationships,speak up in order to persuade others, and take action to achieve
your goals. 2/15
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Saturn (when developed) acts asyour innerwise old man. At other times, Saturn
is your inner giant that swallows your creativity and positive motivation(recall the
myth of Cronus eating his children.) In early life, Saturn most often represents the

Mars and Saturndo not always get along, because Mars is hot and Saturn is cold (in
a psychological sense). When you have these two planets in hard aspect
(conjunction, square or opposition), youll most likely experiencechallenges in
integrating both energies successfully. In this article, well explore the dark side of
Mars Saturn aspects (especially conjunction, square or opposition) and then look
atways to unlocktheir constructive expression.

Mars conjunct square opposition Saturn: The Father Wound

The Shadow Side of Masculinity

Unless your natal Mars or Saturn happens to be wellplaced (in Capricorn, for
example), hard aspects between themtend to be experiencedin their shadow
form, at least in the beginning.

In theirshadow form, Saturn suppresses Mars, and Mars wounds Saturn. As a

result, Marsconjunct, square or opposition Saturn could be experienced
asnegative expressions of masculine principle.Inearly life,thistends to
manifestasfather wounds.

Whats a father wound?

As a young child, your father wasthe model of masculine authority he

waspossiblythe highest authority in your world. If your emotional bond with
yourfather was strong and supportive, you were able to grow with condence in
your ability to assert yourself and assume responsibility in the world.

If your father was emotionally absent, excessively angry or irresponsible, you may
have grown up with a father wound that resulted in underdevelopedmasculinity
(regardless of your gender.) Until you get to the root of the father wound, you may
feel a sense of weakness or even futility when trying to assert yourself or to
accomplish your goals in the world.

What people do when they feelweak

Is they overcompensate and try to act strong. Mars-Saturn aspects reputation for
ruthless, controllingand even brutal behaviors could actually be originating from a
deep feeling of powerlessness. Such dominant behaviors are usually a repeat of the
fathers pattern (who in turn may have been overcompensating for his own sense of

What doesnt go out, must go in

The alternative manifestation of Marsconjunct, square or opposition Saturnis

suppressed anger. If expressing anger against yourfather was not safe, then you 3/15
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may have had to hold the anger inside, learning notto assert yourself while
seething with resentment on theinside.

Its easy to imagine how either of the above patterns could create problems in later

Working Toward Resolution: Healing the Father Wound

These shadow manifestations are indeed challenging, and quite common among
people with a highly stressed or retrograde Saturn. With Saturn Mars aspect in
particular, there seems to be difculty with the emotions of anger as well as
constructive self-assertion.

While there are no quick xes, recognizing the father wound and accepting its pain
is certainly the beginning of healing. By separating from the dysfunctional patterns
modeled by yourfather, youll be able to choose a different, wiser application of
your energy.

Now well look at more positive expressions of Mars Saturn aspects.

Mars conjunct square opposition Saturn:Constructive Paths

Wisdom guides Force

In a constructive scenario, Saturn sets apositivedirection forMars, and Mars acts

to realize Saturns long range goals.

Necessary Control of Anger

From experience, you learn how to work with anger in relationships. Youve
learned that dominating or controlling others do not work, and neither did
suppressing anger.

What youve learned is a middle path a conscious restraint of the anger that you
fully feel. This is zen territory, and monks talk about it. One book I highly
recommendin this regard is Robert Blys Alittle book onthe human shadow, where
the poetdiscusses this very process.

Ambition and Effort

Once Mars energy is released from suppression and resentment, Mars-Saturn

combination acquires clarity of purpose and disciplined, patient action. In short,
they tend to become unstoppable, especially if aided by boosters such as Jupiter or

Noel Tyl uses phrases like Resourcefulness and Indomitable Will to describe
Mars Saturn aspect. Once the emotional stoppage is removed, your doors to
achievements open. You can direct this energy in any arena physical, intellectual,
spiritualor organizational. 4/15
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Recap: Mars Saturn Aspect Interpretation Shadow vs Wisdom

To recapthe discussion of Mars Saturn conjunction, square oropposition,well
consider each aspect separately and explore their shadow side vs conscious
expression. Note that, although some subtle differences exist based on the type of
aspect,manyqualitieswill be interchangeable between all 3 aspects.

Mars Conjunct Saturn

Core Theme: Identication with fathers values. Focusedenergy.

Shadow Manifestation:If your father held negative views about you and/or himself,
you might have accepted the limiting perception aboutyourself as truth. As a
result, you may be repeating much of the disempowering, frustrated patterns your
father exhibited.

Conscious Expression:Once youre able to separate from your identication with

your fathers destructivepatterns (or, if you areable to identify with his positive
patterns), youll gain a stronger sense of self, able to achieve new heights in life
through focused effort.

Mars SquareSaturn
Core Theme:Tension and Development.

Shadow Manifestation:Your father may have displayed much of the negative

masculine traits discussed in this article. As a result you might repeat the pattern
ofdominance and overcompensation, or let your frustration and resentment
implode within.

Conscious Expression:Once you begin healing the father wounds and let go of
stored resentment, there will be considerable energy available for long term
development. This aspect suggests indomitable will.

Mars OppositionSaturn
Core Theme:Awarenessand Projection.

Shadow Manifestation:You project a lot of the negative masculine quality in others

especially your boss (authority gure) or your spouse. As a result you keep
blaming others for your frustration in life, feeling powerless.

Conscious Expression:Once you are able to withdraw the projection of angry,

dominant behaviors from others, you recognize these qualities inside of you and
can integrate them. Afterwards you act with consciousawareness of the power of
anger within, no longer a victim. You learn to assert yourself successfully, with
patience and wisdom. 5/15
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Do you have Mars Saturn aspect? How do you experience it?

Please feel free to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments section.

Photo: Jim Sneddon



Julie Andrews Astrological Biography


Julie Andrews (chart) autobiography is

supposed to be coming out this year, so I
decided to study her life with astrology.

Astro Databank quotes the 6:00AM time

from a biography (about 6:00AM), and
rates the trustworthiness as rank B (a
so-so). From what Ive tested, 6AM
works amazingly well not 5:55AM or
6:05AM, but 6:00AM.

The rectication work is done in Noel Tyl

style, using transits and Solar Arcs. He
often says nothing happens (in transits or Solar Arcs) unless Angles, Sun or Moon
are involved. Here it goes:

1) Parents divorced in 1939. After a brief stay with her father, Julia went to live with
her mother, who got remarried to singer/performer Ted Andrews around 1940.
Together, her parents made a living performing music/singing in wartime London.

Astrologically, transiting Neptune was crossing the Ascendant (ASC) during 1939-
1940. This is typically a lonely time with major status change in the family which
it was for her.

2) In 1945 her family moved back to her birth town. She began to perform on stage
with her parents at age 10. Solar Arc Neptune was conjunct her Sun. Neptune and
Venus gure prominently in any musical performers life events, and this is very
pronounced in Julie Andrews case as well.

3) First professional solo debut at London Hippodrome: 10/22/1947. Secondary

Progressed (SP) Moon was exactly conjunct Uranus, ruler of 5th (entertainment,
performance). Solar Arc (SA) Nodal Axis was at the Aries Point (publicity). SA ASC =
Sun. Tr Pluto conj Moon in 11-12/1947. Tr Uranus conj MC (a major status change.) 6/15
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Pretty emphatic! Note how Sun, Moon and Angles are all involved at this
breakthrough time period. SP Moon seems to be the trigger that activate the
background transit (Uranus-MC) and Arcs.

4) On 11/1/1948 Julie Andrews became the youngest solo performer to sing before
the Royal Family. SA MC=Sun, tr Pluto conj Moon, tr Jupiter conj 4th cusp (i.e.
opposing MC).

5)Broadway debut (playing the role of Polly Browne in The Boy Friend) on
SA Venus=ASC exact. SA Jup=Mar, SA Plu=Moon; tr Nep conj Sun/Moon midpoint;
tr Ura ruling 5th square Sun/Moon.

Again this is pretty emphatic.

6) Married 1st husband (Tony Walton) on 5/5/1959: SA Venus = AP exact! SA

Jup=Nep ruling 7th of partnership. SA MC= Nodal axis (connections). tr Saturn sq
Sun; tr Nep r.7 conj Ura r.5 (1 degree orb).

7) Divorced Tom Walton on 11/14/1967: tr Nep r.7 (relationship) conj Jupiter;

tr Uranus conj ASC (a major status change traditionally a break in relationship)
exact on Sep 1967. tr Saturn conj Sun exact on Nov 1967 (note the Saturn
involvement for both marriage and divorce.) SA Jupitar=MC, SA ASC=Pluto. Again,
the angular involvement is strong, suggesting a very reliable trigger point (i.e.
accurate birth time.)

8) There is a series of major Awards won between 1964-1966. tr Saturn conj Saturn
(aka Saturn return) during 1964-1965. 1965 saw the movie release of the musical
The Sound of Music, arguably taking Andrews career and popularity into a whole
new level (a tting Saturn return event). SA Venus=Sun during 1966, tr Pluto conj
Neptune during 10/64~8/65.

9) Married Blake Edwards, her current husband, in 1969. tr Pluto conj ASC
throughout 1969; SA MC=Pluto, SA Sat=Sun (last one is a bit wider than the 30 orb
for Solar Arc.)

10) She developed a voice problem and had to quit Broadway in 1997. Tr Plu ruling
3rd (voice) square Saturn throughout 1997; tr Neptune sq Sun/Moon (note that
when she debuted on Broadway she had tr Neptune conj Sun/Moon.)

Pluto-Saturn transits suggests a threat of loss, and this is exactly what happened to
her here. She never regained her singing voice.

11) Toward the end of 1999 she sued the doctors involved in her operation. In New
Year of 2000 she was made Dame Commander of the British Empire. SA Pluto=AP.
tr Pluto conj Mars (these suggest aggressive action); tr Uranus sq Moon. SA Jupiter
= Sun/Moon (this suggests reward and honor).

12) Her autobiography is scheduled to be published on April 2008: tr Neptune conj

Jup; tr Saturn conj Venus ruling 9th (publishing) this one has 3 degree orb (a bit
wide); SA Node=AP; SA Jup=Ura; MC=Ven ruling 9th.

As we can see from the Angular involvement punctuating important events, the
6:00AM time seems to work really well. Corroboration of astrological event is 7/15
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powerful throughout her life.

Here is a Wikipedia link to Julie Andrews.



Astrological Perspective of Signicant Events In Your Life


What we know about synastry can be applied to key developmental events as well.
Take Saturn return for example: Among other things, some women get married or
have a child (i.e. become a mother) at that time.

In the case of a childbirth during Saturn return, this suggests that the babys Saturn
will be conjunct the mothers natal Saturn in a way, the birth of the baby becomes
the mothers Saturn, i.e. responsibility, necessary control, hard work and growth in

In the case of a marriage during Saturn

return, this implies that the event
chart of the marriage will have a
Saturn very close to the natal Saturn
of the woman in effect, making the
marriage itself the manifestation of
her Saturn. Naturally the marriage will
act like Saturn should, to make her
mature, grow, and be wise (and
frustrated at times!)

There are several insights that can occur from this way of thought:

If a new development (e.g. career, marriage, divorce, birth, death etc) occurs
during a key Saturnian time in your life (not just Saturn return, but also
including Saturn opposition and squares), the implication is that it is going to
have a Saturnian impact on you for a long time to come.
If a new development occurs during the Uranus opposition around age 42, then
(following the same pattern of thought) it will have a Uranian impact possibly
liberating and intensifying the ego. You can do this with Neptune and Pluto
In the case of Jupiter, think of the Jupiter return that occurs every 12 years. The
event that happens at that time will be Jupiter-like, i.e. it may help to expand
your mind, give you opportunities to see more of the world, make you feel
more condent and optimistic, etc. This is because the event charts Jupiter
will be conjunct your natal Jupiter, affecting your horoscope in the same way.

Thinking about Saturn return and other key times in terms of the event chart and
synastry may give you a deeper insight into their meanings. For instance, you may
appreciate the implication of your birthday even more if you see that the birthday 8/15
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events horoscope (also called a Solar Return chart) will have its Sun conjunct your
natal Sun, in effect having a Solar effect, making you feel self-aware, centered and



Barack Obama Natal Chart Analysis Using 7:24PM Time


Since the birth certicate for Barack

Obama is nally out (despite a number
of people voicing their doubt about
the authenticity of it), its probably
time to take a look at his chart again.
The actual rectication would involve
the study of major events in his life
and correlating it to Angular transits
and Solar Arcs. Here Im just starting
the process with the natal and
vocational analysis.


1)Western Hemisphere emphasis

suggests giving of self to others,
sometimes too much so.

2)Sun in Leo in 6th, ruling the 7th: The energy to be recognized by the public,
through work and service. The need for public recognition and service is
accentuated through the Angular position of the Sun, also being the co-nal
dispositor of the horoscope.

3)Moon in Gemini ruling the 6th house: the need to communicate about work and
service. The Moons communicative need uses the theatrical energy of the Leo Sun,
making him a dramatic public communicator. The Moon is further elevated
through its contact with the Midheaven.

4)Aquarius rising further accentuates the need to help others through innovative
ideas directed to all. Uranus, the ruler of the Aquarius Ascendant, is peregrine
(ptolemically unaspected), which makes this need a dominating factor of the

5)Saturn Retrograde suggests passive or absent father gure; Uranus conjunct the
Nodal axis further suggests the important inuence of the maternal gure
perhaps in shaping him to be the intellectual humanitarian. We know that Obamas
parents divorced when he was two, and his grandmother (his mothers mother) is a
crucial gure in his development (Obama referred to her as the person that made
him who he is today.) 9/15
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6)Jupiter conjunct Saturn almost always suggests the need for a higher purpose in

7)The peregrine Venus in Cancer is at the Aries Point: this is the public charm; a
grandly projected image of caring for the weak. It is astonishing how important this
placement is in softening Obamas public image.

Summary: Much of his horoscope suggests his need to be recognized as the

humanitarian, the public servant. This is the reward he seeks (Jupiter in Aquarius.)
He attacks the inadequacy of the status quo through his analytical intellect (Mars in
Virgo), and can communicate this to all in an effective, dramatic manner (Gemini
Moon, Leo, Aquarius.) His diplomacy and the consistent tone of caring for the weak
and helpless (Venus in Cancer at Aries Point) endears him to the public. In short, he
is one heck of a charismatic leader.

Vocational Analysis: Im going to take it step-by-step so you can see my thinking

process. If youre interested in the method, you can study it through Noel Tyls
book Vocations*.

1)Midheaven is ruled by Pluto (suggesting big business, including the government.)

Pluto also rules the 9th house of internationalism, academia, law and publishing
all of which are relevant in his career.

2)Pluto contacts Moon, ruler of 6th. Moon is also in contact with the MC,
suggesting public service.

3)Pluto is disposited by Mercury, and Mercury contacts Jupiter. Both Mercury and
Jupiter contact MC: this brings writing strongly into the picture (whenever you
see Mercury and Jupiter involved with the MC and in the dispositorship routing,
you jot down this possibility.)

4)Mercury is disposited by the Sun ruling the 7th, a nal dispositor. This is a strong
statement of public communication (7th house suggests public.) The Sun is
quindecile Saturn in 12th, ruling the 12th, a co-nal dispositor (in Capricorn.) This
emphasis on Saturn and the 12th house, along with Pluto, suggests strongly a
government administration.

Summary: a need to help the public through laws and government administration.
A need to write and communicate dramatically, in order to innovate and foster
social progress (Uranus peregrine.)

The horoscope sings pretty well about who Obama is and what drives him. Now Ill
either nd someone that will do the rectication work, or do it myself and post it

*as a study aid to the book, you can also visit there he has a discussion forum,
where he does an exercise every Thursday in which anyone can participate and learn. Its
impossible to teach this in a single web page, so we have to go the long way and buy a book. Its
worth it if you want to help people (or yourself) know what they are good at.


2/18/2017 Searchfor"saturnconjunctpluto"HirokiNiizatoAstrology

Ingrid Betancourt Astrological Timing of Kidnapping to


On July 2nd 2008 Ingrid Betancourt was rescued

from six-and-a-half years of captivity. Much has
been written about her background as a former
Colombian presidential candidate and an anti-
corruption activist. Here Ill discuss the timing of
kidnapping and rescue.

Timing of Kidnapping

On February 23, 2002 Mrs. Betancourt was

kidnapped by FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces
of Colombia) during her political campaign. Here
are the main measurements I saw for this time

Neptune was transiting over her natal Jupiter-MC conjunction (ego-wipeout.)

Solar Arc Mars, ruler of her 12th (connement) was square her Ascendant axis.
Solar Arc Saturn was tightly opposing natal Pluto (a threat of loss.)

Timing of Rescue

On the rescue date (July 2, 2008) we see enormous accentuation on the Aries Point
(always important in public manifestation of an event):

Pluto was transiting over natal Mars (ruling 12th!) at the Aries Point.
Solar Arc ASC axis and Neptune were also conjunct Mars at the Aries Point.
As a potential trigger, transiting Mars was exactly conjunct Uranus, ruler of her
Though potentially unrelated, there was also Solar Arc Jupiter squaring her

These measurements bring to mind the tremendous importance of Aries Point, as

well as the Angles (ASC and MC axis.)

What happens now?

We see Solar Arc Pluto about to square Saturn in about 18 months, coinciding with
tr Pluto conjunct Sun: these suggest potential threat of loss (health or otherwise),
but also may suggest an important change of direction for her. Would she write
about her experience, or will start to act for international humanitarian cause?
(Saturn rules her 9th house of publishing and internationalism) Well see.

P.S. You might like these bloggers analysis of the event as well.

Marga Bervoets at Astropost blog has several great posts about her. I rst found
the birth chart of Ingrid Betancourt at Deirdre Tantons Cosmic Guidelines blog.


2/18/2017 Searchfor"saturnconjunctpluto"HirokiNiizatoAstrology

Transit Trigger Connecting Heaven and Earth


The planetary patterns keep changing in the sky every day, but we dont feel it
unless something connects the heavenly picture with
our own earthly life. In our personal life, that
something is our natal horoscope. For our collective
life it may be our countrys horoscope, or our
companys horoscope.

Many times there are powerful patterns in the sky,

such as Jupiter-Saturn conjunction or a Pluto-Saturn
opposition* that suggests a lot of power potential
brewing within gods realm, and after a few months,
ZZZZZZZP!!! The heavenly energy may connect with
the earth like a lightning bolt, through contact with
your (or your countrys) horoscope. Then history
happens collectively or personally.

With Pluto at the Aries Point for the rest of 2008, were watching history being
made in all fronts Mars will trigger the Pluto in August and December, just like it
did last month; stay alert for the possibility of dramatic transformation!

*Pluto-Saturn opposition was active during the 9/11 attack, triggered by the transiting Mars on
the Aries Point (1 Capricorn). The Pluto-Saturn opposition axis was conjunct the ASCDSC axis of
Sibley US natal chart.



Astrological Jargon vs. Talking Like Real People


When talking to other astrology lovers, I think weve all done our version of Saturn
is transiting over my Venus and it really stinks or I cant wait until Neptune moves
away from my Descendant or Pluto is passing over my Moon. You know what
thats like (to which others nod knowingly and express their sympathy.) This is
called talking in jargon (some called it Astrogese).

And if you are really deep into this mode of communication, maybe you think that
way when youre alone, too (e.g. Rats! I have Saturn conjoining my Moon next
monthhow long will that last?)

I see this kind of talk in astrology forums all the time (e.g. Neptune is on my
Sun/Moon midpoint, relationship has been terrible; I cant take much more of 12/15
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this etc.). In a sense, connecting their life condition to current transits and Solar
Arcs gives people a feeling that theres a cause and a meaning behind their
suffering, which isnt necessarily a bad thing.

But if we stop there, I think we really start to sound irrational, and feel out of
control. It sounds as if the planets are in control, they are somehow making us
suffer. When we take this view, all intelligent thought processes stop, and we feel
and talk like victims. This, in my opinion, is astrology at its worst.

Wouldnt it help us better if we actually stop and try to describe the situation
without using astrological jargon? About 6 years ago I experienced transiting Pluto
conjunct my Moon for a couple of years. This coincided with tr Saturn opposition
to the Moon, and I felt like I was being killed. But wait, what was actually going on?

For one, I was doing a heavy, heavy emotional work on myself, as a lot of unhealed
issues kept coming up to affect my current relationships. I had to face some deep
truths about my wounds how I carried my past fears, hurt, anger, etc., related to
the pain I experienced when I was growing up. How I was taking that out on those
closest to me. Oh boy, was that a painful but necessary realization.

This last paragraph (written without a single astrological jargon) is very different
from saying I had tr Pluto conj Moon it just about killed me. We can see that this
bit of astrology talk completely fails to convey the meaning of my experience.

But astrologers may talk like this to their client all the time Youve got Saturn
square Venus for the next 6 months, and its going to be tough. Come again?? If
you see such measurements suggesting tension in relationships, shouldnt you be
observing my relationship skills and character issues so that you can help me
become better at relating with others for the next 6 months? How about asking the
actual condition of my relationship, to see if there is already a seed of the problem
(I may not have a problem at all in this area, and the transit may very well have to
do with my artistic work.)

Aspects dont happen in a vacuum there is always the context of a life being lived
by the client.

Jargon gives the illusion of understanding both in social settings and within our
own mind but it rarely gives clarity (no two people understand a sign or a planet
in an exactly the same way); I believe astrological jargon doesnt help other people
to get to know you better, unless they are accompanied by clear explanation of
what you mean by (for example) I have Venus in Sagittarius (some people may
take this to mean youre a irt, some may take it to mean you like philosophical
discussions, but you really said it to mean you like sports, etc.) So much gets lost in

Thinking solely in terms of symbols without being able to articulate what they
mean in plain language doesnt help you to understand your own situation, either.
Viktor Frankl quoted Spinoza once, saying that feelings cease to be suffering the
moment we can form a clear and accurate picture of it. Astrology is a helpful tool in
understanding our feelings, but its not a substitute for feelings themselves the
symbols must be tackled deeply; insights will be gained through articulation and
contemplation. 13/15
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The best astrologers I know and met werent the type that always had to be talking
astrology -rather, they were good communicators who were interested in people.
They had great grasp of the symbols, but they knew peoples realities were always
more complex than a set of planet-sign-house-aspect combinations.

It takes a lot of life experience to be a good astrologer, and the skill to articulate
human experience in plain language is a must.



Transit to Your Natal Sun: Time to Change Your Energy


Transits to the Sun Signal

Change of Energy
Sun symbolizes your energy. Transit (or
solar arc) to your natal Sun signals the
time for your energy to evolve. Here
well discuss contacts from Jupiter
through Pluto to the natal Sun (use
hard aspects only conjunction,
square, opposition or quindecile.)

Jupiter to Sun: Time to Expand & Uplift Your Energy

Transiting Jupiter conjunct Sun should be a bright time of reward. It could be a

gratifying period of promotion or recognition, or a carefree period of travel and
leisure. It could also be an inspirational time lled with spiritual studies. The end
result is that your energy lightens up and expands to perceive positive and
uplifting aspects of life.

Saturn to Sun: Time to Concentrate and Commit Your Energy

Like chiaroscuro painting, Saturn adds shadow to your light, adding denition and
depth to your energy. There is usually a dampening of energy due to extra weight
of responsibility or grief. Perhaps a new, serious decision is made that causes you
to work harder in a new direction. The result is that your energy will shift into a
more focused and mature state.

Uranus to Sun: Time to Free Your Energy From Connement

During this period, your mental energy increases in intensity and seeks free
expression. Uranus transit can signal the blooming of individuality through the
pursuit of new ideas. It can also suggest a time to break free from oppressing
patterns in your life, both external and internal.

Neptune to Sun: Time to Rene Your Energy 14/15
2/18/2017 Searchfor"saturnconjunctpluto"HirokiNiizatoAstrology

Neptune dissolves and renes your ego energy. This may lead to an awakening of
humility and compassion in some people, and inspire artistic vision or deceptive
illusion in others. Your energy might soften in intensity, and acquire a gentler,
subtler quality like that of an impressionist painting. Sometimes this is a time of
quiet surrender and reection, other times that of an inspired effort.

Pluto to Sun: Time to Rediscover Your Energy

Pluto symbolizes the process of plumbing the depth in order to reach heights.
Pluto transit or solar arc could be traumatic for a young child, as it may represent
the rst glimpse into the dark side of life. For an adult, it could mark a time of
empowerment or a sudden change of perspective through an initiation-like

Conclusion: Your Energy Evolves Through Time

Your energy is a sum total of your character, thoughts and decisions. Transits or
solar arc to your natal Sun might reveal the ways in which your energy is shifting
but it could also be suggesting how you need to evolve at this moment through
conscious choices.

If your energy level is chronically low, consider the ongoing transits and solar arcs
to see what needs to change in order for you to keep evolving with the ow of

Photo: Matt Brock



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