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ABSTRACT ‘Animal Husbandry — Announcement made by Hon'ble Minister (Anima Husbandy) during 2007-08 — Revised Breeding Policy for Cattle and Buffalo - Orders issugd:*, aa s Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries (AH4.) Department . G.0. (Ms). No.49 Dated: 13.04.08 ws . Servaftiari Chithinal 3 Thirwvaliuvar Andu 2 Read: 1. G.0.Ms.No.713 Agricultura, AHIV, dated.20.3.1982, 2. from the Chief Executive Officer, Tami! Nadu Livestock Development Agency, latter Roc.No.746-C/ TNLDA/O7 dt.18.4.07, 6.12.07 and Roc. No.4289/C/TNLDA/O6, dt. 14.3.08. ORDER: a On 27.4.2007, Hon‘ble Minister (AH) made announcement on the floor of the House thet the Breeding Policy will be revised. Based on that, announcement, the Chief “Executive Officer, Tamil Nadu Livestock | Development Agency, was requested to prepare a draft Breeding Policy for cattia and Buffaio. the existing breeding policy and to modify It according to the genetic make up of the bovine population, agro-climatic conditions and. availability of inputs such as, feed, fodder, veterinary ald, economic conditions of the farmer etc., Accordingly the Chlef Executive Officer, Tamil Nadu Livestock Development Agency, prepared and sent the draft breeding policy for cattle and buffaio in Tamit Nadu, 2 a. ihe revised draft Breeding Policy was examined in detail in consuitation with the Commissioner of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services, the Registrar Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Selence, University and the Group Head National Dairy Development Board and the Government accept the revised breading policy. 4. The Government diréct that the revised breeding pollcy for Cattle and Buffalo annexed to this order be implemented in Tami! Nadu. (By order of the Governor) LEENA Naik Special Commissioner and Scoretary to Government To

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