TP Lab 3 Report

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Transport Phenomena-I

Laboratory Experiment #3:

Contribution of convective and radiative

coefficients to total heat transfer. Effect of forced

By Azamat Amzebek

Team Members:

Azamat Amzebek

Akzhol Ishanov

Number of pages: 12

Date: 22.02.17

Theoretical Background

Heat is defined as the form of energy that can be transferred from one
system to another as a result of temperature difference. The mechanism
of this energy transfer can be conducted in three different modes:
conduction, convection, and radiation.
This laboratory work will focus on convection and radiation heat transfer
under two conditions. First part is natural, or free, convection, which is
caused by buoyancy forces that are induced by density differences due to
variation in temperature in the fluid. Second part will analyze forced
convection, where fluid is forced to flow over a surface by external means
as pump.

For analysis, circular cylinder is used, which is located in cylindrical duct of

HT14C apparatus. Cylinder is heated using electric heating element and
power supplied can be controlled from HT10XC Control Console. Two
thermocouples are used to measure surface temperature of heated
cylinder and ambient temperature of air surrounding the unit. To control
air flow, a centrifugal fan is used and to measure its velocity rotating vane
type anemometer is used.

Heated element transfers energy to the surrounding by mean of two

combined effects: convection and radiation. Analyzing the taken data of
temperatures and air velocity contribution of each mechanism can be
calculated. In first part of experiment, it is expected convection to have
major impact on total heat transfer at low surface temperatures, but at
higher altitudes radiative transfer will dominate. In Part 2, the relationship
between air velocity and surface temperature will be constructed.
Temperature is expected to reduce more rapidly at low air velocity than at
high speed. The same contribution of convection and radiation should be
observed as in Part 1.

Natural convection of heat analysis has been conducted at different

supplied power input. Gradually increasing Voltage input from 5V to 20V
using control console, change in surface temperature and ambient
temperature of air has been recorded. In order to stabilize the system and
temperature approximately 12min is required for each step.

In forced convection amount of electrical power supplied is held constant

and air velocity is increased gradually from 0.5m/s until 7m/s using fan
control. As in first part two temperatures have been recorded from two
thermocouples. All taken data is tabulated in Table 1 and 6 for Part 1 and 2

Results and Discussion

Part 1. Contribution of convective and radiative coefficients to

total heat transfer

As mentioned radiation heat transfer from a surface surrounded by air

occurs parallel to convection between surface and the gas. Thus, the total
heat transfer is determined by adding the contributions of both heat
transfer mechanisms.

Table 1. Raw data sheet for Natural heat transfer

Voltage, V Current, I T 9=T T 10=T s

5.0 0.82 24.9 93

8.0 1.31 25.4 173

12.0 1.93 25.9 282

15.0 2.42 26.2 366

20.0 3.20 26.8 492

The average heat transfer coefficient for radiation H rm can be calculated

using following equation:

(T s 4T a4 )
H rm=F (1)
(T sT a)

where is Stefan-Boltzmann constant, = 56.7 109 W m2 K 4 ;

is emissivity of surface, 0.95; F is view factor, 1. As an example, for

voltage input of 5V:

56.7 10
366.15 K

( 4(298.05 K )4 )

( 9 W m2 K4 ) 0.95 1
H rm=

In the same manner, all values of H rm have been calculated and

tabulated in Table 4.

Calculation of the average convection heat transfer coefficient involves

several steps, which involves finding dimensionless values as Grashof (4)
Number, Rayleigh (5) Number, Nusselt (7) Number and Prandtl Number:

T s+ T a
T film= (2)
= (3)
T film

where is T film is bulk or film temperature, is volume expansion

coefficient, K1 . As an example again first measurement has been


1 2
= = =3.01 103 K 1
T film T s +T a

All other relevant data is shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Interpolated thermal characteristics of air for natural convection.

Voltag , k,
T film , K , K 1 Pr Ra Num
e, V m2 / s W m1 K 1
3.011 1.9361 3.763
5 332.1 0.0287 0.701 3.996
0-3 0-5 103
2.691 2.3041 5.081
8 372.2 -3 -5 0.0316 0.693 4.228
0 0 103
426.9 2.341 2.9031 4.788
12 -3 -5 0.0355 0.686 4.181
5 0 0 103
2.131 3.4071 4.173
15 469.1 -3 -5 0.0383 0.682 4.074
0 0 103
1.881 4.2071 3.293
20 532.4 -3 -5 0.0425 0.680 3.897
0 0 103
In order to proceed to the next step some properties of air is needed. To
find these properties at given film temperature interpolation method has
been used from given standard characteristics in Table 3:

(T x T 1)
y x = y 1+( y 2 y 1 ) (4)
(T 2T 1)
where y is v, k or Pr from Table 2.

Table 3. Air properties at known temperature

T film 2
, m /s
1 1
k ,W m K Pr
300 1.6810-5 0.02624 0.708
350 2.0810-5 0.03003 0.697
400 2.5910-5 0.03365 0.689
450 3.1710-5 0.03707 0.683
500 3.7910-5 0.04038 0.68
550 4.4310-5 0.0436 0.68
600 5.1310 0.04659 0.68
Grashof number is calculated using following equation:

g (T sT a) D3
Gr D = (5)

where v is kinematic viscosity of air, g is acceleration due to gravity,

D is diameter of cylinder, 10mm. For Rayleigh number, following
equations are used:

RaD =Gr D Pr (6)

By combining equations (5) and (6):
g (T sT a )D3
RaD = Pr (7)
As example:

(9.81 m/s 2)(3.01 103 K1)(93 K 24.9 K)(0.01m)3

RaD = 5 2 2
0.701=3.763 103
(1.936 10 m / s)

All other data for different voltages is given in Table 2.

In order to calculate Nusselt number next relationship is used:

Num=c RaDn (8)

where c and n are constants, which depends on RaD . In this case RaD

is between 102 and 104, so c = 0.85 and n = 0.188. Nusselt number is:

Num=0.85( 3.763 103)0.188=3.996

Nu m for other cases is shown in Table 2. Finally, heat transfer coefficient

is found using following equation:

k Nu m
H cm = (9)

where k is thermal conductivity of air, W m1 K 1 . Again, for voltage of

1 1
(0.0287 W m K )( 3.996)
H cm = =11.458 W m2 K1
0.01 m
Calculated data for convection heat transfer coefficient is shown in Table

Table 4. Heat transfer coefficients for natural convection

H cm (Original), H cm (Simple), H rm ,
V W m2 K 1 W m2 K 1 W m2 K 1
5 11.458 11.991 7.975
8 13.376 14.549 11.560
12 14.840 16.698 18.295
15 15.619 17.922 25.181
20 16.549 19.386 38.750
Alternatively, there is a simplified equation for calculation convection heat
transfer coefficient:
T sT a (10
H cm =1.32( )
D )
Heat transfer coefficients calculated by this equation is tabulated in Table

The total heat loss from cylinder is caused from combined effect of
convection and radiation, or mathematically:

Qtot =Qc +Qr (11

Heat loss due to convection only is calculated using Newtons law of
cooling, which is:

Qc =H c A s (T sT a ) (12
In the same manner, radiative heat loss is found as:

Qr=H r A s (T sT a ) (13
where As is surface area, m2, or:

A s =DL (14
Where L is length of cylinder, 0.07m. The actual amount of power supplied
is product of voltage and current:

QIV =VI (15

All heat exchanged by convection and radiation is shown in Table 5.

Table 5. Heat transferred by convection, radiation and total heat.

Qc Qc Qtot Qtot
Voltage, Qr , Qtot
V (original), (simplified (origina (simplifi
W (IV) W
W ), W l), W ed) W
5 1.715 1.795 1.194 2.909 2.989 4.1
8 4.340 4.720 3.750 8.090 8.471 10.48
12 8.354 9.400 10.299 18.652 19.698 23.16
15 11.666 13.385 18.807 30.473 32.193 36.3
20 16.921 19.822 39.622 56.544 59.445 64
From the calculated values of Heat transferred by convection by two
different methods or equations, it can be observed that both of them give
similar answers, despite neglecting air characteristics in simplified case.
By comparing two sets of data of total heat with theoretical value of Q, big
deviation can be observed. Total heat taken from power supply exceeds
experimental results by approximately 5-25%. This deviation can be
explained considering non-idealized conditions assumed during
experiment. There can be some heat loss due to conduction despite
insulation. Also, uniform distribution of temperature of surface in cylinder
can be disrupted and Ts can have some variation at different points,
despite coating and rotation of a body. Furthermore, some properties of air
used for calculation have been interpolated to bulk temperature of the
whole system. This fact neglects some important changes in temperature
and density of air throughout the duct.

In Figure 1 below relation between heat transfer coefficient of radiation

and convection and temperature is shown. As expected at low
temperature the contribution of convection is much higher than radiation.
But as temperature goes up, radiation causes major impact and at higher
altitudes effect of convection can be neglected. The switch of contribution
occurs at around 490-500K. Also, it should be noted that heat transfer
coefficients calculated by two different methods act in the same manner
with slight difference.

Figure 1. Heat transfer coefficient vs Temperature

Heat transfer coefficient vs Temperature




Heat Transfer Coef, H (S) radiation Convection (O)



350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800

Temperature, K

Part 2. Forced Heat convection

The radiation heat transfer coefficient is calculated using the same

equation (1) as in the Part 1. All relevant data taken from console readings
is shown below:

Table 6. Raw data sheet for Force heat convection

Air Velocity, T 9=T T 10=T s

Voltage, V Current, I
20.0 3.20 0.5 28.4 424
20.0 3.21 1 29.4 389
20.0 3.23 2 30.4 340
20.0 3.25 3 30.3 301
20.0 3.25 4 29.8 274
20.0 3.25 5 29.5 251
20.0 3.26 6 29.3 235
20.0 3.26 7 29.1 220
The heat transfer coefficient for forced convection is similar to natural
with one exception:

k Num ,avg (16

H f m=
D )
where Nu m ,avg is average Nusselt number, which is calculated with
empirical formula proposed by Churchill and Bernstein:


1+( 0.66 )
0.25 )

( 0.62 0.5 Pr 0.33)
Nu m ,avg =0.3+

Where is Reynolds number (dimensionless), which is:

UcD (18
v )
where Uc is corrected air velocity, Uc = 1.22 U 0 , m/s. As an


1.22 (0.5 m/s)(0.01 m)

= =161.29
3.782 105 m s s1


1+( 0.66 )


( 0.62 ( 161.29 )0.5 ( 0.68 )0.33 )
Nu m ,avg =0.3+

All calculated data is shown in Table 7. As in Part 1 air properties at bulk

temperature is have been interpolated using equation (4).

Table 7. Interpolated thermal characteristics of air for forced convection.

Air Velocity, T film k, , Pr Re Nu

U0 m/s
, K
W m1 K 1 m2 /s
499. 3.7821 0.68
0.5 0.0403 161.29 6.513
35 0-5 0
482. 3.5711 0.68
1 0.0392 341.59 9.443
35 0-5 1
458. 3.2741 0.68
2 0.0376 745.18 14.033
35 0-5 2
438. 3.0411 0.68
3 0.0363 1203.61 18.003
8 0-5 4
425. 2.8811 0.68
4 0.0354 1693.81 21.561
05 0-5 6
413. 2.7461 0.68
5 0.0346 2221.65 24.924
4 0-5 7
405. 2.6521 0.68
6 0.0340 2760.61 28.021
3 0-5 8
397. 2.5661 0.68
7 0.0335 3327.68 31.021
7 0-5 9
Finally heat transfer coefficients and respective amount of heat
transferred is found using equations (11), (12), (13) and (15). All
calculated data is shown in Table 8.

Table 8. Heat transfer coefficients and amount of heat transferred

H fm , H rm , Qf , Qr , Qtot , Q IV ,
Air Velocity,
U0 m/s 2
Wm K
1 2
Wm K
0.5 26.27 31.04 22.84 26.99 49.83 64.0
1 37.03 27.54 29.27 21.77 51.03 64.2
2 52.79 23.11 35.93 15.73 51.66 64.6
3 65.36 19.94 38.89 11.86 50.75 65.0
4 76.25 17.91 40.93 9.61 50.54 65.0
5 86.15 16.31 41.94 7.94 49.89 65.0
6 95.31 15.27 43.09 6.90 49.99 65.2
7 103.87 14.33 43.58 6.01 49.60 65.2
For the duration of experiment the voltage input, then consequently
power input, remained constant. So, in absence of air flow surface
temperature of cylinder will remain constant. When analyzed unit is
subjected to constant air flow, temperature drop of surface has been
observed. Also with increased velocity the change compared to natural
convection become bigger. This is due to increased convection heat
transfer coefficient and its contribution, which is by definition combination
of conduction and air flow. As in previous part as surface temperature
lowered contribution of radiation becomes smaller.
Despite retaining main criterion of heat transfer, there is also big
difference between actual supplied and calculated experimental amount
of heat. Power input remains constant at around 65W and combined
convection and radiation heat is at around 50W. The origin of this
deviation can happen from different reasons. First one is readings from
surface temperature, which can also be not uniform throughout the
cylinder despite measures taken. Also, ambient temperature of air in a
duct changes with time due to obvious thermal conditions in a laboratory.
So, bulk temperature taken as an average of these two readings cannot
correctly represent the true properties of air flowing across the surface of
cylinder. This plays major role because all calculations are based on air
characteristics. Air flow velocity deviations due to obstructions is already
considered in correction factor. The relations for cylinders with only
smooth surfaces. Surface roughness and the free-stream turbulence may
affect the drag and heat transfer coefficients significantly.

In Figure 2 below the relation between surface temperature and corrected

air velocity is shown. It can be observed that temperature reduces more
rapidly at low flow velocity and reduces as velocity increase.

Figure 2. T10 vs Corrected air velocity

T10 vs Uc
T10, K 550

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Uc, m/s


The analysis of heat transfer process due to convection and radiation have
been conducted at two different conditions: with no air movement and at
specified flow of air. The main of the experiment was to show the
contribution of two mechanisms to total heat exchange process. It has
been shown that at low surface temperatures effect of convection is much
greater. With increasing temperature, this relation changes and at high
degrees contribution of radiation becomes major. This phenomenon has
been observed in both natural and forced convection. Despite deviation
from actual heat transferred to cylinder main concept of heat exchange is
correct and complies with expected hypothesis.


1 Y. A. engel, A. J. Ghajar . Heat and Mass Transfer. Fundamentals and Applications.

4th Ed., McGraw-Hill.

Original Raw data sheet (signed)

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