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KPI-Primavera test https://testmozusercontent.


KPI-Primavera test
Welcome to KPI Primavera test! Please read quesitons and following
answers carefully. You are given 30 minutes to complete the test.

You must answer every question. Incomplete tests will not

be accepted.

Question #1 (1 point)
In P6, the data element At Completion Total Cost is calculated as
Actual Total Cost + Remaining Total Cost

Remaining Total Cost

Remaining Total Cost + Budgeted Total Cost

At Completion Total Cost = At Completion Labor Cost + At completion

Material Cost + At Completion Nonlabor Cost

Question #2 (1 point)
Set of codes to organize the project in the EPS in groups according
to specific categories.
Activity codes


Project codes


Question #3 (1 point)
You are updating a planned activity with physical % complete type
and duration type "Fixed Duration and Units/time". The activity has
an assigned resource with budgeted units of 168 and budgeted cost
of $9,240. You record the Actual Start Date and enter 70% Physical
% complete. What is the actual cost reflected in P6 for this activity?




Question #4 (1 point)
At any given time, the user can choose which of the following
options to update actual costs in P6

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KPI-Primavera test

When updating Actual Costs in P6, the user can choose to subtract actual
cost from At Completion Cost

When updating Actual Costs in P6, the user can choose to add Actual Cost
to Remaining Cost

Either a or b

Both a and b

Question #5 (1 point)
How many levels of WBS can be defined in a project




Question #6 (1 point)
Cost Variance is calculated as______.
Earned Value Cost - Actual Cost

the Actual Cost of Work Performed

the Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled

Budget at Completion - Earned Value Cost

Question #7 (1 point)
Identify the two required components of the
calculation to determine Resource costs.
(select two)
By predefined contracts

By the Budgeted Units in Activities

By the Price per Unit in Resource profile

By Budgeted Units at Project Level

By Budgeted Price per Unit at Project Level

Question #8 (1 point)
The finish of the successor activity depends on the finish of the
predecessor activity is referred to as
finish to finish

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KPI-Primavera test

start to finish

finish to start

start to start

Question #9 (1 point)
To apply constraints, select an activity and select the
Activity tab

Relatonship tab

Status tab

Codes tab

Question #10 (1 point)

A _______ is a complete copy of a project plan that you can
compare to the current schedule to evaluate progress.




Question #11 (1 point)

A _____ represents Hierarchical Breakdown of a Project in to
O. B. S.

E. P. S.

Resource list

W. B. S

Question #12 (1 point)

In P6, an activity's Actual Total Cost is calculated as
Actual Total Cost=Actual Expense Cost + Actual Labour Cost + Actual
Material Cost + Actual Nonlabor cost

Actual Total Cost = Actual Labor cost + Actual Nonlabor

Actual Total Cost = Perfomance % complete * Budget at completion

Actual Total Cost = Actual Expense cost

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KPI-Primavera test

Question #13 (1 point)

What are the Project Personal job titles or skills, such as Mechanical
Engineer, Inspector or Carpenter called?


Project codes

None of them

Question #14 (1 point)

The P6 user is updating a resource loaded schedule; the user has
setup the units and costs for the resource assignments. The P6
user is updating the Actual Units but the Actual Cost is not
automtically updated. Which steps must the user take to ensure
that the Actual Cost is automatically updated?
The user must schedule the project (F9)

The user must setup financial periods

The user must check the box "calculate cost from units" for that resource

The user must setup Resource codes

Question #15 (1 point)

How many types of filters are available

Question #16 (1 point)

Identify two examples of Enterprise specific data.
Enterprise Project Structure





Question #17 (1 point)

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KPI-Primavera test

Costs can be assigned to activities in Primavera P6 using...

Funding Sources and Cost Accounts

Budget Log

Resources or Expenses

Spending Plan

Question #18 (1 point)

Your Customer has called you to complain that
all activities in a project plan that has not
started are showing red. They cant
understand why this is possible. What is the best response to this
Red activities are Critical Path activities, no action is required

Modify the Planned Start Date for the project and reschedule

Modify the Must Finish By Date for the project and reschedule

The Actual Start Date has exceeded the Plan Start Date.

Question #19 (1 point)

You are a Project Manager whose projects are integrated with
Financial Management System (FMS).
The FMS pushes Actual Costs and Actual Hours to your projects as
of the Actual Date. Updating
Percent complete using the pushed Actual Dates, Actual Costs, and
Actual Hours has created inaccurate
pictures of the overall % complete, because there are steps within
activities that clearly have not
completed. Which Percent Complete Type would be the best
selection for activities in this project?




Question #20 (1 point)

The P6 user can only distribute cost uniformly across the activity

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Question #21 (1 point)

Identify two TRUE statements regarding
the application of constraints.
All constraints are justified, and are therefore permitted at project
managers discretion

A maximum of two constraints can be assigned to an activity.

After applying constraints, the project must be rescheduled to calculate

new dates

Use of constraints is a best practice for keeping schedule dates intact

Question #22 (1 point)

Resources are different than expenses


Question #23 (1 point)

________ consists of parameters assigned to WBS elements. They
are used to monitor projects and generate issues:



All of the above

Question #24 (1 point)

Your Customer has a project with 20,000
Activities. They find it difficult to identify which
activities should be updated, as it is difficult to
see those activities among the 20,000.
Identify two features that could help make
this process simpler.
Apply Not Started or In Progress filter

Filter by Primary Resource

Group and Sort by Primary Resource

Use Project Spotlight

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KPI-Primavera test

Sort by Planned Start Date

Question #25 (1 point)

An activity has an Original Duration of 10, and a Remaining
Duration of 10. The Actual Start is assigned
to the activity.
Physical % is updated to equal 80%.
What is the Remaining Duration for this activity?


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