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Aspect (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks)
5 4 3 2 1
9 10 78 56 34 12
13 15 10 12 79 46 13
17 20 13 16 9 12 5-8 14
Criteria 21 - 25 16 - 20 11 - 15 6 - 10 1-5
1.0 Outstanding Very good Good description of Satisfactory Vague description
INTRODUCTION description of description of research area, the description of of research area,
(15 MARKS) research area, the research area, the researcher, research area, the the researcher,
Research researcher, subjects researcher, subjects taught, researcher, subjects taught,
Background and taught, general subjects taught, general information subjects taught, general information
context information of the general information of the pupils and general information of the pupils and
(5 marks) pupils and schools. of the pupils and schools. of the pupils and schools.
schools. schools.
Reflection on Outstanding Very good Good description Satisfactory Vague description
Teaching and description and description and and evaluation of description and and evaluation of
Learning evaluation of evaluation of teaching and evaluation of teaching and
experience. teaching and teaching and learning experience teaching and learning experience
(5 marks) learning experience learning experience related to the learning experience related to the
related to the related to the research focus. related to the research focus.
research focus. research focus. research focus.
Outstanding Very good reflection Good reflection on Satisfactory Poor reflection on
reflection on content on content taught, content taught, reflection on content taught,
taught, pedagogy pedagogy used and pedagogy used and content taught, pedagogy used and
used and personal personal personal pedagogy used and personal
experience. experience. experience. personal experience.
Aspect (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks)
5 4 3 2 1
9 10 78 56 34 12
13 15 10 12 79 46 13
17 20 13 16 9 12 5-8 14
Criteria 21 - 25 16 - 20 11 - 15 6 - 10 1-5
Insightful discussion Very good Good discussion of Satisfactory Vague discussion of
of assumption, discussion of assumption, value, discussion of assumption, value,
value, beliefs based assumption, value, beliefs based assumption, value, beliefs based
experience and beliefs based experience and beliefs based experience and
literature review experience and literature review experience and literature review
which is relevant, literature review which is relevant, literature review which is relevant,
accurate and which is relevant, accurate and which is relevant, accurate and
credible with accurate and credible with good accurate and credible with poor
outstanding link to credible with very link to teaching and credible with link to teaching and
teaching and good link to learning practices. satisfactory link to learning practices.
learning practices. teaching and teaching and
learning practices. learning practices.

Preliminary data Outstanding Very good Good description of Satisfactory Vague description
collection description of description of preliminary data description of of preliminary data
(5 marks) preliminary data preliminary data collection to preliminary data collection to
collection to support collection to support the collection to support the
the problem/ issue support the problem/ issue support the problem/ issue
identified with problem/ issue identified with problem/ issue identified with
varied sources of identified with some sources of identified with limited sources of
relevant data as varied sources of relevant data as limited sources of relevant data as
evidence. relevant data as evidence. relevant data as evidence.
evidence. evidence.

Outstanding Very good Good sensitivity to Satisfactory Limited sensitivity

sensitivity to solve sensitivity to solve solve existing sensitivity to solve to solve existing
existing problem / existing problem / problem / issue existing problem / problem / issue.
issue. issue. issue.


Aspect (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks)
5 4 3 2 1
9 10 78 56 34 12
13 15 10 12 79 46 13
17 20 13 16 9 12 5-8 14
Criteria 21 - 25 16 - 20 11 - 15 6 - 10 1-5
2.0 RESEARCH Outstanding Very good Good description of Satisfactory Vague description
FOCUS description of description of research focus description of of research focus
(15 MARKS) research focus research focus based on research focus based on
Description of based on based on researchers based on researchers
research focus researchers researchers experience that is researchers experience that is
(5 marks) experience that is experience that is relevant to the experience that is relevant to the
relevant to the relevant to the pupils needs and relevant to the pupils needs and
pupils needs and pupils needs and improvement with pupils needs and improvement with
improvement with improvement with good support of improvement with limited or no
outstanding support very good support literature review satisfactory support support of literature
of literature review. of literature review. of literature review. review.
Outstanding Very good Good evaluation of Satisfactory Poor evaluation of
evaluation of evaluation of research focus evaluation of research focus
research focus research focus based on any three research focus based on any three
based on any three based on any three of the following based on any three of the following
of the following of the following criteria: of the following criteria:
criteria: criteria: Practicality criteria: Practicality
Practicality Practicality Significance Practicality Significance
Significance Significance Application Significance Application
Application Application Control Application Control
Control Control Collaboration Control Collaboration
Collaboration Collaboration Relevance to the Collaboration Relevance to the
Relevance to the Relevance to the school Relevance to the school
school. school school

Action / Outstanding Very good Good description of Satisfactory Poor description of

Innovation description of action description of action research description of action research
(10 marks) research model and action research model and specific action research model and specific
specific material or model and specific material or system model and specific material or system
system used based material or system used based on material or system used based on
on theory or used based on theory or principle used based on theory or principle
principle with theory or principle with support of theory or principle with limited or no
support of literature with support of literature review. with some support support of literature
review. literature review. of literature review. review.
Aspect (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks)
5 4 3 2 1
9 10 78 56 34 12
13 15 10 12 79 46 13
17 20 13 16 9 12 5-8 14
Criteria 21 - 25 16 - 20 11 - 15 6 - 10 1-5
Outstanding Very good Good description of Satisfactory Poor description of
description of action description of action research description of action research
research process to action process to process to improve action process to process to improve
improve pupils improve pupils pupils learning and improve pupils pupils learning and
learning and the learning and the the teaching learning and the the teaching
teaching practice teaching practice practice with teaching practice practice with no
with support of with support of support of literature with some support support of literature
literature review. literature review. review. of literature review. review.

3.0 RESEARCH Very clearly and Clearly and Fairly clear and Adequately clear Poorly stated
OBJECTIVES / explicitly stated explicitly stated explicit statement and explicit research objective
RESEARCH research objective research objective of research statement of according to the
QUESTIONS according to the according to the objevtive according research objective following aspectis:
(5 MARKS) following aspects: following aspects: to the following according to the focus
Research focus focus aspects: following aspects: action
objective action action focus focus achievement
achievement achievement action action
achievement achievement

Research Research question is Research question Research question Research question Research question
question highly relevant to is very relevant to is relevant to is fairly relevant to has limited
research objective. research objective. research objective. research objective. relevance to
research objective.


Aspect (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks)
5 4 3 2 1
9 10 78 56 34 12
13 15 10 12 79 46 13
17 20 13 16 9 12 5-8 14
Criteria 21 - 25 16 - 20 11 - 15 6 - 10 1-5
4.0 RESEARCH Exceptionally clear Very clear and Clear and detailed Fairly clear and Vague and
PARTICIPANTS and detailed detailed description description of detailed description inappropriate
(5 MARKS) description of of participants participants which of participants description of
Research participants which which includes the includes the which includes the participants which
participants includes the following: following: following: do not include
following: number, gender, number, gender, number, gender, some of the
number, gender, class, academic class, academic class, academic following:
class, academic performance and performance and performance and number, gender,
performance and other unique other unique other unique class, academic
other unique aspects aspects of aspects of aspects of performance and
of participants. participants. participants. participants. other unique
aspects of

5.0 Excellent description Very detailed Detailed description Adequate Vague / confusing
IMPLEMENTATIO of steps / activities description of steps of steps / activities. description of steps description of steps
N OF ACTION / activities. / activities. / activities.
(20 MARKS) Outstanding Very good Good justification, Inadequate
justification, detailed justification, and fairly detailed Adequate justification, and
Steps involved rationale within the detailed rationale rationale within the justification, and rationale of the
(5 marks) scope of the action within the scope of scope of the action rationale within the action plan.
plan. the action plan. plan. scope of the action
Data collection Outstanding choice Very good choice Good choice of data Appropriate choice Poor choice of data
method of data collection of data collection collection methods of data collection collection methods
(5 marks) methods and methods and and instrument methods and and instrument with
instrument with instrument with with convincing instrument with limited justification
convincing convincing justification to some convincing to answer the
justification to justification to answer the justification to research question.
answer the research answer the research question. answer the
question. research question. research question.


Aspect (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks)
5 4 3 2 1
9 10 78 56 34 12
13 15 10 12 79 46 13
17 20 13 16 9 12 5-8 14
Criteria 21 - 25 16 - 20 11 - 15 6 - 10 1-5
Data analysis Outstanding choice Very good choice of Good choice of data Appropriate choice Poor choice of data
method of data analysis data analysis analysis methods of data analysis analysis methods
(5 marks) methods that methods that that address the methods that that do not address
address the key address the key key aspects of the address the key the key aspects of
aspects of the aspects of the research question / aspects of the the research
research question / research question / problem. research question / question / problem.
problem. problem. Show good problem. Poor ability in
Outstanding Very capable in capability in Show some ability analysing and
capability in analysing data and analysing and in analysing and making
analysing data and making making making interpretation.
making interpretation. interpretation. interpretation.

Data validation Outstanding choice Very good choice Good choice and Satisfactory choice Poor choice and
method (5 and description of and description of description of data and description of description of data
marks) data validation data validation validation method data validation validation method
method that is method that is that is relevant to method that has that is irrelevant to
highly relevant to highly relevant to the type of data some relevance to the type of data
the type of data the type of data collected. the type of data collected.
collected. collected. collected.

6.0 FINDINGS OF Comprehensive Very detailed Detailed discussion Satisfactory Poor discussion of
ACTION discussion of the discussion of the of the findings discussion of the the findings
RESEARCH findings supported findings supported supported by findings supported supported by
(10 marks) by relevant evidence by relevant relevant evidence by relevant relevant evidence
from various evidence from from various evidence from from various
sources. various sources. sources. various sources. sources.


Aspect (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks)
5 4 3 2 1
9 10 78 56 34 12
13 15 10 12 79 46 13
17 20 13 16 9 12 5-8 14
Criteria 21 - 25 16 - 20 11 - 15 6 - 10 1-5
7.0 REFLECTION Comprehensive and Very detailed and Detailed and critical Satisfactory Poor discussion of
(10 marks) critical discussion of critical discussion discussion of the discussion of the the findings with
the findings with of the findings with findings with findings with limited justification
justification of the justification of the justification of the justification of the of the assumptions,
assumptions, value assumptions, value assumptions, value assumptions, value value or beliefs of
or beliefs of the or beliefs of the or beliefs of the or beliefs of the the previous
previous teaching previous teaching previous teaching previous teaching teaching practice.
practice. practice. practice. practice. Poor ability to
Outstanding ability Very good ability to Good ability to Satisfactory ability discuss and link
to discuss and link discuss and link discuss and link to discuss and link findings of the
findings of the findings of the findings of the findings of the research to
research to literature research to research to research to literature review
review critically. literature review literature review literature review critically.
critically. critically. critically.

8.0 Outstanding and Very good and Good and critical Satisfactory and Poor evaluation of
SUGGESTIONS critical evaluation of critical evaluation evaluation of action critical evaluation action taken with
FOR FURTHER action taken with of action taken with taken with relevant of action taken with poor and irrelevant
ACTION highly relevant and very relevant and and detailed some relevant suggestions to
(5 marks) comprehensive detailed suggestions to suggestions to address the
suggestions to suggestions to address the address the problems.
address the address the problems. problems.
problems. problems.


Aspect (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks)
5 4 3 2 1
9 10 78 56 34 12
13 15 10 12 79 46 13
17 20 13 16 9 12 5-8 14
Criteria 21 - 25 16 - 20 11 - 15 6 - 10 1-5
9.0 ACADEMIC The work The work All major aspects of The work is The work contains
WRITING AND demonstrates highly demonstrates very the research are conventional, some obvious and
CITATION critical, incisive critical, incisive taken into account straightforward significant
(10 MARKS) argument and a argument and very with no notable presents a inadequacies in
highly appropriate appropriate omissions. Clear generally terms of content,
conclusion based on conclusion based evidence of ability acceptable relevance, logic and
a full analysis. on a full analysis. to synthesise ideas argument and critical argument.
and produce conclusion.
Presentation is well Presentation is well critically aware Presentation is Presentation lacks
organised and organised and very material. generally clear and coherence and
excellent in all good in all aspects. A good standard of appropriate. clarity.
aspects. presentation is Language is
Language is maintained. generally clear and Language is faulty
Language is accurate and clear. Language is fulfils the with numerous
accurate and clear. Fulfils the intelligible and requirement of errors which
Fulfils the requirement of fulfils the academic writing impede
requirement of academic writing requirement of satisfactorily. communication and
academic writing very well.. academic writing A core range of 4-7 does not fulfil the
excellently well. relevant literature requirement of
A very good range A good range of 8- has been consulted. academic writing.
A comprehensive of 12- 15 relevant 11relevant
range of more than literature is chosen literature is chosen Insufficient
15 relevant and used and used coverage of
literature is chosen appropriately. appropriately in relevant literature
and used most parts. (<3)

Excellent referencing Very good Good referencing Acceptable Poor referencing

and bibliographical referencing and and bibliographical referencing and and bibliographical
skills. bibliographical skills. bibliographical skills.
Full compliance with skills. A good level In compliance with skills. Acceptable Inaccurate and
APA academic of compliance with APA academic level of compliance inconsistent use of
conventions. APA academic conventions. with APA academic APA academic
conventions. conventions. conventions.
Aspect (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks)
5 4 3 2 1
9 10 78 56 34 12
13 15 10 12 79 46 13
17 20 13 16 9 12 5-8 14
Criteria 21 - 25 16 - 20 11 - 15 6 - 10 1-5
7.0 ETHICS Excellent ability to Very good ability to Good ability to Satisfactory ability Poor ability to make
(5 MARKS) make analysis and make analysis and make analysis and to make analysis analysis and
decision in solving decision in solving decision in solving and decision in decision in solving
problems. problems. problems. solving problems. problems.
Very good Satisfactory
Excellent capability capability to react Good capability to capability to react React negatively
to react positively positively towards react positively positively towards towards comments
towards comments comments and towards comments comments and and criticism.
and criticism. criticism. and criticism. criticism.
Lack commitment
Show excellent Show very good Show good Show some in completing the
commitment in commitment in commitment in commitment in task.
completing the task. completing the completing the completing the
task. task. task.

Assessment Rubrics for Article

(Weighting 10%)


Aspect (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks) (Marks)
5 4 3 2 1
9 10 78 56 34 12
17 20 13 16 9 12 58 14
25 - 30 19 - 24 13 - 18 7 - 12 1-6
Criteria 33 - 40 25 - 32 17 - 24 9 - 16 1-8
1.0 CONTENT Outstanding Very good Good description of Satisfactory Vague description
(40 MARKS) description of description of content for seminar description of of content for
content for seminar content for seminar proceeding. content for seminar seminar
proceeding. proceeding. proceeding. proceeding.

2.0 ACADEMIC Outstanding skill in Very good skill in Skillful in making Fairly skillful in Unable to discuss
WRITING AND making critical making critical critical discussion making critical critically
PRESENTATION discussion with discussion with with reference to discussion with
(30 MARKS) reference to reference to accurate and reference to
accurate and accurate and relevant literature relevant literature
relevant literature relevant literature review. review.
review. review..
3.0 LANGUAGE Outstanding use of Very good use of Good use of Satisfactory use of Inappropriate use of
USE IN language for language for language for language for language for
ACADEMIC academic writing. academic writing. academic writing. academic writing. academic writing.
(20 MARKS)
4.0 REFERENCES Very relevant Relevant Fairly relevant Few relevant Irrelevant
(10 MARKS) references. references. references. references. references.

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