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jeopardize: poner en peligro
to scold regaar
make do with: conformarse
drawback: disadvantage
beyond the shadow of a doubt
be on a knife edge pendent dun fil
baffled: confundido: why / by
on the spur of the moment: spontaneously
set ones mind on
Im not nearly as good a tennis player as
to doubl in somenthing: he doubled in height
contingency plan = pla B
single mindedness
Cast your mind back to try to remember
its by no means certain
its all the same to me
drive round the bend - make someone very angry
be over the moon about- be very happy
sheepishly avergonzadamente
have a knack of / for doing tenir facilitat
set in motion poner en marcha
livid with anger rojo de rabia
sustain an injury
dawn on - pasar por la cabeza, caer en cuenta
I live about two hours drive from here
came near to dying of pneumonia
resist doing (no prep)
lest para que no
get used to V+ing!!
do away with eliminar
Try as I might , I couldn't turn the key
be at a disadvantage in that we didnt know the language
he said those things TO annoy me
scape by a hairs breadth
take exception to something
have no difficulty finding
all THAT he said
what with being so busy, she became bad tempered.
I havent been to so enjoyable a party
engrossed ensimismado
denigrate - menospreciar
play havoc with: bring chaos to
amass: reunir
tally: coincide, concordar
hold great appeal
resourt to recurrir a
advocate proponer
akin to paregut a
plummet caer en picada
make a better case plantea mejor el caso
subject matter: asignatura, tema
fortitude fortaleza
whereby a travs del qual
strive for lluitar per
second to none el milllor
let off perdonar
, say, - per exemple
likeness- semblana
unsettling perturbador
obliging - servicial
have design to : tenir intencio
cut short acortar, interrumpir
be suspected of
conclusive evidence
alert mind desperta
spasely furnished escassament
incur debts
to the detriment of / at the expense of
turn a blind eye to
cordoned off (poli)
eyeing you (without prep)
etch X onto X grabar a sobre
second nature reaccin instintiva
keenly (interested) - intesament
scant information poca info
untarnished reputation sense tacar
go for (decantarse para) make for (dirigirse hacia)
keep a tight rein
stretch of land una franja de terra
theres no use (in) ing no tenir sentit
reminisce about rememorar
get / come to gribs with pillar el sentit
new lease of life un nou alicient
gloat over presumir
in our midst entre nosaltres?
take by storm?
distincyly remember
puto ut - incomode
click fingers or tongue chasquear
by far and away de bon tros
give pause for thought
learn the ropes
clearly defined
let on: reveal a secret
beset by having a lot of trouble
be on a par with ser equiparable
flawless perfecte
dense forest
see fit you think it is necessary
forthcomming departure
stretch back to - remontarse
blast into space
get out of hand
bring something off
well thought of ben considerat
bring sb to do sth convencer de fer algo
X on the dot hora en punt
fair share part justa, equitativa
lose your nerve fear
the truth will emerge saler a luz
financial plight apuro
with a view to doing smth amb la intenci de
not take kindly to ing no agradar
diwndle to reducir
think-tank conjunt dexperts
be none the wiser no entendre / no adonar-sen compte
seethe with anger / rage
have to hand it to someone - to give someone credit, reconixer el merit
dire consequences very bad, extreme
asset: valuable quality, skill, or person / something valuable that can be used for the
payment of debts:
for my liking pel meu gust
pervert the course of justice
smudge mark of ink
screening process proces de filtraci
procedes ganancia
stop dithering and chose / make a decisin
in broad daylight
fumble the ball (deixar perdre la pilota)
tamper with alterar, falsificar
expend energy on
outstrip superar
airy - espais
take its / a toll on causar sofriment
elusive escurridizo
closing-down sale per liquidaci
let alone ni molt menys, i menys encara
overrun sobrepassat (time limit) vs overweight (pes)
single out distinguir
infest invair
throw off the trail engaar, misdirect
the best part most of
to no avail without any success
soothe the pain
loot saquear
derelict house en ruines
pour a beer (servir)
and such like, and the like i aix, i coses aix
overhawl - arreglar
come into forc entrar en vigencia
be wary estar al tanto
brush sb off no fer cas
boil down to reducirse a
take sb in donar refugi, take sb up parlar sobre algo
want for smth - lack
on ones hand en possessi
heal the rift / breach fer les paus
sift through examinar
arson posar foc
shatter the silence / peace destrossar
heedless of ignorant, sense fer cas de
give off desprendre (olor)
shed tears (deixar caure)
laden with carregat de
on the lookout for
steer clear of evitar
under the influence of alcohol
candid talk sincera charla
riddle with plagat de

students are under no obligation to attend to

On no account must you keep open
where this kind of pottery can be
who dissuaded her FROM GOING X
international flights are subject to
Lorraine as the only exception X THE EXCEPTION OF LORRAINE
never occurred to me that someone
has its bounds for X IS OUT OF BOUNDS TO
be of no concern of somebody

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