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Rittal Therm User Manual

Version 6.3
Rittal Therm User Manual, Version 6.3 (October 2014) Page 2

Program description ................................................................................................................................ 3
Installation................................................................................................................................................ 4
System requirements .......................................................................................................................... 4
Setup ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Network capability ............................................................................................................................... 5
Deinstallation ........................................................................................................................................... 5
User interface .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Welcome screen.................................................................................................................................. 6
Main menu File ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Menu function Data import ................................................................................................................ 8
Menu function Data export ................................................................................................................ 9
Menu function Print ........................................................................................................................... 9
Menu function Exit ............................................................................................................................ 9
Main menu Projects ............................................................................................................................ 10
Menu function New ......................................................................................................................... 10
Additional information Create new project via EPLAN Pro Panel Professional ............................. 11
Menu function Overview ................................................................................................................. 12
Main menu Additional info ................................................................................................................... 13
Menu function Program Pressure Drop .......................................................................................... 13
Menu function Maintenance and commissioning ............................................................................ 13
Menu function Climate-Engineering-Services ................................................................................ 13
Menu function Humidity calculation ................................................................................................ 14
Menu function Climate diagrams .................................................................................................... 14
Main menu Options ............................................................................................................................. 15
Menu function SI units .................................................................................................................... 15
Menu function Anglo-Saxon units ................................................................................................... 15
Menu function Heat loss ................................................................................................................. 15
Menu function Update via the Internet ............................................................................................ 16
Menu function Settings ................................................................................................................... 17
Menu function Release locked projects .......................................................................................... 17
Main menu Help .................................................................................................................................. 18
Menu function Help ......................................................................................................................... 18
Menu function Info .......................................................................................................................... 18
Expert and express mode...................................................................................................................... 18
Calculation ............................................................................................................................................. 19
Interface ................................................................................................................................................. 22
File microweb.ini ................................................................................................................................. 23
Rittal Therm User Manual, Version 6.3 (October 2014) Page 3

Program description
The basic purpose of the software Rittal Therm is to calculate the effective surface area and
the heat dissipation via this surface for a selected enclosure specification. The external and
internal temperatures, and the voltage and frequency of the available power system are
required as input parameters. On this basis, the program determines appropriate selections
of climate control solutions from the following categories:
Air/air heat exchangers
Cooling units
Air/water heat exchangers
Climate control doors

The program also takes into account the geometry of the available climate control units and
specifies only those units which are suitable for the selected enclosures.

The full version of Therm runs without time limitations.

When Therm is started, a software package integrating the Windows operating system, an
Apache-compatible server, a MySQL database and a PHP interpreter is installed on your
computer. Such packages are referred to as WAMPs for short. The installation is performed
with the tool Microweb from IndigoStar in the version 3.00 dated 17 January 2009.
Subsequently, the browser is opened automatically and the Therm start page is displayed.

Therm 6.3 uses HTML, JavaScript, PHP version 5.2.8, MySQL version 5.1.30 and ionCube
PHP Encoder 6.5.13.

PHP is a server-side programming language which can be incorporated into the HTML pages
of Web applications. When a page is called, the PHP code contained on that page (together
with any files required by this code) is read, parsed and executed; the finished page is then
output to the browser.

MySQL is a SQL relational database which stores its data in the form of tables. It has also
been handling the database activities of SAP since May 2003. The database system SAP DB
has been renamed MaxDB and is now based on the MySQL core.
ionCube PHP Encoder is a PHP accelerator and encoder solution. It accelerates PHP scripts
by saving them in their compiled state, eliminating the need for compilation at runtime. A
number of other optimised features also serve to speed up script execution.
Rittal Therm User Manual, Version 6.3 (October 2014) Page 4

System requirements

The following minimum system requirements should be observed to allow smooth working
500 MB free hard disk space
UTF8-enabled browser; the following browsers have been tested
o Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0, 9.0, 10.0 or 11.0
o Mozilla Firefox 28.0 to 32.0
CPU with 2,0 GHz clock rate
Windows 2000 or XP:
o Pentium 4, Celeron or equivalent AMD processor
o 512 MB RAM
Windows Vista, 7 or 8:
o Dual-Core or equivalent processor
o 1 GB RAM


The program starts by double-clicking the file microweb.exe. All data are stored in a MySQL
database. To enable writing to the database, the data are copied to the temporary folder of
your Windows installation when Therm is started for the first time. You can find out where
this is on your local PC by opening the MS DOS command prompt and entering echo
The setup program will create appropriate links for the Start menu and the Desktop, as well
as the required uninstaller information. To run the setup program, double-click the file
setup.exe in the root folder. Follow the setup instructions which appear on the screen. It is
not necessary to restart the computer.
The installer and uninstaller programs are multilingual and start in the language of your
installed Windows operating system.
The user must possess write authorisation for the temporary folder, as this is where the
databases, projects and import/export files are stored. It must be possible to modify these
files during the application runtime.
The installation creates a program folder as specified by the user. The default folder is
C:\Program Files\Rittal\ApplicationName, but this path can be changed freely by the user. If
the specified folder does not yet exist, it will be created.
Rittal Therm User Manual, Version 6.3 (October 2014) Page 5

Further subfolders are created within the selected installation folder:

...\ ApplicationName\htdocs
...\ ApplicationName\mysql
...\ ApplicationName\php

Modifiable files are managed in the temporary folder, where the following subfolders are
...\ ApplicationName\projekte (projects)
...\ ApplicationName\sicherung (backups)
...\ ApplicationName\verlustdaten (heat loss data)

All files are installed locally.

Network capability

You can access Therm with several persons and receive a note, if a project is locked by
another user. For that purpose the data folder mysql\data will be saved on a central server.
Afterwards every user fills in the path to this folder in his local installed version of Therm
inside the file microweb.ini:
; MySql start command
OnStart="%B%\bin\mysqld.exe" --defaults-file="%B%/my.ini" --basedir="%B%" --
datadir="YOUR PATH" --log-error="%C%/mysqllog.txt" --pid-file="%C%/" --bind-
address= --innodb_log_group_home_dir="%C%" --skip-innodb --external-locking

Deinstallation removes the installed files, folders and Windows registry entries, with the
exception of the data in the temporary folder.

If an installation folder contains files or subfolders which were not installed
or created by the Therm application itself, these files and subfolders will not
be deleted.
Rittal Therm User Manual, Version 6.3 (October 2014) Page 6

User interface
The user interface is based on the Microsoft Windows standard GUI, i.e. it comprises
a menu bar in text form
a working area

The main menu bar remains visible for the whole program runtime.

Welcome screen

The desired language can be set by clicking on the area Bitte whlen Sie Ihre Sprache
(Please choose your language) which can be seen on the screen below, or else changed at
any other time during program execution. The language selection will influence not only the
user interface texts, but also the displayed addresses and the date format.
Rittal Therm User Manual, Version 6.3 (October 2014) Page 7

The start screen will be skipped when Therm is called the next time. If required, this setting
can be changed back later via the menu function Options Settings, under Introduction

Clicking on the Start program button calls the Quick start tab.
This tab contains the options
Calculate enclosure climate control
Configure machine cooling
Manage projects
Additional info
User manual

The function Calculate enclosure climate control opens a new project. By clicking on
Configure machine cooling, you jump to a multiple-page form which can be filled out directly
and then output as a PDF to request a qualified quotation for a chiller system from Rittal.
Manage projects switches the interface to the overview of existing projects, Additional info
selects the Additional info tab, and User manual opens a description of the software in the
form of a PDF. If the language was not already specified during the program setup, a screen
asking you to select your desired language will appear.
Rittal Therm User Manual, Version 6.3 (October 2014) Page 8

Main menu File

Menu function Data import

Selecting this function opens a window with two tabs: All Data, Heat loss and Project
data. This permits you to import all data from a previous version or save heat losses or
previous projects from saved files into Therm. While importing data, a project import
language has to be specified, because the name of the heat loss components will be
assumed into the project data. The import path can be influenced via the menu function
Options - Settings - Save file as.
At the first start of Therm 6.3 the program searches for previous version and Therm starts the
tab All data automatically.
Rittal Therm User Manual, Version 6.3 (October 2014) Page 9

Menu function Data export

Selecting this function opens a window with two tabs: Heat loss and Project data. This
permits you to export specific heat loss or project data from the existing Therm database.
The export path can be changed via the menu function Options Settings under Save
file as.

Menu function Print

Prints the current screen contents.

Menu function Exit

This function closes the program. In Firefox, it is not permissible to close the program using
this command; instead, an info note will be displayed to explain how the program can be
closed in another way.
Rittal Therm User Manual, Version 6.3 (October 2014) Page 10

Main menu Projects

Menu function New

This function calls the New calculation tab, where it is possible to initiate a new climate
control calculation. This tab contains the options
Create new project
o Specify minimum temperature for heating
o Outdoor installation with exposure to the sun
Edit existing project

You can select one or other of the sub-options Specify minimum temperature for heating or
Outdoor installation with exposure to the sun, but not both together. It is also permissible to
deselect both. Once you have made your choice, a new project is created by clicking on
Create new project.
Clicking on Edit existing project opens the project overview.
Rittal Therm User Manual, Version 6.3 (October 2014) Page 11

Additional information Create new project via EPLAN Pro Panel Professional

This function allows importing an exisiting project out of EPLAN Pro Panel into Therm. This
point is only activated, if Therm has been started over the Data Portal and an active EPLAN
project with package dimensions exists. Otherwise this point is grey or not existing.

The Therm selector can be opened after the Data Portal within EPLAN Pro Panel has been
started and the producer has been changed to Rittal.

Now an existing project can be imported via Create new project Create new project via
EPLAN Pro Panel Professional.

First of all it has to be clarified for which climatisation area of the EPLAN project the
calculation has to be done. These areas will be picked out of the active project.

Subsequently the dialogue with the project data appears, but all fileds are already filled:
Main project data (Name, company etc.)
Parameters (Outside- and Insidetemperatures, voltage, frequency)
Enclosure information
Mounting situation
Heat loss of components

After the usual Therm calculation the result can be exported to Pro Panel via the button
Send configuration to EDP. Eventually the shopping basket has to be cleared. Afterwards
all chosen articles of the calculation appear.

Now the part list will be opened in EPLAN Pro Panel. For this purpose the point Import part
list has to be chosen in the Data Portal.

Out of the part list the chosen climatisation solution of the Therm calculation can now be
placed via drag & drop into the EPLAN package dimension.
Rittal Therm User Manual, Version 6.3 (October 2014) Page 12

Menu function Overview

This function calls the Project overview with a tabular overview of all existing projects.
Clicking on the pen icon opens an existing project, in the same way as a double-click on the
corresponding row of the table. Clicking on the red cross will delete the corresponding
Rittal Therm User Manual, Version 6.3 (October 2014) Page 13

Main menu Additional info

Menu function Program Pressure Drop

This function calls up information on the program Pressure Drop.

Pressure Drop 8.0 for Windows calculates the pressure losses caused by the friction of a
liquid or gas flowing through a pipe (both laminar and turbulent flows); in addition, it is
possible to calculate pressure changes related to the geodetic height (pipe runs upwards)
and changes in kinetic energy.
Besides simple pipes, the program calculations take into account also the losses attributable
to pipe fittings (changes of direction, etc.) and various accessories (valves, expansion
compensator, etc.). The individual elements can be combined freely, permitting calculation of
an overall pressure drop.
To be able to calculate a pressure drop, the program requires corresponding data to describe
both the pipes (roughness) and the flow media (density, viscosity). For typical pipes and
many liquids and gases, including mixtures, these data can be taken directly from the
program's own databases. A further user-defined database enables you to save and recall
data for any individually used media.
Further infos and answers to frequently asked questions (in German, English, French and
Dutch) can be found at The shareware version of this
program can be found in the Therm subfolder \htdocs\Druckverlust.

Menu function Maintenance and commissioning

This function opens a PDF file with detailed information on the topic of Maintenance and
commissioning. To be able to view this file, you must install the latest version of Acrobat
Reader, which can be obtained from

Menu function Climate-Engineering-Services

This function opens a PDF file with detailed information on the topics Project planning for
enclosure climate control and machine cooling, Thermal analysis (IR thermography and on-
site temperature measurements) and Preparation of CFD analyses and flow models
Tests performed in the company's own laboratories.
Rittal Therm User Manual, Version 6.3 (October 2014) Page 14

Menu function Humidity calculation

This function opens a new page entitled Humidity calculation.

The required input values are here the temperature in degrees Celsius and either the relative
humidity as a percentage or the dew point in degrees Celsius. When you click on the button
Calculate, the absolute humidity in grams per cubic metre is calculated for the specified
temperature, together with the corresponding relative humidity as a percentage or the dew
point in degrees Celsius, depending on the previous selection.

Menu function Climate diagrams

This function provides a link to the Internet page

Rittal Therm User Manual, Version 6.3 (October 2014) Page 15

Main menu Options

Menu function SI units

If you select this function, the following SI units are used in all data screens:
C, mm, W, m2, m3

Menu function Anglo-Saxon units

If you select this function, the following Anglo-Saxon units are used in all data screens: F,
BTU, sq.ft., CFM

Menu function Heat loss

This function opens a window in which the heat loss data for devices can be entered, edited
and deleted. The window comprises the two tabs Device list and Group list. Three
hierarchy levels are used on the Device list tab: The first level distinguishes the device
manufacturers, the second level specifies device types, e.g. frequency converters, and the
third level displays the individual devices with the heat loss data. When you call the device
list, the display is automatically switched to the level of individual devices; the two higher
hierarchy levels can be modified via the group list.
Rittal Therm User Manual, Version 6.3 (October 2014) Page 16

The data entered here are added directly to the database and are thus available immediately
in all projects.
To ensure that the device designations are shown correctly after switching to another
language, it is important always to enter at least an English designation. English is the fall-
back language which is used if no entry exists in the selected language.

Menu function Update via the Internet

This function is used to check for the latest Therm program version. It also specifies where
the latest version can be found and downloaded.

This check requires an active Internet connection.
Rittal Therm User Manual, Version 6.3 (October 2014) Page 17

Menu function Settings

This function opens the Settings window with the input fields Introduction page,
maxTemp, minTemp and Save file as.
In the input field Introduction page, you can specify a time in seconds as the duration for
the Flash animation of the welcome screen. If a time of 0 s is set, the welcome screen is
The fields maxTemp and minTemp define the permissible range for temperature inputs.
The path entered under Save file as specifies the folder in which the heat loss data and
projects are to be saved.

Menu function Release locked projects

If your browser closes during a calculation, the last project used is locked because it is still
active. The function Release locked projects will cancel this locking and you can go on
working in the project.
In case you cannot go to Release locked projects because of a locking, please use the file
release.bat in the Therm folder. It will cancel all lockings.
Rittal Therm User Manual, Version 6.3 (October 2014) Page 18

Main menu Help

Menu function Help

This function calls up context-sensitive help information relating to the current screen
contents. The same help information is obtained by clicking on the button with a question
mark in the bottom left corner of the screen.

Menu function Info

Selecting this function displays the current version number and further information relating to
the program.

Expert and express mode

The expert mode provides a series of setting possibilities which have been disabled in the
express mode in favour of simpler and faster calculations. For example, the express mode
only permits calculation of the climate control for a single enclosure. The heat loss values,
furthermore, can only be entered directly, whereas they can be determined from measured
temperatures or lists in the expert mode.
Rittal Therm User Manual, Version 6.3 (October 2014) Page 19

The calculations to determine the suitable climate control units for a particular cooling
problem take into account not only the ambient conditions and the specified heat losses, but
also the geometry specifications of the selected enclosure. Each calculation is structured
over 5 tabs: Project data, Enclosure selection, Calculation, Accessories, Summary.
The parameters Max. external temperature, Max. internal temperature, Voltage and
Frequency can be modified at any time during calculation. The Project data tab contains
general project information to enable the project to be identified in the overview table and in
the results summary.

Three special cases are taken into account under Enclosure selection:
The product group SO denotes special enclosures whose dimensions and k-factor can
be specified freely
TS encloses can be combined into suites if the heights and depths of the enclosures are
CP 6372.009, 6382.009, 6292.009, 6292.109 and 6392.209 are operating housings with
variable depths and surfaces.
Rittal Therm User Manual, Version 6.3 (October 2014) Page 20

When you click on the button Save enclosure, a message box is displayed to ask whether
heat loss data are to be assigned to the selected enclosure. If no data are to be entered at
this point, you must select Cancel. When you click on OK, a new window is opened with
three tabs:
Direct input
Measured temperature
Device list

Subsequently, you can select further enclosures and if appropriate then combine them
into a suite in a new window. It is only possible to combine enclosures into a suite in the case
of TS enclosures of identical height and width, subject furthermore to the specification of
correct enclosure position types (end and centre enclosures).

The calculated results are displayed on the Calculation tab. On the basis of these results, a
climate control recommendation can be called up by clicking on the buttons corresponding to
different types of climate control unit.
Fans and air/air heat exchangers can only be selected if the maximum external temperature
is colder than the maximum permissible internal temperature. Otherwise, the external air
would not be able to cool the enclosure interior to the desired temperature.
Furthermore, no climate control units are displayed if no cooling is necessary, i.e. the
prescribed internal temperature is already observed without climate control.
While chosing an air/water-heat exchanger Therm shows you which chiller can efficiently
provide it with water.

One special case relates to calculations for outdoor installation: The results are here derived
from empirical measurement data. Such measurements have to date only been performed
Rittal Therm User Manual, Version 6.3 (October 2014) Page 21

for enclosures of the CS product group, and even then permit only a very limited selection of
installed devices.

The tab Accessories offers only compatible accessories. If two cooling units are selected,
the connecting cable will also be offered automatically.

The tab Summary serves to document the defined project. The button GM creates a file in
a special file format used by General Motors. The buttons XML, HTM and TXT serve to
output the calculation results in the respective formats.

Via the button Temperature-rise proof DIN EN 61439/60890 a calculation of the over
temperature for short-circuit resistance of busbar and protective circuit systems in
accordance to standard IEC 61439 will be done. For switchgear and controlgear assemblies
up to 1600 A, standard IEC 61439 permits verification via the determination and calculation
of power losses in the operating equipment used. Successful verification requires proof that
dissipation of the heat loss is guaranteed, to prevent excessively high temperatures in the
enclosure interior. As a good addition for the verification according to standard IEC 61439
the total power loss of the busbar system, the adaptors and equipment mounted on it, and
other power loss producers can be calculated with the software Rittal Power Engineering
already in the run-up.
Rittal Therm User Manual, Version 6.3 (October 2014) Page 22

The subfolder htdocs/interface contains three example files: data.txt, data.xml and
startdatatransfer.bat. These three files contain comments describing the interface for data
transfer to Therm.
You can open either of the files data.txt or data.xml with a text editor of your choice and
can then enter data for use in Therm. The file data.txt possesses a simpler data structure,
but is limited to one enclosure and a maximum of 20 devices with heat loss data. If the
project in hand is more complex, then it is necessary to use the file data.xml. The process
of data transfer to Therm is started with the batch file startdatatransfer.bat, in which it is
specified, which of the two text files is to be read. The batch file then starts the Therm
software and displays the project overview.
Rittal Therm User Manual, Version 6.3 (October 2014) Page 23

File microweb.ini
The file microweb.ini is to be found in the root folder of Therm. It is a text file containing
setting parameters and can be opened in the text editor with a double-click. The following
parameters can be edited there:

Name of the Web page in the browser:

o hostName=localhost
The real host with this name will then be temporarily unattainable, however, because
the IP is saved intermediately by the browser. The value hostname=default tells
Microweb to take the host name of the computer on which it is currently running.

Port number of the Web page:

o Normally, Microweb will always assign a port number which is not in use. It is also
possible, however, to assign a specific port number: port=4001

Browser selection:
o Microweb starts the default browser. It is also possible, however, to select a different
browser with one of the following entries:

Furthermore, you can start a browser from the command line with one of the following

If no browser is selected, the only way to close the Web server is to press CTRL-ALT-DEL
or else to terminate the program via the Task Manager menu. A warning message will be
displayed, but can be ignored in this case.
You can also start a specific different browser using the following command line:
browserpath=<path to the browser to be started>

The location can be specified either as an absolute path or relative to the server root
directory. To start the browser in kiosk mode, you should use the following entry:
Rittal Therm User Manual, Version 6.3 (October 2014) Page 24

Use of a MySQL database:

o If the directory mysql/data is not writable, microweb copies automatically the content
of the directory mysql\data in the temporary directory %TEMP%\microweb-dataVVV,
when it starts for the first time, to create a working copy. VVV ist the parameter
DatabaseVersion, which also can be changed inside microweb.ini.

The working copy of the data is only created when Microweb is used for the first time. If
Microweb is to copy the data again, it is necessary to change the version number of the
database: DatabaseVersion=0043

The value can be any valid folder name. It is appended to the path to the working copy of the

If a MySQL database server is already running on the target computer, you must use an
alternative port. To change the MySQL server port number, use the following entry:
OnStart=%%$server_root\mysql\bin\mysqld%% --skip-innodb --standalone --
basedir=%%$unix_server_root/mysql%% -- datadir=%%$mysql_data_dir%% --

OnExit=%%$server_root\mysql\bin\mysqladmin%% --user=root --port=3000 shutdown

Note that pairs of percentage signs must be used in place of a quotation mark in the INI file.

Permit display of folder contents:

o AllowListing=1

Permit remote access from other computers:

o By default, a Web page can only be viewed on the PC on which it is running. The
following entry also permits viewing from other computers on the network:
Rittal Therm User Manual, Version 6.3 (October 2014) Page 25

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