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ANIMATION: Clock flips with synchronized ticking noises


ANIMATION: A rotating Earth appears, followed by calming music

NARRATOR speaks in a deep,unnerving, guilty-feeling voice

(off screen)

Imagine a world without fish.

Zooms in on Earth, a fishing boat enters, followed by the noises of a

cruise ship.

ANIMATION: The earth turns into a pie graph with the sad background

(off screen)

1 billion people on Earth rely on fish as their primary source of

protein. Without protein they could die. Without fish more than
people will die, all species will be affected greatly, from the great
blue whale in the sea (corresponding footage taken of a blue whale) to
the ferocious bears in the forest.(corresponding image of a bear)

Fade To Black:

REPORTER a girl dressed in all black wearing a blue blazer

Reporter walks on beach and begins to talk

(on screen)

All over the world major environmental issues have arisen, forest
fires, pollution, natural disasters, etc. However one has gotten less
attention than it deserves.
Overfishing has become an issue globally ever since the baby boom and
the high demand of fish began.

The first disaster began with what was almost the extinction of the
Atlantic Cod near Canada, and ever since people have begun to notice
this increasing problem.

Slide Transition From Left To Right:

Reporter is swimming underwater

(on screen)

The ocean is much like any ecosystem on land. It has a food chain,
and all the creatures depend on each other to live and keep balance in
the ecosystem. For example many small fish eat shrimp like creatures,
mackerel and tuna eat the small fish, and sharks eat the tuna.

Moves towards a coral reef

(on screen)

Another issue we will have in the future is with coral reef. The
coral reef act like a wall for tsunamis. They weaken the strength of
tsunamis greatly. If there werent coral reefs tsunamis as well as
tropical storms would be much stronger, not to mention that global
warming will likely cause tropical storms and tsunamis to be more
frequent and destructive.

The amount of people unemployed because of the Atlantic Cod Crisis of

1972 is equivalent to the population of Turks & Caicos Islands.

Fade in:
EXT: Animation of digits flipping to 40,000

(off screen)
The collapse of the Atlantic Cod Fishery marked a massive change in
the economic structure of Atlantic Canada, which was shown in
Newfoundland heavily.

(off screen)


40,000 Newfoundland fishers and plant workers were left unemployed by

this crisis with minimal income employment by the government and still
remain unemployed today.

Fade out:
EXT: Clip of the map of Turks and Caicos Islands

(off screen)

The amount of people unemployed by the Atlantic Cod Crisis of 1972 is

equivalent to the entire population of Turks and Caicos Islands

Fade in:

This scene will represent that the size of a fishing net is equivalent
to the size of four football fields

Animation of four football fields with mathematical equations of 360 x

160 feet= 57, 600

(off screen)

The size of one fishing net is equivalent to the size of four

football fields.

Animation of four football fields captured by one large fishing net

with mathematical equations equivalent to 230,400 feet

Prolonged fade in:

Prolonged fade in when first line is said

(off screen)

Bycatch the unwanted fish of another species caught in the midst of

commercial fish

(off screen)


80% of bycatch is thrown out when caught

Fade in:

Grainy clip of commercial fishing

(off screen)

But what happens to the other 20%?

Fade In:
An animation of a piece of shrimp with a fork holding onto it appears

(off screen)

1 kilo of shrimp

An animation of another fish species on the side appears from the top

(off screen)

Means 9 kilos of other marine animals caught and wasted

The bycatch fall into a coffin which slams shut

Fade In:
A global animated map appears to reveal the decrease in fish stock
throughout the years of 1967-2017

A reporter appears to be walking to the large map and points at it

when talking about certain places where overfishing occurs.

(on screen)

We all have an effect in overfishing. Its not the time to blame

others of our problems. The fast rate at which the fish stocks are
depleted or endangered in 50 years is astounding. We are the
problem. The new technologies we develop are the problem. The
fishing limits we set are the problem. The lack of management of
fish stocks are the problem. Our selfish needs for a food is so
strong that we can terminate an entire species, are the problem.


Fade in:

Large words appear in white on a black screen

(off screen)

Every problem has a cause

Every cause has an owner
Every owner has a choice for change
We can be that change

Fade in:

A politician appears speaking to a crowd of people

(on screen)

The fishing limits have been set to 27,500 t.

Animation of a graph appears as a circle, within the circle 10,000t


(on screen)

Disregarding Scientific advice the EU has set fishing

limits more than double the amount knowledgeable
scientists have advised

A larger circle envelops over the first circle of 10,00t with the
number 27,500t

Fade in:
There is an animation of politicians at a panel murmuring

(on screen)

These are the politicians we elect

An animation of stick-life like people appear around the politicians

appearing in many rows around.


(on screen)

We have the power to elect politicians that we believe agree with our
views. Who believe overfishing is a problem. Who have vowed to set
proper fishing limits. Who will help the Atlantic Cod Crisis from
worsening. Who will work with the rest of the world to make a
change. We can do that.

Fade in:
Animation of the earth falling off a cliff

(on screen)

The damage that we have done in regards to overfishing has done is

like falling off of a cliff, its irreversible-permanent. Once
youve fallen, you cant shift back to the top. You can only stop
yourself from worsening.

Fade in:

Each word in the rhetorical question below will be presented on a

separate scene

(on screen)

We know the effect

We have the knowledge
Why dont we solve it?

The logos of WWF,Greenpeace and UN appear on a black screen beside
each other.



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