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1st Internal Test. Total 25 points

Answer any 5 questions. Each question is worth 5 points

11. Define gage factor and transverse sensitivity of a strain gage. How is the gage
factor obtained by the manufacturer?

2 Define Lagrangian strain, Natural strain, and Eulerian strain. Find the error
involved if the s.g is pasted on a 0.5 cm thick cantilever beam, where the grid plane
is 0.05 cm above the surface. How does the error change if the cantilever beam is 5
cm thick?

3 Define3. Define sensitivity of a gage. Derive expressions for the sensitivity of a

strain gage. Explain the varios terms and factors.

4. What is State of Stress at a point? Give the components. Give the stresses after
a transformation by rotation in 2D by an angle theta. What are the principal stresses
and give the expressions for these.

5. The readings of a 45 degree strain rosette are

o = 100 10 -6

45 = 200 10-6

90 = 900 10 -6

Find the magnitude of the principal strains of the rosette.

6. How is the potentiometer circuit used to measure strain. Derive the sensitivity of
a potentiometer.

How is temperature compensation done for a strain gage? Explain with a sketch.

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