Grammar Consolidation Unit 4: Relative Pronouns

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Relative pronouns
1 Cross out the word which doesnt fit.

Hes the man who / where / that opened a clothes shop.

1 This is the restaurant which / that / who we had dinner in.
2 These are the shoes that / where / which I bought
3 The girl who / which / that I saw earlier had very trendy
4 The school that / where / which my cousin goes to has a
terrible uniform.
5 The woman that / which / who bought those shoes must be
very impractical!

some / any / no compounds

2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

anything anywhere nothing someone something somewhere

Theres nothing in the shop that I want to buy.

1 Is there ______________ in this shopping centre where I can
buy a hat?
2 Shall we watch ______________ at the cinema tonight?
3 Have you got ______________ I can borrow for Carlas party?
My clothes arent very trendy!
4 Id like to go ______________ hot on holiday.
5 I think Ive just seen ______________ I know from college.

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The future
3 Match the sentence beginnings and ends.

1 Your new shoes are great. d

2 The film starts at 8. Im ___
3 I think I ___
4 I want to save up and buy a car. I ___
5 Peter likes this band. He ___
6 Look at those clouds. Its ___
a ll go for a walk its a really nice day.
b leaving the house at 7.30.
c might be at the concert tonight.
d Maria will love them!
e going to rain soon.
f m going to get a part-time job.

4 Underline the correct words.

In the future, mobile phones will be / are going to be very

1 In 2020 the Olympics are going to be / might be in the
2 Im going to go / to go for a walk this evening if it doesnt
3 We will be visiting / are visiting my friends new baby
sister at the weekend.
4 Bob will / wont pass his exams in the summer hes
worked really hard this year.
5 My mum might / will get a new car next year, but shes not
sure yet.

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Relative pronouns
1 Complete the sentences with who, which or where.

These are the shoes which I bought yesterday.

1 The school ______________ my cousin goes to has a terrible
2 Hes the man ______________ opened a clothes shop.
3 The woman ______________ bought those shoes must be very
4 The girl ______________ I saw earlier had very trendy clothes.
5 This is the restaurant ______________ we had dinner.

some / any / no compounds

2 Complete the sentences with the correct some / any / no compounds.

Shall we watch something at the cinema tonight?

1 Id like to go ______________ hot on holiday.
2 Is there ______________ in this shopping centre where I can
buy a hat?
3 I think Ive just seen ______________ I know from college.
4 Theres ______________ in the shop that I want to buy I dont
like any of it.
5 Have you got ______________ I can borrow for Carlas party?
My clothes arent very trendy!

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The future
3 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

ll go m going m leaving might s going will love

Look at those clouds. Its going to rain soon.

1 I want to save up and buy a car. I______________ to get a part-
time job.
2 The film starts at 8. I______________ the house at 7.30.
3 Peter likes this band. He______________ be at the concert
4 Your new shoes are great. Maria______________ them!
5 I think I______________ for a walk. Its a really nice day.

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

In the future, computers will be (be) the size of a watch.

1 In 2020 Rafa Nadal ______________ (not be) famous any more.
2 I ______________ (go) for a walk this evening if the weather is
3 We ______________ (visit) my aunt in hospital at the weekend.
4 Bob ______________ (pass) his exams in the summer and go
5 My dad ______________ (get) a new job next year, but hes not
sure yet.

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