Fifth Business

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Kaitlyn Vogel

Fifth Business Analysis Paper


In this passage, within Fifth Business, Robertson Davies shows us the developing

theme of heroism through masks and archetypes. Davis uses heroism as an example of

archetypes within the book. His tone allows for him to be serious, however still tell a

story that makes the reader question Dunnys psyche. Dunny has several struggles that

allow him to grow; however, he still does not think he fits the criteria of a hero.

Robertson Davies uses the psychology principles proposed by Carl Jung to defend the

masks of heroism. Through the character Dunstan Ramsey, Davies reveals the faults of

society and its constant need of a hero, regardless of whether this iconic hero is

authentic in his own mind.

Dunstan is on his journey to Buckingham Palace and is being referred to as a

hero. He is being displayed as a hero by receiving recognition and medals. Even after all

of this, he does not think he should be one. Jung psyche principles teach that society

needs a hero. This causes Dunstan to imagine the ideal characteristic of a hero.

Carl Jungs ideas are that a hero is needed for a society, no matter the

qualifications. This causes Dunstan to question whether he fits the role of a hero .

Davies portrays this in his work by justifying Dunstan for wanting to be a hero in order

to fulfil society. Even though he does not feel that he is a hero, society says there needs

to be one so he puts on a mask to portray the characteristic. Dunstan states, But it

doesn't much matter, because people seem to need heroes; so long as I dont lose sight
of the truth, it might as well be me as anyone else. This depicts the ideology of people

needing heroes and as long as they are truthful they can be heroes, including characters

like Dunstan. Dunstan is wearing the heroic mask for the benefit of society not for


Dunstan continues to question himself as a hero. The writer uses juxtaposition

when comparing Dunstan looking into the kings eye to a hero. There was a moment,

however, when the King and I were looking directly into each others eyes, and in that

instant I had a revelation that takes much longer to explain than to experience. Here I

am, I reflected, being decorated as a hero; but I know that my heroic act was rather a

dirty job I did when I was dreadfully frightened; I could just as easily have muddled it

and been ingloriously killed. Dunstan explains how anyone could have been a hero it

does not have to be him. Dunstan argues that he is more fifth business rather than a


Davies novel accurately portrays Jung beliefs of heroism. Jung beliefs consists

that society needs heroes. The passage shows how Dunstan looks at these beliefs and

realizes if anyone can be a hero, he can too. Dunstan was not being a hero for himself he

was being a hero for society. As he feels the need to submit to the demands of society,

Dunstan was forced to put on a mask making himself a hero figure.

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