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Aliya 1 | 21:1-19 Aliya 2 | 21:20-22:3

In verse 21:1 the Torah introduces the laws In verse 21:24 we are offered the
famous instructions, an eye for an eye.

outlined in this parsha as placed before
them. While we know that this is not taken
What does it mean to place a law literally, why do we not do so?
Alternatively, what is the correct
before the people? How does this understanding of the word tachat?
language impact the nature of the law?
Our Sages in Talmud Bava Kamma 84a
Rashi suggests that the task presented to extensively discuss the limits placed on
Moshe was not simply to familiarize the this instruction. Rashi quoting the
Every Week. Every Aliya. A Question (or two) Jewish people with the details of these laws Talmud explains the interpretation of
but to also help them understand the this verse instructing us to place a value
reasoning behind them. Rashi also upon the damages which would in turn
understands this as a limitation on the be the amount owed by the one who
Parshat Mishpatim exposure Jewish law should have in secular caused the damage. The Sforno
February 2017 | Shevat 5777 | Shabbat Shekalim courts. The Sforno understands these suggests that perhaps the ideal would
words as explaining that these are not be for an equal physical punishment.
Shabbat Shalom necessarily commandments that need to The challenge presented is that one
created by be fulfilled but rather they are laws that cannot measure the appropriate
need to be applied should the physical retribution and thus we rely on
Rabbi Yechiel Shaffer financial compensation. The Rabbeinu
circumstances arise. The Talmud Bava
Assistant Rabbi, Ohab Zedek, NY Chananel uses both logic & verse to
please let us know if you enjoyed the KT Companion, or Kamma 15a says that placing these laws prove that this verse is not literal. He
to receive it in your inbox each week: before them comes to include everyone does though invoke Ovadiah 15-16 who was present at Mt. Sinai for the giving that indicates the equilibrium to be
Twitter: @yechields or #KTC of the Torah. There was no exception based found within the realizing of Jewish
on gender or circumstance for these rules. history, as reflected by this verse.

Aliya 3 | 22:4-26 Aliya 4 | 22:27-23:5

Examine verse 22:17.The verse constructs this command in an How do you understand verse 22:27?
unusual way. Would it not make more sense to say a What prohibition is it referring to exactly? Rashi suggests that
sorcerer shall be put to death as apposed to what is does this verse is the source for the prohibition against blasphemy in
say a sorcerer shall not live (see verse 18 for the standard addition to the prohibition of cursing a judge. The Chizkuni
example)? The Rashbam stresses that authorities not need to considers the context this verse is brought within. Since the
be concerned by their witchcraft practices when bringing these proceeding verses are discussing situations of adjudication in a
sorcerers to judgement. Indeed, if there was a concern for the case where the judge has permitted a borrower to take a pledge as
safety of the Judges, they may be hesitant in judging this case a security for a loan, in this scenario while the lender may lose out,
appropriately. The Netziv points out that a sorcerer is within the he should be careful not to curse the judge. The Rashbam
category of someone who potentially performs fatal damage to suggests that the Torah chose the most likely scenario where
society and therefore cannot have a place in society. The someone would curse an authority, when a judge rules against
Ramban says similar to the Netziv, in that the reason the verse them. The Ibn Ezra expands this prohibition against cursing
is constructed in such a manner is because sorcery causes great leadership to include the Kohanim & Leviim who represent the
damage to those most vulnerable to being tricked. Its impact teaching of Torah laws. The Sforno explains that one cannot be
reaches far beyond the person performing the sorcery and thus impartial about your own guilt or innocence, and therefore your
requires a careful effort to uproot from society. emotional reaction (pronouncing a curse) is inappropriate.

Aliya 5 | 23:6-19 Aliya 6 | 23:20-25 Aliya 7 | 23:26-24:18

In the concluding verse of this Aliya, Examine verse 23:20 in which G-d tells us that he Examine verse 24:6. Rashi quotes
23:19, we are offered the instruction not was sending an angel before us. Vayikra Rabba 6:5 that states that
to cook a kid goat in its mothers milk. The Ibn Ezra suggests that this protective angel an angel divided the blood in half,
The Sforno says that idolaters used to was the Torah itself, which was represented by Rashi also comments that this blood
observe this practice largely b/c they the ark of the covenant. This is perhaps why the was to be sprinkled upon the Jewish
believed that it would bring blessing to language used in this verse is similar to the people, thus fulfilling one of the three
the earths productivity. If you want to opening of the 10 commandments. steps in creating a covenant with G-d.
know what will bring blessing, read the Why does Rashi inform us that an
(see the Daat Zkenim who expands on this idea) angel split this blood in half?
verse (23:19) in its entirety, and know The Chizkuni understands this in two ways. This
that you will be ensured blessing if you The Ikkar Siftei Chachamim points
was now a departure from what had been the out that there was no record of this
bring your first fruits to G-d. case up until that point. G-d Himself, will lead the blood being split in half and
The Rashbam explained that a mother Jewish people into the Promised Land up until therefore one must address how and
goat would birth two kids at a time. The the point where they stop listening to His when that took place. Perhaps this
custom then became to slaughter one of instructions. At that moment this responsibility blood needed to be split exactly in
the kids, and use the excessive milk from would be transferred to a celestial being. half, for which Moshe did not have
the mother (because she was producing Alternitavely, this is a reference to the eventual the tools to do so. One half sprinkled
enough milk for two kids) to cook the transference of power from Moshe to Yehoshua. on the alter represented mitzvot b/w
slaughtered kid goat. The Rashbam This miraculous existence will not continue Jew and G-d, the other half sprinkled
taught that this was prohibited, similar to forever and the celestial supervision will halt with on the people represent mitzvot b/w
slaughtering a mother animal and its the rise of Yehoshua to power. Jew and Jew. The amount of blood
child on the same day, because it The Bekhor Shor states that this angel that G-d needed to be miraculously equal b/c
represent a base lack of respect of life. was sending in front of them was indeed a both of these commands are
This verse was included within the prophet and not literally an angel. significant.
context of the Jewish holidays b/c many
animals were slaughtered, thus possibly Receive KTC in your inbox:
making us take life more lightly.
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