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2323 MN Senate
Building Capitol UpdateFebruary 23, 2016
95 University Ave W
St. Paul, MN 55155

I serve on the following February 23, 2017 SD 50 Bloomington, Richfield

committees: Health and
Human Services Policy &
Finance, E-12 Education
Finance, and Local Gov- Bills Move Forward
ernment. As the legislative session tor Jeremy Miller (R-Winona)
The first Committee continues, bills move through came before the Local Govern-
Deadline is March 10th.
the process at different times ment Committee, which I serve
and different speeds. It can be on, on February 15th. I voted
Im also looking forward confusing to track different bills against S.F. 580 because it takes
to meeting with Bloom- as they move through the broad authority away from cit-
ington and Richfield resi- House and Senate, and Id en- ies and Minnesotans seeking
dents about issues that courage you to make use of the better working conditions, with
are being discussed this
Revisor of Statutes website no assurance that state action
year. ( or con- to address those concerns will
My Senate website is tact my office if you have ques- be taken. tions.
senatorwiklund Another bill Ive heard quite
Ive heard from a number of a bit about from constituents is
district residents regarding S.F. S.F. 85. This bill, authored by
580, which would prohibit es- Senator Andrew Mathews of Senator Wiklund speaks on the Senate
How to contact me floor.
tablishing a minimum wage, sick Milaca, would allow Xcel Energy
at the Capitol: and safe time, or rules relative to construct, own, and operate
to benefits, terms of employ- a natural gas-fired electric pow- but I remain concerned about
ment, or working conditions er plant without approval of the ensuring that the PUCs over-
Phone: above what the state currently Minnesota Public Utilities Com- sight role is properly maintained.
651-297-8061 mandates. This bill would es- mission (PUC). This plant Im also concerned that this
sentially preempt local govern- would be a replacement for two erodes the PUCs ability to pro-
ments from raising the minimum coal-fired plants that will close tect ratepayers.
E-mail: wage or mandating benefits like in 2023.
sen.melissa.wiklund paid family leave. S.F. 85 came before the full I appreciate the need to Senate on February 16th, and I
This bill, authored by Sena- replace the jobs that will be lost, voted against it.

Linda Slocum
651-296-7158 New Bills Introduced
rep.linda.slocum Since my last update, several S.F. 1021 pertains to the more bills that Im authoring 77th Street Underpass in Rich-
Minnesota History:
have been introduced. S.F. 535 field. This bill would allow the On March 10th, 1983,
Andrew Carlson
would provide funding for a city to use any funds remaining Mickeys Diner in St.
voluntary school social worker after right-of-way acquisition on
(50B) aid program. As a former construction of the actual un- Paul, built in 1934, is
651-296-4218 school board member and derpass itself. listed on the National
rep.andrew.carlson member of the E-12 Education
Register of Historic
Finance Committee, I know Ive also introduced bills relating to higher education,
how important these school Places and becomes a
prescription medications, and
services can be. protected landmark.
local lodging taxes.
Page 2 Capitol Update February 23, 2016

University of Minnesota Regents Elected

In addition to passing legislation, the Minneso- On February 7th, the Senate and House
ta legislature is also tasked with electing mem- Higher Education Committees met in a joint
bers of the Board of Regents for the University hearing where they asked questions of the candi-
of Minnesota. This involves a joint convention of dates. Additionally, at that meeting, new candi-
the legislature, and each legislator casts one vote. dates were nominated. At the conclusion of the
meeting, the joint committees nominated former
On Wednesday February 22nd, the legisla- Regent and former Speaker of the House Steve
ture convened to elect regents for six-year Sviggum (CD 2), incumbent Regents Darrin
terms. Eight regents are elected by congression- Rosha (CD 3), and David McMillan (CD 8), and
al district, and four are elected at-large. This incumbent CD 2 Regent Tom Devine for the At-
year, there are four expiring terms, representing
Congressional Districts 2, 3, and 8, and one At- Large seat.
Large regent. On Wednesday February 23rd, the joint legis-
lative convention elected Sviggum, Rosha, and
The process begins with applications. There McMillan, in addition to electing former General
were 35 applicants for these positions, and the Mills CEO Ken Powell for the At-Large seat.
Regent Candidate Advisory Council (RCAC) Speaking as both a legislator and a U of M alum, I
selected 17 of those applicants for interviews. look forward to working with these regents to
The RCAC then made recommendations for
continue advancing the goals of the University.
each seat.

Students Visit Capitol

Nearly every day, a wide variety of constitu- office.
ent groups visit the Capitol, and I often have the
opportunity to meet with them. Occasionally, On February 23rd, I met with a group of
these groups are students from schools in our seniors from Kennedy High School in Blooming-
district. I always enjoy the opportunity to inter- ton. These students were visiting with their
act with students at different age levels, talk to Government class, and were able to observe the
them about serving in the legislature, and answer Senate floor session, and committee meetings.
They also posed some interesting questions
questions. about how the legislature works, and current
On February 8th, a group of about 60 4th issues being discussed.
graders from Hillcrest Community School came
to St. Paul. They had the opportunity to see the I look forward to more school groups touring
Capitolincluding the House, Senate, and Su- the Capitol in the coming weeks, and would
preme Court Chambers, and the Governors encourage you all to do the sameeven if youre
not in school!

Looking Ahead...
In the coming weeks, the February Budget Forecast will be
released. This forecast will be a current statement of the states
fiscal picture, and will inform budget discussions this session.
The first Committee Deadline, the date by which all bills must be
through all policy committees in either the House or the Senate,
is March 10th. I also look forward to meeting with constituents
representing arts advocates, the building trades and other labor
unions, the Minnesota Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome,
and the Minnesota Catholic Conference. It is an honor to repre-
sent you in the Senate. If you have time, I hope youll stop by
the Capitol and say Hi! otherwise, Ill see you around town! Senator Wiklund listens to a presentation in the
Local Government Committee

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