Anglais: EE CCTV Cameras: Goals

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Anglais : EE CCTV cameras

Goals :

Obliger qqn de faire qqch = to compel to do sth

Surveiller, contrler = to monitor
Faire fonctionner 24/7 = to operate 24/7 ( = the cameras cameras
are operating 24/7)
Mettre son nez dans la vie des gens = to pry into peoples lives
Porter atteinte + GN, empiter sur + GN = to infringe upon + GN
Espionner qqn = to spy on sb
Dissuader les gens de dfier les autorits = the new system monitors the
society into enforcing the law/ respecting the law
Obir qqn = to obey + GN
Protger = to protect
Intimider = to intimidate
Interdire = to prohibit
Arrter les dlinquants = to arrest offenders
Rprimander = to scold
Menacer les principes fondamentaux de la dmocratie = to threaten
fundamental principles of democracy
Eviter/ chapper = to avoid
Agresser = to mug/ attack/ assault
Rassurer = to reassure

Un moyen de dissuasion = a deterrent

Un effet dissuasif = a deterrent effect
Un pouvoir/force de dissuasion = a deterrent power
Un meilleur fonctionnement = a best functionin
Lefficacit = the efficiency
La violation de de la libert de pense/expression = the abuse of freedom
of thought/speech
La vie prive = private life/ privacy
Un comportement dangereux = an hazardous behaviour
Lutter [contre/ pour] = to fight [against/ for]
Punir = to punish

Reactions :

Terrifiant = terrifying
Effrayant = scary
Stressant = stressful
Innaceptable = unacceptable
Insupportable = unbearable
Menaant = threatening
Prudent = cautious
Mfiant = wary
Terrifi = frightened/ scared/ terrified
Paranoaque = paranoid
Incroyable = unbelievable
Inefficace = ineffective
Efficace = effective
Rassurant = reassuring
Dissuasif = deterrent
Cachemardesque = nightmarish
Sans danger, sr = safe/ secure
Convaincant = convincing
Inutile = useless/ unecessary
En avoir marre [de ce systme] = to fed up [with this system]

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