Contractions - Pronunciation

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To sound fluent, you want to pronounce contractions and use them regularly.

This table lists English contractions and how to pronounce them.

To Be Pronunciat To Have Pronunciat Will Pronunciati Had/Wou Pronunciat

ion ion on ld ion
I'm IM I've IV I'll I(U)LL (same I'd ID (same as
as "aisle") "eyed")
You're YOR You've YOOV You'll YOOL You'd YOOD
He's HEES He's HEES He'll HEEL He'd HEED
She's SHEES She's SHEES She'll SHEEL She'd SHEED
It's ITS It's ITS It'll I-dul It'd I-dud
We're WEE(U)R We've WEEV We'll WEEL We'd WEED
They'r TH(U)R They've THV They'l TH(U)LL They'd THD
e l

* Notice that a small "u" sound often occurs between a vowel and a final L
or R sound.
Also notice that "t" reduces to the light D with "it'll" and "it'd."

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