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Directions---(Q. 1-5) Study the second to the right of Q. R is to the 12. What is the code of 'good'?

following informati on to ans wer the left of Q ru1d is second to the left of V. (A) 4 (B) 1
given qtaes ti ons : 6. How mru1y persons are seated (C) 6 (D) 6 or 1
A, B, C, D, E and F are seated in a between T amd V ? (E) None of these
circle facing the centre. A and C are (A) 1 (B) 2 13. What would be the code for
seated adjacent to each other and E (C) 3 (D) 4 'where not are good flowers'?
and B areal<;<> seated adjacent to ead1
other. B is to the im mediate left of F. (E) None of these (A) 68954 (l3) 46598
There are 2 persons between D and E. (C) 4 56 9 8 (D) 4 6 58 9
7. Four of the fo ll ow ing five are
A is not seated adjacent to E. alike in a certain way based on (E) None of these
1. how many pe rsons are seated their seali ng position in the 14. Which of the following may
between F an d E if we go anti- above arrangement and so form represent 'a re you there'?
clockwise from F toE? a group. Which is the one that (A) 6 1 7 (B) 1 6 3
(A) 1 does not belong to the g roup ? (C) 61 8 (D) 1 6 8
(l3) 2 (A) QV (B) VT (E) 4 6 9
(C) 3 (C) US (D) UT 15. '59' woul.d mean-
(D) Crumot be determined (E) RQ (A) not good (B) bad are
(E) None of these (C) not bad (D) rue bad
8. What i5 Q's position with respect
2. Who is to the immediate left of (E) None of these
to S?
E? (A) Third to left D irections-(Q. 16-20) Study the
(A) C foll owing information to answer the
(l3) Immedi ate Next g iven q\aestions:
(B) B
(C) Second. to left In a certain code 'ge ji zo' meru1s
(C) F
(D) Fifth to I eft 'had horrible dream', lit zo pit' meru1s
(D) Crumot be detennined ' realize your dream' and 'ge ze pat
(E) None of these
(E) None of these ze' means 'very very horrible
Dtrechons- (Q. 3-5) Four of the 9. Whid1 of the following represents ex perience'.
pe rsons seated at the two 16. Wh ich of the foll ow ing is the
foll owing five are a like in a certain
way ba~ed on their seating positions extremes? code of 'you r' ?
in the above arrangement and so (A) RQ (B) US (A) lit
form a group. Which is the one that (C) SQ (D) SR (l3) zo
does not belong to the group? (E) None of these (C) pit
3. (A) BA (B) BD (D) Cann ot be determined
10. If S : T ru1d T : Q, then U : ? (E) None of these
(C) CF (D) DE
(A) T (B) V
(E) FC 17. 'ji ze pit li.t' may rep resent-
(C) Q (D) S
4. (A) BEC (B) CAD (A) very horrible you realize
(E) R
(C) FDA (D) DFB (B) you had realize your
Directions---(Q. 11- 15) Study the (C) had realize your very
following infom1ation to answer the (D) your very realize d ream
5. (A) AC (B) EB given questions:
(C) CE (D) AF
(E) your very very had
Tn a certain code '4 6 1' means
(E) DA 'where are you', '1 6 9' meru15 'you 18. 'dream had horrible experience,
are good' and '8 6 5 2' means 'flower cru1 be coded as-
Directaons---(Q. 6-10) Study the
are not bad'. (A) zo ge ji ze
following information to ru1s wer the
given qtaestions: 11. What is the codeof 'not'? (B) pat ge zo ji
Q, R, S, T, U and V are sea ted in (A) 6 (B) 8 (C) zo ji ge pit
a slJaight line fadng North. S is (C) 2 (D) 6or5 (D) Cannot be determined
second to the ri g ht of T and T is (E) None of dwse (E) None of these
19. Which of the following is the Conclusions: (A) IJ the inference is 'definitely
code of 'very'? 1. All A's are D's. true' i.e. it properly follows
(A) ge II. All C's are A's. from the statement of facts
(B) pat given.
25. Statements;
(Q ze (B) II the inference is ' probably
All doors are windows.
true' though not 'definitely
(D) Cannot be determined Some windows are dips. true' in the light of the facts
(E) None of these Conclusions : given.
10. Which of th.e following is the 1. Some clips are doors. (C) lf the data are inadequate i.e.
code of 'had' ? II. Some windows are doors. from the facts given you
(A) ge 26. Statements; cannot say whether the
(B) ji All doors are windows. inference is likely to be true
or false.
(Q zo Some windm"-s are dips.
(D) lf the inference is ' probably
(D) Cannot be detenni ned Conclusions:
false' though not ' definite! y
(E) None of these l Some clips, if they are doors, false' in the light of the facts
they are also windows. given.
L "' ., ~Q. 21- 30) In each of
the questions / set of questions below II. All eli ps which are not (E) lf the inference is 'definitely
are given two statements followed by widows are also not doors. false' i.e. it cannot possibly
two conclusions numbered I and ll. 27. Statements: be drawn from the facts
You have to assume everything in the No shoe is a chappal. given or it contradicts the
statements to be true even if they given facts.
Some cha ppals are sandals.
seem to beat va riance from commonly (N ote-Each of the five questions
Conclusions: has only one distinct answer i.e. no
known facts and then decide which of
the two given conclusions logically l. Some s and als are not chap - two questions can have the same
follows from the information given in pals. answer. If you get same answer for
the statement Give answer- II. Sandals whi ch are not m ore Ul an one question, consider
(A) II only conclusion I follows. chappals are shoes. both again and decide which one of
28. Statements: the two would more definitely be tllat
(B) II only conclusion U follows.
No shoe is a chappal. answer and same way review others
(C) II either condusion I or also.)
conclusion U follows. Some chappals are sandals.
Normally, dealings with banks
(D) II neither conclusion I nor Conclusions:
involve a number of documents and
conclusion U follows. 1. No sandal is a shoe. other details. But that's not case when
(E) II both conclusions I and ll II. Sandals which are chappals you wish to shift rom BPLR to the
follow. are not shoes. base rate system. All the borrower
21. Statement~: 29. Statements: has to do is approach the branch,
Some pins are clips. Some paints are red. from which he has taken the loan,
and give a written application for the
Some clips are pens. AIJ red which are paints are
S\vitch. The borrower should mention
Conclusions: yellow.
the details of existing loan therein..
I. Some pins are pens. Conclusions;
31. All the borrowers are required to
ll. No pin is a pen. l Some paints are yellow. shift from BPLR to the base rate
22. Statements: ll. Some yellow are reel system.
All D's are A's. 30. Statements: 32. There may not be a printed
All A's are C's. All seats are hot. application form for applying for
All belts are hot. this sw itch.
Conclusions: 33. The existing borrowers who
1. Some Cs are D's.
l. Some seats are belts wish to S\vi tch from BPLR to the
ll. Some A's are D's. base rate system are being
ll. All hot are either seat<; or
23. Statements: addressed.
All D's are A's. 34. Car and Home loan borrowers
i 11 ns--(Q. 31-35) Below is
All A's are C's. a re being addressed.
given a passage followed by several
Conclusions: possible inferences which can be 35. Only the very high value
drawn from the facts stated in the borrowers wi II mosUy apply for
1. All D'sareCs.
passage. You have to examine each this switch.
ll. Some D's are not A's.
inference separately in the context --{Q. 36-40) Each of
24. Statements: the questions below consists of a
of the passage and decide upon its
All D's are A's. degree of truth or falsity. Mark question and two statements num-
All A's are C's. ans\\ter- bered I and II given below iL You
have to decide whether the data something su pposed or taken for 46. S t.1tcment : The m ovie is a
provided in the statements are suffi- granted You have to cons ider the super-duper hit and has broken
cient to answer the question. Read statement and the following assump- all the records.
both the statements and give tions and decide which of the assump- As.,umptions:
aru;wer- tions is implict in the statement Give
I. Thene is no authentic
(A) If the data in statement are I answer-
criterion to judge a hit or a
alone sufficient to answer (A) Lf only assumption is flop.
the question,. while the data implidt.
IJ. The performance of earlier
in statement II alone are not (B) Lf only assump tion II is movies is known.
sufficient to answer the implidt.
qu estion. 0 me iolb-(Q 47-51) Study the
(C) If either assumption 1 or fo ll owing in fonnation to answeT the
(B) If t he data in statement are I assumption II is implicit. given Q\estions:
a lone sufficient to answer (D) If ne ithe r assumption I nor
the question,. while the data V, U and Tare seated in a drcle
assumption II is implicit. facing the centre. A, Band C are also
in statement 1 alone are not
(E) If both assumption I and ll seated in the same circle but two of
sufficient to answer the
are imp Iicit. them are not facing the centre (facing
41. S tatement : Job rota tion helps opposite dLrection of the centre). V is
(C) If the data either in state-
employees get an overview of second to the left of C. U is second to
ment I alone or in statement
the organisation. the right of A B is third to the left of
II alone ane sufficient to
T. Cis second to the right ofT. A is
ans wer the question. As.,umptions:
seated next to V.
(D) If lhe data even in both I. Job rotation is the only
47. Which of the following are not
statements 1 and II together method to get an overview
fadng the centre?
are not sufficient to answer of the organisa lion.
(A) BA
the question. II. It is req uired t o have an
(B) CA
(E) If the data in both state- overview of the organi-
sation. (C) BC
ments 1 and II together are
(D) Cannot be determined
ne-cessary to answer the 42. St.1tcmcnt: Let us appoint Ms. X
question. as the CEO of our Company so (E) None of these
36. Who among Meera, Jyoti, Pinki that the Company's products are 48. Which of the following is T's
and Sadhana is the tallest? also perceived to be geniune. position with respect to B?
L M eera is not as tall as Pinki "''umptions: (A) ThLrd to the right
orSadhana I. CEO can change the percep- (B) Second to the right
ll. Jyoti is taller than Sadhana tion of products. (C) Third to the left
37. How is N related toM? ll. Perception is same as the (D) Third either to the right or
I. 0 is the husband of N. actual reality. to the left
ll. 'Z who is the sister of 43. Statement : An advertisement- (E) None of these
b rother' M is the daughter The new model has been
49. Which of the following is V' s
o f N. laundwd with K-series engine.
pos ition with respect to C?
38. B is the sister of A. H ow is A Assump tions:
(A) Second to the right
reJa ted to B ? I. People know about K-series
(B) ThLrd to the left
I. A is the only son of his engine.
(C) Fourth to the right
parents. II. Engine type / series is impor-
(D) Fourth to the left
U. A has t:wo sisters-Band F. tant for buyers.
(E) Cannot be determined
39. How is X nela ted to W ? 44. St.1tcmcnt : Mohan tells Nita,
"Lei us meet over lunch tomor- 50. Which of the foUowing is true
L V is the husband of X.
ro,v". negardi ng the seating arrange-
ll. W is the brother of Z and Z's ment?
mother is X. Assumptions:
(A) A, B and C are seated
40. Is this college co-educational ? I. Lunch timings are known to
I. T h er e are more femal e (B) V, U and T are seated
teachers than male tead1e rs II. Both are aware of the venue adjacent
in thLs college. for lund1.
(C) There are two persons whose
U. A gLrl known to m e was the 45. St.1tcmcn t : You need to be seating arrangement cannot be
top per from this college. talented to identify talent. ascertained
Oircctions-(Q. 41-46) In each Assumptions: (D) Those not facing the centre
question below is given a statement I. Talent is acquired and are seated adjcent
followed by two assumptions num- developed. (E) There are only two persons
bered I and II. An assumption is U. Talent is hereditary. seated between V and T
51. Which of the following is A's Input When 11 given fine 37 (A) Zero when team provide
position with respect to U ? provide zero 90 over 45 over is given five 90 89 45 37 11
(A) Second to the left is29 team 89 29
(B) Second to the right 54. Which of the following would be (B) fine given is over provide
(C) Third to the right the Step I ? team when zero 90 89 45 37 29 11
(D) Cannot be detenn ined (A) Fine given when 11 37 (C) fine given is over provide
provide zero 90 over 45 is 29 team when zero 90 89 45 37 11 29
(E) None of these
team89 (D) fine given is over provide
Direct. n s--(Q. 52-53) Study the (B) Fine when 11 given 37 team when zero 11 29 37 45 89 90
following information to answer the provide zero 90 over 45 i5 29 (E) None of these
given questions: team89
'FLOP' is related to ' OPFL' and D .recti ns-{Q. 61-<;5) In these
(C) Zero when 11 given fine 37
'SECOND' is related to 'ONDSEC'. questions, relationship between
provide 90 over 45 is 29 team 89
different elements is shown in the
52. 'MIXTURE' is related to- (D) Fine given when 90 89 11 37 statement5. These statement5 are
(A) TUREMIX provide zero over 45 is 29 team followed by two conclusions. Mark
(B) UREMIXT (E) None of these ~\Vet-

(C) URETMIX 55. Which of the following would be (A) If only conclusion I follows.
(D) Cannot be detenn ined on 4th position (from left) in Step (B) If only conclusion II follows.
(E) None of these II? (C) If either condu5ion I or II
(A) given (B) is follows.
53. 'EXTREMES' is related to-
(A) EMESEXTR (C) when (D) 11 (D) If neither conclusion I nor II
(E) None of these follows.
(E) If both conclusions I and II
(C) ESMETREX 56. How many steps would be
needed to complete the arrange- follow.
(D) Cannot be detenn ined
ment? 61. Statements:
(E) None of these
(A) V (B) Vl A=B;;oC < D=Esf
D iect. n s--(Q. ~) Study the (C) VII (D) vm
following information to answer the ConciLsions :
(E) None of these I. f >B
given questions:
A word and number arrange- 57. ln Step IV, which of the follow- II. B;;, D
ment machine when given an input ing word/ number would be on 62. Statements:
line of words and numbers rearran- 8th position (from left) ?
P > M > QQ > Z > N
ges them following a particular rule. (A) zero (B) when
The following is an illustration of ConciLsions :
(C) 11 (D) provide
input and rearrangement. I. M;;,Z
(E) None of these
Inp ut mix U in fom1 35 are 20 II. N < P
with 47 given 58. Which step munber would be the
63. Statements:
following output?
Step I are form mix U in 35 20 X > Y, Y s Z, Z = V, V < W
with 47 given Fine given is over provide team
when 11 37 zero 90 45 29 89 Conclusions:
Step U are form given in mix I. Y= V
with U 35 20 with 47 ( A) IV (B) III
II. Y > V
(C) II (D) V
Step I ll: are fom1 given in mix 64_ Statements:
with U 35 20 47 (E) None of these
D > B, C > K, K s N, B < C, N < B
Step IV are form are given in mix 59. Which of the following would be
with 47 35 12 20 Step V?
I. D>N
Step V are fonn given in mix (A) Fine given is over provide II. C ;;,K
with 47 35 20 12 team when zero 90 89 45 37 11 29
65. Statements:
and step V is the last Step (B) Fine given is over provide
B < C, D > B, C > K, K s N, N < B
of the arrangement of the team when zero 11 37 90 45 29 89
above input a5 the inten- Conclusions:
(C) Fine given is over provide
ded a rrangement is I. C>N
team when 11 37 zero 90 45 29 89
obtained. II. B > K
(D) Fine given is over provide
As per the rules followed in the D .rect. ns-(Q. 66-70) Study the
team when zero 11 29 37 45 89 90
above steps, find out in each of the following infom1ation to anwer the
following questions the appropriate (E) None of these given questions:
steps for the given input : 60. Which of the following would be ln a group of 5, each person has
lnput for the questions the final arrangement? an exclusive and different preference
(has/ likes) for a pen, a wa tch a nd a
car. Pen preferences a re Parker, Lamy,
Pointer, Lexi a nd Cello. Car p refer-
~ ------ 1111""':
ences a re WagonR, Swift, Sa ntro,
Mica and City. Wa tch preferences a re lor Q . 1 to <;
Timex, T itan, Fastrack, Sa ma y a nd
Smnan has Mica a nd Pa rker but
does not prefer a mong w atches-
Tita n o r Fastrack. The one who has A
1. (C) 2. (A)
Swift, likes Fastrack. Mmdula has
3 . (B)
preference for City, Cello and c; tizen.
Amit has preferen ce for Lamy a nd B A 8 D c F D E F c
Timex. Veena prefe rs WagonR a nd +, L+- 4 +)
+3 +3
Lexi. Harsh's preference for a w atch 4.. (C) ~ I +I -I
i5 not Tita n. 1 r r
66. Which w a tch is Smnan's pre- 1 L1 Ll
+I I -1
ference ? +1 +I
(A) Titan
(l3) Fa5track
(C) Sa may >I +l

(D) Crumot be detennined 5. (D)

(E) None of these A c E B c E A F 0 A
_,J L._;
- 1
; 2
- I
67. Which pen is Harsh's prefer-
ence? or~ ft o 10 :
(A) Lamy 6. (E)
(l3) Pointer R Q v T u s w E
(C) Lexi
(D) Crumot be detennined s
(1S) None of these 7. (D)
Q v V T U 5 U T R Q
68. Which w atd1 is Harsh's prefer-
- I
+t - t
1 L+ L
(A) Sa may 8 . (E) 9. (0)
(l3) Fa5track 10. (B)S: T T : Q . U :@
(C) Timex
+2 +2 .. 2
(D) Crumot be detennined
11. (E) 461 -\'Vhere are you ... (1)
(E) None of these
169 -You arc good ... (2)
69. Who's preference is Swift?
Crumot be detennined
a.n.d 8652 -

From (1) and (2).

From (1) and (3),
Flowers are not bad

... (3)

1 _ you

(t) None of these 6-arc

70. Which w a tch is Veen a's pre- 12. (E) Code for good - 9
ference ? 13. (C) Where not are good Rowers
(A) Sa may - 15698
(l3) Fa5track 14. (A) Are you there- 617
(C) Titru1 15. (A)
(D) Crumot be detennined 1 U '>to '0
(t) None of these s~ ji zo - had horrible clrerun .. ( 1 )
lit zo pt - realize your dream 27. (A)28. (B) :. From I and II together A i> the
... (2) 29. (E) brother of B.
39. (B) From I.

ge z.e p.ttze- very very horrible llu<band
penence . (3)

hom (I) to (2~
LU - dremt - ji - had
From (I) to (3).
ge - hornble and ze - very
30. (A)
'eUow From II,
- -
Bn>Chn Molho.-r

z '
:. From D X "the mother of W.

~P <JBett
16. (D) your -!Jt or pit 40. (0)41. (D) 42. (A) 43. (E) 44. (E)
17. (A) ji zc pit lit -had realize you.r 45. (A) 46. (B)
very. Hot
For Q. 47 to ;1

18. (B) drea m had horrible e xperi- OR A
ence- ba t gc zo ji.
19. (C) 20. (ll)
21. (C)

't~..;-~ e
( H\) St'lt

'-...!:!!./ 47. (C) 48 (0)4.9 (C) 50. (D) 51. (A)
- OR
For Q. 52 ond ;3
Pin> Oips
'- 1234-3412

~ and
For Q. 2210 24

52. (C)
31. (A) As mentioned in the passage MIXTURE URETM I X
'Normally dealings ... base rat e 1 2 3 4 567-5674123
!tystem'. Hence to avoid s uc h 53. (A)
problem, n il the borrowers a rc EXT REMES I!M ESEX TR
22. (E) 23. (A) 24. (D) required to s hift fi'Om BPLR to 123456 78-5678 1234
th~ base rlltc system. For Q. 54 to 60
For Q. 25 nd 26.
32. (C) Nothing is mcliont-d about i t Input When 11 given fme 3 7
in the pa<<><l ge provide zero 90 over 45 is 29
33. (A) Th1> inference is dehrutely team89
true!tte 1t u: nwntioncd in Step I Fme giwn "hen II 37
the pac;;.yg.~ when you wish to provide- zero 90 o,cr 45 15 29
sh1ft !rom BPLR to the base rle team89.
OR ~)-..lent' Step U Fine giH~n i~ over when 1 1
\\1ndow~ - ~- (C) Nothmg ;, mentioned abou t 37 pro.. de <ero 90 45 29
it, m the p.l ..~ge. team89.
35. (C) Nothing "'mentioned abou t Step lll Fine gJYen ~ over provide
it, in the P..''~'St' team when 11 37 zero 90 45
36. (D) 2989.
25. (B) 26. (E) Fro1n I. Pu'l ki1 SJdhana > Mccra Ste p IV Fine g iven is over provide
For Q. 27 and 2.8: From II, )yoti > Sadh ana team when LCro II 37 90 45

670)- 37. (B) f rom I, I tu>band

. ..._.
0 "- N
From n, Brother Sbc.,r Dugnc.,rs
M z N
Step V Fine given is ov~r provide
team when wro 90 89 I I 37
45 29.
Step VI Fine given ... over provide
team when cro 90 89 45 37
:. From I and II together N i> the
motherofM .
Step \'ll Fine g.v~n IS O\ er provode
38. (E) team when zero 90 89 45 37
~,..ter Onl 2911.
... - ySon
8 A 54. (A) 55. (E) 56. (C) 57 (A) >8. (8)
Quantitative Aptitude
-(Q 1-5) What wil l t 701 11 112 . '
;/. 52.- 699 X 107 -.
16. [. v'289x + ./25 = 0
come in place of guestion-mark(?) in
the following questions ? (A ) 700 (B) 850 II. -lrTlJy ~ 10 05

(C) 900 (U) SOD 17. L 8x2 - 78x + 169 = 0

l, ....; g2 X 7 X (5)2- 175= ? rr. 2oy2 - 11711 + 169 = o
(E) 650
(A) 105 (B) 95
10. v'S378 xv'3..>30 + v'360 =? 18. I. ~ + _2._ = 11vx
(C) 115 (D) 125 Y'xv'X
(A) 200 (B) 250
(E) None of these
2. (O t25)3.,. (025)2 x (05)2 = (o-s)l-3
(C) 300 (D) 225 u.
(E) 325
(A) 12 (B) t8
-{Q. l l -15) What will 19. I.
(C) 14 (D) 10
come h1 place of question mark(?) in
(E) None of these 7
Lhc followin g nu rnbcr 5Crics ? IL y3 _(H}i = 0
3. 645% of 800 + 364% of 1500
= (?)2 t 38 11. 117 389 525 593 627 (?) Vy
(A) 32 (B) 38 (A) 654 (B) 640 20. I. x2 - 208 = 233
(C) 42 (D) 48 (C) 63<1 (D) 630 n. y2 -47 + 371 = o
(E) 34 (E) None of these 2J. Train-A crosses ~ pole in 25
4. 567 -4824 + ]34 - ? X 9 12. 7 11 2351103 (?) seconds and another Train-S
(A) 33 (B) 59 ( A) 18fi (B) 188 crosses a pole in I minute and IS
(C) 37 (D) 57
seconds. u.mgtb of traitl -A is half
(C) 185 (D) 187
Length of train-B. What is the
(E) None of these (E) None of Lhese res pec tive ratio between lhc
5 5 1 11 speed of Train-A and Train-B ?
5 4 5 9- 1 - 2 1s a+ 13. 18 27 49 84132 (?)
(A) 3:2
(A) 190 (B) 183
(A} ~
(B) 2l
18 (Cl 180 (0) 193 (B) 3:4
(C) 4:3
(C) 1~ (U) 1 ~~
(E) None of these
(D) Cannot be determined
14. 33 43 65 99145 (?)
(E) None of I hese (E) None of th ese
(A) 201 (B) 203
- (Q. 6- 10) What (C) 205 (D) 211 22. Ve~en11's monthly income b
approximate value will come in place to the cost of 34 kg of nu ts. Cost
(F.) Nom! of 1hese
of question-mark(?) in tlu~ following of 10 kg of nu t:; is equal to the
questions ? (You are not expected to 15. 655 439 3"14 250 223 (?)
COS I o( 20 kg of appli:!S. If CO~I of
calcut~te the e.x~ct value.) (A) 205 (B) 210 12 kg of aples is \ 1500. What is.
(C) 195 (D) 190 Veenas amtual salary ? (At some
6. (41 33)2 + (7-96)2 - (2202)2 =?
(E) N(me of these places a nn ual in c(1 me and in
(A} 1280 (ll) 1440
-{Q. 16-20} In the fol- some p.lace month ly income is
(C) 1580 (D) 154{) given)
(E) 1380 .lowing quest ions two equations
(A) \1 lac 20 th ousand
numbered I a11d II are given. You
7. 41 % of 601 - 25017 = 7- 77% (B) ~ 1 lac 2 thousand
of910 have to solve both the equations and
give answer, ii- (C) ~ 2 lac~ 20 thousand
(A} 800 (B) 500 (D) Cannot be determined
(C) 700 (D) 650 (A) X > !J
(E) None of th~
(E) 550 (B) X ::: y
23. Rohit has some 50 pnisa coh\s,
8. 52001 + 61 29 = ? >< 41 (C) X < y
X some 2 rupee coins, some 1 rupee
(A) 700 (B) 600 (D) x .:: y coi ns and some 5 rupee coins.
(C) 500 (D) 550 (E) x y or U1c rclotionship The value of all the coins is ~ 50.
(E) 680 cannot be established Nu mber of 2 rupee coins is 5
more than the 5 rupee coins. 50 quadrilater al . Largest angle of 32. tJ tlte cost of manufacturing one
paisa coins are do uble in mmtber quadrilateral is four times its television i n Lhe vear 2008 was ~
than 1 rupee coin. Valu e of 50 smallest angle. What is tlte sum 12,000, then wh~t was the total
paisa co-ins and 1 rupee coins is of largest a of qu.-.d r il ateral expenditure of Company C for
\ 26. How many 2 rupee coins and the sm alter angl e of paral- manuiachtring ail the Televisions
does he h ave ? lelogram? in the same year ?
(A) 4 (A) 252" (B) 226" (A ) ~ 40 crore
(B) 2 (C) 144 (D) 180" (B) ~ 52 crore
(C ) 7 (C) ~ 52 crore
(E) None of these
(D ) Cannot be determined (D) ~ 4 crore
29. Raj u p urchases 550 ml of milk (E) \ 42 crore
(E) None o f these every day . U cost of one liter of
2<t. Puneet scored 175 marks in a test milk is \ 44. How much amount 33. What was percentage increase in
an d failed by 35 marks. H the will he pay in 45 days? the number of televisions manu-
passing percentage of the test is (A) ~ 1,098 (B) (' 1,079 factur ed by Companv-C in year
35 per cent, what are the maxi- (C> n,o99 (D) n,oss 2008 as compared to the previous
m um marks of the test 1 year?
(E) None of these
(A) 650 (B) 700 (A) 40 (B)45
30. Tn a school there are 2000
(C) 750 (D) 600 (C) 30 (D ) 35
stud ents out of whom 36 per cent
(E) None o f these (E) None of these
are girts. Each boy's monll1ly fee
25. The length of a rectang le is twice is \ 480 and each girJ's m onthly 34. was t he approximate
the d iameter of a circle. The fee is 25 per cent less than a boy. average numbe r of telev isions
circumference of tlt e ci rcle is What is the total of th e mon thly manufactu red b y Company B
equ al to the area o f a square of
fees of girls and boys togeth er ?
over all the years together ?
side 22 mt. What is the breadth (A ) 30677 (B) 30566
of the rectangle if its perimeter is (A) ~ 8,73,400 (B) \ 8,67,3()0
(C) ~ 8,76,300 (D) ~ 8,73,600 (C) 40566 (D) 40834
668cm ?
(E) None of these (E) 43055
(A) 24 em
(B) 26cm -{Q . 31-35} Study the following graph carefully to answer th.e
questions that follow-
(C) 52 em
(D) Cannot be determined Number of Televisions (in thousands) Manufactured by Tiuee
(E) None of these
Dilfttent Companies in Six Different Years
26. 4 girls can do a piece o f work in 8 CJ Company A . CompanyB [J CompanyC
days, 3 bo,-s can do tht: same
pi~ce of wo;k in 9 days, 7 men do
the ~me piece of work in 2 days
and 5 wometl can do the sam e
piece of w ork in 4 days. Who is
least efficient ?
(A) Boys (B) Girls
(C) Women (D) Men z 10
(E) Boys and Men both
0 2006 200?
27. The sum. of e ight consecuti ve
numbers o f set-A is 376. \>\'hat is YEAR
the sum o f different set oJ five 31. Tf 25 per cent of th e number of 35. What w as the res pective r atio
consecutive numbers whose
telev isions manu factured by between the number of televis-
lowest number is 15 more than
Company A over all the years ions manufactured by Company-
the mean of set-A ?
together were black and w h.jte, Bin year 2006 and the number
(A) 296 (B) 320
the n whal was the numbe r of o f televisions manufactured by
(C) 324 (D) 284
colou"ted televisions manu fact- Company-A in yeaJ" 2005?
(E) None o f these ured by Company-A over all the (A ) 5:4
28. The ratio between th.e a djacent years togetlter ? (B) 9 : 5
angles o f a parallelogram is 2 : 3
(A) 1-4 lacs (B) 14,000 (C J 4 : 3
respect ive ly. Ha lf the smaller
an gle of the p arallelogra m is (C) 1 S lacs (D) 18,000 (D) 9 : 7
equal to t he smallest angle of a (E) 1-5 lacs (E) N one o.i these
Directio'ls- (Q. 36-40) Study the table carefully to answer the questions that follow :
Number of Trees Planted (in Hundreds) by Five Different NGOs in Six Diff erent Years in
Two Differe nt States
NGO -+ A B c 0 E
Year St.. te-A S tate-D State-A St.. te-ll State-A State-D State-A St.. te-D S ta te-A St.. te-ll
2005 H2 &5 142 H 4-5 44 45 21 9-4 35
2006 216 5! 79 72 6-9 4 4 5! 43 72 47
2007 135 8-8 77 !8 5! 38 63 63 74 82
2008 124 96 104 64 72 8-2 96 4 4 5-6 4-2
2009 108 124 126 62 &6 64 84 52 69 38
2010 122 142 75 42 11-3 93 63 54 12B 64

36. What w as th e respective r atio Directio~Q. 41-45) S tudy What was the number of flights
between the nun1ber of trees the following table carefully to ans- can celled due to te<:hnical fault?
pla nted by NGO-A in the year wer the questions that follow :
(A ) 528 (B) 568
2006 in s ta te-A and the number
Number of Flights Cancel- (C) 468 (D) 5-18
of trees planted by NGO-E in the
led by Five Different Air- (E) N one of these
year 2008 in stateB ?
lines in Six Different Years
(A) 36 : 11 (B) 36 : 7 45. Number of flights cancelled b y
Airlines airlines P and R toge ther in the
(C) II : 7 (D) 14 : 9 Year p Q R s T year 2007 was ap proximately
(E) No ne o f these what: p ercentasc of num ber o (
zoos 2-10 ~50 305 :l65 <HO
37. What was the average number of 2006 420 600 470 ~6 258 flights cancelled by ai..rl.ines-5 in
trees p la nted by NGO-B in the the year 2005 ?
2007 600 6BO 546 430 610
state-A over all the years 2008 160 208 708 550 586 (A) 356 (B) 280
together ? 2009 140 640 656 250 65-l (C) 265 (D) 340
(A) 1005 (B) 1050 2010 290 363 880 19 5 483 (E) 314
(C) 1015 (D) 1205 D rections-{Q . 46-50) Study the
41. What was the difference between
(E) No ne o f these the highest number of flights information carefully to answer the
questions that follow-
38. What w as the approximate per cancelled by airlines-Q and the
lowest n umbl'r of flights can- In a sports event there are 5
centage decrease in the number
sports v iz. Hockey, Cricket, Tenn is,
of trees plan ted by NGO-C in celled by airlines-Tout of all the
Badm in ton and BasebalL There is a
state B in the year 2009 as com- six vears 7
to tal n u m ber of 800 p layer s in the
pared to the p revious year ? (A) 446 (B) 456 spo rts event. The ratio between
(A) 28 (B) 22 (C) 4 32 (D) 442 fe ma le and ma le players is 1 : 3 (es
(C) 26 (D) 16 {E) No ne of these pectively. Twenty fjve per cent of th e
42. What was the approxi mate per total players are in Cricket. There are
(E) 20
cent increase in number of flights 110 badminton players. 10 per cen t
39. Which NGO planted the second cancelled by airlines S in the year of the tota l p laye rs a re in Tennis .
lowest num ber of trees in both 2008 as compared to previous Hockey players a(e double th e nLJm
the states toge ther in the year year? ber of badminton players. Remaining
2009? (A) 127 (6) 27 players are in BasebalL 30 per cent of
(C) 150 (D) 45 cricket players are female. Ha lf the
(A) A (B) B
female cricketers are equal to femak
(C) C (D) D (E) 1 17
badm inton p layers. 10 p e r cent o f
(E) E 43. What was the aver age number of total hockey players are equal to the
fligh ts cancelled by the airunes P, number of female playe rs in Tennis.
40. Number of trees p lan ted by R, 5 and T in the year 2008 ? There are eq ual numbers of females
NGCJ-D in the state-S in the year in Hockey and Baseball.
(A) 5515 (B) 501
2007 w as approxi mately what
(C) 405 (D) 4424 46. What is the res pective ratio bet-
percentage of the number of ween the female p la yers i n
(E) None o f these
trees plan ted by NGO-A in the Hockey and the male players in
state-A in the year 2009 ? 44. If 40 per cent of flights in the Badminton ?
year 2010 by airlin esR were
(A ) 46 (B) 52 cancelled due to bad weather (A) 20 : 13 (B) 11:20
(C) 70 (D) 58 conditions and rest were can - (C) 13 :20 (D) 11 : 23
(E) 64 celled d ue to tech nical faul t. (E) N one of these
numb er of IS. (E) 27. (8) Avera gt of the <;etA
47. IVh.ot is tht total
males in Hocke y, Cnck et and 655 43'1 314 250 223 376- 47
1-{6)' '~Sw!~~
Baseball tog,the r ? .. Lea.t nwnb er of other sN
(A) 464 (B) 454
47-1 5 -62
(C) 462 (D) 432 16. (C) 17. (B) 18. (A) 19. (E) 20. (E)
21. (A) Let the spe('(!s of the trains A :. Sum of the 5 consecutive num
(E) None ol these bers other set
and 8 be x m/sec andy m /sec
48. Numb er of femal e playe rs m respect! vel7. 62+6 3&1 +65
Baseb all is what p<>rcentagc of XK25 m +66 320.
.. Length of A
male playe~ in Hoeke y ? 28. (E) The smalle st ongle of paral
(A) 25 (8) 34 and Length of B
lelogr am
(C) 24 (D) IS 2Sx 2 x 180
(E) ~'>one of these 75 X I = <23 )=72
.. J:2
y x the smalle st angle of quadr i-
49. What is th< differ t'nce betwe en 2 25 and
22 (B) Month ly inrom e of Veena latera l
the male player s in Baseb all
and total numb er of playe rs in 20 1500 = ~xn'~36
Tenrus? f 34 "to" -,2
a nd the larges t angle of quadr i
(A) 58 (8) 76 :. Annua) income of Vcena latera l
(C) 56 (D)b8
fl2x3 4x2x t2 4 x36' = 1-14
(E) None cf these .. Reqd. sum
f 1 lac 2 thousa nd.
SO. In which >:>orts femal e playe rs = t + rr- 2t6
art' maxlm am and m.tle player s
23. (C) tAl the numb er of 2 rupee
coins be x. 29. (E) Reqd amount
are minimum respectively ? 550
(A) Cricke and Badm inton - No. of 5 rupee coins (x- 5) = lOOO <44 X 45
(8) Cricke ; and Hoeke y ... No. ..,( 1 rupee ro1n' 13 = t 1089
(C) Baseb all and Crick et and No. of 50 paisa coins = 26 30. (C) No. of boys in the schoo l
: 2x +S(x -5) + 13 + ~ 50
(D) Cricke t and Tennis 64
= 2000 X JOO J280
(E) Tennu and Hoeke y
=> 7x = 49 ond no. of girls in the schoo l
X = 7 2000 X JOO 720

:"'"IIIII 24, (0) Maxim um marks of the test Month I) I~ of each girl
I. (A) 2. (D) 3. (A) 4. (B) 5. (E) -35 X (J75 + 35) 75
=t 480 X JOO t J60
6. (A) 7. (C) 8. (8) 9. (C) 10. (D) JOO X 2J0 6{)()
35 :. Reqd sum
11. (E)
627 <@) 25. (B) Cii'CUilkmo~ of the rude J280 X 480 + 720 X 360
117 J89 !25 593
= 22x2 2484 cm = 614400 + 259200
:. Diame:er of the circle - t 973600
12. (D) 7 31. (C) Rtqd. numb er
.. 484 x 22 154 em

-u ~ 'U M
:. Length of the rectan gle
= (ll+3 5+35 + 40+4 5 +55)
L.J '--' L.JL
= 152x 2=30 8cm
II ~16
and brt'ad th ol the rt'ctan gle 240000 X tOO
:. ' - 103 t 84 = 187 I
x668 -308 180000 =IS lacs.
13. (D) 2
84 t32 1~ = 334-3 08 26 em 32. (E) Req~. expen diture
18 '1:7 49
26. (IS) ~ 35 xlOOO x 12000
-ll J5 ... 61
: Work of agul for l day = 3~ =t
-+ll 13
13 -13 33. (A) Reqd. % increase
:. ? - 132 + 61 =193 Work >fa boy for I day = ; 7
= 35-25
~ X JOO'J. 4()'1'
14. (8) 1
Work of a man for I day = 14 34. (0) Av<rage numb er
33 ~ 65 99 1451 ~
T 25+3 0+45
L.. !LJ L-J .__ jL_ and work of a woma n for 1 day
IO ... n 34 * i + 40 + 55 + 50thousand
U - 20
U 12 245000
-=40 834(A pp.)
:. 7c 145+ 58= 203 .. The ltasl effiae nt os gut. 6
35. (D) Reqd. ratio 45: 35 9 1 44 X )QO
48. (A) Reqd. % 176 = 2S%
36. (B) Ratio 216: 4-2 = 36: 7
37. (A) Average number 49. (E) Reqd. difference
= (142 + 79 + 77 + 1()-4 146- (22 +58)

+ 126 + 75) X I~ - 146-8066

50. (0) Cricket and Tennis
1005 1601 1581
- 6CXlO
38. (B) %decrease
(82- 6-4) X: 100
82 %
= 22% (App.)
39. (D) A 232, B 18-8,
C=l50, D-13-6,
E 107
63x 100
40. (0) Reqd. % J(}S %
- 58-33%
"' S8S '(App.)
41. (E)
Reqd. difference a 680-258
42. (B) Reqd. % Increase
550.00430 X )()()%

- 219'(
43. (B) Average number
160 + 708 + 550 + 586
= 4
- 4 .. sot
44. (A) Reqd. number - )00
= 528
45. (B)
(600 + 546) X lOOm
Reqd.% 365 ...

- 313-97%
= 314% (App.)
For Q. 46 to 50 :
No. of male p layers= 600 and
No. of female players = 200
c ..... F~m&lt M~e
P1ayt'n: Playt-rs
Hockey 44 176
Cricket 60 140
rennis 22 58
Badminton 30 80
B.ueb.U 44 146

46. (B) Reqd. raho - 44: 80

II: 20
47. (C) Reqd. number
176 + ]4() + 146

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