Michelle Pitoscia Mod303

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January Newsletter

Miss Pitoscias

Welcome Back!
January 2017
Start Of New Year will last for 1 hour after
I hope that everyone had a school on Mondays and
wonderful break and is now Wednesdays, or by appoint-
ready to dive head first into ment. During this time I Birthdays this
the new year! will work with your child Month:
on anything
I have some won- Hannah M. (Jan. 3)
the are strug-
derful activities
gling with and Chris P. (Jan. 7)
planned for this
provide them
month to go along Nathan R. (Jan. 15)
with resources
with our lessons
for extra prac- Lilly P. (Jan. 24)
that I think your
tice. Please do
children will enjoy Alexa C. (Jan. 30)
not hesitate to
very much!
contact me
Success with any addi-
for the New tional questions.
In order to help your chil-
dren to succeed, I will be
starting afterschool tutor- Important Dates
ing sessions. These sessions
First Day Back 3

Last Day of 2nd 12

Classroom Behavior Pledge Report Cards 18
Please take the time will always try my before I speak. I will January PTO 19
to review our Class- hardest and will nev- think about my ac- Meeting
room Behavior Pledge er give up. I will fol- tions before I do. I
with your child: low instructions the will come to class ea- Parent /Teacher 19
first time, or I will ger and ready to Conferences
I will do my best to politely ask for them learn. But most im-
listen to others and to be repeated. I will portantly, I will be
respect their ideas. I think about my words ready to have fun!

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