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UK Independence Party

Make Independence Work!

Leaders AddressPage 3

Economy...Page 4

Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs..Page 6

Home Affairs.Page 9

Defence..Page 11

JusticePage 14

Education..Page 15

Health.Page 17

Transport......Page 18

Environment.Page 20

Energy and Climate Change....Page 21

Business, Innovations, Skills and Trade......Page 22

Work and Pensions....Page 24

Communities and Local Government.......Page 25

International Development and the Overseas Territories...........Page 26

Culture, Media, and Sport.....Page 27

Equalities...Page 28

The Home Nations...Page 29

Leaders Address
What this country needs, is strong leadership. The kind of leadership that will inspire all
around it to want to do a better job. We have sadly not seen that from this government, who
has time and time again failed to show up to work and be held accountable, who have failed to
get many of their promises passed even with a majority government. Who failed on basic
parliamentary procedures like getting a budget passed before the end of the term.

I would like to see an end to government incompetence and produce a new

government that everyone in the United Kingdom can feel proud of. If I become the next Prime
Minister, I promise you that I will lead the most hard working government this country has ever

A UKIP Prime Minister is possible, we managed to get one for a while in the previous
term, and could again with your support!

The platform my party is running on is one of smaller government, personal freedoms,

national security, and a support for British sovereignty. Parliament now has permission to
Activate Article 50, I fully intend to do so not too long after I am settled into Number 10 so that
we can take back control of many of our law making abilities and be sovereign over our own
nation once again.

Abroad, once we have left the EU I do not want to see us as an isolationist country. We
will be making trade deals, and lots of trade deals, with as many countries as possible and will
ensure they are negotiated to be beneficial to all parties involved. We would like to see closer
relations within the Commonwealth, and especially with the Commonwealth Realms whom we
share so much with. We will also be upholding our support M149, which allows for citizens of
the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand easier access to the other nations,
while still keeping checks to ensure no one who enters will cause any harm.

At home, we wish to defend people's freedoms from overbearing government. We wish

to see taxes lowered, government made smaller, freedom of speech defended and so much
more. We also wish to promote patriotism in our culture, history and traditions! On the border
we will do everything we can to ensure no one enters this country illegally! We also want
people to come into our country, but we need to make sure the people we let in will not cause
any problems for the British People!

Let us now bring real change to this country and elect a government that the people
can be proud of! If you believe in the values I have presented, and want to see an end to left
wing dominance of the House, then UKIP is the party for you!

Leader of the UK Independence Party.
UKIP believes in keeping government out of the pockets of the British people by
lowering taxes. We strongly support capitalism and free markets yet also support keeping a
safety net for those who need it and support sound spending and balanced budgets.

Negative Income Tax

We wish to replace the current Basic Income policy with a Negative Income Tax which
will give assistance to those who need it but will still incentivise work.

Therefore we will:

Abolish the current Basic Income system.

Replace Basic Income with a Negative Income Tax, where an adult with no income will
get 9,000 per year which will slowly be reduced with earnings up until 19,000 where
people will no longer be eligible for NIT.
Ensure that payments from a Negative Income Tax are only for British citizens who are
over the age of 18 or citizens of other nations who have worked in this nation for 5
years or more.
Abolish the majority of existing welfare payments to working age people, as they will
get the support they require from the Negative Income Tax and ensure that existing
welfare payments are only for British citizens or citizens of other nations who have
worked in this nation for 5 years or more.

We wish to ensure that the British people are able to keep much more of their hard
earned money, to do this we wish to see a reduction in many taxes. However, there are some
taxes that can help our nation.

Therefore we will:

Oppose any attempts to raise the Value Added Tax and see it lowered to 17.5%.
Lower Income Tax rates across all bands.
Introduce a new tax on drugs, with more harmful drugs being taxed at a higher rate, in
order to discourage their use, while retaining their legal status.
Cut the Corporation Tax from 20% to 10%.
Abolish the Carbon Tax
Apply a 20% rate of taxation on bookmaker gambling.
Balancing the Budget
UKIP does not believe in spending this countrys way into more debt, we wish to be
fiscally responsible. A UKIP led government will ensure that a balanced budget is brought
forward before the end of the term and will have a surplus which can go towards paying
down the national debt.

Therefore we will:

Reduce wasteful spending to ensure our budget will be balanced.

Not support any budget that includes a deficit.

Tax Evasion
Tax evasion is a huge problem for this country and needs to be dealt with, it causes a
high amount of possible revenue to be lost. Those who do it must face justice.

Therefore we will:

Pledge 250 million per year to solving the problem of tax evasion, which will be used
fund more staff and systems to investigate cases of tax evasion ensuring that all taxes
owed are paid.
Ensure that all who are convicted of significant tax evasion spend at least 1 year in
Ensure that all taxation evaded is paid back in full, seizing assets if necessary.
Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
UKIP proudly supported the United Kingdom leaving the European Union and now that
a bill has passed allowing Parliament to activate Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon we can
begin the process of negotiating an exit from this political union and rejoining the rest of the
world. We want trade deals, and we want a stronger Commonwealth. We also wish to not be
interventionist when it comes to the conflicts of foreign nations unless they pose a real threat to
our own. We will continue to give our full support in the fight against the Islamic State.

We must see our country leave the political union that is the EU, but that does not
mean we wish to forget about them or the rest of the world, UKIP is not an isolationist party
and would ensure that the United Kingdom is open for trade and business. Instead of a hard or
soft Brexit, we would like to see a Medium Brexit.

Therefore we will:

Activate Article 50 within the first month of forming a government, using the first month
to plan for negotiations.
Oppose free movement of people with the EU after independence, but seek to give
citizens of EU a points boost in a points based immigration system.
Negotiate a free trade deal with the EU
Remain in the ECHR
Keep the Erasmus program.
Seek to keep strong and positive relations with the EU post Brexit.
Review other EU programs and see if we would benefit from staying part of them.
Leave the Common Market but retain access to it.

Defeating the Islamic State

ISIS is a great evil that needs to be defeated. We would like to see them defeated as
quickly as possible and stability returned to the countries they now occupy territory in. We must
also however, have a plan for the situation following their defeat.

Therefore we will:

Stop sending arms to rebel groups in the Middle East.

Put together a coalition of Arab States to defeat ISIS on the ground backed up by air
support from the United Kingdom and United States.
Train and advise Arab armies but not engage in ground combat ourselves.
Put together a plan to ensure the stability of the region following the defeat of ISIS.
Maintain Good Relations With Allies.
UKIP believes that having good relations with allies is important, over the last term
there was at least one diplomatic crisis between our country and the Republic of Ireland. We
would like to do what we can to keep relations between our allies strong so a situation like this
does not happen again.

Therefore we will:

Keep in close contact with the Republic of Ireland over a variety of issues to ensure
relations between our countries do not break down again.
Give our full support to the State of Israel, the only western democracy in the Middle
Maintain the Special Relationship with the United States and work closely with them on
many world issues.

The Commonwealth
The Commonwealth is a treasured organisation with a shared history, values, language
and close ties between members. The members are some of the closest allies we have. UKIP
would like to see the bonds strengthened even further.

Therefore we will:

Seek free trade agreements with as many Commonwealth members as possible.

Continue to support M149 between the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
Take part in military exercises with members of the Commonwealth.
Promote the Commonwealth games more extensively than we currently do.
Take more state visits to Commonwealth Countries.
Migrant Crisis
The migrant crisis is a serious issue which needs to be solved however the safety of
British citizens is paramount along with the safety of those migrating.

Therefore we will:

Extensively vet any refugee granted resettlement in the United Kingdom for links to
terrorist organisations
Deny entry any migrant who has engaged in criminal activities, such as storming the
channel tunnel, or trying to illegally enter the United Kingdom by hiding in trucks are not
granted resettlement in the United Kingdom
Ensure that nearby nations with capability to take in thousands of migrants take their
fair share
Ensure that any migrants who are granted resettlement in the UK are spread out across
the nation, and they integrate into the local community.

Foreign Wars
The United Kingdom has spent far too much money and lives getting involved in wars
overseas with goals such as regime change. UKIP would like our country to take a step back
and prioritise on the defence of ourselves and allies.

Therefore we will:

Only engage in war if the security of the United Kingdom or an ally is threatened and
are asked to help.
Cooperate with allies and NATO in wars and operations but only if there is a threat to
security present.
Home Affairs
We believe in an immigration system that focuses on the quality of people entering the
country and one that promotes integration. Once we leave the EU we will be able to do this
more effectively. We also believe in community based policing and supporting and respecting
our police in general and stopping the expansion of the state when it comes to mass
surveillance without a warrant.

UKIP wants a skill based immigration system that ensures that the people we let in like
our country, respect our values and will integrate into our society. We want people to come into
our country and become a part of it but we need to make sure the British people are kept safe
from harm.

Therefore we will:

Introduce an Immigration Bill which will operate on a points based system for every
country not including Canada, Australia and New Zealand and will be based on the
principle that if a migrant meets the required points, they will be allowed to migrate to
the United Kingdom.
Prioritise skilled migrants in our points based system.
Make it a legal requirement for all migrants to the United Kingdom to be able to speak
English at Level B1 on the CEFR scale, and provide lessons for those who come close
the points required to entry into the United Kingdom, in order to get them to level B1.
Increase funding to the UK Border Agency by 250 million, in order to better tackle the
problem of illegal immigration.
Increase the number of border security guards stationed in Calais, in order to help stop
illegal immigrants from entering the country.
Ensure that any illegal immigrant caught within the United Kingdom is deported.
Any immigrant who commits a crime within their first year of being in the United
Kingdom will be deported to their country of origin.
Government Surveillance
UKIP believes in a small, less intrusive government, which means we oppose the
surveillance state. We believe that citizens have a right to their privacy. Unless there is serious
reason to suspect someone and a warrant is issued, the government has no right to read
private communications between citizens.

Therefore we will:

Immediately stop the mass-collection of communications data by GCHQ and other

intelligence services.
Introduce legislation mandating that any interception of communications has an
individual, named warrant signed by the Home Secretary, and a sufficient reason and
evidence to believe that the individual in question has already committed a serious
crime, or will commit a serious crime in the near-future.

Tackling Extremism
Various kinds of extremism have become present in our society, from religious
extremism to ideological extremism resulting in citizens becoming radicalised to act against the
nation or its people, sometimes violently.

Therefore we will:

Uphold current anti-radicalisation measures put in place under previous governments.

Withhold funding from any organisation reasonably believed to be fostering or
promoting violent extremism or radicalism.
Work with local communities to root out sources of radicalism.
Be open to reviewing the current list of terrorist organisations and updating it with new
ones we discover that would meet the criteria.

Our countrys great police officers have our full support, they put their lives on the line
in the name of keeping our communities safe and catching criminals. We want to ensure the
police keep a presence in local communities and have good relations in local communities.

Therefore we will:

Get police by act to patrol local areas on foot to increase their presence, deterring
Protect the funding of frontline policing, ensuring that the number of officers remains
constant, and ensuring that any savings are made by cutting down bureaucracy
Increase funding to the Police Force by 250 million.

We believe that the defence of the Realm should be a priority for any government. We
need to keep a strong armed forces capable of defending our country and its people against
any threat to us or our allies. Our armed forces should reflect our international standing and
our nuclear deterrent should be protected.

Nuclear Deterrent
We believe very strongly in having a nuclear deterrent, it is clear that the rest of the
world will not be giving up theirs because we gave up ours first, we must not put ourselves in a
position in which we could not deter a nuclear power without the help of other nations.

Therefore we will:

Very strongly oppose the 14th Governments attempt to abolish our nuclear deterrent,
all UKIP MPs will vote No on B432.
Oppose any further attempts to leave us without a nuclear deterrent.
Introduce legislation to renew, expand, and protect the current British nuclear deterrent,
replacing the aging Trident system with a new, submarine based, continuous at sea

We believe that NATO is a very important alliance that has been beneficial to the
defence of our nation. It is the most powerful military alliance on Earth and has helped deter
aggression against us. It is important for our country to ensure it is paying its fair share and
pulling its weight in the alliance.

Therefore we will:

Meet the 2% of GDP Defence Spending requirement by NATO, and in fact raise
Defence Spending to 2.5% of GDP.
Oppose all attempts to pull out of NATO.
Continue to work closely with NATO allies on areas of mutual security.
The Royal Navy
The United Kingdom has a long history of being a naval power, and we believe it
remains important for our country to keep a strong navy.

Therefore we will:

Continue the building of two new Queen-Elizabeth class aircraft carriers started by
previous governments.
Build and deploy more Type-26 Frigates after reviewing what would be the best number
to pursue.
Begin research into the feasibility of establishing a new naval base on the East coast of

The Royal Air Force

We wish to see the Royal Air Force well equipped and capable of defending the
security of our country.

Therefore we will:

Invest in establishing two new fighter squadrons in the RAF, made up of Eurofighter
Ensure that we have the capability to strike anywhere in the world.

Defending British Territory

A UKIP led government will defend every centimetre of British soil, we will ensure that
no land is given up through the use of force of another nation. This is especially true for our
overseas territories of which we are bound to protect.

Therefore we will:

Be prepared to respond militarily when our territorial integrity is threatened by another

sovereign nation in the event that diplomacy breaks down.
Not give up any British territory or Overseas Territory over a show of force from another
Work to retake any British territory that becomes occupied by another nation.
Our Servicemen and Veterans
Our servicemen and our veterans our great people deserving of absolute respect. They
put their lives on the line to defend the United Kingdom and the British people and in the
process, knowing they may end up injured or dead. A UKIP government would give them the
full support they need.

Therefore we will:

Set up a commission to investigate the possibility of a pay increase for soldiers, and the
benefits of such a move
Separate Veterans Affairs from the Defence Business Services as its own support
organisation with expanded mental health support.
Offer all veterans who served for more than 10 years, and who were not dishonourably
discharged a fast-track into a job in the police force, prison guards or border force,
provided they meet normal fitness and educational requirements.
Create a Minister of State for Veterans position in the Defence Department, who shall
uphold the rights of, and promote the interests of veterans.

We wish to ensure that our soldiers have the absolute best equipment we can get for
them, they need the best equipment to do the best job they can.

Therefore we will:

Ensure that the SA80 platform and its variants, which are in need of replacement badly,
are replaced before 2020.
Oppose any attempts to make cuts in the equipment budget.
UKIP believes in upholding the laws of this country. We need a Justice system that will
punish criminals but also ensure they can be rehabilitated. We also believe in defending the
freedom of speech of the people of the United Kingdom.

Freedom of Speech
UKIP believes that freedom of speech is one of the most important rights that citizens
have. The right to have any opinion that does not threaten violence against an individual, group
or nation is an important one. The censoring of hate speech is harmful to freedom and gives
too much power to government. It is better to debate ideas than to silence them.

Therefore we will:

Support a Freedom of Speech Bill that would repeal the laws against using offensive
language - such as the Malicious Communications Act, and allow different opinions to
be heard and challenged, without the fear of being arrested.
Pledge to fight the increasing tide of safe spaces at universities in this country.

Prison Inmates
UKIP believes that it is so important to make sure that prisoners who do serve their
time and are released back into society are also able to function properly and get by in it.

Therefore we will:

Provide all inmates who go into the prison system without key qualifications, such as
GCSE English and Mathematics have the chance to gain these qualifications prior to
their release.
Ensure that any inmate who is sentenced to prison while addicted to drugs or alcohol
are clean of these addictions upon their release, by establishing rehabilitation programs
inside prison for those with serious addictions.
Remove prisoners who are known to radicalise others from the general population, in
order to ensure that our inmates dont develop extremist views due to their stay in

We believe that the punishment for a crime should fit the crime. More serious crimes
should get more serious sentences , while non-violent crimes should be dealt with in other

Therefore we will:

Cut the amount of prison sentences given to non-violent criminals, instead promoting
alternatives, such as community payback, electronic tagging and heavy fines.
Imprison repeat offenders for longer with each sentence.

We believe that educating the countrys young is very important to the future of the
United Kingdom. We need to ensure British children are being taught the skills they need in
order to lead a successful and very productive life.

Education Curriculum
Something that the education curriculum should be doing but isnt is teaching about life
after students leave school. Students need to be prepared to face the real world after finishing
school or graduating from higher education.

Therefore we will:

Introduce a Life Skills class that will teach students about doing taxes, banking,
finding their own home and more things along these lines.
Introduce a non-partisan system of political education to England, Wales, and Northern
Ireland for students in Key Stage 3, on the model of Modern Studies in the Scottish
Education System.
Encourage MPs to visit schools in their local communities, being given time to talk to
groups of students about how the government system works.

Grammar Schools
UKIP supports grammar schools as they allow all children to have a chance to succeed
if they are smart enough. We wish to see more grammar schools built.

Therefore we will:

Defend grammar schools from attacks on their status. All UKIP MPs will vote No on
Introduce a system of grants to encourage the construction of new grammar schools in
towns which do not have any, or which have grammar schools which are at full
Private Schools
We support the existence of private schools and would like to bring forward measures
allowing more students to attend private schools.

Therefore we will:

Defend the right of private schools to exist, voting against all legislation which would
turn them into state-schools or ban them.
Incentivise private schools to offer more scholarships to talented pupils, and allow the
use of their facilities by nearby state schools and organisations, by allowing private
schools who meet this criteria to gain charitable status

Modern Languages
We believe that learning a second language is very important and that every student
should be taught one.

Therefore we will:

Continue to promote the teaching of Foreign Languages in schools, for all students until
Encourage the majority of students to take a Foreign Language at GCSE-level.
Encourage schools to organise trips to a nation where the language is taught, allowing
students who choose to study the language to see the culture and the language being
naturally used.
Aim for our students to be able to speak a Foreign Language at Level B1 on the CEFR
scale by the time they are able to decide to stop further instruction in the language.
UKIP believes all British citizens are deserving of Healthcare. This is an area in which
we believe the government does have a role in ensuring British citizens are able to lead
healthy lives. However, we do recognize that it is possible for some people to get better care if
they are willing to pay.

National Health Service

We believe that the National Health Service is a national treasure. It is a part of Britain
that many people take pride in, it is a part of our culture. We will protect the National Health
Service and oppose the privatisation of it.

Therefore we will:

Fight attempts to privatise the NHS.

Keep NHS car-parking free, following the passage of a UKIP bill which abolished
hospital car-parking fees, to allow people to visit their friends and family without paying
high parking costs.
Increase funding to research into currently untreatable conditions, in an attempt to find
a cure for these conditions.

Fighting Health Tourism

With a healthcare system as great as the NHS, there are bound to be those from other
countries who wish to use it. However, it is a national health service, not an international health
service. Health tourism must be fought in order to ensure British citizens are fully getting the
care they need.

Therefore we will:

Make deliberate Health Tourism, people coming to the United Kingdom specifically to
use the NHS a criminal offence, punishable with a fine of up to 5000, plus costs of
treatment, and bar those convicted from entering the United Kingdom for 3 years.
Private Health Insurance
UKIP believes that those who have the ability to pay for private health insurance
should, so that the NHS can serve the rest of the people of the country far better.

Therefore we will:

Implement a program to introduce a tax rebate to people who take out private health
insurance, worth up to half of the average cost of private health insurance, in order to
reduce strain on the state system.

We believe that transport could be better handled by allowing the free market back in
which would create a much more efficient system. We recognize that millions of people in the
United Kingdom rely on transport and it must be kept at the absolute best standards.

Air Travel
We believe that air travel a very convenient way to travel long distances and that any
attempt to limit or ban air travel will harm the economy and cause unnecessary inconvenience
for millions who travel by air every year.

Therefore we will:
Fight any attempt to limit, further tax, or outright ban air travel.
Encourage long distance internal flights between Scotland and Birmingham,
Manchester, and London.
Start the construction of a new airport hub in either the Thames Estuary or the
Gloucestershire Countryside with super fast rail links to Central London.

Road Travel
Road travel is an essential part of daily life and the majority of UK citizens rely on roads
to work smoothly and safely to get them to where they need to be. We believe the road
infrastructure needs serious improvement and we shall make sure this happens.

Therefore we will:
Increase funding to local authorities in order to improve and maintain road networks.
Raise the motorway speed limit to 85 miles per hour.

Rail Travel
Many citizens rely on a functioning rail system in order to go around their daily
business, and we believe that they should be able to do that without the state getting involved.
We want to
bring the free market back into our passenger rail system.
Therefore we will:
Repeal B001 (Railway Reform Bill 2014) and privatise rail travel and introduce open
access alongside franchises to promote competition.

Irish Sea Tunnel

We believe it is important to ensure Northern Ireland is truly connected to the rest of the
United Kingdom and would also increase tourism to and from the United Kingdom and the
Republic of Ireland as well as Northern Ireland.

Therefore we will:

Build an undersea tunnel between a point in Scotland and a point in Northern Ireland,
connecting Great Britain with the Island of Ireland.
Ensure that travellers show a form of identification before travelling through the tunnel.

London Underground
London is a large city, with an ever growing population. We need to ensure that more
people can travel through other means to help keep roads easy to use and un-congested.

Therefore we will:

Look into the possibility of expanding the London Underground system with more lines
and interconnecting existing lines.
The Environment
UKIP believes that our environment is important to maintain and must be preserved and
our countryside and rural people must not be ignored. We also believe in keeping our streets

Green Belt
We believe that Green Belts should be preserved so that our countryside does not
become overrun by urban sprawl.

Therefore we will:

Continue to support the existence of Green Belts.

Oppose measures to remove or shrink them.

We want to ensure our cities remain clean and trash is properly disposed of.

Therefore we will:

Increase the amount of trash cans in cities.

Increase fines for littering.
Increase the number of signs asking citizens to throw out their garbage.

The wildlife of the United Kingdom is a great thing and must be preserved.

Therefore we will:

Seek to reintroduce wolves to Scotland.

Set up more wildlife preserves to protect local wildlife around the country.
Energy and Climate Change
Powering our nation and climate change affects all of us. A UKIP government will aim
to tackle both issues by investing in nuclear energy to phase out fossil fuels and tackle climate

Fossil Fuels
Fossil Fuels cannot power this nation for ever, they are running out and causing
damage to our environment in the process. We must look towards alternative sources of

Therefore we will:

Not authorise the construction of new power stations unless an exceptional

circumstance arises.
Phase out fossil fuel power stations and replace them with nuclear power stations as
outlined below.

Nuclear Power
Nuclear power is the logical successor to fossil fuels due to its ability to match and
exceed the output of current fossil fuel power stations with a fraction of the environmental cost.

Therefore we will:

Provide incentives to private companies to build nuclear power stations on British soil,
providing the UK with renewable power and an increase in jobs.
Increase funding into Nuclear Fusion and Nuclear Fusion power, making the UK a
world leader in that field.

Climate Change
Climate Change is one of the serious issues of our time, and it cant be tackled by just
one country acting alone. Instead, it needs a combined effort from all the big polluters. A UKIP
government will seek to tackle Climate Change through working with other nations, rather than
ignoring it, or just dealing with it alone.

Therefore we will:

Push for an international treaty on tackling climate change, phasing out fossil fuels
worldwide by 2050

Business, Innovation, Skills and

UKIP is a very pro business and pro free trade party. Following the United Kingdom
leaving the European Union, we want to see trade deals, lots of excellently negotiated free
trade deals signed with as many countries as possible. We also want to ensure that the power
of trade unions is kept in check and that universities are fostering an environment of open
debate and free expression.

Trade Deals
The United Kingdom is the fourth largest economy in the world and as such as a lot of
value to bring to the table when it comes to free trade deals.

Therefore we will:

Put together a top quality team of negotiators and have them begin trade deal talks with
many foreign countries
Ensure that a fair free trade agreement is signed with the EU.
Ensure that any free trade deal signed does not hurt our country in any way.

Small Businesses
Small business are the backbone of our economy and so will be fully supported by a
UKIP government. We want to ensure small businesses are able to succeed without being
smothered by excess regulations and red tape.

Therefore we will:

Review current regulations on small businesses and repeal those which we feel are
Bring forward a Small Business Regulations Bill which will make it against the law to
add a new regulation on a small business without repealing at least two.

Trade Unions
We love our trade unions, we think they are a great thing for workers and making sure
their contracts are upheld fairly and disputes are settled. However, we must also ensure that
they do not become so powerful they start holding businesses and companies to ransom.

Therefore we will:

Repeal the Trade Union and Labour Relations Act 2016, and oppose any bill which
permits secondary action or closed shop employment.
Ensure that all strikes have the democratic support of the members of the union, by
making all strikes require 40% of the possible electorate to vote in favour.
Allow businesses to hire agency workers during a period of industrial action.
Limit the influence of the unions in political affairs by capping their donations to political
parties and groups at 8m per year , and making union members to opt-into political
contributions all together.

Our Universities are vital to this country, they educate our young people with the skills
they need for a future career in their selected field. We must however ensure that skills
shortages are being filled and that universities are not becoming authoritarian echo chambers
for certain ideologies or beliefs.

Therefore we will:

Review current fields to see where we need more skilled people in the workforce.
Re-introduce fees for certain fields in universities where there is not a skills shortage.
Keep fields in which we need more people free, in order to push more students into
those fields. The fields which are free will be regularly reviewed.
Make it a requirement that in order to be classified as a university, policies such as
Safe Spaces and No Platform are not allowed to be promoted or used by a university.
Make it a requirement that anyone invited to speak at a university is given the same
high protections and security as any other guest would.
Leave Scottish universities tuition free.

Work and Pensions

We believe that what this country absolutely needs, is more jobs. People need to have
jobs available to them so they can earn a living and get by in society. We also wish to see the
minimum wage devolved so that it can better reflect the needs of each region of the country.

Jobs and Employment

We want to vastly increase the number of jobs in the UK, and also ensure that
unemployment shrinks massively. This will both help the people of the country and the country
itself in terms of productivity.

Therefore we will:

Incentivise companies who have left the country or outsourced overseas to come back
to the United Kingdom.
Ensure that it is impossible for a healthy person to earn more on welfare than in work,
always ensuring that work pays more than welfare.
Through good negotiations with the European Union following Brexit, ensure
companies stay in the United Kingdom and not move to the European Union.

Private Pension Plans

We believe that private pensions should be encouraged, allowing people who put a little
aside every month to benefit from that in old age, giving them peace of mind and financial
security. UKIP will strongly support and promote private pension plans.

Therefore we will:

Create an advertising campaign encouraging people to set up private pensions for

themselves, and save money regularly.
Promote a workplace pension matching scheme for employers, by providing tax
deductions on pension contributions.
Minimum Wage
Every region of the United Kingdom is different, some cost more money to live in than
others. We believe that minimum wage should be devolved to counties to better provide for the
needs of the people living in them.

Therefore we will:

Abolish a national minimum wage

See minimum wage devolved to more local levels.

Communities and Local

We believe that it is so important for British people to be able to own their own homes
and not be forced to remain on social housing for the rest of their lives. We also propose a
devolution system that focuses on bringing power down to the most local level we can,

Home Ownership
We wish to see more people owning their own home in this country and will do what we
can to make this possible.

Therefore we will:

Reintroduce Right to Buy, and expand it to Housing Association Properties, with the
aim of reducing the number of Council Houses.
Relax planning laws, which should encourage private companies to expand home
building, in line with an increase in demand due to a rising population.
Introduce fixed-term tenancies for Council Housing, ensuring that tenants must reapply
every 5 years for their property, meeting the existing income requirements to qualify,
stopping Council Housing being taken by those who do not need them.

County Assemblies
Instead of devolving powers to the home nations and fostering separatism, UKIP
believes in instead devolving powers to local counties, allowing them to better legislate for their
own local issues.

Therefore we will:

Create an Assembly for every County in the United Kingdom excluding Northern
Ireland, replacing County Councils.
Make sure each County shall have an Assembly elected through proportional
representation, and a Governor and Deputy Governor elected though the Single
Transferable Vote.
Make sure each District shall have a Council, elected through proportional
representation, and a Mayor, elected through the Single Transferable Vote.
These Assemblies shall inherit all the powers of County Councils which cannot be
devolved to District Councils, along with powers from Westminster which should be
devolved further.

International Development and the

Overseas Territories
UKIP believes that International Development can be a useful device in helping those in
need around the world. However, the current budget is excessive and must be reviewed.

Overseas spending should be decreased so that money can be spent on citizens at
home in the United Kingdom.

Therefore we will:

Reduce international aid spending to every region except for the Overseas Territories
and the Commonwealth.

Overseas Territories
Our Overseas Territories are long standing parts of the United Kingdom who should be
supported as much as possible.

Therefore we will:

Oppose any cuts to aid money being sent to the overseas territories.
Increase aid sent to the overseas territories by 50 million.
Do what we can to keep the people of the Overseas Territories supportive of remaining
under the control of the United Kingdom.

Giving Aid Wisely

With our plan to cut aid being sent out, we need to also ensure that the aid we do
continue to give is not wasted or used to prop up dictatorships.
Therefore we will:

Cease all British Aid going to the Republic of Zimbabwe, the Gaza Strip & West Bank,
and other similar states.
Repeal B041 - Fair and Humane Trade Act, which bans us from giving aid to nations
who dont let trade unions run free.
Keep in close contact with states that we give aid money to and make sure it is getting
to the people.

Culture, Media and Sport

UKIP strongly believes that we should promote Britain across the globe, support growth
and enrich the lives of everyone. We will seek to protect and uphold our cultural heritage in
Parliament and support innovation, presenting Britain as a unique place to visit to the world.

UKIP rejects multiculturalism, which divides nations, creating separate communities
and causing tension within the United Kingdom. There must be a single, all-inclusive British
culture that unites the 4 nations and immigrant populations.

Therefore we will:

End the policy of multiculturalism, and the promotion of separate cultures in the United
Kingdom, and promote British culture.
Continue support for an official Union Day, celebrating the union of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland.
Promote celebrations and commemorations for important dates and events in British

The freedom of the press is a vital right that ensures our political system and society is
kept clean from corruption. We will oppose attempts to quiet the voice of alternative media
sources and encourage independent journalism.

Therefore we will:

Continue to support a free press in the United Kingdom.

Oppose attempts to brand alternative media and small media outlets as fake news.
Ensure that the BBC, the state broadcaster, acts in an impartial manner when
Sports are a key part in helping people with a healthy lifestyle. UKIP will focus on
encouraging people of all ages to be involved in sport.

Therefore, we will:

Introduce a funding scheme to help pay for equipment, like kits, goals, balls, etc. for
youth grassroots sports.
Encourage young people to get involved with sports inside school by funding the
creation of competitive school sports leagues in every county, and more sports being
played in school PE lessons, giving every young person the chance to find a sport they

We believe that all British citizens, no matter their background, are deserving of being
treated like anyone else and having the same rights and freedoms. People in society should
succeed based on their skills and talents, not based on how they were born.

Positive Discrimination is still just plain discrimination, it chooses people based on the
way they were born rather than who is the most qualified. It also suggests that certain people
are unable to succeed based on their own skills which UKIP disagrees with very strongly.

Therefore we will:

Outlaw any forms of positive discrimination currently legal in the United Kingdom.
Strongly oppose any attempts to introduce any more positive discrimination in the
United Kingdom.
Support the removal of a job seeker's name on resumes when applying for jobs.
Oppose any legislation that negatively discriminates against any demographic in the
United Kingdom.

LGBT Rights
We support our LGBT people, they must be given the same treatment and rights as
everyone else and should not be targeted.

Therefore we will:

Vote against any policy or legislation which would undermine the rights of LGBT
Ensure that the rights of LGBT people are protected under anti-discrimination

The Home Nations

We support the continuing of our United Kingdom, and ensuring that all parts of it want
to remain in it. As such, we support devolving down to the local level (except for Northern
Ireland) as mentioned previously instead of national parliaments that could foster nationalism
and separatism.

We wish to ensure that Scotland remains part of the United Kingdom, as the union of
England and Scotland formed the UK in the first place. While Scotland does tends to prefer
other parties to us, we still care about it and want to ensure its people are being taken care of.

Therefore we will:

Introduce local devolution in the form of assemblies for the regions of Scotland,
meaning an assembly for Tayside, Fife, Grampian, Highland, Lothian, Borders, Central,
and Strathclyde.
Oppose any attempt to force an independence referendum against the will of the
Scottish people.
Ensure that our Secretary of State for Scotland is regularly speaking to and working
with local Scottish people to find out what problems they are having so they can be
quickly solved.

England needs proper devolution that works, our county assemblies should do just that.
We would also like to see Englands flag flown in more official situations.

Therefore we will:
Abolish the current system of county councils, instead creating County Assemblies to
take over powers from these County Councils, and also take more powers from
Fly the English flag from these county assemblies as well as the county flag and union

Wales is a valued part of of the United Kingdom. We want to ensure Wales remains
part of the UK and that the Welsh people are not ignored.

Therefore we will:

Introduce local devolution in the form of assemblies for the regions of Wales, meaning
an assembly for Glamorgan, Gwent, Dyfed, Powys, Gwynedd, Clwyd and Anglesey.
Oppose any attempts to force an independence referendum against the will of the
Welsh people.
Ensure that our Secretary of State for Wales is regularly speaking to and working with
local Welsh people to find out what problems they are having so they can be quickly

Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland has a very unique history that we respect very dearly. We support the
Good Friday Agreement and believe in helping all the Northern Irish people, no matter their
political beliefs.

Therefore we will:

Continue to support the existence of Stormont, and ensure direct rule in Northern
Ireland will never be needed.
Keep the border between The Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland open.
Do what we can to heal divides and promote cross-community unity.
Ensure that our Secretary of State for Northern Ireland is regularly speaking to and
working with local Northern Irish people to find out what problems they are having so
they can be quickly solved.
Promote Saint Patricks Saltire to become the official flag of Northern Ireland.

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