March 2017

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Peace Lutheran Church

Peace Council
Tom Gardner

March 2017
P. O. Box 5
Barrett, MN 56311

Gaylene Hanson
For I know the plans for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to
PO Box 198
harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV)
Elbow Lake, MN 56531
This is one of my favorite scripture passages and is often read at graduations as young
gaylenehanson@aol,com people head off to college or other career paths. These words can provide encourage-
Joyce Hanson ment when the future seems unsettling, unsure, or just plain scary. Trusting that God
indeed has a plan for each of usas individuals, families, and also congregations, can
PO Box 164 and does seem to take the uneasiness awayat least at the surface. Yet what matters
Barrett, MN 56311 most, is whether or not we take these words at more than face value and actually em-
bed them into our hearts. It matters that we trust beyond a doubt that God does in-
deed have a plan or direction for our lives. The plan God has for us isnt always the plan that we have for ourselves, or may not even seem to be the direction we (as fami-
lies or a congregation) want go. At times we feel compelled or led in a direction that
requires us to change or make changes, which can be difficult. Our tendency is to
Charles Johnson continue doing what we have always done, to follow the path that we choose, or take
16357 County Road 2 the direction that seems easier. However our unwavering trust, even when change
Barrett, MN 56311 occurs, continues to develop and grow our faith; building and strengthening our rela-
320-528-2289 tionship with God.

Jim Johnson God wants a relationship with us. I read a statement recently that caught my attention,
so much so, that I had to read it againand again.the statement was this:
18643 193rd 150th Ave
God pursues us relentlessly. God isnt just out there waiting for us to no-
Barrett, MN 23.00 tice, but rather pursues uswhy? Simple. God made us in Gods own image
320-528-2393 and loves us. Not only does God have a plan or direction for our lives, God pursues us even when we
veer off track, when we mess up, and when we try to go our own way. For me, and for
you, that is good news. In fact, that is the GOOD NEWSthat Gods loves reaches so
Marilyn Frykman far and is unconditional, and to make that point Jesus Christ died on the cross; making
21398 140th Ave the point loud and clear. There is NO place that is too far from God, no place that we
Barrett, MN 56311 can go that God cannot reach us. Trouble iswe still at times choose not to listen, or
320-528-2359 accept Gods love. Maybe it is because we have not been good listeners. Maybe it is because we have chosen our own path, and in doing so have made some poor choices.
And so, as a result, we feel unworthy of Gods love, afraid to accept that unconditional
love and grace God has gifted to us. Yes, that is correct, all have sinned and fall short
Lois Scherer of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that
26873 Grand View Road #1 came by Christ Jesus. (Romans 30:23-24) Gods love is from and of God. We cannot
Elbow Lake, MN 56531 earn or deserve Gods love. God loves us because we are Gods creation.
As Gods creation, what is Gods plan for us, for youas a beloved child of God? What
Alexis Danner is Gods plan for Peace Lutheran Church? I encourage you as you enter this Lenten
season to reflect on Gods love, to receive and feel that love washing over you. May
PO Box 152
your heart and mind be open to the direction God is calling and leading you; trusting
Hoffman, MN
always that God is with you each as you journey forward.
Pastor Sarah
Greetings and thank you!
First, thank you for the opportunity to lead you as a congregation and as the
body of Christ, the church. I am excited to work in ministry with you! A little
bit about me.I enjoy worship and worship planning and believe strongly in of-
fering worship that creates an experience and the opportunity to encounter the
Holy Spirit. I look at the Bible as our story as Gods children, and like Martin
Luther, find great freedom in the writings of Paul; especially in Galatians and

I have a passion for reading and learning, being outdoors, and spending time
with my three children: Moriah (10); Noah (8); and Annah (4). My dream is to
travel and also to obtain my doctorate degree. I believe in a ministry that is re-
lational, and enjoy offering book studies, Bible studies, as well as opportunities
to meet at a local coffee shop, participate in other community events, and attend
local school sporting events.

As I noted earlierI look forward to walking with you as you discern Gods di-
rection and call for the ministry of Peace Lutheran Church. I thank you for
that opportunity and your grace as I learn about your congregation, the tradi-
tions, mission, and vision.

I do hope to offer regular office hours, however, that has been a bit of a challenge
with the learning curve of three congregations and three children. Please feel
free to text, email, or call to set up a time to meet with me! I can be reached at
320-808-8772 or

Gods blessings to you all.

Pastor Sarah
Ash Wednesday is March 1st. We will be having
Lenten services here at Peace at 5:30pm with
soup/supper to follow. No soup/supper Ash
Wednesday. Soup/supper starts March 8th. A
sign up sheet will be on the kitchen counter.
Volunteers are needed!!!

Lenten Worship Schedule

March 1 : Ash Wednesday, 5:30 p.m. Peace Lutheran Church; 7 p.m. West Moe
*Both services will be non-traditional. There will be stations that will be
Instructions will be handed out as you enter the church.

March 8th: 5:30 Peace Lutheran; 7 p.m. East Moe Lutheran

March 15th: 5:30 Peace Lutheran; 7 p.m. West Moe Lutheran

March 22nd: 5:30 Peace Lutheran; 7 p.m. East Moe Lutheran

March 29th: 5:30 Peace Lutheran; 7 p.m. West Moe Lutheran

Seniors: remember to get your

scholarship form into the church
office by April 15th.
Peace Church Council Meeting Minutes January 11, 2017

We gather in Gods name: Opening prayer led by Pastor Sarah Evenson

Present: Jim Johnson, Leon Johnson, Charles Johnson, Jen McLaughlin, Brenda Long, Pastor Evenson, Sandy
Kashmark, Tom Gardner, Marilyn Frykman Absent: Lois Scherer
Meeting called to order by Chairman Tom Gardner at 6:05 p.m.
We celebrate our past, our history as Gods people: the administrative reports were reviewed as printed.
Motion made by Leon with a second by Jennifer to approve Secretarys report. MC. Treasurers report:
Suggestion to make a line item for parking lot on the balance sheet to track finances for potential maintenance.
Motion made by Marilyn with a second by Jim to approve Treasurers report with additional item noted. MC
Pastors report was given by Pastor Sarah: With only two weeks into the worship time schedule, evaluation is
ongoing re: needed adjustments. Discussion with the council re: limiting parts of the liturgy with a focus on an
interactive sermon bringing the people into the scripture. Recent discussion with Joyce and Pastor re: pending
VBS plans in late summer. Pastors office hours tentatively set for Monday and Thursday 12 to 4 p.m.
We look to the future: Annual congregational meeting will be held February 12th 2017 after the morning worship
at 9:30 a.m. Three council replacements are needed.
We offer up our concerns of the past (old business): Discussion regarding these topics:
Property repairs: A continued discussion re: concerns over the ongoing problems with water leaks in the roof,
cracked shutters and worn out roof gutters. After considerable discussion, it was suggested to bring the
topic to the annual meeting for congregational input. Leon has been working with vendors/contractors
to obtain potential repair quotes. Church property repairs will be placed on the 2017 budget draft for con-
gregational approval.
Snow removal expenses will be placed on the 2017 budget draft as a separate line item. We are utilizing a
commercial vendor for the 2016-2017 winter seasons.
Audit of the financial books will be done by Mike McLaughlin and John Paulson. Sandy K. will forward data.
Chairman Tom gave the council an update from the synod re: pastoral contract.
Pastor Sarah approved the date for confirmation service to be Sunday May 21st, 2017.
Brenda gave an update re: having a current church directory made. Research ongoing.
We offer up our concerns for the future (new business): Discussion regarding these topics:
Bible Camp: Brenda will make an announcement on social media re: registration for 2017 bible camp. Motion
made by Brenda with a second by Leon for the camper/family to pay the deposit for early registration of
$100.00 and the church will pay for the balance of the camp fee. MC Contact administrator Sandy re:
Working session for the 2017 financial budget with council members present. Sandy K will print presentation
Motion made by Leon with a second by Brenda that all expenses which are within the budget requiring pay-
ment/reimbursement are forwarded to the administrator Sandy P. MC She will forward for payment.
We offer our prayers: Thanksgiving for Gods presence in our ministry, Gods calling and equipping us for min-
istry and sending us out to live the ministry to which we have been called.
We go out in Gods name:
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
M. Frykman, recording
March 2017

Open House 85th Birthday Celebration

Alveda Rhude
Saturday, March 25th
2-4pm No Gifts please.
Peace Lutheran Church
Everyone Welcome!!

Easter Lilies Order Form

If you would like to share an Easter Lily with the congregation on Easter Sunday, you
can order them through Simpli-Flowers. Please fill out the form below and return to the
church office or Gaylene Hanson with payment by Monday April 10th.
Easter Lilies
_____6" $7.50
_____8" $15.00
_____10" $22.00

Other flowering plants available (early orders are recommended; they sell out FAST:)
_____6" Hydrangea (blue) $18.00
_____6" Hydrangea (pink) $18.00
_____6" Azalea $15.00

_____6" Asiatic Lily $7.50

_____6" Oriental Lily $7.50

Ordered by:__________________________________________________________________________

In Memory of:_________________________________________________________________________

In Honor Of:___________________________________________________________________________
Please remember to pick your potted plants up after Services on Easter Sunday so you can enjoy them in your
home and in your garden/patio for the Spring and Summer! THANKS! Simpli-Flowers
March 2017
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 Ash Wednesday 2 3 4
11:20am Release Time 6:30am 10am
4pm Confirmation Mens Breakfast Faithful Folders
5:30pm Worship Service

5 6 7 8 9 10 11
11:20am Release Time 6:30am 10am
8:45am Worship 1pm WELCA Mens Breakfast Faithful Folders
9:45am Sunday School 4pm Confirmation
5:30 Lent Worship
Service/soup supper
6:30pm Council

12 13 14 15 16 17 18
8:45am Worship/ 11:20am Release Time 6:30am 10am
Sunday School Sing 4pm Confirmation Mens Breakfast Faithful Folders
9:45am Sunday School 5:30 Lent Worship
Service/soup supper

19 20 21 22 23 24 25
8:15am Mens Choir 9am Ever- 9am Ever-Blessed 6:30am 10am Open House
Rehearsal Blessed Quilters Mens Breakfast Faithful Folders 85th Birthday
8:45am Worship Quilters 11:20am Release Time Party
9:45am Sunday School 4pm Confirmation Alveda Rhude
5:30 Lent 2-4pm.
Worship Service/soup No Gifts
supper Please.

26 29 30 31
8:45am Worship 11:20am Release Time
9:45am Sunday School 4pm Confirmation
5:30 Lent
Worship Service/soup

Server Program

Feb. 8 Pat Ronhovde Organizational Meeting

March 8 Bea DeFrance Bible Study with Pastor Sarah

April 12 Alveda Rhude Bible Study with Pastor Sarah

June 14 Sandy Perry Bible Study with Pastor Sarah

Aug. 9 Potluck Picnic

Sept. 13 Barrett Care Center

Servers: Kathy Dahl
Kay Johnson
Jan Vipond

Oct. 11 Colleen Marshall Bible Study/Book Club

Nov. 8 Annabelle Olson Bible Study/Thank offering

*Meetings are at 1:00


Committee: Paulette Dalum, Judy Olson, Sandy Perry, Irene Shervey

June 25 Pie & Ice Cream Social for Old Settlers Reunion
Committee: Annabelle Olson, Pat Ronhovde

Program Committee: Kathy Dahl, Norma Olson, Pat Ronhovde, Jan Vipond
Secretary: Bea DeFrance
Treasurer: Kathy Dahl
LWR Kits: Bea DeFrance, Annabelle Olson Sunshine: Alveda Rhude

A great big thank you to Heather, Lexi, Ashton, and Ayden Danner, Tina, Pat, and Kyra
McGrath, Kaleb and Ian Getz, Ryanne Long, and Joyce Hanson for spending their
Saturday morning at Food for Kids in Wendell on February 18th!

Many thanks to the Mens Breakfast for donating $100 and Peace congregation for
contributing $192. Your donations were greatly appreciated!

We ARE the salt of the earth and the light of the world!

Peace Sunday School will be wrapping up their lessons on Love Is the first week of
March and will move on to Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday for the rest of the month
and into April. Our last rotation lesson to be held in May is The Disciples.

On Sunday, March 12th, we will be delivering muffins around our communities, one of our
favorite community service projects. If youd like a visit from our kids (and some delicious
muffins) please give me a call!

Looking ahead, our kids will have a significant part in our Palm Sunday service on April
9th and there will be no Sunday School on Easter, April 16th.

Our kids sang in church on February 12th and we hope to repeat this on every 2nd Sunday,
March 12th, April 9th, and May 14th.

We have tentatively set August 7th, 8th, and 9th (or the 14th, 15th, and 16th) for Vacation
Bible School. Our theme is a camping theme learning smore about Jesus! Well be
sending out more information soon but hope you will let us know which week works best
and if you can help in any way! Thanks!

Joyce Hanson, Director

Peace Sunday School
320-528-2354 (Home phone)
320-424-9726 (Cell phone)
Serving in March

March 5 Bea and Dayle DeFrance

Eileen and Chuck Olson

March 12 Bernice Humann

Lori and Steve Stonestrom

March 19 Pat and Lee Ronhovde

March 26 Sandy and Tom Perry

Altar Guild
Work Group # 3 Leaders Melissa Amore
Lee & Pat Ronhovde Chelsey Anderson
Tom & Sandy Perry Joyce Hanson

You are invited to join us for an unforgettable experience within a Christ-centered community
at Luther Crest Bible Camp. Come experience Gods love and grace on the shores of Lake
Carlos near Alexandria, Minnesota. We take pride in providing unique, fun, safe, and spiritual-
ly-fulfilling summer camp experiences where our well-trained and outstanding summer minis-
try team walks and grows together with you on your faith journey! Whether you are returning
to camp or seeking new adventures, all are welcome as we dive into the Bible and explore

The Value of Camp

1. Carefully selected and trained college-aged staff as Christian role models.
2. A community which fosters an opportunity for people to walk an grow in faith.
3. Hands-on Bible Diving, Daily Worship and a focus on Living as Disciples.
4. Quality Health Care Center and Health Care Manager available around the clock.
5. Access to the Luther Crest Low and High Ropes and Environmental Program's
Nature Center
Arts and crafts, evening snacks and a DVD or picture CD to remember each week of camp.

WHY CAMP? Because camps DO faith through service and community...

Camps do an excellent job of developing young adult leaders. Most Pastors and Church Leaders
trace their call to leadership back to a camp experience.
Families learn family faith activities at camp. They participate! They do faith.
Children, youth and families grow in faith and service because camp is service-oriented.
We learn better through doing.
Camps are incubators for participants to learn to live in Christian community,
because we are living in community while we are at camp.
Participants grow in "awe and wonder" at camp as they are "in" God's creation.

Please call camp, 320-846-2431, to reserve a week of camp for your church OR to
schedule your youth mission trips, canoe trips and group events for Summer 2016 or email
Maddie Gray at

Brochures are available on the table in back of the church. Early registration is
advised for discounts.
PO Box 206
Barrett MN 56311

0 March

Lent/Easter Worship
March 1st Ash Wednesday 5:30pm
Mid-Week Wednesday Service 5:30pm
Holy Week
Maundy Thursday 5:30pm
Good Friday 5:30pm
Easter Sunday
Sunrise Service 7am Pastor Sarah Evenson
Worship 9am Pastor Don Reisig

Peace Lutheran Church

2i8 Church Street PO Box 206 Barrett, MN 56311

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