Bean Lesson Plan 2

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The Bean Lesson Plan 2

Subject / Course: Science TC Name: Rebecca Schuler

Grade Level: Kindergarten Date: February 15 th
Topic: Growing beans Time of Class: 2:30
Cooperating Teacher Name: Carla Thorson Room # / Location:

1. Broad Areas of Learning and Cross Curricular Competencies

a) Outcomes:
Life long learners, sense of self, community and place, engaged citizens

LTK.1 Examine observable characteristics of plants, animals, and people in their local environment.

b) Indicators:
- Students will be able to pick out characteristics of plants
- Students will observe and record the plant life cycle
- Students will be able to active prior knowledge of the story Jack and the Beanstalk
- Students will show respect for living things in our environment.

c) Cross Curricular Competencies: (approx. 2+ other learning expectations not assessed, eg. learning that
happens as a result of the lesson, organization, group work, listening, co-operation, reading, writing skills etc.)

- Developing thinking, developing identity and interdependence, developing literacies, developing social
- English language arts students will refer back to Jack an the Beanstalk story

d) Professional Growth Portfolio Goal(s):

2.2 proficiency in the Language of Instruction

2.6 ability to strive for/pursue new knowledge

3.2 the ability to use a wide variety of responsive instructional strategies and methodologies to accommodate
learning styles of individual learners and support their growth as social, intellectual, physical and spiritual beings

2. Assessment and Evaluation:

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(What assessment and/or evaluation strategies do you need to have to ensure you are accountable for students
learning and addressing curriculum outcomes? What formative and summative assessment should you include?
e.g., sample questions, activities or attach tests, homework, rubrics, evaluation schemes, answer keys etc.)

- Formative assessment will be conducted through the lesson on the students comprehension and understand
of the material. Their ability to active prior knowledge about fiction and non fiction books and picking which
book is non fiction this lesson.
- Summative assessment will be the completion of their bean journals and the understanding of growing plants
and how to express their thoughts in a journal form

3. Preassessment and Accommodations/Modifications

a) Students
(consider the students you will be teaching and anything that will affect their learning or your teaching strategies (e.g.,
include cognitive, social/emotional, physical and diversity needs,+ provide accommodations/modifications - how you will
differentiate learning for each student and/or type of need N.B. use initials of students rather than full names)

Preassessment: Accommodation/Modification:

1. Modified planting activity with the education

1. FH is always moving and not sitting still when assistant, assisted help with filling out the bean
told to do so. He has trouble with constant stamina journal and observing the bean
of paying attention to the teacher
2. Will be assisted by an educational assistant in the
2.E has a hard time sitting still and doing the bean journal activity.
activity assigned.

b) Learning Environment:
(describe the learning environment such as the set up/location of desks, where audio-visual equipment will
be, where the teacher stands, where the students are working etc. you may wish to include a map/layout of
the classroom on a separate sheet and reference it with modifications if lesson changes)
- The students will sit in a semi circle around the teacher while discussion of books is taking place
and the reading of how things grow. For the breakout activity of planting the seeds, the materials
will be set up on tables for students to assit teacher in planting then beans. My bean journals will
be set out on tables for completion.

4. Required Resources

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(list ALL resources required to conduct this lesson with detailed specifics such as textbook titles, chapters, page
numbers, author/publishers, website URLs, resources like paper, pencils, protractors, chalk, rulers, paint, specimens,
books, maps, videos, posters, lab materials, handouts include name of handout and number of copies, etc.)

-Jack and the Beanstalk book

-How things grow book
- Lima, kidney, green bean seeds
- cotton balls
- zip bags
- tape
- my bean journal booklet
-crayons/ pencil crayons

5. Content and Teaching Strategies of Lesson

a) Overview/Agenda/Review
(consider a quick overview of the lesson and/or list key elements in lesson which may be written on white/blackboard
as an agenda for students and you to follow, you may also choose to consider a review of previous days work)

1. Review Jack and the Beanstalk story

2. Talk about non fiction books
3. Ask students to pick out the non fiction book
4. Read how beans grow
5. Move into planting activity
6. Have students fill out my bean journal
7. wrap up

b) Introduction (motivational start, minds-on, hook, etc.)

(describe how you will motivate students, get their attention, relate the lesson to their lives, such as a minds-on activity,
a hook or something that will pull learners into lesson)

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Can anyone remember back to when I read the Jack and the Beanstalk? What happened in that story?
Was that book fiction or non fiction?
Can anyone pick out the non fiction book I would like to read today? How do you know it is non fiction?

c) Subject Content and Teaching Strategies

(include the subject content - what you are teaching; detail the instructional strategies / teaching strategies for
teaching the subject content - how you are teaching it; write some guiding questions - actual questions (variety of
thinking levels) and suggested and anticipated answers; possibly include time approximations/timelines such as 10:00
10:30 a.m. or 25 minutes; and include application activities/components - how the content will be applied such as an
activity, problems to solve, worksheets etc.).

Science- Kindergarten
-direct instruction
- student inquiry
- Hands on learning

2:30- motivational set, show students beans/ pass around

2:40- Read how things grow
3:00- Bean planting
3:10- My bean journal observation
3:20- clean up/ home time

d) Consolidation
(indicate how you will review concepts taught, wrap up lesson, confirm students know what next tasks are e.g.,
having class to give you feedback on what was taught, review key application of concepts this is important in
terms of assessing the effectiveness of the lesson)
Today we talked about our magic beans and learnt how to grow them, we planted the beans and
now we have to wait and watch them grow. Next day we will observe the beans and talk about their
life cycle as they grow.

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6. Reflections
a) Effectiveness of Lesson
What was effective / ineffective in your lesson? include at least 3 lesson elements that were ineffective /
effective? or What went well in your lesson? Or What did not go so well? Or What did the students enjoy? How
did your planning or delivery turn out? Did your teaching / learning strategies work effectively or not for subject
content and class? Consider the entire lesson and the reaction of students.
How do you know? Provide evidence from student work, student questions asked and informal assessment.
Think about examples of how the lesson progressed, engagement of students, flow of delivery, time management.
Next steps? Indicate what steps you are going to take to continue to work on your three elements identified.

What was effective / How do you know? Next steps for improvement?
ineffective in your lesson?

b) Effectiveness as a Teacher
What was effective / ineffective about you as a teacher? include at least 3 teacher elements that you did that
were effective or ineffective. Did you ask good questions? Did you motivate students? What did YOU do well?
This would be a section describing your strengths and areas for improvement volume, eye contact, body
language, questioning skills, responding to questions, comfort with material, confidence, delivery, use of
technology, vocabulary.
How do you know? What evidence do you have that you, as a teacher, were or were not effective? Think about
examples of what you said, did, reacted to, felt as examples of your three elements.

Next steps? Indicate what steps you are going to take to continue to work on your three elements identified.

What was effective / How do you know? Next steps for improvement?
ineffective about you as a

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