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Ancient World Civ Name:

Teacher: Mr. St. Pierre

7.27 Compare and Class:
contrast life in
Athens and Sparta
Questions/Main Notes

EQ: What was the 479-431 BCE

Golden age of

Peak of Culture The golden age was characterized by _______ gained from __________,
_____________, the arts and ____________.

Education Athens was the center of _____________ and learning

____________: supported and promoted democracy, leader of the people

for ___________ years.

Philosophy People who believed that the powers of the mind could be used to reason
and understand ___________ events
In your own words:

Socrates: lectured on ____________ and _____________, logic, asked

rhetorical questions that _________ __________ and _________ thinking,
forced to commit ___________
Ask a rhetorical Question about life:

___________: Socrates __________, founded the ___________ based on

Socrates teaching methods

____________: reason guides the pursuit of _____________, founded the

___________ ( a group of philosophers)

Religion (Beliefs) Gods and Goddesses ( The twelve Olympians)

-built temples for their gods
-worshipped mythical heroes, i.e. Achilles

Oracles: consultants of the Gods, priestlike, that gave advice to the


Arts Architecture: Pericles restored the _____________ and dedicated it to

__________, it became known as the ________________

Architecture Greek ______________ and sculpture, perfection in craftsmenship

-show the human ___________ in perfect balance.

Festivals of Drama Drama: stories written and performed by ___________

(Influence all TV and movies)
___________: usually ends in __________ for main character (influence
_______________ movies)
Comedy: made fun of well known citizens and customs
(Influence pop culture: the roast)

These became popular entertainment for all Greeks

Summary: What was life like during the Golden Age of Athens?

The Parthenon ruins still remain in Greece.

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