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Personal Details
First Name:_________________________________ Gender:__________________________________
Middle Name:_______________________________ Date of Birth:______________________________
Last Name:_________________________________
Address Line 1: ______________________________ E-mail Address:______________________________
Address Line 2:______________________________ Mobile Phone:______________________________
City/State:___________________________________ Office Phone:_______________________________
Zip Code:___________________________________

Background Details
School/Employer:_____________________________ Referee Name:_____________________________________
Major (if applicable):___________________________ Referee Role:______________________________________
Job Title (if applicable):_________________________ Referee E-mail:_____________________________________
Referee Phone:____________________________________
Please list any relevant skills or training, including language skills, event experience, customer service, etc.:

Availability to Volunteer
Induction Ceremony:_____ (Saturday, May 13, 2017 Approximate shift 2:30pm-10:30pm)
Volunteers must also be available for an orientation the week prior in Seattle (International District) to receive training and assist in prepara-
tion for the Asian Hall of Fame. More information about shift location will be made available to selected volunteers.

I am available Saturday, May 6 (10:30am-1:00pm): _____

*Parking is not provided or reimbursed for any induction or training shifts. Dinner will be provided for volunteers on May 13.

Volunteer Application Terms and Conditions

I hereby certify that I am at least 18 years of age and that I have read and agree to the 2017 Asian Hall of Fame Volunteer Ap-
plication Terms and Conditions (following pages).
Signature:_____________________________________ Date:_______________________________________________

I hereby certify that I am the parent or legal guardian of the Applicant and that the Applicant is aware of, in agreement with,
and bound to the 2017 Asian Hall of Fame Volunteer Application Terms and Conditions (following pages).
Name:____________________________ _ Phone:_____________________ E-Mail:___________________________________
Signature:_____________________________________ Date:_______________________________________________

1. Introduction

These Volunteer Pass Terms and Conditions describe the process, rules, and regulations applicable to all volunteers for the 2017
Asian Hall of Fame induction ceremony.

Issuance with a Volunteer Pass is compulsory for any person to fulfill a volunteer role at the 2017 Asian Hall of Fame induction.

2. Definitions

Accredited Party An Applicant who is granted a Volunteer Pass in accordance with these Volunteer Pass Terms and Conditions.

Applicant Any person applying for a Volunteer Pass for the 2017 Asian Hall of Fame induction ceremony.

Application An individual Volunteer Pass request for the 2017 Asian Hall of Fame induction ceremony.

Authorized Person(s) All Robert Chinn Foundation staff, Board, officers, Venue representatives, or personnel responsible for man-
agement, safety and security in connection with the 2017 Asian Hall of Fame induction ceremony.

Volunteer Pass An individual and non-transferable right of access to serve as a volunteer for the 2017 Asian Hall of Fame induc-
tion ceremony.

Venue The entire premise of the location(s) of the 2017 Asian Hall of Fame induction ceremony.

3. Volunteer Application

3.1 Applications can be submitted by an individual or, if the individual is under 18 years of age, on behalf of the individual by a par-
ent or legal guardian. The parent or legal guardians signature will bind the Applicant to the Terms and Conditions.

3.2 As part of the Application, each Applicant must send (or have sent on their behalf) with his/her Application a letter of reference
from a senior representative of his/her school, place of employment, or other institution, written on letterhead of such institution.

3.2 Volunteer Passes, once approved, are provided for an individual Applicant only, and are strictly non-transferable.

3.3 Applications must be made via the official 2017 Asian Hall of Fame Volunteer Pass Application. Applications should be complet-
ed and submitted to the Robert Chinn Foundation via e-mail at (subject line: Volunteer Pass Applica-
tion) by March 31, 2017. Application forms that are incomplete, unclear or late will be denied.

3.4 By completing the Application process, the Applicant acknowledges that he/she has read and understood these Volunteer Pass
Terms and Conditions and is fully aware of and bound to the rights and obligations arising from them.

4. Volunteer Pass Approval Process

4.1 The Robert Chinn Foundation has sole responsibility to review and approve Applications for the Asian Hall of Fame.

4.2 There will be a limited number of Volunteer Passes granted, in accordance with the limited number of operational duties that
need to be fulfilled. If there is a greater number of Applicants than the number of Volunteer Passes that can be granted, the Robert
Chinn Foundation will create a limited waitlist for Volunteer Passes in the event of withdrawals.

4.3 The Robert Chinn Foundation or duly authorized representative will notify all Applicants of the outcome of their Application
(granted, denied, or waitlisted) via e-mail by April 10, 2017.

4.4 In the event that an Applicant wants to withdraw his/her Application at any stage up to the event, he/she must submit a
written notification to the Robert Chinn Foundation.

5. Volunteer Pass Collection

5.1 Applicants who are granted a Volunteer Pass for the induction ceremony can collect the Volunteer Pass at one of the two pre-
event training and preparatory work shifts, upon presentation of photo identification. Further information about the location of
these shifts will be made available to each Accredited Party.
6. Utilizing the Volunteer Pass

6.1 The Accredited Party must follow the directions of any Authorized Person(s) at the Venue. Volunteers will be assigned a desig-
nated supervisor based on the event roles that are assigned to them.

6.2 The Volunteer Pass must be clearly displayed at all times during the event and only provides access to areas necessary for the
completion of the assigned volunteer role.

7. Volunteer Rules

As a fundamental condition to the issue of a Volunteer Pass, the Accredited Party accepts that:

7.1 Most volunteer roles for the 2017 Asian Hall of Fame involve customer service. Specific role training will be provided at a pre-
event training and preparatory work shifts to assist with understanding basic event scenarios. Any Accredited Party who is ap-
proached with a question, interview opportunity, or statement that goes beyond the scope of his/her training is advised to smile,
be polite, and direct the customer to the nearest supervisor. Volunteers are not authorized spokesperson(s) of the Robert Chinn
Foundation or Asian Hall of Fame.

7.2 Volunteer roles for the Asian Hall of Fame may involve close proximity to, sightings of, or working with celebrities, business
leaders, or other prominent local or national figures. Every Accredited Party should provide the same level of customer service to
all customers and continue to perform the assigned role.

7.3 The Robert Chinn Foundation will provide a scheduled opportunity for volunteers to meet and have a group photo with the
honorees. Requests for autographs and posed photographs are otherwise not permitted during the event.

8. Cancellation or Rescheduling

8.1 In the event of unforeseen or other circumstances, including (without limitation), force majeure, safety and security concerns
or decisions from any Authorized Person or other competent authority, that require alteration to the time, date, or location of the
2016 Asian Hall of Fame, the Robert Chinn Foundation will not be liable to the Accredited Party or any other person for any costs,
expenses or other losses resulting from such alteration.

8.2 In the event of rescheduling, the Accredited Party may use his/her Volunteer Pass for the rescheduled event.

9. Privacy

9.1 The Accredited Party agrees that his/her name, voice, image, and/or likeness may become involved in media coverage of the
press conference and/or induction ceremony. As such, the Accredited Party agrees that perpetual use may be made, free of
charge, of his/her name, voice, image and likeness by means of audio/visual broadcast, transmission or recordings, documentation,
photographs or other technologies and waives, on an irrevocable, worldwide, perpetual basis, all rights to object to such recording,
broadcasting, transmission, documentation or dissemination thereof.

9.2 Personal information collected by the Robert Chinn Foundation via the Application process may be used in the following ways:

9.2a To process, assess, or correspond with the Applicant regarding the status of the Application;

9.2b To disseminate updated information or details about the Asian Hall of Fame;

9.2c To make such reasonable inquiries as appropriate to verify the accuracy and currency of information in the Application;

9.2d For planning purposes relating to the Asian Hall of Fame event, including (but not limited to) being stored, used, and
processed in electronic form via inclusion in the Robert Chinn Foundation database.

9.3 The Robert Chinn Foundation will ensure that any personal information provided through the Application is protected against
loss or misuse by such security safeguards as it is reasonable in the circumstances to take and will not disclose such personal infor-
mation unless under legal obligation to do so, such as in the event of a breach of the Terms and Conditions.

9.4 The Robert Chinn Foundation shall not be liable for incorrect entry of information by an Applicant for any reason.
10. Security and Safety Considerations

10.1 Access to the Venue will be refused to any person (or such person may be required to leave the Venue) noticeably under the
influence of alcohol, narcotics or any behaviour-modifying substance, or to any person behaving or considered by any Authorized
Person to be engaging in or likely to engage in disruptive, dangerous, harmful, or violent behavior, including (without limitation)
instigating violence, racism or xenophobia, behaving in a way that any reasonable person may interpret as provocative, threaten-
ing, discriminatory and/or offensive, creating or posing any threat to the life or safety of themselves or any other person(s), or
harming any other person(s) in any way.

10.2 Admission will be refused to any person (or such person may be required to leave the Venue) who attempts to bring any pro-
hibited item into the Venue, including (but not limited to) flares, fireworks, air horns, smoke bombs and/or flag sticks; alcohol and/
or illegal substances; banners, signs or materials displaying political, religious, offensive or race-related messages, slogans, or im-
ages; sharp objects, compressed gas containers, weapons, and any other item that is dangerous or may be used as a weapon or
missile or that may compromise or otherwise interfere with the enjoyment, comfort or safety of any person at the Venue. Prohib-
ited Items may be removed, confiscated and/or destroyed at the discretion of any Authorized Person.

11. Breach of Terms and Conditions

11.1 Any breach or suspected breach of these Terms and Conditions capable of remedy (at the responding Authorized Persons
discretion) will be raised by the Authorized Person or his/her nominee in the first instance with the Accredited Party to allow for
remedy. Where the breach is continued or in circumstances involving a serious breach(es) of the said Terms and Conditions by an
Accredited Party, the Robert Chinn Foundation will be entitled to immediately remove the Volunteer Pass of the Accredited Party,
refusal of admission into the Venue or eviction from the Venue, in each case without compensation. Such actions are without prej-
udice to other remedies which may include a fine and/or legal action.

12. Indemnity

12.1 Each Accredited Party acknowledges that he/she shall move in and around a Venue at his/her own risk and each Accredited
Party shall indemnify and hold harmless the Robert Chinn Foundation, and any other servants or agents of the 2017 Asian Hall of
Fame for any loss, liabilities, injury, or damage howsoever caused to the Accredited Party (or his/her principal or employer), in-
cluding (without limitation) bodily or mental harm, personal property damage or loss, or any other loss and/or harm arising from
and/or occurring during his/her attendance at the event and, without limitation to the foregoing, each Accredited Party agrees
that no claim, complaint or proceeding will be brought in relation to the foregoing.

13. Severability, Amendments, and Governing Law

13.1 In the event that any provision(s) or section(s) of these Volunteer Pass Terms and Conditions are declared void, ineffective or
unenforceable by any competent court, the remainder of these Volunteer Pass Terms and Conditions shall remain in full force and
effect as if such void, ineffective or unenforceable provision(s) or section(s) had not been contained herein.

13.2 No failure or delay by the Robert Chinn Foundation to exercise any right (in whole or in part) under these Volunteer Pass
Terms and Conditions shall constitute a waiver of that right, nor restrict any further exercise of that right.

13.3 The Robert Chinn Foundation reserves the rights (without providing reasons for doing so) to make amendments to these Vol-
unteer Pass Terms and Conditions. Any updated versions shall be notified to Accredited Parties by the Robert Chinn Foundation
and such amended Terms and Conditions shall become binding on all Accredited Parties from the time of such notification.

13.4 These Terms and Conditions and any dispute arising thereof shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws
and Courts of the State of Washington.

14. Acknowledgment and Contact

14.2 Any information requests or other correspondence in relation to these Volunteer Pass Terms and Conditions should be sent
to the Asian Hall of Fame Event Manager at

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