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Group Planning -- Research Project : Timed Out and College Bound Virtual Quest

Teacher Name: Ms. Duck

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 Excellent 3 Good 2 Fair 1 Poor

Research Notes Notes are thorough Notes are good, but Notes were taken, No notes provided.
and from throughout they only represent but the thoughts
the entire PBL one portion of the weren\'t developed
process process such as or they all originated
research but not only from one
brainstorming ideas. section of the
Peer There are Evaluation is good, Evaluation given, No evaluation
Collaboration/Personal constructive but no constructive but either short, not given.
Improvement evaluations proved criticism to improve all members
Evaluation for all members of self or teammates. included, or are
the group or for self composed of
(if doing task entirely negative
individually). comments.
Originality of Numerous, well 3+ solutions Only one or two No proof of
solutions thought out displaying creative solutions. multiple solutions.
solutions and their thought and
respective problems solving.
applications on
local, state, or
national levels.
Individual Written Reflection Reflection Reflection No reflection turned
Reflection completed with completed, well completed, but short in.
minimal errors, and worded, and only a with multiple
the student few errors. spelling and
expressed both grammatical errors.
mental and
emotional response
to the subject matter.
Final Presentation Presentation is Presentation Presentation is No effort put forth
original, engaging to complete, well complete but in presentation.
the audience, worded, and few numerous errors in
minimal errors, and errors. spelling and/or
practiced so that pronunciation.
pronunciation errors
are minimal.

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