Chong Liren Final Report 1516

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Name: Chong Liren

Class: Grade 11

Title: Depression blog

Supervisor: Ms. Mazlina

Word count: 3733 words

Table of content

1.0. Introduction... 3
1.1.Goal 3
1.2. Global context. 3-4
1.3.Subject specific knowledge. 4
1.4.Investigating 4
1.5.Evaluation of sources ..5
1.6.Impact to society and community... 5
1.7.How does my personal project help me develop the IB learner profiles and ATL
skills 5-6
2.0.Planning... 7
2.1.S.M.A.R.T goals.. 7
2.2.Design specification 7
2.3.Product specification... 7
2.4.Product criteria 8
2.5.Content of each blog post 8-9
2.6.Timeline.. 9
3.0.Taking action..10
3.1.Product in relation to global context..10
3.2.Targeted audience 10
3.3. Steps in making the product10-11
4.0.Reflecting 12
4.1.Reflecting on product.12
4.3.Global context12
4.4.Self-evaluation.. 13
4.5.Peer evaluation...13
4.6.ATL skills.. 13
4.7.Learner profiles. 13
4.8.How my personal project will affect my future 14
5.0.Works cited... 15
6.0.Appendixes.. 16-30


I have decided to pick the topic of teenage depression for my personal project. The
reason why I have chosen this topic is because I feel like teenager nowadays are very stressed
and are generally more melancholic. My target audience is teenagers from the ages 13-19, the
reason why I chose this topic is because I feel like I can relate the most to that age group. So
what I am going to do for my product is to create a blog that can accept anonymous
comments which frequently posts about advice for people with depression. I got my
inspiration from a variety of cyberbullying cases (such as the case of Amanda Todd) that
have occurred in the recent years which end up in the suicide of the victim I have also gotten
some of my inspiration from the website: which is a global org for young
people and social change.

Refer to Appendix 1.0

1.1. Goal

Some of my interests include participating in sports (primarily netball), psychology,

food and speaking. The aim and goal of my project is to raise awareness for teenage
depression, to also give advice to those who are going through depression and lastly, to gain
experience from the different people on the internet whom I will be communicating with in
this project; as about 2/3 of people who commit suicide are depressed at the time of their
death ( This project is significant because depression is a serious problem
affecting teenagers all around the world as it affects about 20 percent of teens (TeenHelp).

Refer to Appendix 1.0

1.2. Global context:

The global context that I have chosen is Identities and Relationships. The reason why
I have chosen this as the main global context that I will be focusing on is because it touches
on topics like personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships
including families, friends, communities and cultures and lastly, what it means to be human.
When someone has depression it can pretty much destroy the overall health of the person, the
person would feel no self-worth, lethargic, more introverted and overall moodier; all of this
can affect the persons social life, mental health and even their physical health as they might
even self-harm. Once they start shutting out people from their lives, their social health and
their human relationships with their family, friends, significant other and community will
start deteriorating too.

Refer to Appendix 2.0

1.3. Subject specific knowledge:

The subject that I will basing this personal project on is Individuals and societies as
we learned about psychology at one point as one of our topics and we learnt about how
human behavior changes based on different situations and I believe that depression is
primarily based on the thoughts of a person and the human mind so I feel that this would be
really helpful. Additionally, we learnt about how human behavior changes based on different
situations and when people have depression, they tend to have different behaviors and
mindsets than their usual self because of it. I also expect that throughout the creation of my
personal project, I would be meeting Ms. Shalini as she has a background in psychology.

Refer to Appendix 3.0

1.4. Investigating:

So there are two primary methods of getting information, there is the primary resource
and the secondary resource. So I have decided to use the form of a survey as my primary
resource as a survey can cover a lot of people at once so the opinions can be more varied and
accurate. I decided to go research on the internet and some books to back up the information
from the primary source and other related information as the internet has a lot of websites so
you can get a lot of variety, opinions and facts.
1.5. Evaluation of sources:

So there are two primary methods of getting information, there is the primary resource
and the secondary resource. A primary resource is information gotten from a direct source
like an interview or a survey, something like getting results directly from a research
conducted by yourself, while a secondary source is usually not new information, its usually
information or research done by someone else and it usually has opinions input in it,
examples of this includes the internet. As for my research, I am trying to look for websites
with the Internet domain suffix of: edu, gov and org, since websites with these domains are
usually more accurate and confirmed.

Refer to Appendix. 4.0 to 5.0

1.6. Impact to society and community:

Personally I think that this can very much impact the community and society in a
positive way as if this project ends up being a success, it might be really helpful for people
who are depressed of suicidal and might even save a life from suicide. The depression and
suicide rates could reduce. Another thing is that this could help raise awareness for
depression, many people tend to view depression as something trivial and tend to just shrug it
off as nothing, but depression can be quite dangerous and can make someone feel awful over
nothing so this might be able to help raise awareness thus letting our society and community
to be more aware of dangerous disorders like this.

1.7. How does my PP project help me develop the IB learner profiles and ATL skills:

My PP project can help me develop the IB learner profile: open minded, as if a lot of
people were to tell me their problems, I would be able to get a larger variety of different
kinds of troubles from different people from different backgrounds, resulting in me gaining
more experience and thus being more accepting of different people; this can help me in my
future and allow me to digest more information because if I were more open-minded, I would
be more accepting of different perspectives and thoughts from different people with different
stories and this can allow me to understand things a little better as it puts me in the shoes of
other people. Another IB learner profile that this project that can help me develop is balanced
as when I learn new things from people, I can use that information for myself to improve my
own intellectual, physical, spiritual and emotional wellbeing, this can help me in life because
being balanced allows me to be a holistic learner basically being able to balance the weight of
both sports and studies. Another IB learner profile that this can help me develop is reflective,
as if people were to ask me for help, I would have to consider my own ideas and experiences
to support my advice and this can help with my personal development, reflecting is very
important because it allows me to analyze myself and to prevent myself from committing the
same mistake. Another IB learner profile that this project can help me enhance is the learner
profile, knowledgeable, the reason is because when I research more about depression and
how it affects people, so basically I will gain more knowledge and I can also use that
knowledge to help other people in the future as itll kept in my brain for future needs.

ATL skills that can be developed are: communication as when I do this project, I
would have to communicate with a different people of the world with different personalities,
backgrounds, gender and race, this being able to improve my communication skills,
improving my communications skills is very important because in the real world, a lot of
projects and work would require human interaction, so if I can effectively communicate, itll
make it easier for me in the future; critical thinking and creative thinking, as if a problem
arises with my blog that is quite out of the usual, I would have to think critically and
creativelybasically thinking out of the box in order to solve the problem to ensure the
smooth running of my blog and also if anyone asks for my help, I would use this ATL skill to
think of a method that is effective, creative and simple so that the problem could be solved,
thus improving my skills in creative and critical thinking.

Refer to Appendix 6.0


2.0. Planning

Before I start creating my blog, I need to create a plan by using the information I have
collected. After doing is, I will then create my blog.

Hence, I am going to be planning with S.M.A.R.T goals, design specification, product

specification and product criteria. With these methods of planning, I can efficiently create the
product for my personal project and it also allows me to be set on track.

Refer to Appendix 7.0 to 11.0

2.1 S.M.A.R.T goals

In order to complete my personal project successfully, setting goals is a must so that I

can keep myself on track; know what outcome I want from this project and also prevent
myself from going off topic. So basically my goals are that I want to have at least 10 blog
posts about most topics related to depression within about a month.

Refer to Appendix 7.0

2.2 Design specification

To make sure that my product is well focused and fulfils the initial cause/reason for
even choosing this topic as my personal project in the first place, there is a need for a design

Refer to Appendix 8.0

2.3 Product specification

Before actually creating my product, I need an overall layout/ design plan for how my
product is going to look like. This allows me to confirm what I want so that when I am
creating the product, I dont need to think from scratch a design and become indecisive. And
because of that, a product specification is needed.

Refer to Appendix 9.0

2.4 Product criteria

Once I complete my product, I need a way to test its success and to do that, I created
a product criteria assessing my products in different aspects which is known as the product

Refer to Appendix 10.0

2.5 Content of each blog post

The first post will be about the meaning of depression, basically what depression is
defined as. The reason why I chose this to be my first blog post is because in my opinion,
before anything, people need to understand what depression is as that is the most fundamental
and basic kind of information. If people dont know what depression is, knowing other
information such as how it can affect a person wont be helpful whatsoever.

The second blog post will be about the statistics or basically the likelihood of
someone having depression in a certain age group and etc. The reason why I think this is a
crucial part of the information about depression that should be shared because this allows
people to really see how widespread depression is in our society; this allows people to think
in a bigger picture basically allowing people to take account that this much of an amount is
being affected by depression. When they find out that depression is quite common, and then
they will know the severity of it.

The third blog post will be about the causes of depression. This post is somewhat
more about prevention than cure because this can potentially help people with avoiding
depression with factors that are considered controllable, such as drug and alcohol use.

The fourth post will be about the symptoms of depression, I feel like this might be one
of the most important and helpful post in my blog because this allows people to identify
people in need of help and maybe even make someone realize that they themselves have
depression, which can lead to a quicker and more efficient road to recovery and prevention.

The fifth post will be about different types of depression. This is to allow people to
know that not all depression is the same and that there are many types of depression allowing
people to know that if someone doesnt fit into this kind of depression, they might have
another kind.
The sixth, seventh and eighth post will be about combating depression. This is
basically a solution to the problem identified. The reason why I want to separate this topic
into 3 different posts is because there are many different methods of battling depression.

The ninth post will be about how the people around the depressed person should act to
the depressed person. People may act carelessly and might cause the depressed person to get
even more dejected, so a guide to it might help.

The tenth post will be how depression can affect relationships; this is because
depression affects a lot of things including relationships between friends, family and lovers. I
thought this was an important topic because a lot of people need support from others so if the
depression allows people to ruin their relationships; it might cause a spiral downwards to a
more serious form of depression.

2.6 Timeline

A timeline is crucial because it allows me to make my product on time and to also

allow me to have enough time to make the best of my product by carefully delegating parts of
the creation to different times within a month or so. My timeline is based weekly.

Refer to Appendix 11.0

Taking action

3.0 Taking action

Based on the product criteria, product specification, design specification and timeline,
I was able to successfully create and finish my product, which is a blog.

3.1 Product in relation to the global context

The global context that I have chosen is identities and relationships; this global
context is primarily about identity; beliefs and values of an individual; the personal, physical,
mental, social and spiritual health of an individual; human relationships including family,
friends, communities and cultures; and basically, what it means to be human. My product
relates to this because it is a blog about depressions which can great affect identities and
relationships. For example, if someone has depression, they might be more antisocial and
might not want to participate in social activities and might be more easily angered, this can
allow that individual to go into isolation without meaning to. Additionally, when someone
has depression, they tend to harm their overall health; for example: some people might harm
themselves physically; some might isolate themselves from civilization, all will be
emotionally harmed and etc.

3.2 Targeted audience

My targeted audience is teenagers between the ages of 13-19, the reason why I chose
this specific age group is because this is the time where people are most likely to get chronic
depression making this an age group to look out for. Additionally, I am personally within this
age group so I feel like if Im in the age group that my targeted audience is in, I can relate
more to them.

3.3 Steps in making the product

So firstly, I had to decide on the theme that I wanted my blog to have, I had to make it
look aesthetically pleasing to the eye. For this step I just googled up some Tumblr theme
codes and I found that there were a variety of themes quite suited for my product
specification, so I went to my friends to ask for their opinion on the themes chosen and if
they think it is suitable for my blog and whether the themes chosen were aesthetically
pleasing or not. Then I had to open up the websites that I previously got and took information
from it and construct an article for my blog based on that information, I also got some of the
information from Ms. Shalini, who is one of the teachers in my school who has a background
in psychology, I used my communication skills to conduct an interview with her to answer
some of the questions that I had, making her a primary source for my research.. The first post
was about the meaning of depression and what it is. My second written post was about
depression statistics, the possibility of someone having depression. The third written post is
about the causes of depression, how it forms and what events in an individuals life that can
trigger it. The fourth written post is about the symptoms of depression, how someone can
identify if another has depression or even just identifying with ones self. The fifth written
post is about the types of depression. The sixth, seventh and eighth post are about some ways
to combat depression, to help people who are currently in a state of depression or for those
who are trying to fight depression. When creating those blog posts, I had to consider my
targeted audience and use my communication and social skills while communicating the
information and facts as in order to have successful and smooth communication with little to
no error. Once my blog was created, there would be people who would reach out to me on my
blog and ask me for some advice; I would use my communication and social skills to answer
them in the most appropriate manner. Furthermore, I had to use thinking skills for many
different aspects when creating my blog, such as: when I was creating my posts, I had to use
the information given and place them in a manner in which it is understandable by my age
group, I used my thinking skills here by critically thinking and strategically formulating the
best method of rephrasing and method of writing for the targeted audience of my blog. I also
used my thinking skills to answer questions that were asked by anonymous people on my
blog, I had to put myself in the shoes of other people and thought about the situation from
their perspective relating to the information that I already had stored in my brain leading to
use my thinking skills to relate it.

Refer to Appendix 12.0 and Appendix 13.0


4.0 Reflecting

4.1 Reflecting on the product

So I personally think that the end product is somewhat successful because it did
indeed show information about depression which was what my product was supposed to do.
This is because it shows the aspects of different parts of depression like the definition, the
cause, the types, how to combat it and others. I think the content was sufficient to raise
awareness for depression with my targeted group and I also think that the language used is
effective for the targeted audience of teenagers. This is because I didnt really use any
advanced vocabulary and just phrased it in a way that is easy to understand.

Refer to Appendix 14.0

4.2 Improvements

Even though the product was quite successful in my eyes, there are some things that
definitely can be improved on. For example, I did not meet the minimum amount of posts
needed which was 10 posts (I only got about 8), so I think that I could have added more
content and more posts. Additionally, I think that I can also improve on the content in a sense
that I could have added a larger variety of information and how it connects to the global
context identities and relationships and others.

Refer to Appendix 14.0

4.3 Global context

The global context that I have chosen is identities and relationships; this global
context is primarily about identity; beliefs and values of an individual; the personal, physical,
mental, social and spiritual health of an individual; human relationships including family,
friends, communities and cultures; and basically, what it means to be human. My product
relates to this because it is a blog about depressions which can great affect identities and
relationships as when someone is depressed they tend to not be mentally, socially, physically
and personally healthy so thus it relates to it.

Refer to Appendix 15.0

4.4 Self evaluation

Personally, I have learnt much more about blogging and I have actually found joy and
relaxation whilst making my product because I thought this was quite simple and it was also
pretty convenient making it pretty relaxing to do. Also I learnt about the different functions of
the website, Tumblr, and am probably a little more tech savvy than I used to be. This can
probably help with my other tech assignments in the future.

4.5 Peer evaluation

I got 10 people from the age group 13-19 and got them to do a survey (that I made
using the website Surveymonkey) regarding their thoughts on my website. Overall the
feedback was quite positive.

Refer to Appendix 16.0

4.6 ATL skills

The ATL skill that I have developed during this time was the skill transfer,
communication and organization. Firstly, I have developed transfer because after I receive
knowledge from articles that I have read, I make them into simpler more concise articles for
my targeted audience and additionally if someone needs help, I would be using my
knowledge from reading and getting information to help them. I also worked on my
communication skills because I got a lot of help from my friends if I needed help with
something like HTML codes. Lastly, I developed organization because I had to organize my
blog based on the topics and importance of the different topics that I would discuss about.

Refer to Appendix 17.0

4.7 Learner profiles

I have developed the learner profiles caring and knowledgeable. This is because while
making my website I had to research a lot thus gaining knowledge and I had to apply that
knowledge when making the blog posts and also answering questions from people. I
developed the skill caring because when people ask questions I show concern for them and I
also care about for those who are in the state of depression.

Refer to Appendix 17.0

4.8 How my personal project will affect my future.

When I finish the IB MYP program, I plan to pursue a future in business and in the
field of business; psychology is an important factor as it can be used as a tool for things such
as advertising, predicting future business performances, build successful business teams and
etc. Also with extra knowledge on depression and how to handle it, it allows me to be able to
somewhat care for my mental wellbeing better and avoid things that can be a spark to ignite
depression, it also allows me to be of better help when it comes to helping those in the state
of depression.
5.0. Works Cited
Arul, Shalini. "Depression." E-mail interview. 12 Feb. 2016.
"Beyondblue." What Is Depression. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Aug. 2015.
"11 Facts About Suicide." 11 Facts About Suicide. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Aug. 2015.
Kiefer, Dale. "Depression in Relationships: When to Say Goodbye." Healthline. Ed. George Krucik.
N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Aug. 2015.
NAMI. "Mental Health By the Numbers." NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness. N.p., n.d.
Web. 30 Aug. 2015. <>.
Ojarikri, Dorothy, Dr. "Depression: Its Impact upon the Couple Relationship." - Counselling
Directory. N.p., 14 Aug. 2014. Web. 30 Aug. 2015. <http://www.counselling->.
"Teen Depression Statistics & Facts - Teen Help." Teen Help. N.p., 04 Nov. 2015. Web. 7 Nov.
2015. <>.
6.0 Appendixes

Appendix 1.0

Appendix 2.0
Appendix 3.0
Appendix 4.0

Bibliography of website Type of information Primary or secondary Credibility Validity Accuracy: Relevance:
gotten from website resource?
NAMI. "Mental Health By Statistics of teenage Secondary Resource NAMI, the National Alliance the information from this it is precise to the point the entire webpage, is
the Numbers." NAMI: depression. on Mental Illness, is the The website is very factual and where it separates adults not concentrated on
National Alliance on United States largest meaningful because all the with the youth aged 13 to depression alone, it is
Mental Illness . NAMI, grassroots mental health statistics written there 18, so it is quite precise quite broad and it
n.d. Web. 30 Aug. 2015. organization, and they are were from government for my current topic as mentions mental
< dedicated to helping the statistics (I got that from my targetted audiences disorders such as
arn-More/Mental-Health- Americans who are affected by the sources from the are the ages 13-19 and schizophrenia, bipolar
By-the-Numbers>. mental diseases. I feel like this website). This website is that information is pretty disorder, depression and
organization is very credible as also a non-profit much directly tackling the some others. So as for
it is a very largescale organization, so I trust that information that I need. It the webpage as a whole,
organization (with even their it would provide valid also has different it is not very relevant to
own hotline) information as it wants to information for different my topic. However,
help people. age groups and social some information found
groups, so that might be on the webpage is quite
helpful. relevant.

Beyondblue. What is depression? The Secondary Resource beyondblue is an Australian The information from this This website is quite The entire page is quite
"Beyondblue." What Is causes and types of non-profit organisation that is website is quite valid as precise as it shows many relevant to my topic as
Depression . Beyondblue, depression. The signs primarily focused on once again it is for helping different informations but the whole page is of
n.d. Web. 30 Aug. 2015. and symptoms of depression and anxiety for people so I doubt they will when you click into the information that I seek
<https://www.beyondblue. depression. The types of Australians. The organisation is put up false information. link of the topic you want, of. The whole site is treatments available for also supported by the Federal Another reason why this they give a lot of literally dedicated to
facts/depression>. depression. Recovery Government and every State webpage has valid information about that depression and anxiety
from depression. and Territory Government in information is because it is certain topic so I feel like disorders so the site will
Australia. So in my opinion, once again supported by it is really precise because most likely contain
this website is very credible as the whole of Australia so it really explains about the information that I need.
since the whole of Australia the webpage most likely topic a lot. Additionally,
trusts it, its probably credible has valid information. the website has worded
and trustworthy. everything in quite simple
terms so it is easier for a
typical teenager to read.

Kiefer, Dale. "Depression How depression affects Secondary Resource This article was medically The person who reviewed it is quite accurate and this website's information
and relationships. reviewed by Dr George the article is someone with precise . It is quite is relevant to the point
Relationships." Healthline Krucik who is has a dual a medical background so I detailed and does give where it would be
. Ed. George Krucik. career in both medicine and feel like this article would information on the topic helpful for my project
Healthline, n.d. Web. 30 information technology. He has be valid and factual that I want to discover on because this actually
Aug. 2015. practiced primary care because someone with so I would say the relates to the global
< medicine in the Bay Area for medical education and in information is accurate context, identities and
m/health/depression/relatio more than 14 years. He also this case this person also enough. I also like that relationships, that I have
nships#1>. has a medical degree from the had a job related to this website actually chosen for my personal
University of Manitoba in medicine for 14 years shows the different ways project. I wanted to
Canada. So since someone of would be aware and that the both genders somewhat relate the
medical background has know topics like this best (men and women) would topic of depression to
reviewed the article, it is quite because well, it is a part of react, so I found it quite human relationships and
credible in my opinion. their job. precise and detailed. this article is exactly it.

Ojarikri, Dorothy, Dr. how depression affects Secondary Resource The writer of the article, Dr This website is quite valid this website is quite yes I think this website's
"Depression: Its Impact romantic relationships. Dorothy Ojarikri, is a as its purpose is to pretty accurate in explaining the information is very
upon the Couple Chartered Consultant Clinical much help people as it is a roles in a couple when relevant for my personal
Relationship." Counselling Psychologist with 15 years of website for people to look one of them has project as it tackles a
Directory. N.p., 19 Aug. experience. She also has had a for counsellors for their depression. It kind off portion of the global
2014. Web. 30 Aug. 3-year undergraduate problems. So it is quite shows both sides of the context that I chose
2015. psychology degree and a 3- safe to assume that this story: which is the side which is Identities and
<http://www.counselling- year full time post-graduate website's information is which has depression and Relationships; this article clinical psychology doctorate quite factual and the other side which does pretty much shows how
articles/depression-its- degree. So I think this source meaningful. not have depression and a person with depression
impact-upon-the-couple- is quite credible. Another in turn needs to take care would be like in a
relationship>. reason why this site is quite of the one that has relationship and how
credible is because this is a depression. they affect others too.
counsellor directory website
which just directs you to a
Appendix 5.0

Bibliography of souce Type of information gotten Primary or secondary Credibility Validity Accuracy: Relevance:
from the source resource?
Arul, Shalini. "Depression." I got to ask the questions: Primary resource I interviewed once of The information that I the answers that I have the information that I
E-mail interview. 12 Feb. what is meaning of my school's teachers, have gotten from her is gotten are very precise and have gotten from the
2016. depression? What are the Ms Shalini, she has a valid for several reasons: answer the question spot on interview is extremely
symptoms of depression? background in firstly, it is because she making it very accurate. valid because it basically
What are the causes of psychology meaning is a teacher and teachers Additionally, the covers up almost all the
depression? What are that she should have usually will try to help interviewee gave a variery topics that I will be
effective methods of more than sufficient students in their of insightful and covering on my blog.
combating depression? How knowledge needed to assignments rather than knowlegeable answers to Making the information
does depression affect a answer the questions giving wrong my questions, making her very relevant to my
persons relationships with that I asked her. information and answer accurate. personal project.
others (family, friends, secondly, the
significant other and etc.)? information that she
How should people around answered with has
a depressed person act? similar content with the
information I found from
several websites, making
her valid.

Appendix 6.0
Appendix 7.0

S.M.A.R.T Justification
Specific At the end of 1 month, I would be able to
create a blog which mainly has entries on
depression. The blogs aim would be to raise
awareness on depression and to give those
with depression some comfort and help.
Measurable My blog should have a minimum of 10
entries and there would be no maximum
amount of entries.
Attainable Creating a blog with at least 10 entries is
quite possible as I am constantly using
technological products so I believe with the
time spent on the device, I would be able to
reach the amount of entries I want.
Relevant My personal project is just much so relevant
to identities and relationships as my topic is
about depression and when someone has
depression, it certainly does affect their
identity, their human relationships with their
families, friends, communities and culture; it
also definitely affects their personal,
physical, mental, social and spiritual health;
and depression also relates to being human.
In conclusion, making it very relevant to
identities and relationships.
Timely The amount of time to complete my product
would be a months time.
Appendix 8.0

Design specification
Specification Justification
Outcome of my product: My product will be a blog that raises
awareness for depression, helps people who
have depression overcome their depression,
make people feel better/ happier and also to
let people know how great life is.
Type of material that I will be using: I will be using the website, Tumblr, because
it is quite popular within teenagers (which is
my targeted audience) and one of the prime
reasons of why I chose Tumblr is because it
allows people to leave anonymous questions
or just leave anonymous messages, this is
really helpful for if people want to tell other
people about their problems but are too shy
Techniques that I will be using: I will be using my critical thinking skills and
linguistic skills (as I have to write entries in
my blog).
Type of information that is going to be 1. What is depression?
include: 2. Statistics of depression
3. Symptoms of depression.
4. The effects of depression.
5. How depression affects someones
6. How depression affects someones
7. Ways of treatment for depression.
Targeted audience: Teenagers
(aged 13-19)
Appendix 9.0

Product specification
Specification Characteristics Justification
Blogging platform Tumblr This blogging platform
allows users to submit
anonymous entries so it
allows me to have feedback
and also to have a
conversation while allowing
them to keep their identity
safe, this is useful for
teenagers who are shy.
Tumblr is also quite popular
within the teenage
community so I might be
able to find people of my
target audience more easily
Colour scheme of blog Blue, black and purple. The reason blue is going to
be used is because blue is a
cool colour and has a more
relaxing, friendly feel which
can let people feel less
intimidated when they want
to submit something
anonymous. I chose black
because I needed a dark
colour that matches with all
other colours. Lastly, I chose
purple because purple can
have the ability to calms the
mind and nerves, which is
one of the effects I want my
blog to have.
Background colours Blue and purple gradient. I thought gradient effects
look quite aesthetically
pleasing and I think that blue
and purple are quite suitable
for each other, thus my
choice of background
Font colours Black I chose black because black
is easily seen when
contrasted with my
background colours and
black can pretty much match
with any colour, thus my
Font sizes Title: 15 I chose that size because
Text: 10(default font size of since it was the default size
Tumblr) of Tumblr, it is convenient
for me to use it.
Font type Helvetica Neue Light Similar to the font size, I
Helvetica Neue chose these font types
Helvetica because since it is default on
(Tumblr default fonts) Tumblr, it is very convenient
for me.
number of blog entries At least 10 I want at least 10 posts
because I think that the more
posts there will be, the better
because when there are more
posts, the more information
will be shared.
Appendix 10.0

0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8
Content The The student The student The student The student
student demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
does not basic adequate substantial detailed
reach a knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and
standard understanding understanding understanding understanding
identified of topic with of topic through of topic through of topic
by any of slight satisfactory accurate through
the descriptions descriptions, descriptions, thorough
descriptors and/or explanations explanations accurate
below. examples. and examples. and examples. descriptions,
and examples.
Language The The student The student The student The student
student uses a limited uses an uses a varied effectively uses
does not range of adequate range range of a range of
reach a appropriate of appropriate appropriate appropriate
standard vocabulary, vocabulary and vocabulary and vocabulary and
identified uses grammar, sentence sentence sentence
by any of syntax and structures, structures, structures, uses
the punctuation errors errors do not grammar,
descriptors with limited sometimes hinder effective syntax and
below. accuracy, errors hinder communication, punctuation
often obstruct communication, spells/writes with a high
communication, spells/writes with a degree of
spells and with some considerable accuracy;
writes with degree of degree of errors are
partial accuracy. accuracy. minor and
accuracy; communication
techniques. is effective,
with a high
degree of
Appendix 11.0

Which week of the April May June July August September October November December January
Steps month?
Phase 1: Investigation
Induction: Global 2nd week
Contexts & Ideas &
Process Journal
Mindmap of ideas: 2nd week-3rd week
personal project idea, The
global contexts, relating to
global contexts, SMART
goals and SWOT analysis.

Expedition Week 4

Summer break Week 4 of June to

Week 5 of July
End of summer break Week 1
3 more mindmaps: Week 1-2
evaluating resources,
subject specific
knowledge, Developing
learner profiles and ATL
skills explained

2nd supervisor meeting Week 1

Checklist of the Week 1

investigation stage given.
Investigation stage Week 1
documentation done

Uploads first 4 mindmaps Week 2

to Google Drive
Meets supervisor to get Week 2
ammendments for first
uploads the other 3 Week 4
mindmap to Google Drive

Downloads and finishes Week 4

commencement form

made ammendments to Week 4

draft 1 and uploads it to
Google Drive.

Phase 2: Planning

SMART goals Week 4

Design Specification Week 4

Product specification Week 1-3
starts doing timeline/gantt Week 2
Product criteria Week 3

content of each blog post Week 1

finish off timeline/gantt Week 1


Phase 3: Taking action

Design blog Week 1

Create first blog post Week 1

Create second blog post Week 3

Create third blog post Week 1
Create fourth blog post Week 1
Create fifth blog post Week 2

Create sixth blog post Week 3

Create seventh blog post Week 3

Create eighth blog post Week 4

Product in relation to Week 4

global context
targeted audience Week 1

steps in making the Week 3

Phase 4: Reflecting

Reflecting on the product Week 4

improvements Week 4

global context Week 4

self evaluation Week 1

peer evaluation Week 1
ATL skills Week 2
Learner Profiles Week 2
Appendix 12.0

Appendix 13.0
Appendix 14.0
Appendix 15.0

Appendix 16.0
Appendix 17.0

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