Standalone Financial Results, Limited Review Report For December 31, 2016 (Result)

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Olympia lndustries Ltd.

C-205, Synthofine lndustrial Estate, Behind Virwani lndustrial Estate, Goregaon (East), Mumbai - 400 063, Maharashtra, lndia.
Tel.: O72421'38333 | I C.t.N. No.: 152100MH1987p1C045248

Ref,: OILIBSE120116-17 Date: 14.02.2011

Listing Compliance Department
Bombay Stock Exclrange Ltd,
14tl' Floor, P.J. Towers,
Dalal Street, Forl,
Scrip Code: 521105

Dear Sir,

Sub.:Submission of Unaudited Financial Results of the Company for the Quarter ended on 3l't

Pursuant to Regulation 33 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,20l5,

please find the attached herewith the Unaudited Financial Results of the Company together with Limited
Review Report for the Quarter ended on 3l't December,2016 of the Statutory auditors the same has been
taken on record in the Board Meeting held on l4th February,2017. These Financial results would also be
published in one English and one Vernacular newspaper as required under the Listing Regulation.

The Board meeting commenced at 4:00 p.m. and concluded at 5:30 p.m.

Kindly take the same on record.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

@N'* \
Rndhikn Jhorollo
(Company Secretary)
Encl. : As above
Olympia lndustries Ltd.
C-205, Synthofine lndustrial Estate, Behind Virwani lndustrial Estate, Goregaon (East), Mumbai - 400 063, Maharashtra, lndia.

a22 42138333 | info@olympiaindustrieslld,lom lwww,olymnllindust-r1:slLd:com I cl:N No.:152100MH1987P1c04s248


Regd Office : C-205, Synthofine Industrial Estate, Behind Virwani Industrial Estate, Goregaon (East), Mumbai-400 063
Unaudilerl Financial Results for lhe Ouarter Ettded 3lsl Decentber 2016 Rs. in Locs
5r uarter Ended Nine-l\lonths Ended ear
No Particulars 31.12.2016 30.09.20 r 6 31.12.2015 31.12.2016 3 r. r 2.20r s 31.03.2016
(I Ina ud ited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Ilnaudited ) (Audited)
Income from Operations
(a) Net Sales / Income from Operations 7.807 .'t2 4.885 49 6,393. I 8 t5,858.21 t4.404.t I r 8.355.72
(b) Other Operating lncome 32t.9s 205 sl 6.76 624.95 t9.46 467.12
Iotal Income from Operations (net ) 8,t29.67 5.090.99 6.399.94 16.483 l 5 14,423.57 | 8.822.84
2. Expenses
(a) Cost ofmaterials consurned
(b) Purchase of stock-in-trade 5,429.32 5.726.73 4.876.23 14.964.7 8 12,163.21 l 5,s05.43
(c) Changes in inventories offinished goods, work in progress and stock-in. I.685.87 (1,378,37 290.19 (t,019 77) (143 2s (17 5.54)
(d) Employee benefits expenses 207.75 127.75 81.56 430.59 184.78 3t0.16
(e; Depreciation cnd amortisation expenses 10.19 r 0.69 8 t4 30.09 l8 8r 27.67
(h) Other exnenses 542 57 328.07 95t 70 t.452.l0 2.392.20 3.246 t1
fotal Expenses 7 ,87 5.70 4,8 14.86 6.207.82 15,827.78 t4,3 I 5 78 l8.3ll 80
J ProfiV(Lpss) from operations before other Income, finance costs anc
253.97 276 13 192.12 655 37 107 79 508 98
exceptional Items (l-2)
4 )ther Income 10.43 486 8.88 3l 3l 1'1 .53
5. ProfiV(Loss) from ordinary activities before finance costs and exceptiona 264 40 280.99 204.99 686 (r8 130.04 5 56.50
6. linance costs I 32 19 24.83 8.2 s 95 :15 22 61 I 0b.29
7. )rofit/(Loss) from ordinary activities after finance costs but before
)xceptional Items (5-6)
232.21 2s6 l6 192.74 59t 2l 107 43 450.2

8 lxceptional Items (65 1 l)

9. )rollt/Loss) lrom ordinary activiries belore tar (7-8) 232.21 256 16 192.7 4 591.23 I 07 ,13 385
l0 ax Exoense
- Current Tax 85.99 14.'16 27 25 192.48 27.25 124 97
Delerred Tax 218
ll ,let Prol'iV(Loss) frorn ordinary activities after tax (9-l 0) 146 22 l8t 40 165.49 398 75 80.1 8 57.16
12 lxtra Ordinary hems (net oftax expense Rs.)
l3 \et Profit / (Loss) for the oeriod (l l-12) 146.22 l8r 40 t65.49 398.7 5 80 l8 257 76
14 )aid-up equiry share capital 507.86 342.36 306. I 8 507.86 306 I8 346 18
race value ofshare 10t- t0l-
10t- t0l- t0t- l0/-
l5 leserves excluding I{evaluation Reserves as per balance sheet of previou:
rccounting year
I .299.94
6 larnings Per Share (before extraordinary items )
ofRs. l0l each) (not annualised )
a Basic 4.20 5.30 547 11.59 265 852
b Diluted 243 l.0 r 5.47 662 26s 7.35
6i iarnings Per Share (aller extraordinary items )
olRs. I 0/- each) (not annualised )
a Basic 4.20 530 547 I159 2.65 852
(b )iluted 243 3.01 5.47 6.62 2.65 7'35

1. The above financial results have been approved by the Board ofDirectors ofthe Company at its meeting held on l4th Februarl,, 201 7.
2 TheStatutoryAuditorsofthecornpanyhavecarriedoutaLimitedRevrewolTheFinancial ResultslortheQLranerended3lstDecembcr20l6.
3 The Company has operated only rn one reportable segment.i.e. Retail Trading.
4 EPS has been calculated in accordance with Accounting Standard 20 issued by lCAt/Companies (AccoLrnting Standards) Rules.2006.
5 The figures for the previous periods have been recast and regrouped wherever found necessary.
6 Duringthenine-nronthsended3lstDecember20l6,ShareForleitedolRs.3,82,460hasbeentranslerredtotheCapital Rescneofthecompany.
7 Out of the 26,00,000 warrants outstanding, during the quarter and nine-month ended 3 I st Decernber 20 i 6, a total of I 6,55,000 warrants have been

converted into equivalent number ofequity shares on 29th December 2016.

8 Provision required lor Delerred Tax Liability, ifany, will be made at the end ofthe year.
For lnd on behalf of thc Iloard of Directors
Olympia Industries Limited

Place: Murrbai Navin Pansari
Date: 14.02.2017 Chairmtrn & N{anaging Director
il% c$enYf nrs A{{SUXT&rrr5

Rwiew Report to the Bosrd of Directors.

We hsve rsvie$nd the asprnpanying silatement of unaudited financial 'results qf

OLYMPIA WDUSIRIE$ II{KITED, for the quarter ended S1*t December, 30.1S
!bts.mgnf'| being submitted by the Company pursuant to the mquiremenl of
Regulation 33 pf the SEBI {Lisling Obligations and Disclosurs Requirements}
Regulations, 2015, as rnsdified by Circular No. CIR/CFotFACtl2tzote aaied Juty 5,

This statement is the responsibili! of the Company's Management and has been
apprcved by tha Board of Diredors / Committee of Board if Directors, has been
prepared in accsrdanoe with the reorganizalion end measurement principles iaid
down in
Acmunting $tandard for lnterim Financial Reporting tAS ?sl, preicribed under b*"tion
133 of comp*nies Ad, 2013 read with relevanl rules issued there under and other
accounting principles generally accepted in lndie. Our responsibility is to issue a report
on theEe financialstatements based on our review.

We con$r,{{sd our rEvbw in Eccord**s wilh the Standerd on Rsview Efigagernnt

241A1 "fteview of lnttrlm Finoncial tnformation performed by the tndependent Aruditor
cf rAe
{ntl{, iisuad by the lnstitute of The chartered Accountants of lndla. This standard requires
that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the
financial statements are free of material misstatemenl. A review is limited primarily to
inquiries of company personnel and analytical proedures applied to financial data and
thue pnovide less assurcince than an audit. We have not"performed an audi{ and
accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.

Besed on our review conducted a$ above, nothing has come to our afiention lhat causes
us lo believe that the acmmpanying slstement of unaudited financial resulte prepared in
accodffw with applicable accsunting standards and other recogniaed'accounting
pndices and pclicies has not disclosed thE information required to be disclosed in terms
of regulatlon 33 of the StBl {Usting obligatlons and Disclosure Requirements} Regulations, 201S,
as rnodified by Circular No. CIR/CFD /FAC/67120I6 dated July 5, 201G, including the manner in
which I is to be disclosed. or that it contains any material misstatement.

Far CFM & Assocfafe.s

Chafiered Accountants
{Flnn Regisfimfon rVo.; ll49g3$

{Chand ra Prskash Maheshwari}


Date : 14h February,2CI17

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