Action Plan Template687-Due Oct 15

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Name: Corinne Scheman School: Telluride Elementary School

Reading Goals and Priorities: Choose Two Goals/Priorities

from this list based on the results of your data/survey
1. Goals: Staff Creates Measurable Goals
2. Assessment: Create Data Collection and Data Analysis System
3. Assessment: Implement School Wide Intense Intervention
4. Instruction: Select, Learn and Use of a Comprehensive or Core Reading Materials
5. Instruction: Create Reading Groups that Maximize Learning
6. Instruction: Allocate Sufficient Time for Reading Classes
7. Instruction: Implement Instructional Strategies and Techniques
8. Leadership: Increase Reading Leadership
9. Leadership: Increase Staff Collaboration and Communication about Reading
10.Professional: Organize and Maximize Professional Development/Coaching
11.Commitment: Increase Parent Involvement in Reading Enhancing Reporting to Parents

What is your schools Priority/Goal #1:

5. Instruction: Create Reading Groups that Maximize Learning
All students participate in small groups during Tier I instruction to read and learn new skills and
strategies at their instructional level. Frequency of participation of small group varies on level of skill
mastery. Reading groups are flexible, allow teachers to vary pace and level, reviewed at least
monthly based on data analysis for needed changes. Every student engaged entire time.

The reasons this element is rated as a need are a few. The first is because there have been new programs
added for the past two years so it is hard for teachers to master a program with all this new material. This could
change as long as there is no more new curriculum added for a few years. The other comment was that although
this year the Daily 5 is being implemented in all grades, it is still yet to be seen if all teaches will implement it with
fidelity and get to small group work. The literacy coach marked this as the element with the greatest need in the
school. Since she is in all classrooms, and her focus is literacy, is why I believe this is need number one.

What is your schools Priority/Goal #2:

11. Commitment: Increase Parent Involvement in Reading and Enhance Reporting to

Parents (CO Literacy Framework: Collaboration among education professionals, family and
Reading Leadership Team proposes ways to increase involvement of all parents in reading and
provides parental training. Staff adopts and implements ways to increase involvement of parents in
reading. Staff reports reading progress to students, parents, and public. School develops a
comprehensive plan to include goals, assessments, instruction, leadership, professional development,
and commitment. The most skilled reading teacher is assigned to teach reading and resources are
purposefully and effectively used to support reading goals.

The teachers comments that put this element of parent involvement as a need were only from two of the teachers
but since they both felt strongly that this is a need in our school, I put this as need number two. The two teachers
comments were different; one teacher was wondering how to get more parents involved and to help them
understand the value and components of reading. The other teachers comment was geared towards parent
volunteers. The concern that was expressed to me about the volunteers is that although there are parent volunteers,
they are not trained. This teacher thought would be helpful to offer these volunteers a little training. This teacher
mentioned a literacy night. This could solve both areas, training volunteers but also it would educate parents about
reading. I thought it was a great idea.
Complete the Action Plan on the following two pages.
Issues and Action Planning Form

Group: Telluride Elementary School

OUTCOME: For the propose of reading achievement all teachers will have effective small group reading instruction and parents
will be educated as to the development and importance of reading.

Date: September 28, 2015

Members in Attendance: Corinne Scheman, Susan Altman (Literacy coach)

Important Dates to Remember:

Assignment Due date Oct 14.
Meet with Susan Altman Monday, Oct.5 @ 3:30
Meeting with Colleen Mahoney Thursday Oct. 8. @ 12:00
Possible presentation to teachers on Oct 12.

Priority/Goal #1 Planned Actions Who is Involved Potential Resources Timeline


Instruction: 1) Meet with the literacy coach Susan Altman, Student data, to assess Ongoing.
create small (Susan Altman) weekly to Corinne Scheman student growth Review
reading groups review small group learning. progress once
that maximize Student data to review for a trimester.
learning. Is flexible grouping used small group lesson needs.
to its maximum
Small group data to assess for
growth and effectiveness of
Are small group lessons lessons.
targeting group needs? READWORKS and CAF
websites for small group lesson
Occasional observation ideas.
by me of the literacy
coach teaching small
groups to increase my
understanding of
different ways to teach
small groups.

Occasional observations
from literacy coach of
my teaching to
maximize my learning,
self-reflection, and
ability to be an effective
literacy teacher.

2) Utilize Daily 5/ReadWorks Corinne Scheman, Computer to reference Ongoing with

websites for small group Susan Altman websites. Printer to print weekly
instruction lesson plans that lessons and student pages. reviews.
address specific needs.

Interactive menu on CAFE


Skills and Strategy units on

ReadWorks website.
Priority/Goal #2 Planned Actions Who is Involved Potential Resources Timeline

Commitment: 1) Speak with Literacy coach as to Susan Altman, Computer for notes, Colorado Oct. 5, 2015
increase parent possibility of literacy night being Corinne Scheman Literacy Framework for
involvement and offered this year at TES. reference.
provide parental
training. (When I met with the literacy coach,
Susan, to talk about the possibility of
having a literacy night this year, she
liked the idea and wanted to have it
before the end of the first trimester
so I move up all my dates. The good
thing about this is all the planning
and the literacy night will take place
before this class is over.)

2) Speak with TES principal about Corinne Scheman, Notes from first meeting with Oct. 9, 2015
literacy night at TES. (Appointment is Colleen Mahoney, literacy coach (Susan Altman),
scheduled and all can attend.) Susan Altman. Colorado Literacy Framework
for reference, computer for

3) If literacy night is agreed upon, Corinne Scheman, October 12,

then meet with TES staff to introduce Coleen Mahoney, 2015
the Literacy Night and get Susan Altman, TES
volunteers. (Present
Literacy night
at our

4) Meet with volunteers. (I assume Literacy night October 23,

there will not be too many so this team members. 2015
eliminates the step of assigning
team members. If there are too
many interested than members will
have to be limited to 10.)

Decide on scope of literacy


Assign tasks: 1. One member

of each grade in classrooms to
demonstrate needed skills at
that age. 2. Decide if one
teacher is enough for each
grade level. 3.How will the
skills be presented to parents?
4. Are classroom teachers
prepared to answer parent
questions? Do the teacher
presenters need extra

Needed additionally to
classroom teacher volunteers:
One or two volunteers at door
to welcome and direct

Find volunteer babysitters

(high school students possibly)
once the date is set.
Literacy night held at TES Literacy night Nov 9, 10, or
team members. 11th 2015

Rationale for Course Work Assignments

Now that you have completed this assignment, please use the Holistic 4-Point Rubric to self-assess your performance on this
assignment. Then, in the box below, indicate the level of performance you feel you achieved. Provide a rationale for the grade
you feel you deserve. If you have assessed this assignment at the exemplary level 4, please be sure to provide specific
information about how this assignment exceeds the proficient expectations (i.e. how does the assignment go above and

Level of Performance I feel I achieved on this assignment using the Holistic 4-Point Rubric is a: 4

Rationale: I feel that my work in this class and on this assignment has been at a 4. I have taken the time to read the
material carefully in order to make connections to my school and its needs. I have thought carefully about the needs
of my school when speaking with other teachers, reviewing their surveys, and interpreted their results and comments
in relation to my reading. I spent additional time contemplating literacy in my classroom. All this has then been
compiled in this assignment so carefully select the two goals for my school. I reviewed the material provided in the
class to make sure that the steps in my action plan are complete, comprehensive, and realistic. Since I chose Option
C for my project, this is not a leadership situation, so I believe that I have come up with creative and plausible goals
for myself as a teacher and for the school that are realistic and will have a positive impact on literacy in my school. I
proofread this assignment a few times so it should be error free.

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