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3-axis magnetometer HMC5883L
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HMC5883L is a digital, 3-axis magnetometer
allows measurement of a wide range of size of
Arduino tutorial
allows measurement of a wide range of size of
Arduino tutorial
Earth's magnetic field amounting to 8 gauss .

Admission His 12-bit resolution allows measurement with

an accuracy of 2 miligausw the current

The platform Arduino
consumption of just 100A . HMC5883L
Installing the Arduino IDE
communicates with the microcontroller via the
Processing and data visualization
bus I C with a maximum frequency of

Theory measurements of 75 Hz in a continuous mode.


Measurement range Resolution Reinforcement

Bounce as a treatment for atrial fibrillation butt...
Leos 2 or threads under Arduino 0.88 Ga 0.73 mG 1370

1.3 Ga 0.92 mG 1090

1.9 Ga 1.22 mG 820
LEDs from the driver WS2801
2.5 Ga 1.52 mG 660
LEDs from the driver WS2811 / WS2812
LED driver WS2803 4 Ga 2.27 mG 440
TFT HY-1.8 SPI ST7735
4.7 Ga 2.56 mG 390
TFT 2.2 SPI ILI9341
TFT HY43B / HY50B FT800 3.03 mG 330
5.6 Ga
TFT Riverdi FT800 / FT801
e-Papier WaveShare 4.3" 8.1 Ga 4.35 mG 230

RTC DS1307
RTC DS3231
HMC5883L achieves the frequency up to 160 Hz, if we use single mode measurement and monitoring
7-channel equalizer MSGEQ7
interrupt DRDY . An interesting possibility afforded by this system, the choice of the number of
Wireless power supply modules
samples ( 1, 2, 4 or 8 ), which are averaged over the final result.

GPS modules FGPMMOP6 and NEO6-M

Moduy GSM SIM800 / SIM900 / SIM908 The supply voltage in the range from 2.0 to 3.6V , so the system also does not tolerate higher power (

electromagnetic relays 5V ) - should pay particular attention to whether our module has the ability to supply such voltage. The
The module system with MP3 YX5300 system is enclosed in a casing LCC size of 3 mm x 3 mm and a height of 0.91mm.
The module system with MP3 YX5300 system is enclosed in a casing LCC size of 3 mm x 3 mm and a height of 0.91mm.
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FM tuner with system Si4703 This site uses cookies (cookies), so that my blog works better. Learn more I understand!

Sensors and Sensors

Humidity and temperature sensor DHT11 / DHT...

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Proximity sensor and light intensity VCNL4000
Pressure sensor BMP085 / BMP180
Pressure and temperature sensor MS5611
Infrared thermometer with sensor MLX90614
myAHRS + with the system MPU9150
3-axis gyroscope L3G4200D
3-axis accelerometer ADXL345
3-axis gyroscope and accelerometer MPU6050 Full technical documentation:
3-axis magnetometer HMC5883L
GY-80: Module 10 degrees of freedom Connecting HMC5883L for Arduino
GY-86: Module 10 degrees of freedom
GY-87: Module 10 degrees of freedom In the case of module IMU GY-80 , we can use a 5V power supply. Pin marked SCL ( adapter ) is
Capacitive touch sensor MPR121 connected to pin A5 ( Arduino ), and pin SDA (adapter) to pin A4 ( Arduino ).
Digital current sensor / power INA219
Digital current sensor / power INA226
Sensor dust GP2Y1010AU0F

Solutions and algorithms

Compensation tilting digital compasses

Readings Pitch & Roll and Kalman filter


Bits access to the memory card MIFARE

Microcontrollers and Arduino IDE

Arduino and clones

Iteaduino Lite (LGT8F88A)

LinkIt ONE (MT2502A)
Arduino M0/ZERO Pro (ATSAMD21G18)
Intel Galileo Gen2
NodeMCU v2 (ESP8266 & Lua)
MattairTech MT-D21E (ATSAMD21E)
Teensy 3.5 / Teensy 3.6

video Tutorials

Episodes # 001 - # 010

equipment supply
For modules of the systems HMC5883L take advantage of prepared for this occasion library for

Arduino , which can be downloaded from the repository Git :


A simple example

The first example will read the value raw and standardized ( mg )

1. #include <Wire.h>
2. #include <HMC5883L.h>
4. HMC5883L compass;
6. void setup()
7. {
8. Serial.begin(9600);
8. Serial.begin(9600);
Advertising Blog
10. // Initialize HMC5883L
11. Serial.println("Initialize HMC5883L");
The latest guides 12. while (!compass.begin())
13. {
14. Series. println ( "not found HMC5883L, check the connection!" ) ;
15. delay(500);
16. }
18. // Set the measuring range
19. // +/- 0.88 Ga: HMC5883L_RANGE_0_88GA
20. // +/- 1.30 Ga: HMC5883L_RANGE_1_3GA (default)
21. // +/- 1.90 Ga: HMC5883L_RANGE_1_9GA
22. // +/- 2.50 Ga: HMC5883L_RANGE_2_5GA
23. // +/- 4.00 Ga: HMC5883L_RANGE_4GA
24. // +/- 4.70 Ga: HMC5883L_RANGE_4_7GA
25. // +/- 5.60 Ga: HMC5883L_RANGE_5_6GA
26. // +/- 8.10 Ga: HMC5883L_RANGE_8_1GA
27. compass.setRange(HMC5883L_RANGE_1_3GA);
29. // Set the mode of operation
30. // Uspienie: HMC5883L_IDLE
31. // A single measurement: HMC5883L_SINGLE
32. // Continuous measurement: HMC5883L_CONTINOUS (default)
33. compass.setMeasurementMode(HMC5883L_CONTINOUS);
35. // Set the frequency measurements
36. // 0.75Hz: HMC5883L_DATARATE_0_75HZ
37. // 1.50Hz: HMC5883L_DATARATE_1_5HZ
38. // 3.00Hz: HMC5883L_DATARATE_3HZ
39. // 7.50Hz: HMC5883L_DATARATE_7_50HZ
40. // 15.00Hz: HMC5883L_DATARATE_15HZ (default)
Recent comments 41. // 30.00Hz: HMC5883L_DATARATE_30HZ
42. // 75.00Hz: HMC5883L_DATARATE_75HZ
Paul 43. compass.setDataRate(HMC5883L_DATARATE_15HZ);
sensor dust GP2Y1010AU0F 44.
sensor dust GP2Y1010AU0F 44.
about 4 hours ago. 45. // Number of samples averaged

Basilisk 46. // 1 probka: HMC5883L_SAMPLES_1 (default)

TFT HY43B / HY50B FT800 47. // 2 probki: HMC5883L_SAMPLES_2
48. // 4 probki: HMC5883L_SAMPLES_4
Ben 49. // 8 probki: HMC5883L_SAMPLES_8
Leos 2 or threads under Arduino 50. compass.setSamples(HMC5883L_SAMPLES_1);
ago. 51. }

Ankit 52.
3-axis gyroscope and accelerometer M... 53. void loop()
two days ago. 54. {
55. // Get the raw measurements
Real Time Clock DS3231 56. Vector raw = compass.readRaw();
six days ago. 57.
58. // Get the standardized measurements
59. Vector norm = compass.readNormalize();
Real Time Clock DS3231
61. // Wyswielnie results
six days ago.
62. Serial.print(" Xraw = ");
bedyn 63. Serial.print(raw.XAxis);
3-axis gyroscope and accelerometer M...
64. Serial.print(" Yraw = ");
seven days ago.
65. Serial.print(raw.YAxis);
bogas 66. Serial.print(" Zraw = ");
Wywietlacz TFT 2.2 SPI ILI9341 67. Serial.print(raw.ZAxis);
9 days subject. 68. Serial.print(" Xnorm = ");

69. Serial.print(norm.XAxis);

NodeMCU v2 (ESP8266 & Lua) 70. Serial.print(" Ynorm = ");

13 days subject. 71. Serial.print(norm.YAxis);
72. Serial.print(" ZNorm = ");
Arkadiusz Wernicki
73. Serial.print(norm.ZAxis);
Real Time Clock DS1307
74. Serial.println();
20 days ago.
76. delay(100);
77. }
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HMC5883L as a digital compass

The knowledge of the Earth's magnetic field ( vector X and vector Y ) enables to determine the direction
Bd pierwsz osob wrd znajomych, ktra
to polubi of the magnetic meridian, thereby producing a digital compass. The direction of the magnetic meridian

can be calculated with a simple formula:

kierunek_pomiaru (rad) = atan (wektor_y, wektor_x);

To correctly determine the direction, it is also necessary to take into account the factor of error - the

Korneliusz Jarzbski magnetic declination . Magnetic declination is caused by both the position of the magnetic pole of

the Earth in a different place than the geographical pole and diverse magnetic conditions at the
measuring point ( eg. By the presence of large amounts of iron ore ). It is worth noting that the magnetic
+ 1241
variation is a variable parameter at a time, because the magnetic pole of the Earth are constantly

moving. The value of the current magnetic declination can be found on special magnetic maps, as well
Recent photos
as navigation maps.

Fortunately, we live in times of internet and corresponding map find at: http://magnetic-
Fortunately, we live in times of internet and corresponding map find at: http://magnetic-

Magnetic declination for Bytom

As we can see, magnetic declination for my location is plus 4 degrees and 26 minutes (east). This
value must be converted to radians:

kt_deklinacji = (degrees + (minutes / 60.0)) / (180 / Pi);

kt_deklinacji = (4.0 + (26.0 / 60.0)) / (180 / Pi);

The calculated value of the angle of declination add ( result POSITIVE ) or subtract ( result NEGATIVE )

from the measured value of the magnetometer:

Direction = kierunek_pomiaru kt_deklinacji

If you do not know the declination angle, we can be set to zero. Next, we need to ensure that the result

toward the magnetic pole was in the range of 0 - 2 ( unless you want to have a compass that shows,
for example 370 instead of 10 ).

if the direction <0 is added to it 2

if the direction <0 is added to it 2
if the direction > 2 is subtracted from it 2

Now we have to convert radians to degrees:

direction (deg) = direction (rad) * (180 / )

A significant problem ( ugly feature ) magnetometer HMC5883L inhomogeneous magnetic field

measurement in the range of 1 180 and from 180 360 C. For the first compartment of our

magnetometer will produce biased results of 1 240 , while the second from 240 360 . You can
easily correct this function map () ( see the following example program ). To be completely happy, we still
smooth indication of our compass, setting its response to a change of 3 .

Our program therefore appears as follows:

1. #include <Wire.h>
2. #include <HMC5883L.h>
4. HMC5883L compass;
6. int previousDegree;
8. void setup()
9. {
10. Serial.begin(9600);
12. // Initialize HMC5883L
13. Serial.println("Initialize HMC5883L");
14. while (!compass.begin())
15. {
16. Series. println ( "not found HMC5883L, check the connection!" ) ;
17. delay(500);
18. }
20. // Set the measuring range
20. // Set the measuring range
21. compass.setRange(HMC5883L_RANGE_1_3GA);

23. // Set the mode of operation
24. compass.setMeasurementMode(HMC5883L_CONTINOUS);
26. // Set the frequency measurements
27. compass.setDataRate(HMC5883L_DATARATE_15HZ);
29. // Number of samples averaged
30. compass.setSamples(HMC5883L_SAMPLES_4);
31. }
33. void loop()
34. {
35. // Get the normalized vectors
36. Vector norm = compass.readNormalize();
38. // Calculate the direction (rad)
39. float heading = atan2(norm.YAxis, norm.XAxis);
41. // Set the angle of declination for Bytom 4'26E (positive)
42. // Formula: (deg + (min / 60.0)) / (180 / M_PI);
43. float declinationAngle = (4.0 + (26.0 / 60.0)) / (180 / M_PI);
44. heading += declinationAngle;
46. // Correction angles
47. if (heading < 0)
48. {
49. heading += 2 * PI;
50. }
52. if (heading > 2 * PI)
53. {
54. heading -= 2 * PI;
55. }
57. // Conversion of radians to degrees

58. float headingDegrees = heading * 180/M_PI;

60. // Output
61. Serial.print(" Heading = ");
62. Serial.print(heading);
63. Serial.print(" Degress = ");
64. Serial.print(headingDegrees);
65. Serial.println();
67. delay(100);
69. delay(100);
70. }

The result of:

Program for processing can be found in the repository of the library.

Note at the end of

Unfortunately, the compass is sensitive to any tilt by altering the calculation of the magnetic meridian.
It must therefore be placed on a flat surface so that the results were correct. The undesirable effect of
the influence of tilting can fortunately eliminated using the accelerometer ( for example ADXL345 or

MPU6050 ). How to do that? You will learn from this article - Komepnsacja tilting digital compasses.

HMC5883L Digital Compass and Arduino

Additional materials

Biblioteka HMC5883L:

Dokumentacja techniczna:

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Bazyli Android 4.1 / Safari 537.36

March 6, 2014 - 7:55 Warsaw
March 6, 2014 - 7:55 Warsaw

Congratulations beautiful page! When can we expect the project containg ADXL345, l3g4200d and
hmc5883l and Kalman filter?

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Korneliusz Linux x86_64 / Mozilla Firefox 27.0

March 6, 2014 - 18:46 Bytom

Soon :) Even in March, for sure. Thanks for the kind words.

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Piwaek Windows 7 / Mozilla 11.0

March 18, 2014 - 14:54 No information


I as a beginner when it comes to processing and arduino. I'm trying to test the sensor HMC5883L
on the GY-271 and so far a number of programs available on the Internet "spits" given to me,
which, however, I am not able to correctly interpret.

Seeing such a nice project (and eventually the Polish!) I'd like to start it at home. I loaded your
skech called HMC5883L_processing, and then the program HMC5883L_processing directory

In the preview port (COM5 me) I see that on the speed of 115200 fly data, eg .:


Unfortunately, however, as I run the program Processing it appears to me only the black box
Unfortunately, however, as I run the program Processing it appears to me only the black box
(with no errors).

Could I ask for help in starting a program in Processing?


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Korneliusz Linux x86_64 / Mozilla Firefox 27.0

March 18, 2014 - 22:08 Bytom

Is speed port Processing is set the same as in the sending data?

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Marcin Windows 7 / Safari 537.36

April 27, 2015 - 20:29 Warsaw

Hello. I have the same problem after activating the program in processing I see only a
black screen. In sketchu port speed:

void setup(void)

W Processing:

myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 115200);

how to switch to:

myPort = new Serial (this, Serial.list () [0], 9600); It is still the same. While in both cases
the Act on 115200 is the same black screen.

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Aleksk Windows 7 / Safari 537.36

November 27, 2016 - 14:43 No information

Change label of COM-port. [0] - is hardware COM1. [1] - any Arduino virtual COM-port.

For example for COM23

// Serial
myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[1], 9600);

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pparsniak Windows / Safari 537.36

September 11, 2014 - 19:46 No information

in the example of the compass to get more accurate "fixed degress"

Input value should be multiplied by 100 and divided after mapping output value by 100 and then
come out "fixed degress" as a float.

if (headingDegrees >= 1 && headingDegrees < 240)

fixedHeadingDegrees = map(headingDegrees*100, 0, 239*100, 0, 179*100)/100.00;
} else
if (headingDegrees >= 240)
fixedHeadingDegrees = map(headingDegrees*100, 240*100, 360*100, 180*100, 360*100)/100.00;

but basically brilliant bibioteki to handle gy-80, missing only one, which all sensors Edmondo
together and produce a final value.
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Korneliusz Linux x86_64 / Mozilla Firefox 31.0

September 15, 2014 - 20:03 Bytom

Thanks for the suggestion, I check in battle as it has to "noticeable" results

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Antoni Windows 7 / Safari 537.36

November 25, 2014 - 20:38 Krakow

Is the information about the heterogeneity of field measurement result from your observations,
whether it is the official approach? somewhere in the documentation is that?


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Korneliusz Linux x86_64 / Mozilla Firefox 34.0

February 25, 2015 - 21:06 Bytom

There are a lot of materials on the Web - ratings for magnetic declination

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david Windows 7 / Safari 537.36

February 22, 2015 - 22:23 No information
Hi. Thanks to the article. I implemented your code in my project, also the part about the "bad

feature", but the measue is not correct. If I rotate the sensor to 180, actually I view
"headingDregress = 240" and "FixedHeadingDregress = 180, according to the map() instruction,
but if I rotate the sensor to 90 fixedheadingDegress show me about 130-140.
What is the math rule behind the non-linearity? How I can solve this problem?

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Korneliusz Linux x86_64 / Mozilla Firefox 34.0

February 25, 2015 - 21:09 Bytom

Try without this part

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Abner Windows / Safari 537.36

November 25, 2015 - 21:24 No information

hello, I have the same problem found a solution ???

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Grzesiek Windows / Safari 537.36

March 20, 2015 - 14:15 Gdynia

What's with the magnetic declination?

For Opole is 4 degrees 29 minutes. But for Szczecin more than 5 degrees.

So doing a compass in Opole will not be able to use it in Szczecin until you change the

A little, uh, meaningless. This is how it works in digital compass, eg. In the Samsung Galaxy S4?
A little, uh, meaningless. This is how it works in digital compass, eg. In the Samsung Galaxy S4?
You can use it in any part of the world, but nothing is modified in the settings.
I ask for an explanation of this.

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Korneliusz Linux x86_64 / Mozilla Firefox 34.0

March 23, 2015 - 19:00 Bytom

:) Influence of the magnetic declination does not mean that suddenly the compass will show
you a completely different direction in these cities - yes will be an error, but small.
Declination is set, if you want a very accurate indication and it is true north. Compasses
without the possibility of setting amendments indicate magnetic north. See here (page 3):

Many programs on smartphones helps even eg. GPS and / or downloads from the network
declination coordinates, if not, it simply shows the magnetic north.

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Nick Windows / Safari 537.36

July 10, 2015 - 3:07 No Information


Thank you for this library. It is the only one that I could get to interface with my MPU-6050 and
the HMC5883L to give me a tilt compensated heading. I had troubles trying to find the
compatible MPU-6050 library until I discovered it was under your GitHub account. Could you
please update your file with instructions for future users? Also, time permitting, it
would be nice to put conditions for any orientation (if pitch or roll are > 45) to map them

Thank you again,


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Korneliusz Linux x86_64 / Mozilla Firefox 34.0

July 11, 2015 - 22:36 Bytom

Thanks :) I will update readme file soon

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Matthijs Windows 7 / Mozilla Firefox 39.0

July 21, 2015 - 21:53 No information


Fisrt off thank you so much for this! Even though it\'s in Polish I could understand quite well.
Though I do have one problem.
It seems my tilt compensation only works when tilting it towards North, not relative to the
So when the sensor is pointing North it keeps pointing North when I tilt it towards North
When the sensor is pointing East, it only keeps point East as long as I tilt it towards North
And so on and so forth.

In the other directions it keeps deviating.

So my thought is I need to calibrate the MPU6050 somehow.

What do you think? Is this the case?

Can you help me with this?


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July 23, 2015 - 0:34 BytomLinux x86_64 / Mozilla Firefox 34.0

I will try this soon, be patient :)

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Aleksk Windows 7 / Safari 537.36

November 27, 2016 - 15:17 No information

Magnetometer must be calibrated in all three axes.

For full tilt compensation must enter the offset axis Z.
In my magnetometer ( HMC5883L) offset Z axis was -180. This shift is strongly influenced tilt

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Matthijs Windows 7 / Mozilla Firefox 39.0

July 22, 2015 - 23:36 No information

I calibrated the MPU6050 and it\'s still doing the same thing. (read my post above)
Is this normal?

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ft Windows 7 / Mozilla Firefox 41.0

September 25, 2015 - 17:42 No information

I have the following problem: I turn plate right "heading" for example, is increasing from 90 to 120,
then I turn to the left "heding" shrinking back, but after exceeding the "90" begins to grow again.
What is wrong here?
What is wrong here?
Odzczyt the magnetometer by mpu6050, could hmc5883l module was damaged?

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Marek Windows / Mozilla Firefox 43.0

January 17, 2016 - 17:06 Poznan

If by chance in the library HMC5883L.cpp no error? In the code:

case HMC5883L_RANGE_0_88GA:
mgPerDigit = 0.073f;
should not be:
mgPerDigit = 0.73f;
(no zeros after the decimal point)?

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Software error Linux Ubuntu / Mozilla Firefox 47.0

August 6, 2016 - 11:23 No information

Hi Korneliuz,
Thanks for the nice repository. Realy good work.
As part of my megration with arduino to unix ( Lubuntu ) I treid your scetch for calibration the
HMC5883 sensor.
I am using he GY-87 board. The teapot is working very well.
I\'am realy impressed by your compas sketch also in combination with processing.
But during compile the arduino sketch "HMC5883L_processing_MPU6050" i get the error
while(!mpu.begin(MPU6050_SCALE_2000DPS, MPU6050_RANGE_2G))
class"MPU6050 has no member named begin.
How is this error to solve?
Help is very much apreceated.
Kind regards,
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Software error Windows 7 / Safari 537.36

August 14, 2016 - 14:04 No information

Hi Korneliusz,

As I presume you had your holiday recently.

Hopefully it was relaxing for you.
In the mean time I am very excited about your articles concerning the MPU60050 & HMC5883L.
The question asked in an earlier post I have answered myself. It has all to do with the libraries.
When you mixed up libraries that can give the mentioned error ( or better lack of skills. ) Sorry for
the question.
For the rest I am delighted about your software for Arduino as well as for processing.
I,am working on a windstation wind direction and force with the help of a MPU6050.
Kind regards,

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angela Windows / Safari 537.36

December 10, 2016 - 17:25 No information

Hi i have a problem, because the serial port said that the device is not recognized, i took medition
of the clock signal so i think the device is okey, so i dont understand why it doesn\'t work

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