CLB 2016 Nov 24 News A09

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Juliette Morales in her incubator in NICU.


Catherine and Julio Morales are the proud parents of Juliette Morales.

FROM PAGE 1A and talking to Baby Ju- a very long road, but you
liette. are strong and are show-

STORY I was just telling her to

hang on, behave, Cathe-
rine said.
ing already that you are a
fighter. Please continue
fighting for me.
ed looking at the mean- ferred to Midtown Med- Julio was back in Co- She signed it Momma.
ings of the name, and I ical Center in Columbus. lumbus, working, worrying The new norm eventu-
want to say Juliette and They said, Its kind of and praying. ally led Julio back to Co-
Catherine were both pure, funny because most peo- He, too, was thinking, lumbus and Birming-
clean and beautiful. We ple want to stay here, Hang on, Juliette. ham, where he was pre-
knew that when she came Julio said. For nearly two weeks, paring for the conversion
into this world thats ex- The couple was in one Catherine was confined to of the Egg and I to First
actly what she would be. of the best neonatal in- the hospital room in Char- Watch and Catherine to
The little fighter who tensive care units on the leston, mostly alone and the Charleston Ronald
weighed less than 2 East Coast. scared. The nurses and McDonald House, right
pounds when she was They said, You know, staff became her new across the road from the
born is now 13 pounds and people beg us to come family and the phone was hospital that was going to
discovering the worlds here whenever they have her lifeline. be Juliettes home for
wonders. high-risk situations, Julio But on May 10 the game nearly seven weeks.
said. changed. Catherine start- Its almost like that
RIGHT PLACE, RIGHT Still, they were dis- ed to bleed, threatening was perfect timing be-
TIME cussing ways to get home her and the babys health. cause Juliettes in the
Catherine and Julio had before Juliette was born. It was time for Juliette hospital, Catherine is at
been talking about a vaca- Then they had a conversa- to be born. the Ronald McDonald
tion to Charleston for tion with a doctor that Julio was in Columbus house a block away, Julio
three years and finally abruptly ended that pur- when he got the call from said of the transition going
decided to take it in late suit. his wife, who was crying on at his work. The ba-
April as she was complet- I told him that I know and told him she was bys being taken care of,
ing her second trimester. that we keep pushing for about to go into the oper- Ive got to do what Ive got
Catherine, who works in trying to get transferred ating room for an emer- to do to make sure that I
the advertising depart- back to Columbus, but gency cesarean section. provide for them and, you
ment at the Ledger-En- what are the risks? Julio Before he reached War- know, theres no way I
quirer, and Julio, general said. He said, There are ner Robins, Julio received could have left work for
manager of First Watch many hospitals along the a call from the hospital. two or three months and Juliette Morales and her father.
restaurant (formerly Egg way and wed have to get They said, Well, shes still had a job.
and I), took time off to you through Florence, being stitched up now, Catherine turned to her
make the trip before the Atlanta, and then back to babys looking good, journal as therapy.
baby arrived. Columbus to get you in a breathing on her own, It is the experience of $11,350. meaning.
They were on vacation route where there are Julio remembered. her birth, descriptions of We couldnt afford I had a friend that I
at Middleton Place, one of hospitals along the way. Ready or not, Juliette some of the people, the that, Julio said. I told made up there in Char-
the oldest and most beau- Then the doctor gave a Morales after spending doctors, meeting the them we were a few 20s leston and she came
tiful gardens in the coun- blunt assessment. 26 weeks and one day in friends up there, every short for that. across a story on Face-
try, when the trip turned But in the case that she her mothers womb little thing about how They thought that had book, Catherine said.
into an ordeal that would goes into labor in that bus showed up weighing 1 shes doing, how shes ended the discussion and There was a family who
last months. or the ambulance, the pound, 15 ounces. feeling, just some of the they would ride it out in had a pair of twins ex-
Catherine began to feel chance is that the baby We were just scared, tests that theyve run South Carolina until Ju- tremely early. When you
sick and went to the emer- may not make it at all, and said Julio, who made the and everythings in here, liette was released. But are in the NICU, you kind
gency room at Trident if moms bleeding out, seven-plus hour drive to she said. It is therapy. If I the social worker arrang- of want to mark those
Medical Center in north shes not going to make Charleston in less than cant sit there and get a ing the flight came back milestones, see how well
Charleston. She soon it, Julio said. And at that five hours. hug from my momma, and said it could be done that theyre growing.
learned that her water had moment I said for both of then this was the second- for $9,500. Enter Mr. Potato Head,
broke on April 27 and them, Were just going to DADDYS LITTLE GIRL IS best thing. That was still more than the perfect measuring tool
unbeknownst to her, she stay where were at. A FIGHTER At least once, but some- they could afford. for a premature infant.
had started the labor pro- They quickly discovered Before Julio arrived, times twice a day, Cathe- The next day Cathe- They decided to put it
cess. they were in the right Catherine had briefly seen rine was in the hospital rine calls me, she says, up against their twins each
They were telling her place. her daughter when the with Juliette. She found a Hey, theyre asking me if month, Catherine said.
there that she was labor- The goal was to keep nurses rolled the baby into new family at the Ronald I could be ready tomorrow They would take a photo.
ing, and that the baby Catherine pregnant and the recovery room. McDonald House and a morning, you know, would Part of the reason for the
could come at any min- deliver the baby at 34 Juliette was in an in- newfound respect for the I be willing to go home? Potato Head is because
ute, Julio remembered. weeks, well under the 40 cubator, wrapped in plas- Medical University of Julio said. I said, Well, its hard plastic, you can
Catherine was 24 weeks weeks a full-term preg- tic. South Carolina. you know what we told wipe it down, you dont
pregnant when she was nancy runs. But even that When Julio got to Char- We were in one of the them, we dont have that have to put it in a bag, you
transferred from Trident was a long shot. Each day leston, he went straight to best places in the coun- kind of money. Then she dont have to watch it.
to the Medical University gave the baby a greater Catherines side. try, Catherine said. says, Its taken care of. I Juliette has her Mr.
of South Carolina, which chance of survival. At 24 I wanted to spend By early June, Juliette said, How? They said Potato Head and it has
is about seven and a half weeks, there is about a 40 some time with Cathe- was making progress and dont worry about it, its been a photo prop several
hours from Columbus. percent infant survival rine, he said. Catherine and Julio began taken care of. times in the last six
On April 29, doctors put rate and it increases to After more than three to explore ways to get On June 23, Catherine months, most recently on
Catherine on bed rest to about 90 percent in the hours, it was time for back to Columbus. The and Juliette flew back to her 5-month birthday.
try to slow the labor pro- 27th week. father to meet daughter. only problem was that Columbus on a private As they reflect on 2016,
cess. Every day she could They made it seem I almost broke down to Juliette was looking at medical jet. Juliette, Catherine and Julio talk
keep the baby in the that if we can get at least the point of tears and just possibly two more months weighing 3 pounds and about faith and new life.
womb, it increased the to the 26-, 27-week mark, amazement because of in the neonatal intensive some change, was coming Weve had so many
odds of survival. the baby had a greater how small she was, how care unit. home for the first time. instances where it could
Still, the Morales were chance, Catherine said. much of a miracle, and The doctor tried to find They still dont know have ended, and I have
looking for a way back So, every night I was just how she was a fighter, out the best way to get us how it happened, but Julio some conditions that are
home. They asked the listening to the heart mon- Julio said. home, but we were ulti- has an explanation. not favorable to carrying a
hospital staff about the itor. Everywhere Julio mately talking about it It was just another one full-term baby, she said.
possibility of being trans- Listening and praying looked, there were tubes and came up with the of the angels that has been We just kind of took it
running in and out of decision to stay, Cathe- looking after us on this one day at a time, and
Juliettes tiny body. rine said, despite the fact journey, he said. when she was born again
Her foot was the size that all of their family was Juliette spent three it was one day at a time,
of my thumb, Julio re- back in Georgia. We weeks in the Columbus and hitting the mile-
membered. were already comfortable NICU before going home. stones.
One of the nurses told with where we were at. They have been tested,
Julio that was normal. His Yes, there were times SPECIAL GIFTS FOR A Julio said.
thought: This is a new when it was hard. I got SPECIAL GIFT There were a lot of
normal for us. lonely, but, you know, just When Juliette is old trials and tests all along,
It took four days before meeting the people up enough to understand this but, like I have said, we
Catherine could hold her there, they were wonder- story, she will get two dont grow weary, Julio
baby. ful. special gifts from her said. We just believe in
She was in the process But as the days wore on, parents: Her mothers what we believe in and
of changing her mindset, there became a possibility journal and a Mr. Potato stick to that.
too. that Juliette could be Head.
We were ready for a transferred to the NICU at So the first entry was Chuck Williams:
long haul, she said. Midtown Medical Center her story, all seven pages 706-571-8510,
And to cope, she kept a in Columbus. Juliette of it was her story, Cath- @chuckwilliams
journal. would have to be airlifted erine said. I continue to
Five days after Juliette back to Columbus and write in it.
Photos and screenshots submitted by Catherine Morales. was born, Catherine Julio and Catherine were The Mr. Potato Head
wrote: I know this will be told the cost would be also carries a special

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