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[Jeewan Moktan] Literature [Unit Length: 1 hour 30 min]

[Class/Grade: 8]
Lesson: [Number/ Title]

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
Write a short story (in tragic/ or romance
Romance and Tragedy genre)

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will . . .
What is Romance in Literature? Identify key features of Romance and Tragedy
What is tragedy in literature?
Identify what is and is not effective in a romantic
What is and is not effective in a romantic and / or tragic story.
and/ or tragic story?
Identify clichs and understand their effect on
What is Gods purpose for Romance? writing.

Write in a romantic or tragic genre.

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

Beginning the Lesson:
10 Objectives of the lesson:
Review: what is comedy?
What are the genres of comedy?
What genres comedy did you like most why?

Warm up: what is the best romantic movie/story that you have watched/read?
Developing the Lesson
5 Watch,
Discuss romance and tragedy as genres. Share examples. What should you avoid?

Students write 50-word romantic short stories, involving as much clich as possible.
10 Share in groups, read out the best.

Discuss - what is effective, what is not effective. Do they like the ending?

Write another 50-word story, only this time aim for genuinely good romance. Again,
share in groups and read out the best.
[Jeewan Moktan] Literature [Unit Length: 1 hour 30 min]
[Class/Grade: 8]
What is Gods purpose of Romance?

10 Discuss:

Explain from the book of Genesis:

In the book of Genesis, God creates man and woman

in His own image. He charges them to be fruitful
and multiply, filling, subduing and ruling over the
earth. This charge, commonly called the cultural mandate,
and this intended state of being in the image
of God, combine to establish a basic purpose for human
existence that is to reflect the true nature of God
while carrying out the cultural mandate. Gods purpose
for human existence cannot be reduced to merely
a function, filling and ruling over the earth. The
manner in which that function is conducted must display
the true expression of God. The purpose also cannot
be reduced to just a proper state of being, being in
the image of God. That proper state of being must and
its expression through the proper function of humanity,
fulfilling and ruling over the earth.

In light of the centrality of marriage in fulfilling

Gods purpose for humanity, the romantic impulse
provides something that the sexual impulse does not.
The sexual impulse seeks sexual fulfillment, but the
romantic impulse seeks a person. It serves a unique
role in drawing together a man and a woman as distinct
persons in a way that sexual desire does not. In
some instances, the romantic impulse can even serve
to keep the sexual impulse in check, discouraging the
pursuit of sexual fulfillment in ways that would disregard
the romantic object.

In Gods design, romance always serves marriage,

both in drawing human beings towards marriage and
as a part of marital satisfaction. For romance is not just
an impulse, but also a satisfying reward. If romance
ever ceases to serve marriage and becomes an end in
itself, its connection to Gods purpose for humanity is
severed. It is then likely to become a destructive power
instead of an impetus towards meaningful existence.
Romance is a useful motivator when used to serve its
proper end, but it is a terrible guide. Orphaned from its
higher purpose, it becomes mere sentimentality that
will never display Gods nature and inspire sacri!cial
[Jeewan Moktan] Literature [Unit Length: 1 hour 30 min]
[Class/Grade: 8]
love instead of the pursuit of self-interest.

(Help from the net)

Closing the Lesson
Write a short story (in romance or tragic genre)
20 HW: Complete the story
Collect the students work

Formative Assessment Differentiation


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