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To demonstrate Bernoullis law in a venturi tube

To determine the energy head equation using venturimeter
To verify the values gathered through statistical analysis.
To get many trials with increasing precision.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The researchers shall be able to:

know the Bernoullis law in a venturi tube

familiarize themselves in the use of venturimeter
determine and verify the energy head equation using venturimeter


A venturi meter or venturi flow meter is a device used to measure the velocity, or flow rate, of fluid flowing through a
pipeline. The venturi meter constricts the flow using a Herschel venturi tube. As the liquid flows through the pipeline, the
device measures the pressure of liquid before it enters the venturi tube and as it exist the constricted area. These
measurements are then compared to figure the volumetric flow rate of the fluid. The flow meter is commonly used in
plumbing applications to determine the flow of fluids such as water, liquid propane, and oil.

For this procedure the venturi tube is typically a long pipe with conically shaped entry and exist points. The entry point is
usually a thirty degree cone which constricts to five degree cone at the exit. The venturi meter result is less degradation of
the head pressure due to the tubes design.

The venturi mater can accurately measure flow rate using Bernoullis principle. bernoulli stated that the velocity of liquid
increases in direct proportion to a decrease in pressure. When the liquid is forced through a constricted pipeline, it begins to
make at a higher rate of speed because the majority of the pressure is held behind the constriction.

A common example of Bernoullis principle in action can be found in the nozzle of a garden hose. As the nozzle is turned
fully open, the water glows slowly and usually falls just a short distance from the nozzle. When the nozzle is turned towards
the closed position, it restricts the flow of the water and increases its velocity. The pressure held behind the nozzle builds
and the velocity can carry the water for great distances.

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The venturi meter precisely calculates the volumetric flow rate of a fluid using a complete formula. this computation
considers the radius of the pipeline, whether or not the measured liquid is compressible, and the total volume of fluid
present. Various coefficient are added to compensate for the viscosity of the fluid, changes in the conical angles of the
venturi and other variables. When these numbers are calculated, along with the pressure measurements taken by the
venturi meter, an accurate description of the liquid flow rate can be ascertained.


The energy equation is a statement of the conservation of energy principle. In fluid mechanics, it is found convenient to
separate mechanical energy from thermal energy and to consider the conversion of mechanical energy to thermal energy
as a result of frictional effects as mechanical energy loss. Then the energy equation becomes the mechanical energy

Venturi tube is one of the common instruments for measuring the volumetric flow rates. Figure 1 shows components of the
experimental setup. Its essential component is a duct of varying cross-section. The test section is provided with six wall
pressure taps, and a longitudinally movable Pitot tube. The relevant dimensions of the test section are shown in Figure

Assembly bard

Compression gland

Single water pressure gauge

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Pitot tube

Discharge pipe

Hose connection, water supply

Outlet valve

Inlet valve

Venturi tube


Pressure gauge

Figure 1- Components of experimental apparatus

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Figure 2- Cross-sections of the venturi tube.

Flow of water through the test section is provided by the pump of the Hydraulics Bench, and the discharge is measured by
accumulating flow over a period of time in the volumetric metering tank of the hydraulic bench.


The total energy of a flow is related to static pressure, P , velocity squared,V2, and elevation z, . When the flow is steady,
frictionless and incompressible, and no work or heat transfer occurs, the total energy along a streamline is constant and is
described by the Bernoulli equation:

where g is the gravitational. The terms in the Bernoulli equation may also be expressed as energies per unit weight, or
heads. The total head corresponds to the height to which liquid would rise in a Pitot tube attached to the flow, and is
therefore a measure of the total energy head, htot:

Resources/ Instrument Required:

Flow meter demonstration apparatus

Venturi Meter

- A tube is connected to each to the inlet and outlet of a Venturi meter.

- The tube connected to the outlet of the Venturi meter is connected to the
measuring tank.

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- The adjustable screws are adjusted to level the Venturi meter.


The apparatus was leveled by opening both the Bench Supply valve and the
control valve downstream of the meter to allow water to flow and clear air
pockets from the supply hose. This was achieved by connecting the apparatus
to a power supply.

- The control valve was then gradually closed causing water to rise up in
the tubes of the manometer thereby compressing the air
contained in the manifold.

- When the water level had risen to a convenient height, the bench valve was also closed gradually so that as
both valves are finally shut off, the meter was left containing static water at moderate pressure.

- The adjustable screws were operated to give identical reading for all of the tubes across the whole width of the
manometer board. To establish the meter coefficient measurements of a set of differential heads (h 1-h2) and flow
rate Q were made.

- The first reading was taken with the maximum possible value when (h 2 h1) i.e. with h1 close to the top of the
scale and h2 near to the bottom. This was obtained by gradually opening both the bench valve and the control
valve in turn.

- Successive opening of either valve increased both the flow and the difference between h 1 and h2. The rate of
flow was found by timing the collection of a known amount of water in the weighing tank, in the mean time valves
h1 and h2 was read from the manometer. Similarly, readings were then taken over a series of reducing values of
h1 h2 roughly equally spread over the available range from 250mm to zero. About ten readings sufficed.

Group No.:

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Section: CE42

Date Performed:

Date Submitted:

Group Members:

Instructor: Engr. Winifredo Gonzales

Data and Computation:


All throughout this experimental study, the researchers observe that:

The energy equation from different areas in the venturi meter is equal
The energy loss is the same from the opening valve to the closing valve



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Assessment: (Rubric for Laboratory Performance):

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I. Laboratory Skills

Manipulative Skills

Members do not demonstrate needed skills.

Members occasionally demonstrate needed skills.

Members always demonstrate needed skills.

Experimental Set-up

Members are unable to set-up the materials.

Members are able to set-up the materials with supervision.

Members are able to set-up the materials with minimum supervision.

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Process Skills

Members do not demonstrate targeted process skills.

Members occasionally demonstrate targeted process skills.

Members always demonstrate targeted process skills.

Safety Precautions

Members do not follow safety precautions.

Members follow safety precautions most of the time.

Members follow safety precautions all the time.

II.Work Habits

Time Management/ Conduct of Experiment

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Members do not finish on time with incomplete data.

Members finish on time with incomplete data.

Members finish ahead of time with complete data and time to revise data.

Cooperative and Teamwork

Members do not know their tasks and have no defined responsibilities. Group conflicts have to be settled by the teacher.

Members have defined responsibilities most of the time. Group conflicts are cooperatively managed most of the time.

Members are on tasks and have defined responsibilities at all times. Group conflicts are cooperatively managed at all times.

Neatness and Orderliness

Messy workplace during and after the experiment.

Clean and orderly workplace with occasional mess during and after the experiment.

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Clean and orderly workplace at all times during and after the experiment.

Ability to do independent work

Members require supervision by the teacher.

Members require occasional supervision by the teacher.

Members do not need to be supervised by the teacher.

Other Comments / Observations:


RATING = x 100%

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Related Readings/ Literature and Reference:

Venturi Meter (Liquid Pipeline Hydraulics by E. Shashi Menon)

The Venturi Meter, also known as a tube meter, belongs to the category of variable-head
flow meters. The principle of a venture meter is depicted in figure below. This type of
venture meter is also known as Herschel type and consists of a smooth gradual
contraction from the main pipe size to the throat section, followed by a smooth, gradual
enlargement form the throat section to the original pipe diameter.

Reference: http://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/156583/why-are-mass-flow-rates-found-using-venturi-

Definition of Venturi Meter

Venturi meters are playing an increasingly important role in wet gas metering in natural gas and oil industries.
Convincible measurement of the flowrate of wet gas requires two parameters, namely, the whole mass flowrate
and its quality. It is commonly believed that the two parameters can be obtained if the Venturi meter is combined

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with another device of a different principle. However, this is not always the case. Owing to the complexity of the
model for wet gas metering, the problem of multiple solutions may occur. Proceeding from a static model on the
differential pressure (DP) signal of the Venturi meter, a dynamic model is presented that can provide an extra
functional relation to resolve this problem without the need of adding a third device. This functional relation
monotonously maps the relative fluctuation of the DP signal to the quality of the wet gas and simplifies the
selection of the true solution. Experiments have been carried out within static pressure range of 0.30.8 MPa,
gas flowrate range of 50100 m3/h and quality range of 0.060.412. Emphasis of the experiments has been on
the demonstration of the validity of the static and dynamic models. Finally, appropriate discussions and
conclusions are given.

Reference: Flow Measurement and Instrumentation

Volume 14, Issues 45, AugustOctober 2003, Pages 211217

Multi Phase Flow Measurement

Theoretical Fluid Mechanics: Venturi Meter

A Venturi Meter is a device that allows flow rates through pipes to be calculated by measuring the difference in
pressure created by a contraction in a pipe. When the flow goes through the contraction it must speed up, and
so the pressure must drop. By measuring the two pressures, engineers can directly calculate the velocity of the
fluid. Knowing the pipe diameter, this velocity can be converted into a flow rate.

Venturi Meters work based on the principles found in Bernoulli's equation. Here, Bernoulli's equation is set so
each term is in units of length, allowing an engineer to calculate the "head" on a pipe. Remember that for a pipe
without energy losses, H is constant.

If we can measure the elevation of each pipe segment (or if it does not change), and the pressure head using a
Piezometer (A small tube with an opening flush with the wall of the pipe), than we have one equation with two

If the pipe diameters are known, conservation of mass law, will give us a second equation allowing us to solve for
velocities (or flow rates)

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Reference: http://www.mikesoltys.com/2011/03/15/demo-for-theoretical-fluid-mechanics-venturi-meter/

Differential Pressure Flow Meters

T he calculation of fluid flow rate by reading the pressure loss across a pipe restriction is perhaps the most
commonly used flow measurement technique in industrial applications. Variations on the theme of differential
pressure (d/p) flow measurement include the use of pitot tubes and variable-area meters (rotameters), and are
discussed later in this chapter. Primary Element Options In the 18th century, Bernoulli first established the
relationship between static and kinetic energy in a flowing stream. As a fluid passes through a restriction, it
accelerates, and the energy for this acceleration is obtained from the fluids static pressure. Consequently, the
line pressure drops at the point of constriction. Part of the pressure drop is recovered as the flow returns to the
unrestricted pipe. The pressure differential (h) developed by the flow element is measured, and the velocity (V),
the volumetric flow (Q) and the mass flow (W) can all be calculated using the following generalized formulas: V =
k (h/D)0.5 or Q =kA(h/D)0.5 or W= kA(hD)0.5 k is the discharge coefficient of the element (which also reflects the
units of measurement), A is the crosss ectional area of the pipes opening, and D is the density of the flowing
fluid. The discharge coefficient k is influenced by the Reynolds number and by the beta ratio, the ratio between
the bore diameter of the flow restriction and the inside diameter of the pipe. Additional parameters or correction
factors can be used in the derivation of k, depending on the type of flow element used. These parameters can be
computed from equations or read from graphs and tables available from the American National Standards
Institute (ANSI), the American Petroleum Institute (API), the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME),
and the American Gas Association (AGA), and are included in many of the works listed as references at the end
of this chapter. The discharge coefficients of primary elements are determined by laboratory tests that reproduce
the geometry of the installation. Published values generally represent the average value for that geometry over a
minimum of 30 calibration runs. The uncertainties of these published values vary from 0.5% to 3%. By using such
published discharge coefficients, it is possible to obtain reasonably accurate flow measurements without in-place
calibration. In-place calibration is required if testing laboratories are not available or if better accuracy is desired
than that provided by the uncertainty range noted above. The relationship between flow and pressure drop varies
with the velocity profile, which can be laminar or turbulent as a function of the Reynolds number (Re), which for
liquid flows can be calculated using the relationship: Re = 3160(SG)(Q)/(ID)m where ID is the inside diameter of
the pipe in inches, Q is the volumetric liquid flow in gallons/minute, SG is the fluid specific gravity at 60F, and m
is the viscosity in centipoises. At low Reynolds numbers (generally under Re = 2,000), the flow is laminar and the
velocity profile is parabolic. At high Reynolds numbers (well over Re = 3,000), the flow becomes fully turbulent,
and the resulting mixing action produces a uniform axial velocity across the pipe.
Reference: http://www.omega.com/literature/transactions/volume4/t9904-07-diff.html
Venturi Experiment Report

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Airflow and Venturi Experiment Report November 29th 2005 Airflow and Venturi Experiment Report Abstract
While investigating air flow through a pipe, mass flow rate was to be calculated using two methods. One method
was to measure the pressure difference of the flow across a venturi (a narrowing of the pipe) and the other was
to measure the pressure at varying radii from the pipe's centreline to the pipe's wall using a pitot tube in the flow,
with the recordings used to plot a velocity profile graph. The calculations showed that each of the two methods
produce an answer for the mass flow rate that is within 10% of the other, despite the methods being very different
in terms of their accuracy, ease and requirement of resources. It was found that for practicality the venturi method
of calculating the flow rate was preferred over the pitot method and also that is was the more accurate of the two
methods. It was also found that air velocity increases with distance from the pipe walls and decreases with the
radius of the pipe.

Once the manometer had settled around a particular value, a reading from the visible leg of the manometer
against its scale was taken and recorded. The pressure tap was then set so the manometer was reading the
pressure difference between the pitot tube and the pipe boundary. The pitot tube was traversed from the pipe
centreline to the pipe boundary at intervals of 2mm. The paraffin level in the manometer was recorded as before
for each value. The pitot was then returned to the centreline and the process repeated. The entire procedure was
then repeated when the pump was set at a medium flow rate and once more at a low flow rate.


Venturi Meter: Theory, Operations & Working

Basic principle:

When a venturi meter is placed in a pipe carrying the fluid whose flow rate is to be measured, a pressure drop
occurs between the entrance and throat of the venture meter. This pressure drop is measured using a differential
pressure sensor and when calibrated this pressure drop becomes a measure of flow rate.

Operation of venturi meter:

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The fluid whose flow rate is to be measured enters the entry section of the venturi meter with a pressure P1.

As the fluid from the entry section of venturi meter flows into the converging section, its pressure keeps on
reducing and attains a minimum value P2 when it enters the throat. That is, in the throat, the fluid pressure P2
will be minimum.

The differential pressure sensor attached between the entry and throat section of the venturi meter records the
pressure difference (P1-P2) which becomes an indication of the flow rate of the fluid through the pipe when

The diverging section has been provided to enable the fluid to regain its pressure and hence its kinetic energy.
Lesser the angle of the diverging section, greater is the recovery.


It is used where high pressure recovery is required.

Can be used for measuring flow rates of water, gases, suspended solids, slurries and dirty liquids.
Can be used to measure high flow rates in pipes having diameters in a few meters.


They are large in size and hence where space is limited, they cannot be used.
Expensive initial cost, installation and maintenance.
Require long laying length. That is, the veturimeter has to be proceeded by a straight pipe which is free
from fittings and misalignments to avoid turbulence in flow, for satisfactory operation. Therefore,
straightening vanes are a must.
Cannot be used in pipes below 7.5cm diameter.

Reference : https://learnprotocols.wordpress.com/2012/07/21/venturi-meter-theory-operations-working/

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Venturi Meter Pitot tube

Installing of venturimeter into flow meter apparatus Connecting rubber tubing into venturimeter and pitot

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Flow meter demonstration Apparatus

Releasing of trapped air bubbles

Leveling of pressure heads Adjustment of flow rate and reading pressure head

The Group

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