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Grammar Action 1


7. Yesterday, while I was coming back home
1. - VRUXODUGDFPOHGHEREUDNODQ from school, I met an old friend of ----.
EXOXQX] A) me B) my
C) her D) mine
1. ---- brother is a bit ill so I will go and visit E) them
8. None of the neighbours offered ----
A) My / him B) He / his support; therefore, we had to deal with
C) Mine / me D) His / my this problem ----.
E) Theirs / her
A) them / by themselves
B) his / by myself
2. All ---- friends like cats but Jane hates ----. C) their / on our own
D) her / on their own
A) hers / it B) her / them E) his / themselves
C) his / my D) yours / your
E) their / their 9. ,WnVDFROGPRUQLQJDQG the thermometer
reached ---- highest reading.

3. The woman looked at ---- in the mirror with A) their B) its

a smile on ---- face. C) LWnV D) ones
E) itself
A) herself / her B) our / her
C) her / me D) her / hers
E) herself / he 10. I spoke to the Prime Minister ----, not to ----

4. :HGLGQnWZDLWORQJEHFDXVHWKHUH A) himself / his B) myself / him

ZDVQnW---- in the post office. C) by myself / him D) himself / mine
E) herself / his
A) nobody B) no one
C) something D) everybody
E) anybody 11. ---- has the right to criticise ---- in this

5. Most of the students told the teacher that A) Nobody / no one

---- GLGQnWZDQWWRKDYHDQH[DP B) Someone / nobody
C) Nobody / someone
A) them B) no one D) No one / anybody
C) they D) nobody E) Anyone / no one
E) theirs
12. 0DU\nV behaviour is intolerable these days,
VR,nPJRLQJWRWHOO---- a few facts about
6. :KHQWKHH[DPILQished, the students ----.
gave ---- papers to the teacher.
A) her / she B) hers / myself
A) them B) their C) her / mine D) me / by herself
C) theirs D) his E) her / herself
E) hers

Champion junior Grammar Action 1
13. Can I borrow ---- NH\VDV,FDQnWILQG----? 21. Naturally, ---- wants only the best for ----
A) your / my B) yours / them
C) your / mine D) my / mine A) one / his B) they / their
E) yours / myself C) you / your D) he / ours
E) someone / ones

14. In ---- days, young girlVFRXOGQnWMXVt dress 22. It will be several months before the dog
as ---- liked. can feed ----.

A) that / we B) those / them A) he B) his

C) those / they D) this / they C) itns D) itself
E) these / everyone E) she

23. ---- else had finished eating, so I sat and

15. ---- has tried to help her, but she doesn't had dinner alone.
seem to need ----.
A) Nobody
A) Nobody / nothing B) Something
B) Somebody / nothing C) AQ\ERG\nV
C) Anything / something D) EYHU\ERG\nV
D) Someone / everything E) Everyone
E) Everybody / anything
24. The two mothers, though each was
16. She obviously has something in ---- convinced that ---- own son was the best,
mind. politely decided in favour of ----.

A) his B) him A) her / the other

C) her D) herself B) their / other
E) she C) theirs / them
D) their / our
17. ---- knew that he was at home so John E) ours / each other
must have entered the house without ----
seeing him. 25. My mother and ---- sometimes give ---- a
hard time.
A) Nobody / anybody
B) Anybody / nobody A) I / each other B) me / another
C) Everybody / somebody C) she / others D) they / every other
D) Someone / no one E) her / one another
E) Everybody / anyone
26. If anyone wants anything in town, ----
18. My brother does the shopping ----. must tell it to Frank.

A) his B) himself A) him B) their

C) themselves D) herself C) us D) they
E) him E) she

19. Why didn't you tell ---- that you needed 27. Sally, it is at least two miles farther
help? You needn't have done all the work to the lake if ---- go around the mountain
----. rather than over ----.

A) me / himself B) us / yourself A) she / them B) I / her

C) hers / yourselves D) I / myself C) you / it D) they / him
E) them / ourselves E) we / them

28. ---- understood the instructions on the

20. Some psychologists deal with assignment, and as a result ---- did poorly.
problematic children whereas ---- focus on
drug addicts. A) Everybody / somebody
B) No one / everybody
A) something B) other C) Nobody / something
C) themselves D) others D) Nothing / nobody
E) each other E) Somebody / everybody

Champion junior Grammar Action 1
29. ,KDWHUDIWLQJDQGWKDWnVZK\ ---- you tell
me will persuade me to get into a canoe 36.- 50. sorulardaYHULOHQFPOH\LX\JXQ

A) anything B) nothing
C) somewhere D) everything 36. ---- so we decided to cancel it.
E) everywhere
A) Nobody was willing to come to the party
B) It was beginning to get dark
30. 'HVSLWHP\SDUHQWVnFRPSODLQWV,decided C) My brother had some financial problems
to live ---- and earn my own living. D) Everybody was happy with the exam
A) me B) my own E) The seminar started five minutes late
C) ourselves D) us
E) by myself

37. ---- but she was not eager to do it.

31. Only you have the right to see your own
personal academic records, and ---- is A) My mother will go to see the doctor
allowed to access them without your B) The students wanted to take the exam
permission. another day
C) The man left his suitcases in front of the
A) no one else B) someone else door
C) everyone else D) anyone else D) Everybody wanted my sister to change
E) anybody else her job

E) The girl had a terrible toothache for two


32. The workers informed ---- about ----

unsatisfactory working conditions.
38. Despite their big and beautiful gardens,
A) mine / his B) him / theirs ----.
C) theirs / my D) them / us A) ,GRQnWOLNHWRVSHQGWLPHWKHUH
E) me / their B) the houses in this area are very cheap
C) there are not many trees in this park
D) we will buy the yellow house on the
33. You may have ordered bouquets of corner
flowers from ---- shops, but ---- are fresher E) ,HQMR\VWD\LQJDWP\XQFOHnVhome
and our designs are PRUHH[FLWLQJ

A) theirs / mine B) others / theirs

C) ours / her D) his / their 39. ----, so be careful when you pick it up.
E) other / ours
A) This crystal vase can be damaged easily
B) I bought a couple of wine glasses today
D) When you are carrying this table
34. When the students UHDOL]HGKRZZHOOWKH\ E) These contact lenses last longer
had done on the test, they congratulated

A) ourselves B) them 40. It is important for children to eat healthily

C) themselves D) him ----.
E) himself
B) as it influences their growth and
35. I mDGHDORWRISL]]DXVLQJ---- PRWKHUnV C) as a result lots of them suffer from many
recipe as ---- was the only one I knew. diseases
D) so she ate nothing all day
A) his / our B) my / hers E) however meat is more nutritious for a
C) yours / it D) ours / mine child
E) mine / her

Champion junior Grammar Action 1
41. ---- and he is now able to dress himself. 46. ----, they congratulated themselves with
kisses and hugs.
A) Peter and John broke their legs while
A) If it had been an enjoyable dinner
B) Because she hated cats
B) Lots of car accidents happen every day
C) When Bianca and Charlene saw how
C) No matter how much we forced him
well they had done on the test
D) My brother is recovering well from the
D) Just after journalists have descended on
her with cameras
E) My closest friend came yesterday
E) As they had nothing for dinner

42. ---- who knows anything about the 47. Ever since the currency was forced to float
accident. in February this year ----.
A) it has lost about half its value
A) We are talking to the people B) the problem of inflation is very old
B) The police have questioned three men C) whether or not a government succeeds
C) The detectives want to speak to D) although the risks remain small
anybody E) another product was sold in it
D) The newspaper reporters have talked to
the police
E) They will invite us all to the seminar

48. ----, they will have to pay an additional fee.

43. ---- although half of it was good.
A) Now that you want to buy this computer

A) People say they have enjoyed the

matches B) If anyone chooses to stay alone on the
B) The books she bought from the auction cruise
C) I got bored watching the film training
D) I had to throw away the cherries you D) In addition to the fees she has to pay
had bought E) Whenever your guest wants to use the
E) Their songs do not interest me at all ferries

44. ----, but others spread their ideas among 49. ---- because mine was not working
as many people as possible. properly.

A) Some religions are practiced only A) I decided that I had to manage our
among their own people money
B) The quality of a film depends on its B) They have a sensor in them to stop it
actors from closing
C) Politicians are people who speak a lot to C) ,KDGWRXVHP\EURWKHUnVFRPSXWHUWR
influence them finish my project
D) None of the political leaders tried to D) I came into the team at the
convince the others beginning of the second season
E) The leader of the club wanted his E) I could take pictures of my daughter's
members to pay their fees on time wedding

45. ----, he absolutely kept his word about the 50. ----, they try to identify all of the sounds it
economic reforms. contains.
A) When linguists encounter a new
A) Government funds have tripled recently
B) Whatever anyone says about the
B) In spite of the environmental threat to
SUHVLGHQWnV private life
children's health
C) After the president resigns
C) Because some languages have many
D) During adolescence, nutritional
problems can be corrected
D) Linguistics is the study of language
E) While unemployment was high
E) Because my kids have started using the
words they hear on TV programs

Champion junior Grammar Action 1

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