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Application Note

MGS Diesel Generator Set Series

Publication No. : MGSB-GENE-STD-002 Rev. 0
Date of Issue : 19th.Jan. 2002 Page. 15
Title : Harmonic Voltage Distortion
Harmonic Voltage Distortion
Comment; It is often found that Voltage regulation, quantified as a +/- value, is mistaken for
Harmonic Voltage distortion, quantified as a pure % value. Any stated required Voltage
performance should always be clarified during preliminary data gathering to ensure the correct
information has been provided.
Remember; The critical level of acceptable harmonic voltage distortion % is set by the
capability of the NLL, not an inability of the generator.


The explanation below, used with attached tables and graph, will
enable the required level of harmonic voltage dist. %. to be estimated by selection
of an appropriate generator. To achieve this required level of system harmonic
voltage distortion the generator must have a maximum calculated value of
sub-transient reactance [ Xd ], for the kVA level, [or base kVA] associated with
the connected Non Linear Load. Below is a quick Method to be used
inconjunction with experience about typical and acceptable levels of THD,
followed by the classic mathematical approach for when all the information is

This base kVA value of Xd can be calculated by:

the kVA. of non linear load

( the known value of X d )
the kVA of the generator for which the value of Xd is know [for the voltage the generator
will supply the load]

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Application Note
MGS Diesel Generator Set Series
Publication No. : MGSB-GENE-STD-002 Rev. 0
Date of Issue : 19th.Jan. 2002 Page. 25

Xd Table for the Wdg 311/312 Generators.

There are known key Generator values of Xd required to achieve system
harmonic Voltage distortion levels..examples:
Consider a 6 pulse system with 30% harmonic current distortion.

If the required level of harmonic Voltage distortion is 10% then the value of the
generators Xd at the NLLs rated input kVA will need to be 3.5%

If 15% harmonic Voltage distortion is acceptable then Xd at 5.3% is needed.

A table showing the generators kVA ratings with Xd at 12%, 5.3% and 3.5% is
below. [excel attachment . NLLs Reactances v kVA xls ]

Non Linear Load Characteristics.

Identify the load type by the number of power devices in the
converter bridge.

1. Three phase fully controlled (6 pulse)

2. Six phase fully controlled (12 pulse)

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Application Note
MGS Diesel Generator Set Series
Publication No. : MGSB-GENE-STD-002 Rev. 0
Date of Issue : 19th.Jan. 2002 Page. 35


The level of harmonic voltage distortion on a system can be considered to be the

result of the following:
1. A product of the source impedance of the supply, and for a generator this is
quantified as the value of the Gens sub-transient reactance; Xd.
2. The amount of distorting Non Linear Load to be supplied identified in kVA.
3. The characteristics of the current taken by the N.L.Load, described by the
NLLoads number of pulses and the current harmonic distortion; THD % .

The following formula can be used in order to calculate the harmonic voltage
distortion by considering each individual harmonic number, although this is
usually restricted to 5th, 7th 11th, 13th, 17th, 19th 23rd, 25th.

Vn = I n . Xd p.u. Vn - Harmonic Voltage

I - Harmonic Current
n - Harmonic Number
Xd - Sub-transient Reactance
Example : A 7 harmonic current equal to 0.1 p.u. [ or 10%] rated current
supplied from a generator having a mean sub-transient reactance of 0.12 p.u. will
produce a 7th harmonic voltage of : 7 x 0.1 x 0.12 = 0.084 p.u. (8.4%
of rated voltage).

The individual harmonic voltage distortion levels can be established by performing

this calculation for the p.u. current associated with each harmonic number.

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Application Note
MGS Diesel Generator Set Series
Publication No. : MGSB-GENE-STD-002 Rev. 0
Date of Issue : 19th.Jan. 2002 Page. 45

The Total Harmonic Voltage Distortion [THD] is then calculated by establishing

the square root of the sum of the squares of these individual Voltage harmonics.

It is then necessary to introduce a K factor to take into account the number of

pulses of the NLL equipment, and so the resulting pattern of the current harmonic
levels and how they are distributed against the harmonic numbers must be taken
into account.
For 6 pulse equipment K = 1
For 12 pulse equipment K = 0.5
The level of harmonic Voltage distortion, from the Square root of the sum of the
squares calculation is then multiplied by the K factor to predict the typical
harmonic voltage distortion on the Generator supplied NLL system.

Reducing the Harmonic Voltage Distortion %

To reduce the harmonic voltage distortion the following options can be considered.
Reduce the source impedance of the supply, which in effect means reducing the
value of the generators sub-transient reactance [ Xd ]. This can be achieved by
using special windings within the generator, or staying with the standard winding
design [eg; wdg 311] but then choosing a bigger generator.
Reduce the loads Harmonic Current Distortion %. by use of a harmonic filter unit,
but now care needs to be taken with the possibility of leading p.f. kVAr
Change the NLLoad unit from 6 to 12 pulse, or consider some of the new
technology power electronic packages that have minimal input harmonic current
distortion by switching design.

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Application Note
MGS Diesel Generator Set Series
Publication No. : MGSB-GENE-STD-002 Rev. 0
Date of Issue : 19th.Jan. 2002 Page. 55

6 pulse NLLoads
Considering the KVA values at the shown Xd% for reference against expectations of harmonic
V.dist% for NLLoads, Winding 311/312 only.
Volts 380 V 380 V 380 V 400 V 400 V 400 V 415 V 415 V 415 V 440 V 440 V 440 V
3 Phase
X"d 12% 5.3% 3.5% 12% 5.3% 3.5% 12% 5.3% 3.5% 12% 5.3% 3.5%
MG-HC4D 253 112 74 272 120 79 295 130 86 336 149 98
MG-HC4F 380 168 111 414 183 121 456 202 133 507 224 148

MG-HC5C 415 183 121 450 199 131 491 217 143 540 239 158
MG-HC5D 545 241 159 600 265 175 667 295 195 750 332 219
MG-HC5E 600 265 175 654 289 191 720 318 210 800 354 234
MG-HC5F 731 323 213 804 355 235 893 395 261 975 431 285

MG-HC6G 533 236 155 600 265 175 640 283 187 738 326 215
MG-HC6H 607 268 177 682 301 199 728 322 213 808 357 236
MG-HC6J 706 312 205 800 354 234 857 379 250 1000 442 292
MG-HC6K 832 368 242 951 420 278 1024 453 299 1110 491 324

MG-HC7E 833 368 242 932 412 272 990 438 289 1131 500 330
MG-HC7F 1000 442 291 1125 497 329 1200 530 350 1348 596 394
MG-HC7G 1270 561 370 1440 636 420 1543 682 451 1800 796 526
MG-HC7H 1714 758 499 1846 816 539 2000 884 584 2182 964 637

Volts 416 V 416 V 416 V 440 V 440 V 440 V 460 V 460 V 460 V 480 V 480 V 480 V
3 Phase
X"d 12% 5.3% 3.5% 12% 5.3% 3.5% 12% 5.3% 3.5% 12% 5.3% 3.5%
MG-HC4D 270 119 79 300 133 88 335 148 98 346 153 101
MG-HC4F 410 181 120 456 202 133 505 223 147 570 252 166

MG-HC5C 485 214 142 550 243 161 581 257 170 648 286 189
MG-HC5D 575 254 168 648 286 189 682 301 199 773 342 226
MG-HC5E 681 301 199 778 344 227 797 352 233 900 398 263
MG-HC5F 805 356 235 930 411 272 960 424 280 1100 486 321

MG-HC6G 500 221 146 555 245 162 608 269 178 667 295 195
MG-HC6H 647 286 189 709 313 207 759 335 222 844 373 246
MG-HC6J 726 321 212 800 354 234 882 390 258 975 431 285
MG-HC6K 850 376 248 944 417 276 1041 460 304 1150 508 336

MG-HC7E 857 379 250 979 433 286 1059 468 309 1147 507 335
MG-HC7F 1066 471 311 1183 523 345 1288 569 376 1406 621 411
MG-HC7G 1303 576 380 1442 637 421 1562 690 456 1711 756 500
MG-HC7H 1588 702 464 1781 787 520 2000 884 584 2143 947 626



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