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Structural Analysis of Softronic Support

June 2015 Rev. 1


(a) EN 12663-part2 (freight wagons)



The aim of this analysis is to verify the safety of aluminium (Al 6082-
T6) Support of a Cabinet for freight wagons for the Customer
'Movinter Sistemi'.
The analysis is performed i.a.w. the applicable structural standards
EN 12663-part .
The subject is formally defined in the par. 3.2 of the standard EN
The structural analysis is performed both static and fatigue.

Al 6082 -T6
m: 310Mpa
02:260 Mpa
a: 76 Mpa
Specific weight=2,7 g/cm^3

The Support geometrical model is imported from CAD3D and

simplified as follows:

chamfer and radius of small size are removed except the ones
relevant for stress concentration;

bolted connections are removed and related surfaces are joined

together by mesh equivalence, except when the bolt stiffness is
not negligible for the model analysis

weldings are patterned by mesh continuity

parts not relevant for structural purposes are replaced by

element with concentrated inertia parameters
Model description

Geometry is mainly patterned using 3D HEXA (3D WEDGE where

necessary) and 2D QUAD4 (2D TRIA3 where necessary).
A 0D MASS which includes Cabinet and Load weight (1950 kg) is
placed in the geometrical center. The coord system is placed here
as well, i.a.w. standard EN12663-part2 par.4.
Each assembly is joined on the 0D MASS element using MPC REB2.
Part MS1017_880

Patterned using 3D HEXA (3D WEDGE where necessary) and 2D

QUAD4 (2D TRIA3 where necessary).
Part MS1017_687

Patterned using 2D QUAD4 (2D TRIA3 where necessary).

Part Block

Patterned using 3D HEXA (3D WEDGE where necessary)

Part MS1017_882

Patterned using 3D HEXA (3D WEDGE where necessary)


Constraints on the d.o.f. above the interface nodes of part MS1017_882

Load cases
Gudelines for the static structural analysis are reported on par. of reference(a),
which considers the following load cases:
Load case acceleration

x+ 5gx

x- -5gx

y+ gy

y- -gy

z+ 1.5gz

z- 0.5gz

x+,z+ 5gx ,1.5gz

x+,z- -5gx ,1.5gz

x-,z+ 5gx ,0.5gz

x-,z- -5gx ,0.5gz

y+,z+ gy ,1.5gz

y+,z- gy ,0.5gz

y-,z+ -gy ,1.5gz

y-,z- -gy ,0.5gz

Static Structural Analysis: displacement
Load Case: x+
Static Structural Analysis: displacement
Load case: x-
Static Structural Analysis: displacement
Load case: y+
Static Structural Analysis: displacement
Load case: y-
Static Structural Analysis: displacement
Load case: z+
Static Structural Analysis: displacement
Load case: z-
Static Structural Analysis: displacement
Load case: x+,z+
Static Structural Analysis: displacement
Load case: x+,z-
Static Structural Analysis: displacement
Load case: x-,z+
Static Structural Analysis: displacement
Load case: x-,z-
Static Structural Analysis: displacement
Load case: y+
Static Structural Analysis: displacement
Load case: y-
Static Structural Analysis: displacement
Load case: y+,z+
Static Structural Analysis: displacement
Load case: y+,z-
Static Structural Analysis: displacement
Load case: y-,z+
Static Structural Analysis: displacement
Load case: y-,z-
Static Structural Analysis: stress
Load case: x+
Static Structural Analysis: stress
Load case: x-
Static Structural Analysis: stress
Load case: x+,z+
Static Structural Analysis: stress
Load case: x+,z-
Static Structural Analysis: stress
Load case: x-,z+
Static Structural Analysis: stress
Load case: x-,z-
Static Structural Analysis: stress
Load case: y+
Static Structural Analysis: stress
Load case: y-
Static Structural Analysis: stress
Load case: y+,z+
Static Structural Analysis: stress
Load case: y+,z-
Static Structural Analysis: stress
Load case: y-,z+
Static Structural Analysis: stress
Load case: z+
Static Structural Analysis: stress
Load case: z-
Static Structural Analysis: stress
Stress peak, Load cases x+,z+ ; x-,z+

Stress reserve 62%

Static Structural Analysis: stress
Stress peak, Load cases x+,z+ ; x-,z+
part MS1017_882
Static Structural Analysis: stress
Stress peak, Load cases x+,z+ ; x-,z+
part Block
Static Structural Analysis: stress
Stress peak, Load cases x+,z+ ; x-,z+
part MS1017_687
Static Structural Analysis: stress
Stress peak, Load cases x+,z+ ; x-,z+
part MS1017_880
Static Structural Analysis: bolted
Bolted connections
Loads on bolted connections are extracted from the FEM model using freebody
feature. The analysis is performed reference (b).
Results for bolted connections are shown in the following table .

Bolted connection Shear Normal Force[N] Operative Safety

Force[N] (from FEM) Margin
(form FEM)
2xScrew SHCS M10x25 4197 653 1.02

Countersunk Screw M10x25 2727 2685 0.21

2xCountersunk Screw M10x70 3123 5178 0.56

Threaded Rod M16x70 4708 2703 0.34

Fatigue Structural Analysis
Load cases
Fatigue analysis are referred to par., whose its Load Cases are shown in
the following table

Load Case acceleration

x+ 0.3gx

x- -0.3gx

y+ 0.4gy

y- -0.4gy

z+ 1.3gz

z- 0.7gz
Fatigue Structural Analysis: stress
Load case: x+
Fatigue Structural Analysis: stress
Load case: x-
Fatigue Structural Analysis: stress
Load case: y+
Fatigue Structural Analysis: stress
Load case: y-
Fatigue Structural Analysis: stress
Load case: z+
Fatigue Structural Analysis: stress
Load case: z-
Fatigue Structural Analysis: stress
Cumulative damage analysis (Miner's rule)
The partial cumulative damage wi is computed using peak stresses
from each FEA Load Case results. As recommend on par. of
reference (a), 107 cycles ni are utilized for the computation of each wi.
The safety for infinite life is garanteed if wi<1

Load Case ai[Mpa] ni wi

(from FEM)

x+ 6,8 107 1,54e-04

x- 6,8 107 1,54e-04

y+ 2,5 107 1,25e-06

y- 2,5 107 1,25e-06

z+ 12,7 107 5,19e-03

z- 8,86 107 5,68e-04


The static stress analysis shows a peak of 98 Mpa on combined load

cases x+z+ and x-z+, that are the worst load cases in terms of
inertial loads. The stress residual is 62%.

Bolted connections are analytically verified using forces from FEA. All
of Operative Safety Margins are positive.

The fatigue stress analysis shows an infinite life for the subject.
METODI Progetti s.r.l. Via Stella 51 B Loano, (SV) 17025
T +39 019692719 F +39 019681053

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