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Developing Control of Prana is the most important factor for advanced Kriya Practices...Without full control of Prana, you cannot advance in Kriya Yoga... Copyright © 2017 by Rangin Mukherjee. All ghts reserved “This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or ‘sed in any manner whatsoever without tho express rita petiision ofthe publisher with the exception of short. ‘quotations usa in eanjaneion with a book eve Fir edition Rangin Mukherjee Kolkata INDIA. See sor criginalisiya.com for more information about the uthor and the book. Original Kriya Yoga Step-by-Step Guide to Salvation Vol. II - Advanced Practices & Techniques Acknowledgements ‘The following people provided valuable ed and advice on the compilation and publication ofthis book, including translation, correction, editing, promotion and final publicetion Mr. Chris Tar, Dr James Glen Dening, Dr. (Mrs: Chritine ening, Me. Ennio Nimis Me. Jn Roberts, Me, Bablon DMekenty, Mr. Sharath Jakob, Sis. D Gopal Sui Mr. Semi Brine, Mr. Sarath Jakob, Mi. Kevin Hoshang, Mr. Andre Vas

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