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1. Which memory technology is used on the SPARC M7 systems?

Mark for Review

DDR4 (*)

2. Which product classification does the SPARC M7 fall unde

r? Mark for Review

x86-based server
Entry-level server
Telco system
High-end Server (*)

3. Which optional software can be installed on the SPARC M7

systems to perform system management? Mark for Review

Oracle ILOM
Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center (*)
Oracle VM Server for SPARC

4. What is a key characteristic that is new about the SPARC

M7 processor? Mark for Review

32 cores (*)
3 threads per core
On-chip memory controllers
3 cache levels

5. Where in the CMIOU does the PCIe root complex originate?

Mark for Review

M7 processor
IOH (Mystic River) (*)

6. was added to Oracle ILOM to support SPPs and redundant service processor
s? Mark for Review

guest manager
extensions (*)
7. How many physical PCIe card slots are there per M7 proce
ssor? Mark for Review

3 (*)

8. What is a key difference in the PCIe implementation on t

he SPARC M6-32 versus the SPARC M7? Mark for Review

Number of PCIe slots available

PCIe generation 3 versus 4
PCIe slots support 16 lanes versus 8 lanes
Each CMIOU has its own PCIe slots versus the IOUs used on the SPARC M6-3
2 (*)

9. Which optional software can be installed on the SPARC M7

systems to create and manage LDOMs? Mark for Review

Oracle ILOM
Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center
Oracle VM Server for SPARC (*)

10. Which three statements are true about PDoms and LDoms?
Mark for Review
(Choose all correct answers)

PDoms are defined by the interconnect cabling used (*)

Oracle VM Server for SPARC is needed to be able to create LDOms (*)
PDom is a physical domain and Ldom is a logical domain (*)
Pdom stands for Pedabyte domain
Ldoms cannot be configured as hard partitions for software licensing pur

11. Which component connects the two CMIOU chassis together

using SLINKs on a SPARC M7-16? Mark for Review

SP chassis
interconnect chassis
switch chassis (*)
Another CMIOU chassis

12. Which component contains the Oracle ILOM management soft

ware? Mark for Review
switch unit
SP (*)

13. Which type of disk is used in a NVME implementation?

Mark for Review

SSD (*)
USB flash disk

14. . Which processor-to-processor interconnectivity technol

ogy is used to connect between the CMIOUs in a SPARC M7-8? Mark for Review

Scalability links
Coherency links (*)
I/O links
memory channels

15. Which is the key management tool that comes pre-installe

d on the SPARC M7 systems? Mark for Review

Oracle ILOM (*)

Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center
Oracle VM Server for SPARC

16. After completing the installation, you need to collect the system's conf
iguration. What two actions do you perform? Mark for Review
(Choose all correct answers)

Explorer on the Pdoms (*)

Explorer on the SPs
Snapshot on the SPs (*)
Snapshot on the Pdoms

17. Which three statements are prerequisites for powering on

HOST0? Mark for Review
(3) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

HOST0 must have at least one DCU assigned to it. (*)

HOST0 must currently be powered off. (*)
keyswitch must be set to Normal.
keywitch must be set to Locked.
There must be suffucuent resources assigned to HOST0. (*)
Incorrect Sorry, that is not correct. Please review the SPARC M7 S
erver Hardware Support Class content and try again.
18. A customer asks you to create a user account for a night
-shift employee to be able to monitor the system but to nothing else. Which priv
ilege do you assign to this user? Mark for Review

read-only operator (o) (*)

user (u)
console (c )
administrator (a)
Incorrect Sorry, that is not correct. Please review the SPARC M7 S
erver Hardware Support Class content and try again.
19. You're very familiar with ILOM on the T5-8 servers, but
notice that there are two targets that are new to you in ILOM on the SPARC M7 se
rvers? Which are they? Mark for Review
(Choose all correct answers)

/System (*)
/Servers (*)
Incorrect Sorry, that is not correct. Please review the SPARC M7 S
erver Hardware Support Class content and try again.
20. During the initial installation of the M7 server, you no
tice that the SP NET MGT interface is not available. Which option represents a p
ossible reason for this? Mark for Review

The SPARC M7 does not use the SP NET MGT interface.

The network does not use DHCP. (*)
It must be connected to a Gigabit network.
Oracle ILOM is down.
Incorrect Sorry, that is not correct. Please review the SPARC M7 S
erver Hardware Support Class content and try again.
21. You need to find the system's serial number to open a service call. What
command do you run to see it? Mark for Review

show /System model

show /SP network
show /SP hostname
show /System serial_number (*)
Incorrect Sorry, that is not correct. Please review the SPARC M7 S
erver Hardware Support Class content and try again.
22. You are ready to run SunVTS against the SPARC M7 platfor
m. Which command do you use to verify that it is installed? Mark for Review
pkg install system/test/sunvts
pkg list sunvts
pkg list entire sunvts
pkg list system/test/sunvts (*)
Incorrect Sorry, that is not correct. Please review the SPARC M7 S
erver Hardware Support Class content and try again.
23. You want to start /HOST0 but, by accident, you hit Enter
after typing start /HOST. Which option best represents the outcome of this?
Mark for Review

The start command gives an error.

The start command gets applied to all HOSTs in the system.
The start command defaults to HOST0 if you do not specify a HOST number.
The start command lists all of the HOSTs and asks you which one you want
to start.

24. Before you can perform a firmware upgrade, you must firs
t check the keyswitch property for each host. What must it be set to for the fir
mware upgrade to work? Mark for Review

Normal (*)
Incorrect Sorry, that is not correct. Please review the SPARC M7 S
erver Hardware Support Class content and try again.
25. Based on this output, what version of firmware is this c
ustomer running? System_fw_version = Sun System Firmware 10.1.3.e 2015/01/15 08:
53 Mark for Review

10.1.3.e (*)

26. You attempt to add an Oracle ILOM user account but it fails. Which optio
n represents a possible reason for the failure? Mark for Review

You need to add SSH keys to the system before creating user accounts.
You do not have the host control role enabled.
You do not have the user management role enabled. (*)
You have exceeded the maximum number of 20 user accounts.

27. Which of the following can be roles of a logical domain?

Mark for Review
(3) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

Control Domain (*)

Service Domain (*)
I/O Domain (*)
CPU Domain
Incorrect Sorry, that is not correct. Please review the SPARC M7 S
erver Hardware Support Class content and try again.
28. What enforces the partitioning of the server's resources
in the Ldoms? Mark for Review

Hypervisor (*)

29. You need to set auto-boot? To false for the test domain
that you just created. Which command do you run? Mark for Review

ldm set-var auto-boot=true test

ldm set-auto-boot\?=true test
ldm set-var auto-boot\?=true test (*)
ldm set auto-boot\?=true test
Incorrect Sorry, that is not correct. Please review the SPARC M7 S
erver Hardware Support Class content and try again.
30. Before you can configure the service procesors, which th
ree pieces of network information do you need from the customer? Mark fo
r Review
(3) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

SP0 IP address (*)

Domain IP address
SP1 IP address (*)
Clock board IP address
Active SP IP address (*)
Incorrect Sorry, that is not correct. Please review the SPARC M7 S
erver Hardware Support Class content and try again.
31. Which command would you run to switch the ACTIVE_SP responsibilities?
Mark for Review

set /SP/redundancy failover=on

set /SP failover=true
set /SP/redundancy initiate_failover_action=true (*)
set SP_failover=true

32. Which three components require IP addresses when you con

figure the SP network? Mark for Review
(3) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

SP0 (*)
SP1 (*)

33. You are traveling to the customer's site with a new repl
acement part. What should you have with you to help prevent electrostatic discha
rge (ESD) from damaging the new part? Mark for Review

antistatic wrist strap (*)
torque wrence
steel-toe shoes

34. You want to assign 12 virtual CPUs to the control domain

. Which command do you run? Mark for Review

ldm set-vcpu 12 control

ldm set-vcpu 12 primary (*)
ldm assign-vcpu 12 control
ldm assign-vcpu 12 primary
Incorrect Sorry, that is not correct. Please review the SPARC M7 S
erver Hardware Support Class content and try again.
35. You have powered-on HOST3 and want to verify its current
status. Which two commands would give you that output? Mark for Review
(Choose all correct answers)

show /Servers/Pdomains/Pdomain_1/HOST status

show /Servers/Pdomains/Pdomain_3/HOST status (*)
show status /Servers/Pdomains/Pdomain_3/HOST
show /Servers/Pdomains/Pdomain_3/HOST status_detail (*)
Incorrect Sorry, that is not correct. Please review the SPARC M7 S
erver Hardware Support Class content and try again.
36. Which Oracle Solaris command performs an Explorer data collection and pu
ts the data in a default file? Mark for Review

/opt/SUNWexplo/bin/explorer -g (*)
set /SP/diag/snapshot dataset=normal
SPset /SP/logs/event/list
/opt/SUNWexplo/bin/explorer/collect >file

37. Which Fault Management command is used to display any cu

rrent system issues or errors? Mark for Review

fmadm errors
fmadm faulty (*)
fma status
fma errors

38. Which Oracle ILOM command do you perform to display the

host's console history? Mark for Review

display /SP/logs/console/history
show /HOSTx/console/history (*)
show /SP/logs/console/history
display /HOSTx/console/history

39. Which Oracle ILOM command do you perform to transfer an

ILOM state file to a remote server directory named data? Mark for Review

config /SP/diag/snapshot dump_uri=ftp://username:mypasswd@host-ip-addres

set /SP/diag/snapshot dump_uri=ftp://username:mypasswd@host-ip-address/d
ata (*)
set /SP/diag/state dump_uri=ftp://username:mypasswd@host-ip-address/data
config /SP/diag/state dump_uri=ftp://username:mypasswd@host-ip-address/d

40. Which Oracle ILOM command do you perform to capture the

Oracle ILOM state? Mark for Review

set /SP/diag/snapshot dataset=normal (*)

config /SP/diag/state dataset=normal
set /SP/diag/state dataset=normal
config /SP/diag/snapshot dataset=normal

41. Which component requires the CMIOU chassis to be powered down before it
can be replaced? Mark for Review

Fan module
interconnect cable (*)
Power Supply

42. Which component cannot be replaced in the field?

Mark for Review

interconnect cable
IOH (*)

43. Which component is a CRU on the SPARC M7 systems?

Mark for Review

PSU Backplane
PCIe board (*)
interconnect cable

44. Which Oracle ILOM command do you perform to display its

event logs? Mark for Review

show /SP/logs/event/list (*)

display log list
show log list
display /SP/logs/event/list

45. Where is the system serial number located physically on

the M7? Mark for Review

Front of the chassis (*)

Top of the chassis
Rear of the chassis
Bottom of the chassis

46. Which transport mechanism can be used to transfer a Explorer fil

e back to Oracle? Mark for Review

Oracle Configuration Manager
All the options listed can be used (*)
Diagnostic Assistant

47. Which type of Oracle ILOM log should you display to view
user logins/logouts, configuration changes and password changes? Mark fo
r Review

event logs
audit logs (*)
bootup logs
diagnostic logs

48. In addition to the installation guide, what else can you

use assist you with FRU replacement and where are they found? Mark for Review
(3) Points

VCAPS, documentation library

administration guide, documentation library
VCAPS, Oracle System Handbook (*)
service guide, documentation library

49. Where within the Oracle ILOM BUI do you set remote loggi
ng? Mark for Review

User Management -> Alerts

User Management -> Syslog
Notifications ->Alerts
Notifications -> Syslog (*)

50. Which tool, which comes in the STB, can be used to colle
ct all system status and error information and sent to remote server? Mark fo
r Review

Oracle Status Collector

Oracle System Summary
Oracle Diagnostics
Oracle Explorer Data Collector (*)

51. How do you display the serial number on a SPARC M7 system? Mark fo
r Review

Open the BIOS Specifications page

Open BIOS Introduction page
Perform the Solaris command "display serial_number"
Perform ILOM command "show /System serial_number" (*)

52. Which Oracle ILOM command displays the log audit list?
Mark for Review

show /SP/logs/audit/list (*)

display audit_list
show audit_list
display /SP/logs/audit/list

53. Which logging protocol is used in Oracle ILOM for remote

logging? Mark for Review

syslog (*)
54. Which Oracle ILOM BUI page is used to manage event logs?
Mark for Review

System Logs -> Event Logs

ILOM Administration -> Logs->Event Logs (*)
User Management -> Event Logs
ILOM Administration -> Logs->Audit

55. Which Fault Management command is used to clear a hardwa

re error once the FRU has been replaced, if needed? Mark for Review

fma replaced
fmadm replaced (*)
fma repaired
fmadm repaired

56. Put in CMIOU Chassis Front Components image (slide 37, les 2) What is #
2 pointing to on the front of the CMIOU chassis? Mark for Review

front indicator panel

power supplies
SP interconnect
fan modules (*)

57. Which requires the server to be powered down before comp

onent replacement? Mark for Review

Field replaceable units

Hot service
Cold service (*)
Warm service

58. Which ASIC is the I/O Controller in the SPARC M7 servers

? Mark for Review

Mystic River (*)

59. What does the saying "No IO Reconfiguration" mean in the

SPARC M7 servers? Mark for Review
(Choose all correct answers)

The fabric remains unchanged if a CMT node is added or removed. (*)

Only select IO cards are supported.
You cannot change IO cards in the M7 servers.
There is no longer a need for the "pci device paths" to change based on
what processors are present. (*)

60. Which of the following components can be replaced by the

customer? Mark for Review

Fan module (*)

Fan cable assembly
Front indicator panel

61. Which of the following components is only replaceable by authori

zed service personnel? Mark for Review

Power modules (*)

Power supplies
PCIe cards

62. Put in Switch Chassis Front Components image (slide 39,

les 2) What is # 4 pointing to on the front of the switch chassis? Mark fo
r Review

external interconnects
front indicator panel
power supplies (*)

63. Which command verifies that the Ready to Remove LED is l

it? Mark for Review

show /System LEDs

show /System/ready_to_remove status
show /System/target_name health (*)
show /SP/status

64. How many cores are in a M7 processor? Mark for Review

32 (*)

65. When replacing memory on a CMIOU board, what two rules m

ust you follow? Mark for Review
(Choose all correct answers)

DIMM density on the CMIOU board must be the same. (*)

DIMMs can be different sizes on the same CMIOU board.
DIMM slots must be fully populated. (*)
DIMMs can be populated in 1/4, 1/2 or full.

66. Which command would you execute to return a component to service?

Mark for Review

power-on target_name
set /System/HOST power_on=true
set /System/target_name power_on=true
set /System/target_name action=return_to_service (*)

67. Before replacing a service processor, what should you do

? Mark for Review

Save the SP configuration using the Oracle ILOM backup utility. (*)
Shut down all of the Pdoms.
Reboot the system.
Power down the server.

68. In the SPARC M7-16 server, which CMIOUs are assigned to

DCU1? Mark for Review


69. You are at the customer site with a replacement fan modu
le. What three things do you need to do when removing the faulty fan module from
the CMIOU chassis? Mark for Review
(3) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

Push the green button on the handle of the fan module. (*)
Determine which fan module requires service by looking at the fan module
LEDs. (*)
Use a grounding strap to protect the fan module from ESD damage. (*)
Pull down on the green lever of the fan module.

70. What is the switch chassis used for? Mark for Review

To connect two M7-16 servers together.

As a private interconnect for Oracle SuperCluster.
To connect two CMIOU chassis together in a M7-16 server. (*)
To provide network connectivity for a M7-8 server.

71. Which of the following is NOT one of the rules for preventing ESD damage
? Mark for Review

Make sure your grounding straps are not in contact with your skin. (*)
Handle electronic components only when you are properly grounded
Keep items away from electronic components
Store and transport ESD-sensitive items in static-shielding containers

72. Which of the following descriptions best defines ESD?

Mark for Review

The sudden transfer, or discharge, of electricity from one object to ano

ther. (*)
Damage to system components due to the use of an incorrect power supply
The ability of a part to withstand a static charge without failure.
The failure of an item that would result in failure of the system.

73. Standing up can generate up to 1,400 volts. Mark fo

r Review

True (*)

74. The leading cause of semiconductor failure is due to?

Mark for Review

Incorrect power supply used with the system

The increased use of 45nm technology in manufacturing semiconductors
Damage during shipments
Electrostatic discharge (*)

75. Why are ESD "soft failures" the most serious type of fai
lures? Mark for Review

They represent 60% of failures

They represent 40% of all failures
The damage is immediate and easily detected
The damage is not immediately noticed or detected (*)
1. Which product classification does the SPARC M7 f
all under? Mark for Review
x86-based server
Entry-level server
Telco system
High-end Server (*)
2. Which type of disk is used in a NVME implementation?
Mark for Review
SSD (*)
USB flash disk

3. How many physical PCIe card slots are there per M7 proce
ssor? Mark for Review
3 (*)

4. Which management tool provides a discovery window to fin

d the server within a network? Mark for Review
Oracle ILOM
Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center (*)
Oracle VM Server for SPARC

5. was added to Oracle ILOM to support SPPs and redundant s

ervice processors? Mark for Review
guest manager
extensions (*)
6. How many levels does the new Oracle ILOM simplified data
model have? Mark for Review
3 (*)

7. How many PCIe cards are supported a fully populated the

SPARC M7-8? Mark for Review
24 (*)

8. Which term is used to describe a logical server that run

s its own OS? Mark for Review
LDOM (*)

9. What is a key difference in the PCIe implementation on t

he SPARC M6-32 versus the SPARC M7? Mark for Review
Number of PCIe slots available
PCIe generation 3 versus 4
PCIe slots support 16 lanes versus 8 lanes
Each CMIOU has its own PCIe slots versus the IOUs used on the SPARC M6-3
2 (*)

10. Which three statements are true about PDoms and LDoms?
Mark for Review (Choose all correct answers)
PDoms are defined by the interconnect cabling used (*)
Oracle VM Server for SPARC is needed to be able to create LDOms (*)
PDom is a physical domain and Ldom is a logical domain (*)
Pdom stands for Pedabyte domain
Ldoms cannot be configured as hard partitions for software licensing pur

11. Which component contains the M7 processor? Mark fo

r Review
SP tray
switch unit

12. . Which processor-to-processor interconnectivity technol

ogy is used to connect between the CMIOUs in a SPARC M7-8? Mark for Review
Scalability links
Coherency links (*)
I/O links
memory channels

13. Which optional software can be installed on the SPARC M7

systems to create and manage LDOMs? Mark for Review
Oracle ILOM
Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center
Oracle VM Server for SPARC (*)

14. Which component contains the Oracle ILOM management soft

ware? Mark for Review
switch unit
SP (*)

15. Which generation of the PCIe interconnect is supported b

y the SPARC M7 systems? Mark for Review
3 (*)

16. Based on this output, what version of firmware is this c

ustomer running? System_fw_version = Sun System Firmware 10.1.3.e 2015/01/15 08:
53 Mark for Review
10.1.3.e (*)

17. You attempt to add an Oracle ILOM user account but it fa

ils. Which option represents a possible reason for the failure? Mark for Review
You need to add SSH keys to the system before creating user accounts.
You do not have the host control role enabled.
You do not have the user management role enabled. (*)
You have exceeded the maximum number of 20 user accounts.

18. You need to find the system's serial number to open a se

rvice call. What command do you run to see it? Mark for Review
show /System model
show /SP network
show /SP hostname
show /System serial_number (*)

19. Which three statements are prerequisites for powering on

HOST0? Mark for Review
(Choose all correct answers)
HOST0 must have at least one DCU assigned to it. (*)
HOST0 must currently be powered off. (*)
keyswitch must be set to Normal.
keywitch must be set to Locked.
There must be suffucuent resources assigned to HOST0. (*)

20. You want to assign 12 virtual CPUs to the control domain

. Which command do you run? Mark for Review
ldm set-vcpu 12 control
ldm set-vcpu 12 primary (*)
ldm assign-vcpu 12 control
ldm assign-vcpu 12 primary
21. Before you can configure the service procesors, which th
ree pieces of network information do you need from the customer? Mark fo
r Review
(Choose all correct answers)
SP0 IP address (*)
Domain IP address
SP1 IP address (*)
Clock board IP address
Active SP IP address (*)

22. You want to start /HOST0 but, by accident, you hit Enter
after typing start /HOST. Which option best represents the outcome of this?
Mark for Review
The start command gives an error.
The start command gets applied to all HOSTs in the system.
The start command defaults to HOST0 if you do not specify a HOST number.
The start command lists all of the HOSTs and asks you which one you want
to start.

23. You need to set auto-boot? To false for the test domain
that you just created. Which command do you run? Mark for Review
ldm set-var auto-boot=true test
ldm set-auto-boot\?=true test
ldm set-var auto-boot\?=true test (*)
ldm set auto-boot\?=true test

24. You are ready to create a logical domain called test. Wh

ich command do you execute? Mark for Review
ldm add-domain test (*)
ldm create-domain test
ldm set-domain test
ldm add-logical-domain test

25. The customer has finished running their tests on the tes
t domain and would like you to remove it. What command do you run to do that?
Mark for Review
ldm rm-domain test (*)
ldm rm-ldom test
ldm remove-domain test
ldm remove-ldom test

26. Multiple people are working on a server. You power-on HO

ST1 and it sits for a few minutes with no messages before starting and then runn
ing. Which option represents a possible reason for this? Mark for Review
Another HOST is going through POST. (*)
Your firmware is not up to date.
The HOST does not meet the minimum configuration requirements.
There is a lot of activity on the server.

27. You're very familiar with ILOM on the T5-8 servers, but
notice that there are two targets that are new to you in ILOM on the SPARC M7 se
rvers? Which are they? Mark for Review
(Choose all correct answers)
/System (*)
/Servers (*)

28. Which command would you run to switch the ACTIVE_SP resp
onsibilities? Mark for Review
set /SP/redundancy failover=on
set /SP failover=true
set /SP/redundancy initiate_failover_action=true (*)
set SP_failover=true

29. Before you can perform a firmware upgrade, you must firs
t check the keyswitch property for each host. What must it be set to for the fir
mware upgrade to work? Mark for Review
Normal (*)

30. You have powered-on HOST3 and want to verify its current
status. Which two commands would give you that output? Mark for Review
(Choose all correct answers)
show /Servers/Pdomains/Pdomain_1/HOST status
show /Servers/Pdomains/Pdomain_3/HOST status (*)
show status /Servers/Pdomains/Pdomain_3/HOST
show /Servers/Pdomains/Pdomain_3/HOST status_detail (*)

31. During the initial installation of the M7 server, you no

tice that the SP NET MGT interface is not available. Which option represents a p
ossible reason for this? Mark for Review
The SPARC M7 does not use the SP NET MGT interface.
The network does not use DHCP. (*)
It must be connected to a Gigabit network.
Oracle ILOM is down.

32. What enforces the partitioning of the server's resources

in the Ldoms? Mark for Review
Hypervisor (*)

33. Which of the following can be roles of a logical domain?

Mark for Review
(3) Points (Choose all correct answers)
Control Domain (*)
Service Domain (*)
I/O Domain (*)
CPU Domain

34. You are traveling to the customer's site with a new repl
acement part. What should you have with you to help prevent electrostatic discha
rge (ESD) from damaging the new part? Mark for Review
antistatic wrist strap (*)
torque wrence
steel-toe shoes
35. You are ready to run SunVTS against the SPARC M7 platfor
m. Which command do you use to verify that it is installed? Mark for Review
pkg install system/test/sunvts
pkg list sunvts
pkg list entire sunvts
pkg list system/test/sunvts (*)
36. Where is the system serial number located physically on
the M7? Mark for Review
Front of the chassis (*)
Top of the chassis
Bottom of the chassis
Rear of the chassis

37. Which logging protocol is used in Oracle ILOM for remote

logging? Mark for Review
syslog (*)

38. Where within the Oracle ILOM BUI do you set remote loggi
ng? Mark for Review
User Management -> Syslog
User Management -> Alerts
Notifications ->Alerts
Notifications -> Syslog (*)

39. Which component is a CRU on the SPARC M7 systems?

Mark for Review
interconnect cable
PCIe board (*)
PSU Backplane

40. Which Oracle Solaris command performs an Explorer data c

ollection and puts the data in a default file? Mark for Review
/opt/SUNWexplo/bin/explorer/collect >file
/opt/SUNWexplo/bin/explorer -g (*)
set /SP/diag/snapshot dataset=normal
SPset /SP/logs/event/list

41. Which Oracle ILOM command displays the log audit list?
Mark for Review
show /SP/logs/audit/list (*)
display /SP/logs/audit/list
display audit_list
show audit_list

42. Which Oracle ILOM command do you perform to display the

host's console history? Mark for Review
display /SP/logs/console/history
show /SP/logs/console/history
display /HOSTx/console/history
show /HOSTx/console/history (*)
43. Which Oracle ILOM BUI page is used to manage event logs?
Mark for Review
ILOM Administration -> Logs->Audit
ILOM Administration -> Logs->Event Logs (*)
System Logs -> Event Logs
User Management -> Event Logs

44. Which type of Oracle ILOM log should you display to view
user logins/logouts, configuration changes and password changes? Mark fo
r Review
bootup logs
event logs
diagnostic logs
audit logs (*)

45. Which transport mechanism can be used to transfer a Expl

orer file back to Oracle? Mark for Review
Oracle Configuration Manager
Diagnostic Assistant
All the options listed can be used (*)

46. Which Oracle ILOM command do you perform to display its

event logs? Mark for Review
display log list
display /SP/logs/event/list
show log list
show /SP/logs/event/list (*)

47. How do you display the serial number on a SPARC M7 syste

m? Mark for Review
Open the BIOS Specifications page
Perform ILOM command "show /System serial_number" (*)
Perform the Solaris command "display serial_number"
Open BIOS Introduction page

48. Which Fault Management command is used to clear a hardwa

re error once the FRU has been replaced, if needed? Mark for Review
fma repaired
fmadm replaced (*)
fma replaced
fmadm repaired

49. Which Fault Management command is used to display any cu

rrent system issues or errors? Mark for Review
fmadm faulty (*)
fma errors
fma status
fmadm errors
50. Which Oracle ILOM command do you perform to capture the
Oracle ILOM state? Mark for Review
set /SP/diag/state dataset=normal
set /SP/diag/snapshot dataset=normal (*)
config /SP/diag/state dataset=normal
config /SP/diag/snapshot dataset=normal

51. Which tool, which comes in the STB, can be used to colle
ct all system status and error information and sent to remote server? Mark fo
r Review
Oracle Diagnostics
Oracle Explorer Data Collector (*)
Oracle Status Collector
Oracle System Summary

52. In addition to the installation guide, what else can you

use assist you with FRU replacement and where are they found? Mark for Review
(3) Points
service guide, documentation library
VCAPS, Oracle System Handbook (*)
VCAPS, documentation library
administration guide, documentation library

53. Which component requires the CMIOU chassis to be powered

down before it can be replaced? Mark for Review
Power Supply
Fan module
interconnect cable (*)

54. Which component cannot be replaced in the field?

Mark for Review
IOH (*)
interconnect cable

55. Which Oracle ILOM command do you perform to transfer an

ILOM state file to a remote server directory named data? Mark for Review
set /SP/diag/state dump_uri=ftp://username:mypasswd@host-ip-address/data
config /SP/diag/snapshot dump_uri=ftp://username:mypasswd@host-ip-addres
config /SP/diag/state dump_uri=ftp://username:mypasswd@host-ip-address/d
set /SP/diag/snapshot dump_uri=ftp://username:mypasswd@host-ip-address/d
ata (*)

56. Which ASIC is the I/O Controller in the SPARC M7 servers

? Mark for Review
Mystic River (*)

57. What is the M7 Coherency Switch Router called? Mark fo

r Review
Coronado (*)
Mystic River

58. Which of the following commands would only power on PDom

ain1? Mark for Review
start /System
power-on /HOST1
start /Servers/PDOmains/Pdomain_1/HOST (*)
start /Servers/HOST1

59. What does the saying "No IO Reconfiguration" mean in the

SPARC M7 servers? Mark for Review
(Choose all correct answers)
There is no longer a need for the "pci device paths" to change based on
what processors are present. (*)
You cannot change IO cards in the M7 servers.
The fabric remains unchanged if a CMT node is added or removed. (*)
Only select IO cards are supported.

60. Which requires the server to be powered down before comp

onent replacement? Mark for Review
Hot service
Warm service
Cold service (*)
Field replaceable units

61. Put in CMIOU Chassis Front Components image (slide 37, l

es 2) What is # 2 pointing to on the front of the CMIOU chassis? Mark fo
r Review
power supplies
fan modules (*)
front indicator panel
SP interconnect

62. You are ready to power up the entire system after a perf
orming a cold FRU replacement. Which command do you run? Mark for Review
power-on /System
start /HOST all
start /System (*)
set keyswitch on

63. When replacing memory on a CMIOU board, what two rules m

ust you follow? Mark for Review
(Choose all correct answers)
DIMM slots must be fully populated. (*)
DIMM density on the CMIOU board must be the same. (*)
DIMMs can be populated in 1/4, 1/2 or full.
DIMMs can be different sizes on the same CMIOU board.

64. How many cores are in a M7 processor? Mark for Review

32 (*)

65. When the Ready to Remove LED is illuminated, what color

is it? Mark for Review
blue (*)

66. Put in Switch Chassis Front Components image (slide 39,

les 2) What is # 4 pointing to on the front of the switch chassis? Mark fo
r Review
external interconnects
front indicator panel
power supplies (*)

67. How many DIMMs per M7 socket can be spared? Mark fo

r Review
1 (*)

68. Which two of the following statements are true about the
Yuba ASIC? Mark for Review
(Choose all correct answers)
Is the M7 Memory Link to the DDR4 interface. (*)
Also known as the I/O controller.
Interfaces the CPUs to the switches.
Also known as the Buffer on Board (BoB). (*)

69. Which command would you execute to return a component to

service? Mark for Review
power-on target_name
set /System/HOST power_on=true
set /System/target_name action=return_to_service (*)
set /System/target_name power_on=true
70. Which of the following components can be replaced by the
customer? Mark for Review
Front indicator panel
Fan module (*)
Fan cable assembly

71. Which of the following descriptions best defines ESD?

Mark for Review
The failure of an item that would result in failure of the system.
The ability of a part to withstand a static charge without failure.
Damage to system components due to the use of an incorrect power supply
The sudden transfer, or discharge, of electricity from one object to ano
ther. (*)
Correct Correct

72. What is the difference between a soft failure and a hard

failure? Mark for Review
Soft failures are easily detected and rapidly fixed. Hard failures are d
ifficult to identify and fix.
Soft failures occurs in the software. Hard failures occurs in the hardwa
Hard failures represent 80% of all failures
Soft failures weaken components and is difficult to detect. Hard failure
s are easy to identify and trace back to ESD. (*)
Correct Correct

73. Low humidity environments reduce the voltage generated f

rom friction and moving, Mark for Review
False (*)
Correct Correct

74. Why are ESD "soft failures" the most serious type of fai
lures? Mark for Review
The damage is immediate and easily detected
The damage is not immediately noticed or detected (*)
They represent 40% of all failures
They represent 60% of failures
Correct Correct

75. The leading cause of semiconductor failure is due to?

Mark for Review
Damage during shipments
Electrostatic discharge (*)
Incorrect power supply used with the system
The increased use of 45nm technology in manufacturing semiconductors
Correct Correct

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