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Dates Order ID Ship Date Ship Mode Customer ID Customer Name Segment

1-Jan-12 1111 1/16/2012 Same Day JA-HA-01 James Hansen Consumer

2-Jan-12 1112 1/17/2012 Second Class DA-RI-01 David Ritter Corporate
3-Jan-12 1113 1/18/2012 First Class TO-RE-01 Tom Alter Reiter Consumer
5-Jan-12 1115 1/20/2012 First Class JA-MU-01 James Murray Home Office
6-Jan-12 1116 1/21/2012 Same Day AR-HA-01 Armando Hansen Consumer
7-Jan-12 1117 1/22/2012 Second Class AU-MI-01 AUBREY Mitchum Corporate
8-Jan-12 1118 1/23/2012 First Class BA-SW-01 BASIL Swindell Consumer
9-Jan-12 1119 1/24/2012 Standard Class AU-BR-01 AUSTIN Brown Consumer
10-Jan-12 1120 1/25/2012 Standard Class BE-WA-01 BERNARD Waco Corporate
11-Jan-12 1121 1/26/2012 Second Class BL-HO-01 BLAKE Holt Consumer
12-Jan-12 1122 1/27/2012 Second Class SM-MA-01 SMITH Maxwell Corporate
13-Jan-12 1123 1/28/2012 First Class JO-JA-01 JOHNSON Jacobs Corporate
14-Jan-12 1124 1/29/2012 Second Class WI-MO-01 WILLIAMS Morse Consumer
15-Jan-12 1125 1/30/2012 Same Day BR-FR-01 BROWN Freymann Home Office
16-Jan-12 1126 1/31/2012 Second Class JO-FU-01 JONES Fuller Consumer
17-Jan-12 1127 2/1/2012 Second Class MI-PE-01 MILLER Peterman Corporate
18-Jan-12 1128 2/2/2012 Second Class DA-BO-01 DAVIS Boland Corporate
19-Jan-12 1129 2/3/2012 Standard Class GA-JO-01 GARCIA Jones Corporate
20-Jan-12 1130 2/4/2012 First Class RO-SI-01 RODRIGUEZ Sink Corporate
21-Jan-12 1131 2/5/2012 Second Class WI-HI-01 WILSON Hightower Consumer
22-Jan-12 1132 2/6/2012 First Class MA-BL-01 MARTINEZ Blume Corporate
23-Jan-12 1133 2/7/2012 First Class AN-AN-01 ANDERSON Ann Consumer
24-Jan-12 1134 2/8/2012 First Class TA-KL-01 TAYLOR Klamczynski Corporate
25-Jan-12 1135 2/9/2012 Second Class TH-BE-01 THOMAS Beltran Home Office
26-Jan-12 1136 2/10/2012 First Class HE-PA-01 HERNANDEZ Patel Consumer
27-Jan-12 1137 2/11/2012 First Class MO-DO-01 MOORE Dominguez Consumer
28-Jan-12 1138 2/12/2012 First Class MA-BR-01 MARTIN Breyer Corporate
29-Jan-12 1139 2/13/2012 Second Class JA-BA-01 JACKSON Barchas Consumer
30-Jan-12 1140 2/14/2012 First Class TH-FE-01 THOMPSON Ferguson Home Office
31-Jan-12 1141 2/15/2012 Same Day WH-PA-01 WHITE Patterson Consumer
1-Feb-12 1142 2/16/2012 Second Class LO-RE-01 LOPEZ Reed Corporate
2-Feb-12 1143 2/17/2012 First Class LE-SH-01 LEE Shonely Corporate
3-Feb-12 1144 2/18/2012 Same Day GO-EA-01 GONZALEZ Eaton Consumer
4-Feb-12 1145 2/19/2012 Second Class MO-PO-01 MORENO Poirier Corporate
5-Feb-12 1146 2/20/2012 Second Class SC-PR-01 SCHMIDT Preis Consumer
6-Feb-12 1147 2/21/2012 First Class PA-HA-01 PATEL Hawkins Corporate
7-Feb-12 1148 2/22/2012 Same Day FE-MA-01 FERGUSON Martin Consumer
8-Feb-12 1149 2/23/2012 Same Day NI-TH-01 NICHOLS Thornton Corporate
9-Feb-12 1150 2/24/2012 Standard Class HE-O'-01 HERRERA O'Donnell Consumer
10-Feb-12 1151 2/25/2012 First Class ME-LA-01 MEDINA Lawera Consumer
11-Feb-12 1152 2/26/2012 Standard Class RY-BE-01 RYAN Bell- Consumer
12-Feb-12 1153 2/27/2012 Standard Class FE-FR-01 FERNANDEZ Franz Home Office
13-Feb-12 1154 2/28/2012 Second Class WE-GR-01 WEAVER Grady Corporate
14-Feb-12 1155 2/29/2012 Standard Class DA-TR-01 DANIELS Tran Consumer
15-Feb-12 1156 3/1/2012 First Class ST-CA-01 STEPHENS Carroll Consumer
16-Feb-12 1157 3/2/2012 Standard Class GA-CH-01 GARDNER Chand Consumer
17-Feb-12 1158 3/3/2012 Same Day PA-BA-01 PAYNE Ballard Corporate
18-Feb-12 1159 3/4/2012 First Class KE-PR-01 KELLEY Prichep Consumer
19-Feb-12 1160 3/5/2012 Same Day DU-WI-01 DUNN Williamson Consumer
20-Feb-12 1161 3/6/2012 Second Class PI-HU-01 PIERCE Huston Consumer
21-Feb-12 1162 3/7/2012 First Class AR-CR-01 ARNOLD Creighton Consumer
22-Feb-12 1163 3/8/2012 First Class TR-GL-01 TRAN Glocke Consumer
23-Feb-12 1164 3/9/2012 Same Day SP-RY-01 SPENCER Ryan Corporate
24-Feb-12 1165 3/10/2012 First Class PE-BR-01 PETERS Breyer Corporate
25-Feb-12 1166 3/11/2012 Same Day HA-GR-01 HAWKINS Greer Corporate
26-Feb-12 1167 3/12/2012 First Class GR-GO-01 GRANT Gordon Consumer
27-Feb-12 1168 3/13/2012 First Class HA-HO-01 HANSEN Hopkins Corporate
28-Feb-12 1169 3/14/2012 Second Class CA-PH-01 CASTRO Phonely Corporate
1-Mar-12 1170 3/16/2012 First Class HO-WE-01 HOFFMAN Webber Consumer
2-Mar-12 1171 3/17/2012 Second Class HA-O'-01 HART O'Brill Consumer
3-Mar-12 1172 3/18/2012 Second Class EL-SA-01 ELLIOTT Sachs Consumer
4-Mar-12 1173 3/19/2012 Same Day CU-DA-01 CUNNINGHAM Dawkins Corporate
5-Mar-12 1174 3/20/2012 Second Class KN-ST-01 KNIGHT Stewart Corporate
6-Mar-13 1175 3/21/2013 First Class BR-CA-01 BRADLEY Carter Corporate
7-Mar-13 1176 3/22/2013 Standard Class CA-BL-01 CARROLL Blanton Consumer
8-Mar-13 1177 3/23/2013 Second Class HU-DO-01 HUDSON Doherty Corporate
9-Mar-13 1178 3/24/2013 First Class DU-KI-01 DUNCAN Kipp Consumer
10-Mar-13 1179 3/25/2013 First Class AR-SA-01 ARMSTRONG Sayre Corporate
11-Mar-13 1180 3/26/2013 Same Day BE-MI-01 BERRY Minnotte Home Office
12-Mar-13 1181 3/27/2013 First Class AN-WI-01 ANDREWS Wilson Home Office
13-Mar-13 1182 3/28/2013 First Class JO-SC-01 JOHNSTON Schoenberger Corporate
14-Mar-13 1183 3/29/2013 First Class RA-TO-01 RAY Tom Consumer
15-Mar-13 1184 3/30/2013 Second Class LA-WE-01 LANE Weirich Consumer
16-Mar-13 1185 3/31/2013 First Class RI-AR-01 RILEY Armstrong Corporate
17-Mar-13 1186 4/1/2013 Second Class CA-BI-01 CARPENTER Bixby Consumer
18-Mar-13 1187 4/2/2013 Second Class PE-HU-01 PERKINS Huston Consumer
19-Mar-13 1188 4/3/2013 Standard Class AG-MA-01 AGUILAR Martinez Consumer
20-Mar-13 1189 4/4/2013 First Class SI-EL-01 SILVA Elias Consumer
21-Mar-13 1190 4/5/2013 Second Class RI-ZE-01 RICHARDS Zeldin Home Office
22-Mar-13 1191 4/6/2013 Same Day WI-ME-01 WILLIS Messe Consumer
23-Mar-13 1192 4/7/2013 Standard Class JA-GR-01 James Greene Consumer
24-Mar-13 1193 4/8/2013 Second Class DA-PO-01 David Poirier Corporate
25-Mar-13 1194 4/9/2013 Second Class TO-RE-01 Tom Alter Reiter Consumer
26-Mar-13 1195 4/10/2013 Second Class JA-PR-01 James Prescott Consumer
27-Mar-13 1196 4/11/2013 Standard Class AR-BE-01 Armando Bell- Consumer
28-Mar-13 1197 4/12/2013 Second Class AU-MC-01 AUBREY McFarland Consumer
29-Mar-13 1198 4/13/2013 Same Day BA-BA-01 BASIL Ballentine Home Office
30-Mar-13 1199 4/14/2013 Same Day AU-PA-01 AUSTIN Payne Corporate
31-Mar-13 1200 4/15/2013 First Class BE-KA-01 BERNARD Kampe Consumer
1-Apr-13 1201 4/16/2013 First Class BL-MA-01 BLAKE Martin Consumer
2-Apr-13 1202 4/17/2013 Second Class SM-PH-01 SMITH Phonely Corporate
3-Apr-13 1203 4/18/2013 First Class JO-WI-01 JOHNSON Williams Corporate
4-Apr-13 1204 4/19/2013 Same Day WI-ZA-01 WILLIAMS Zandusky Home Office
5-Apr-13 1205 4/20/2013 Second Class BR-VA-01 BROWN Van Corporate
6-Apr-13 1206 4/21/2013 First Class JO-CH-01 JONES Chapman Corporate
7-Apr-13 1207 4/22/2013 Same Day MI-CH-01 MILLER Childs Corporate
8-Apr-13 1208 4/23/2013 First Class DA-FR-01 DAVIS Fritzler Consumer
9-Apr-13 1209 4/24/2013 Second Class GA-ZA-01 GARCIA Zandusky Home Office
10-Apr-13 1210 4/25/2013 Same Day RO-MA-01 RODRIGUEZ MacIntyre Consumer
11-Apr-13 1211 4/26/2013 Second Class WI-ZE-01 WILSON Zettner Home Office
12-Apr-13 1212 4/27/2013 Standard Class MA-MA-01 MARTINEZ MacAllister Consumer
13-Apr-13 1213 4/28/2013 Standard Class AN-WI-01 ANDERSON Wilson Corporate
14-Apr-13 1214 4/29/2013 Same Day TA-HA-01 TAYLOR Haushalter Consumer
15-Apr-13 1215 4/30/2013 First Class TH-HO-01 THOMAS Hopkins Corporate
16-Apr-13 1216 5/1/2013 First Class HE-MI-01 HERNANDEZ Miller Consumer
17-Apr-13 1217 5/2/2013 Second Class MO-O'-01 MOORE O'Donnell Consumer
18-Apr-13 1218 5/3/2013 Standard Class MA-BE-01 MARTIN Bellavance Home Office
19-Apr-13 1219 5/4/2013 First Class JA-BE-01 JACKSON Bellavance Home Office
20-Apr-13 1220 5/5/2013 Same Day TH-BR-01 THOMPSON Brooks Consumer
21-Apr-13 1221 5/6/2013 Same Day WH-MI-01 WHITE Mitchum Home Office
22-Apr-13 1222 5/7/2013 Standard Class LO-SH-01 LOPEZ Shonely Corporate
23-Apr-13 1223 5/8/2013 Same Day LE-MI-01 LEE Miller Corporate
24-Apr-13 1224 5/9/2013 Second Class GO-MU-01 GONZALEZ Murray Consumer
25-Apr-13 1225 5/10/2013 First Class MO-CR-01 MORENO Creighton Consumer
26-Apr-13 1226 5/11/2013 Second Class SC-O'-01 SCHMIDT O'Brian Consumer
27-Apr-13 1227 5/12/2013 Standard Class PA-BR-01 PATEL Brown Consumer
28-Apr-13 1228 5/13/2013 Second Class FE-MU-01 FERGUSON Mull Consumer
29-Apr-13 1229 5/14/2013 First Class NI-SC-01 NICHOLS Schwarz Corporate
30-Apr-13 1230 5/15/2013 Second Class HE-NE-01 HERRERA Nelson Corporate
1-May-13 1231 5/16/2013 First Class ME-SU-01 MEDINA Sundaresam Consumer
2-May-13 1232 5/17/2013 First Class RY-MC-01 RYAN McGuire Consumer
3-May-13 1233 5/18/2013 Standard Class FE-BO-01 FERNANDEZ Boeckenhauer Consumer
4-May-13 1234 5/19/2013 Standard Class WE-BA-01 WEAVER Barton Consumer
5-May-13 1235 5/20/2013 Second Class DA-KL-01 DANIELS Klamczynski Corporate
6-May-13 1236 5/21/2013 Second Class ST-PA-01 STEPHENS Payne Corporate
7-May-13 1237 5/22/2013 First Class GA-WE-01 GARDNER Weiss Consumer
8-May-14 1238 5/23/2014 First Class PA-SE-01 PAYNE Sewall Home Office
9-May-14 1239 5/24/2014 Standard Class KE-CO-01 KELLEY Conant Consumer
10-May-14 1240 5/25/2014 First Class DU-CA-01 DUNN Carlisle Consumer
11-May-14 1241 5/26/2014 Same Day PI-MC-01 PIERCE McGarr Consumer
12-May-14 1242 5/27/2014 First Class AR-VA-01 ARNOLD Van Corporate
13-May-14 1243 5/28/2014 First Class TR-MO-01 TRAN Moore Consumer
14-May-14 1244 5/29/2014 Standard Class SP-KR-01 SPENCER Kriz Home Office
15-May-14 1245 5/30/2014 Same Day PE-MI-01 PETERS Minnotte Home Office
16-May-14 1246 5/31/2014 First Class HA-JO-01 HAWKINS Jones Corporate
17-May-14 1247 6/1/2014 Standard Class GR-MA-01 GRANT MacIntyre Consumer
18-May-14 1248 6/2/2014 First Class HA-TA-01 HANSEN Tate Home Office
19-May-14 1249 6/3/2014 First Class CA-BE-01 CASTRO Bergman Consumer
20-May-14 1250 6/4/2014 First Class HO-P-01 HOFFMAN Plking Consumer
21-May-14 1251 6/5/2014 Second Class HA-JO-01 HART Jones Consumer
22-May-14 1252 6/6/2014 First Class EL-VA-01 ELLIOTT Van Home Office
23-May-14 1253 6/7/2014 Second Class CU-BR-01 CUNNINGHAM Braxton Corporate
24-May-14 1254 6/8/2014 First Class KN-MA-01 KNIGHT Matthias Consumer
25-May-14 1255 6/9/2014 Same Day BR-FE-01 BRADLEY Ferguson Home Office
26-May-14 1256 6/10/2014 Standard Class CA-HA-01 CARROLL Harms Corporate
27-May-14 1257 6/11/2014 First Class HU-PE-01 HUDSON Pelletier Home Office
28-May-14 1258 6/12/2014 First Class DU-HA-01 DUNCAN Hazard Consumer
29-May-14 1259 6/13/2014 Second Class AR-DE-01 ARMSTRONG DeCherney Consumer
30-May-14 1260 6/14/2014 Second Class BE-RO-01 BERRY Roper Home Office
31-May-14 1261 6/15/2014 Standard Class AN-CH-01 ANDREWS Childs Corporate
1-Jun-14 1262 6/16/2014 First Class JO-MA-01 JOHNSTON Matthias Consumer
2-Jun-14 1263 6/17/2014 First Class RA-AK-01 RAY Akin Consumer
3-Jun-14 1264 6/18/2014 Second Class LA-BR-01 LANE Brooks Consumer
4-Jun-14 1265 6/19/2014 First Class RI-WA-01 RILEY Watters Corporate
5-Jun-14 1266 6/20/2014 Standard Class CA-FJ-01 CARPENTER Fjeld Consumer
6-Jun-14 1267 6/21/2014 First Class PE-HU-01 PERKINS Huston Consumer
7-Jun-14 1268 6/22/2014 Second Class AG-GA-01 AGUILAR Gayman Consumer
8-Jun-14 1269 6/23/2014 Standard Class SI-ME-01 SILVA Medina Corporate
9-Jun-14 1270 6/24/2014 Standard Class RI-DA-01 RICHARDS Daniels Consumer
10-Jun-14 1271 6/25/2014 First Class WI-EP-01 WILLIS Eplett Home Office
11-Jun-14 1272 6/26/2014 First Class JA-O'-01 James O'Donnell Consumer
12-Jun-14 1273 6/27/2014 First Class DA-KO-01 David Kotsonis Corporate
13-Jun-14 1274 6/28/2014 Standard Class TO-CA-01 Tom Alter Carlisle Consumer
14-Jun-14 1275 6/29/2014 First Class JA-BR-01 James Breyer Corporate
15-Jun-14 1276 6/30/2014 Standard Class AR-GU-01 Armando Gute Consumer
16-Jun-14 1277 7/1/2014 Same Day AU-BR-01 AUBREY Braunhardt Consumer
17-Jun-14 1278 7/2/2014 Standard Class BA-GL-01 BASIL Glantz Consumer
18-Jun-14 1279 7/3/2014 Standard Class AU-DO-01 AUSTIN Dominguez Home Office
19-Jun-14 1280 7/4/2014 Standard Class BE-PA-01 BERNARD Pak Consumer
20-Jun-14 1281 7/5/2014 Standard Class BL-AL-01 BLAKE Allen Consumer
21-Jun-14 1282 7/6/2014 First Class SM-LU-01 SMITH Lucas Consumer
22-Jun-14 1283 7/7/2014 Standard Class JO-ST-01 JOHNSON Stewart Consumer
23-Jun-14 1284 7/8/2014 First Class WI-WO-01 WILLIAMS Wooten Consumer
24-Jun-14 1285 7/9/2014 First Class BR-AS-01 BROWN Ashbrook Home Office
25-Jun-14 1286 7/10/2014 First Class JO-WA-01 JONES Watters Corporate
26-Jun-14 1287 7/11/2014 First Class MI-CA-01 MILLER Carroll Corporate
27-Jun-14 1288 7/12/2014 Second Class DA-MA-01 DAVIS Matthias Consumer
28-Jun-14 1289 7/13/2014 Second Class GA-ZE-01 GARCIA Zettner Home Office
29-Jun-14 1290 7/14/2014 Same Day RO-FO-01 RODRIGUEZ Fortune- Consumer
30-Jun-14 1291 7/15/2014 Standard Class WI-LE-01 WILSON Lee Consumer
1-Jul-14 1292 7/16/2014 Second Class MA-JO-01 MARTINEZ Jones Corporate
2-Jul-14 1293 7/17/2014 Standard Class AN-FE-01 ANDERSON Federle Corporate
3-Jul-14 1294 7/18/2014 First Class TA-CA-01 TAYLOR Carlisle Consumer
4-Jul-14 1295 7/19/2014 Second Class TH-EP-01 THOMAS Epp Corporate
5-Jul-14 1296 7/20/2014 First Class HE-PH-01 HERNANDEZ Phan Corporate
6-Jul-14 1297 7/21/2014 Standard Class MO-HI-01 MOORE Hildebrand Home Office
7-Jul-14 1298 7/22/2014 Same Day MA-CA-01 MARTIN Carroll Consumer
8-Jul-14 1299 7/23/2014 Standard Class JA-FR-01 JACKSON Franz Home Office
9-Jul-14 1300 7/24/2014 Second Class TH-SM-01 THOMPSON Smith Consumer
1-Jan-12 1301 1/16/2012 Standard Class WH-MC-01 WHITE McCarthy Corporate
2-Jan-12 1302 1/17/2012 Standard Class LO-FR-01 LOPEZ Frazer Consumer
3-Jan-12 1303 1/18/2012 Standard Class LE-BE-01 LEE Bergman Consumer
5-Jan-12 1304 1/20/2012 Second Class GO-GA-01 GONZALEZ Galang Consumer
6-Jan-12 1305 1/21/2012 Second Class MO-PA-01 MORENO Pardue Home Office
7-Jan-12 1306 1/22/2012 Second Class SC-GR-01 SCHMIDT Grayson Consumer
8-Jan-12 1307 1/23/2012 First Class PA-KE-01 PATEL Kelly Corporate
9-Jan-12 1308 1/24/2012 Same Day FE-FR-01 FERGUSON Franzsisch Home Office
10-Jan-12 1309 1/25/2012 Standard Class NI-CA-01 NICHOLS Carroll Corporate
11-Jan-12 1310 1/26/2012 Second Class HE-RA-01 HERRERA Raglin Home Office
12-Jan-12 1311 1/27/2012 Same Day ME-BA-01 MEDINA Balk Corporate
13-Jan-12 1312 1/28/2012 Same Day RY-MA-01 RYAN Mautz Home Office
14-Jan-12 1313 1/29/2012 Standard Class FE-AS-01 FERNANDEZ Ashbrook Home Office
15-Jan-12 1314 1/30/2012 Standard Class WE-PA-01 WEAVER Paige Consumer
16-Jan-12 1315 1/31/2012 First Class DA-CO-01 DANIELS Collister Consumer
17-Jan-12 1316 2/1/2012 First Class ST-AR-01 STEPHENS Armstrong Home Office
18-Jan-12 1317 2/2/2012 Standard Class GA-BE-01 GARDNER Beeghly Consumer
19-Jan-12 1318 2/3/2012 Standard Class PA-RO-01 PAYNE Roelle Home Office
20-Jan-12 1319 2/4/2012 First Class KE-HU-01 KELLEY Huthwaite Home Office
21-Jan-12 1320 2/5/2012 Same Day DU-HU-01 DUNN Hughes Consumer
22-Jan-12 1321 2/6/2012 Same Day PI-GA-01 PIERCE Galang Consumer
23-Jan-12 1322 2/7/2012 First Class AR-BL-01 ARNOLD Black Corporate
24-Jan-12 1323 2/8/2012 Same Day TR-HA-01 TRAN Haushalter Consumer
25-Jan-12 1324 2/9/2012 Same Day SP-MC-01 SPENCER McCrary Corporate
26-Jan-12 1325 2/10/2012 Same Day PE-ZE-01 PETERS Zewe Corporate
27-Jan-12 1326 2/11/2012 Second Class HA-MO-01 HAWKINS Monton Corporate
28-Jan-12 1327 2/12/2012 Standard Class GR-AD-01 GRANT Adams Corporate
29-Jan-12 1328 2/13/2012 Same Day HA-CH-01 HANSEN Christensen Consumer
30-Jan-12 1329 2/14/2012 First Class CA-HE-01 CASTRO Hernandez Home Office
31-Jan-12 1330 2/15/2012 First Class HO-SE-01 HOFFMAN Seio Corporate
1-Feb-12 1331 2/16/2012 First Class HA-GE-01 HART Geld Consumer
2-Feb-12 1332 2/17/2012 Second Class EL-RO-01 ELLIOTT Roper Home Office
3-Feb-12 1333 2/18/2012 First Class CU-BR-01 CUNNINGHAM Brittain Consumer
4-Feb-12 1334 2/19/2012 First Class KN-KI-01 KNIGHT Kipp Consumer
5-Feb-12 1335 2/20/2012 Standard Class BR-LE-01 BRADLEY Lee Consumer
6-Feb-12 1336 2/21/2012 Standard Class CA-PR-01 CARROLL Pryor Home Office
7-Feb-12 1337 2/22/2012 Standard Class HU-RE-01 HUDSON Reiten Home Office
8-Feb-12 1338 2/23/2012 Second Class DU-FO-01 DUNCAN Folk Consumer
9-Feb-12 1339 2/24/2012 First Class AR-MO-01 ARMSTRONG Molinari Corporate
10-Feb-12 1340 2/25/2012 Same Day BE-MA-01 BERRY Mautz Home Office
11-Feb-12 1341 2/26/2012 Second Class AN-WI-01 ANDREWS Willingham Home Office
12-Feb-12 1342 2/27/2012 First Class JO-BR-01 JOHNSTON Bradley Consumer
13-Feb-12 1343 2/28/2012 Standard Class RA-SE-01 RAY Sewall Home Office
14-Feb-12 1344 2/29/2012 Second Class LA-AI-01 LANE Airdo Consumer
15-Feb-12 1345 3/1/2012 Second Class RI-BE-01 RILEY Bellavance Home Office
16-Feb-12 1346 3/2/2012 First Class CA-RA-01 CARPENTER Radford Consumer
17-Feb-12 1347 3/3/2012 Second Class PE-DO-01 PERKINS Dona Consumer
18-Feb-12 1348 3/4/2012 Standard Class AG-KR-01 AGUILAR Kriz Consumer
19-Feb-12 1349 3/5/2012 Second Class SI-BA-01 SILVA Ballard Corporate
20-Feb-12 1350 3/6/2012 First Class RI-PI-01 RICHARDS Pippenger Consumer
21-Feb-12 1351 3/7/2012 Same Day WI-KR-01 WILLIS Kriz Home Office
22-Feb-12 1352 3/8/2012 First Class JA-DA-01 James Daly Consumer
23-Feb-12 1353 3/9/2012 Standard Class DA-LE-01 David Lee Consumer
24-Feb-12 1354 3/10/2012 Second Class TO-PH-01 Tom Alter Phan Consumer
25-Feb-12 1355 3/11/2012 First Class JA-SC-01 James Schwartz Consumer
26-Feb-12 1356 3/12/2012 First Class AR-MI-01 Armando Mitchell Home Office
27-Feb-12 1357 3/13/2012 Second Class AU-CR-01 AUBREY Creighton Corporate
28-Feb-12 1358 3/14/2012 Standard Class BA-BE-01 BASIL Bell Corporate
1-Mar-12 1359 3/16/2012 Second Class AU-WI-01 AUSTIN Willingham Home Office
2-Mar-12 1360 3/17/2012 First Class BE-HI-01 BERNARD Hirsh Consumer
3-Mar-12 1361 3/18/2012 Second Class BL-TR-01 BLAKE Tran Home Office
4-Mar-12 1362 3/19/2012 First Class SM-BA-01 SMITH Barton Consumer
5-Mar-12 1363 3/20/2012 Second Class JO-AR-01 JOHNSON Armstrong Corporate
6-Mar-13 1364 3/21/2013 First Class WI-VO-01 WILLIAMS Voltz Corporate
7-Mar-13 1365 3/22/2013 Standard Class BR-HA-01 BROWN Hansen Corporate
8-Mar-13 1366 3/23/2013 Second Class JO-JA-01 JONES Jas Home Office
9-Mar-13 1367 3/24/2013 Second Class MI-LA-01 MILLER Lanier Home Office
10-Mar-13 1368 3/25/2013 First Class DA-YE-01 DAVIS Yedwab Corporate
11-Mar-13 1369 3/26/2013 Second Class GA-BR-01 GARCIA Braxton Corporate
12-Mar-13 1370 3/27/2013 Same Day RO-KR-01 RODRIGUEZ Kriz Home Office
13-Mar-13 1371 3/28/2013 Standard Class WI-WI-01 WILSON Willingham Corporate
14-Mar-13 1372 3/29/2013 Standard Class MA-CO-01 MARTINEZ Collister Consumer
15-Mar-13 1373 3/30/2013 First Class AN-SA-01 ANDERSON Sachs Consumer
16-Mar-13 1374 3/31/2013 Same Day TA-AN-01 TAYLOR Andreada Consumer
17-Mar-13 1375 4/1/2013 Second Class TH-TI-01 THOMAS Tillman Consumer
18-Mar-13 1376 4/2/2013 First Class HE-WA-01 HERNANDEZ Wasserman Corporate
19-Mar-13 1377 4/3/2013 Standard Class MO-HO-01 MOORE Hoffman Consumer
20-Mar-13 1378 4/4/2013 First Class MA-KA-01 MARTIN Kaydos Consumer
21-Mar-13 1379 4/5/2013 First Class JA-DA-01 JACKSON Daniels Consumer
22-Mar-13 1380 4/6/2013 First Class TH-CH-01 THOMPSON Chung Consumer
23-Mar-13 1381 4/7/2013 Standard Class WH-YE-01 WHITE Yedwab Corporate
24-Mar-13 1382 4/8/2013 Same Day LO-LO-01 LOPEZ Lopez Consumer
25-Mar-13 1383 4/9/2013 First Class LE-TR-01 LEE Triggs Consumer
26-Mar-13 1384 4/10/2013 Second Class GO-CO-01 GONZALEZ Conant Consumer
27-Mar-13 1385 4/11/2013 Standard Class MO-RO-01 MORENO Rosenberg Corporate
28-Mar-13 1386 4/12/2013 Standard Class SC-TR-01 SCHMIDT Trevino Consumer
29-Mar-13 1387 4/13/2013 First Class PA-OB-01 PATEL Ober Home Office
30-Mar-13 1388 4/14/2013 Same Day FE-DU-01 FERGUSON Ducich Home Office
31-Mar-13 1389 4/15/2013 First Class NI-PR-01 NICHOLS Prichep Consumer
1-Apr-13 1390 4/16/2013 Same Day HE-MO-01 HERRERA Molinari Consumer
2-Apr-13 1391 4/17/2013 First Class ME-WI-01 MEDINA Witt Consumer
3-Apr-13 1392 4/18/2013 Second Class RY-PO-01 RYAN Poirier Corporate
4-Apr-13 1393 4/19/2013 Second Class FE-TH-01 FERNANDEZ Thurman Consumer
5-Apr-13 1394 4/20/2013 Same Day WE-GO-01 WEAVER Goranitis Consumer
6-Apr-13 1395 4/21/2013 First Class DA-MI-01 DANIELS Mills Consumer
7-Apr-13 1396 4/22/2013 Standard Class ST-HO-01 STEPHENS Hopkins Corporate
8-Apr-13 1397 4/23/2013 Second Class GA-KA-01 GARDNER Kane Consumer
9-Apr-13 1398 4/24/2013 First Class PA-FL-01 PAYNE Flathmann Consumer
10-Apr-13 1399 4/25/2013 Second Class KE-GN-01 KELLEY Gnade Consumer
11-Apr-13 1400 4/26/2013 First Class DU-CA-01 DUNN Carroll Corporate
12-Apr-13 1401 4/27/2013 First Class PI-FO-01 PIERCE Foster Consumer
13-Apr-13 1402 4/28/2013 Standard Class AR-LO-01 ARNOLD Lopez Consumer
14-Apr-13 1403 4/29/2013 Second Class TR-WA-01 TRAN Waco Corporate
15-Apr-13 1404 4/30/2013 Standard Class SP-CU-01 SPENCER Cunningham Home Office
16-Apr-13 1405 5/1/2013 Second Class PE-D'-01 PETERS D'Ascenzo Consumer
17-Apr-13 1406 5/2/2013 First Class HA-PA-01 HAWKINS Patterson Consumer
18-Apr-13 1407 5/3/2013 Standard Class GR-AN-01 GRANT Ann Consumer
19-Apr-13 1408 5/4/2013 Second Class HA-MC-01 HANSEN McCrary Corporate
20-Apr-13 1409 5/5/2013 Second Class CA-SH-01 CASTRO Sheldon Corporate
21-Apr-13 1410 5/6/2013 First Class HO-DU-01 HOFFMAN Dunbar Consumer
22-Apr-13 1411 5/7/2013 First Class HA-HA-01 HART Hansen Consumer
23-Apr-13 1412 5/8/2013 First Class EL-ME-01 ELLIOTT Meador Consumer
24-Apr-13 1413 5/9/2013 First Class CU-BE-01 CUNNINGHAM Bell- Consumer
25-Apr-13 1414 5/10/2013 Second Class KN-BE-01 KNIGHT Bensley Home Office
26-Apr-13 1415 5/11/2013 Standard Class BR-BA-01 BRADLEY Baird Home Office
27-Apr-13 1416 5/12/2013 Same Day CA-OB-01 CARROLL Ober Home Office
28-Apr-13 1417 5/13/2013 Second Class HU-LL-01 HUDSON Lloyd Corporate
29-Apr-13 1418 5/14/2013 Second Class DU-SE-01 DUNCAN Seio Corporate
30-Apr-13 1419 5/15/2013 First Class AR-CA-01 ARMSTRONG Carlisle Consumer
1-May-13 1420 5/16/2013 First Class BE-VI-01 BERRY Vittorini Consumer
2-May-13 1421 5/17/2013 First Class AN-FR-01 ANDREWS Fritzler Consumer
3-May-13 1422 5/18/2013 First Class JO-DO-01 JOHNSTON Dodson Home Office
4-May-13 1423 5/19/2013 Second Class RA-ST-01 RAY Stobb Consumer
5-May-13 1424 5/20/2013 Second Class LA-MC-01 LANE McAdams Corporate
6-May-13 1425 5/21/2013 Standard Class RI-AR-01 RILEY Arntzen Consumer
7-May-13 1426 5/22/2013 First Class CA-DE-01 CARPENTER Delaney Home Office
8-May-14 1427 5/23/2014 Same Day PE-LO-01 PERKINS Lomonaco Home Office
9-May-14 1428 5/24/2014 Standard Class AG-BU-01 AGUILAR Butterfield Consumer
10-May-14 1429 5/25/2014 Same Day SI-FR-01 SILVA Franzsisch Home Office
11-May-14 1430 5/26/2014 Standard Class RI-DA-01 RICHARDS Dawkins Corporate
12-May-14 1431 5/27/2014 First Class WI-HI-01 WILLIS Hildebrand Home Office
13-May-14 1432 5/28/2014 Standard Class JA-BR-01 James Brennan Corporate
14-May-14 1433 5/29/2014 First Class DA-SA-01 David Sachs Consumer
15-May-14 1434 5/30/2014 Standard Class TO-WI-01 Tom Alter Willman Consumer
16-May-14 1435 5/31/2014 First Class JA-GN-01 James Gnade Consumer
17-May-14 1436 6/1/2014 Second Class AR-FR-01 Armando Freymann Home Office
18-May-14 1437 6/2/2014 Same Day AU-MC-01 AUBREY McFarland Consumer
19-May-14 1438 6/3/2014 Standard Class BA-MA-01 BASIL Marie Corporate
20-May-14 1439 6/4/2014 Second Class AU-PA-01 AUSTIN Paige Consumer
21-May-14 1440 6/5/2014 Standard Class BE-ZY-01 BERNARD Zydlo Consumer
22-May-14 1441 6/6/2014 Standard Class BL-CH-01 BLAKE Chand Corporate
23-May-14 1442 6/7/2014 Same Day SM-MO-01 SMITH Moffitt Corporate
24-May-14 1443 6/8/2014 Same Day JO-HA-01 JOHNSON Hansen Consumer
25-May-14 1444 6/9/2014 Standard Class WI-SP-01 WILLIAMS Spruell Home Office
26-May-14 1445 6/10/2014 Second Class BR-VI-01 BROWN Vittorini Consumer
27-May-14 1446 6/11/2014 Standard Class JO-BE-01 JONES Bertelson Consumer
28-May-14 1447 6/12/2014 First Class MI-CH-01 MILLER Chand Home Office
29-May-14 1448 6/13/2014 Second Class DA-AB-01 DAVIS Abelman Corporate
30-May-14 1449 6/14/2014 Second Class GA-CA-01 GARCIA Carlisle Corporate
31-May-14 1450 6/15/2014 First Class RO-BR-01 RODRIGUEZ Brown Consumer
1-Jun-14 1451 6/16/2014 Standard Class WI-BA-01 WILSON Baird Home Office
2-Jun-14 1452 6/17/2014 Second Class MA-BE-01 MARTINEZ Benoit Consumer
3-Jun-14 1453 6/18/2014 First Class AN-CO-01 ANDERSON Cohen Corporate
4-Jun-14 1454 6/19/2014 First Class TA-GE-01 TAYLOR Geld Consumer
5-Jun-14 1455 6/20/2014 Standard Class TH-DR-01 THOMAS Drucker Consumer
6-Jun-14 1456 6/21/2014 Standard Class HE-MA-01 HERNANDEZ Martin Consumer
7-Jun-14 1457 6/22/2014 First Class MO-BR-01 MOORE Braun Consumer
8-Jun-14 1458 6/23/2014 First Class MA-KR-01 MARTIN Kriz Consumer
9-Jun-14 1459 6/24/2014 First Class JA-SH-01 JACKSON Sheldon Corporate
10-Jun-14 1460 6/25/2014 Standard Class TH-MU-01 THOMPSON Murray Consumer
11-Jun-14 1461 6/26/2014 First Class WH-FO-01 WHITE Foster Consumer
12-Jun-14 1462 6/27/2014 Second Class LO-JA-01 LOPEZ Jackson Consumer
13-Jun-14 1463 6/28/2014 First Class LE-ME-01 LEE Medina Corporate
14-Jun-14 1464 6/29/2014 First Class GO-BR-01 GONZALEZ Brown Consumer
15-Jun-14 1465 6/30/2014 First Class MO-CA-01 MORENO Catlett Corporate
16-Jun-14 1466 7/1/2014 First Class SC-WE-01 SCHMIDT Weirich Consumer
17-Jun-14 1467 7/2/2014 Second Class PA-EA-01 PATEL Eason Home Office
18-Jun-14 1468 7/3/2014 Standard Class FE-GL-01 FERGUSON Glocke Consumer
19-Jun-14 1469 7/4/2014 Standard Class NI-SC-01 NICHOLS Schnelling Consumer
20-Jun-14 1470 7/5/2014 Second Class HE-PE-01 HERRERA Pelletier Home Office
21-Jun-14 1471 7/6/2014 First Class ME-MI-01 MEDINA Mitchum Home Office
22-Jun-14 1472 7/7/2014 First Class RY-MA-01 RYAN Marley Home Office
23-Jun-14 1473 7/8/2014 First Class FE-CH-01 FERNANDEZ Chapman Corporate
24-Jun-14 1474 7/9/2014 Same Day WE-NO-01 WEAVER Norling Home Office
25-Jun-14 1475 7/10/2014 Standard Class DA-DE-01 DANIELS DeMoss Consumer
26-Jun-14 1476 7/11/2014 Same Day ST-CU-01 STEPHENS Cunningham Home Office
27-Jun-14 1842 7/12/2014 Second Class GA-GO-01 GARDNER Gonzalez Consumer
28-Jun-14 1477 7/13/2014 Same Day PA-CH-01 PAYNE Cheatham Consumer
29-Jun-14 1843 7/14/2014 Standard Class KE-BA-01 KELLEY Barton Consumer
30-Jun-14 1478 7/15/2014 Second Class DU-VI-01 DUNN Visinsky Consumer
1-Jul-14 1844 7/16/2014 First Class PI-WA-01 PIERCE Wasserman Corporate
2-Jul-14 1479 7/17/2014 First Class AR-SA-01 ARNOLD Savely Corporate
3-Jul-14 1845 7/18/2014 Same Day TR-DO-01 TRAN Donovan Corporate
4-Jul-14 1480 7/19/2014 First Class SP-SC-01 SPENCER Schneider Consumer
5-Jul-14 1848 7/20/2014 First Class PE-MO-01 PETERS Molinari Corporate
6-Jul-14 1849 7/21/2014 First Class HA-GR-01 HAWKINS Grady Corporate
7-Jul-14 1850 7/22/2014 First Class GR-DU-01 GRANT Dunbar Consumer
8-Jul-14 1851 7/23/2014 Second Class HA-GA-01 HANSEN Gastineau Home Office
9-Jul-14 1852 7/24/2014 First Class CA-DE-01 CASTRO DeMoss Consumer
1-Jan-12 1853 1/16/2012 First Class HO-BR-01 HOFFMAN Braden Consumer
2-Jan-12 1488 1/17/2012 Second Class HA-SC-01 HART Schnelling Consumer
3-Jan-12 1854 1/18/2012 Second Class EL-FO-01 ELLIOTT Foster Consumer
5-Jan-12 1489 1/20/2012 Same Day CU-GU-01 CUNNINGHAM Guthrie Corporate
6-Jan-12 1855 1/21/2012 Second Class KN-NO-01 KNIGHT Norvell Corporate
7-Jan-12 1490 1/22/2012 Second Class BR-MU-01 BRADLEY Mull Consumer
8-Jan-12 1856 1/23/2012 First Class CA-ST-01 CARROLL Stugart Consumer
9-Jan-12 1491 1/24/2012 Standard Class HU-CO-01 HUDSON Cox Consumer
10-Jan-12 1857 1/25/2012 First Class DU-KA-01 DUNCAN Kastensmidt Consumer
11-Jan-12 1492 1/26/2012 Second Class AR-DE-01 ARMSTRONG Deggeller Corporate
12-Jan-12 1858 1/27/2012 First Class BE-CH-01 BERRY Cheatham Consumer
13-Jan-12 1493 1/28/2012 First Class AN-SE-01 ANDREWS Seite Consumer
14-Jan-12 1859 1/29/2012 Standard Class JO-MC-01 JOHNSTON McNair Corporate
15-Jan-12 1494 1/30/2012 Standard Class RA-TR-01 RAY Tran Consumer
16-Jan-12 1860 1/31/2012 Standard Class LA-LE-01 LANE Leslie Home Office
17-Jan-12 1495 2/1/2012 Second Class RI-MO-01 RILEY Moore Consumer
18-Jan-12 1861 2/2/2012 First Class CA-MC-01 CARPENTER McCrossin Consumer
19-Jan-12 1496 2/3/2012 Second Class PE-BR-01 PERKINS Brooks Consumer
20-Jan-12 1862 2/4/2012 Same Day AG-WA-01 AGUILAR Waco Corporate
21-Jan-12 1497 2/5/2012 Standard Class SI-NO-01 SILVA Norvell Corporate
22-Jan-12 1863 2/6/2012 First Class RI-CA-01 RICHARDS Castell Consumer
23-Jan-12 1498 2/7/2012 Standard Class WI-LO-01 WILLIS Lopez Consumer
24-Jan-12 1864 2/8/2012 First Class JA-HE-01 James Hernandez Consumer
25-Jan-12 1499 2/9/2012 Second Class DA-VA-01 David Van Corporate
26-Jan-12 1865 2/10/2012 Standard Class TO-TA-01 Tom Alter Talbott Home Office
27-Jan-12 1500 2/11/2012 First Class JA-MO-01 James Moss Corporate
28-Jan-12 1866 2/12/2012 First Class AR-GA-01 Armando Gastineau Corporate
29-Jan-12 1501 2/13/2012 First Class AU-BA-01 AUBREY Barcio Home Office
30-Jan-12 1867 2/14/2012 Standard Class BA-CA-01 BASIL Carlisle Home Office
31-Jan-12 1502 2/15/2012 Second Class AU-TH-01 AUSTIN Thornton Consumer
1-Feb-12 1868 2/16/2012 First Class BE-YE-01 BERNARD Yedwab Corporate
2-Feb-12 1503 2/17/2012 Second Class BL-JO-01 BLAKE Jordon Consumer
3-Feb-12 1869 2/18/2012 Standard Class SM-BZ-01 SMITH Bzostek Home Office
4-Feb-12 1504 2/19/2012 First Class JO-PA-01 JOHNSON Patterson Consumer
5-Feb-12 1870 2/20/2012 First Class WI-WA-01 WILLIAMS Waldorf Consumer
6-Feb-12 1505 2/21/2012 Standard Class BR-WI-01 BROWN Wilson Corporate
7-Feb-12 1871 2/22/2012 Second Class JO-BO-01 JONES Bolton Home Office
8-Feb-12 1506 2/23/2012 Standard Class MI-KE-01 MILLER Kendrick Corporate
9-Feb-12 1872 2/24/2012 Second Class DA-WI-01 DAVIS Wilson Corporate
10-Feb-12 1507 2/25/2012 First Class GA-SE-01 GARCIA Sewall Home Office
11-Feb-12 1873 2/26/2012 First Class RO-PA-01 RODRIGUEZ Packer Home Office
12-Feb-12 1508 2/27/2012 Same Day WI-BR-01 WILSON Brown Consumer
13-Feb-12 1874 2/28/2012 Standard Class MA-O'-01 MARTINEZ O'Connel Home Office
14-Feb-12 1509 2/29/2012 First Class AN-FR-01 ANDERSON Franzsisch Home Office
15-Feb-12 1510 3/1/2012 Same Day TA-RE-01 TAYLOR Reese Home Office
16-Feb-12 1511 3/2/2012 Standard Class TH-BR-01 THOMAS Brittain Consumer
17-Feb-12 1512 3/3/2012 Second Class HE-CA-01 HERNANDEZ Carlisle Consumer
18-Feb-12 1513 3/4/2012 Standard Class MO-AU-01 MOORE Ausman Corporate
19-Feb-12 1514 3/5/2012 Second Class MA-GO-01 MARTIN Gockenbach Consumer
20-Feb-12 1884 3/6/2012 Standard Class JA-EL-01 JACKSON Ellison Corporate
21-Feb-12 1885 3/7/2012 Standard Class TH-KR-01 THOMPSON Krohn Consumer
22-Feb-12 1886 3/8/2012 Standard Class WH-MU-01 WHITE Murdock Consumer
23-Feb-12 1887 3/9/2012 Standard Class LO-JO-01 LOPEZ Joy Corporate
24-Feb-12 1888 3/10/2012 Second Class LE-DA-01 LEE Daly Consumer
25-Feb-12 1889 3/11/2012 Standard Class GO-OD-01 GONZALEZ Odegard Consumer
26-Feb-12 1524 3/12/2012 Second Class MO-WE-01 MORENO Weiss Consumer
27-Feb-12 1890 3/13/2012 Same Day SC-JO-01 SCHMIDT Johnson Consumer
28-Feb-12 1525 3/14/2012 First Class PA-MI-01 PATEL Miller Consumer
1-Mar-12 1891 3/16/2012 First Class FE-VI-01 FERGUSON Visinsky Consumer
2-Mar-12 1526 3/17/2012 Same Day NI-GI-01 NICHOLS Gillingham Corporate
3-Mar-12 1892 3/18/2012 Second Class HE-SI-01 HERRERA Sievert Consumer
4-Mar-12 1527 3/19/2012 First Class ME-CO-01 MEDINA Cousins Corporate
5-Mar-12 1893 3/20/2012 Standard Class RY-DE-01 RYAN Derr Consumer
6-Mar-13 1528 3/21/2013 First Class FE-FE-01 FERNANDEZ Ferguson Corporate
7-Mar-13 1902 3/22/2013 First Class WE-EL-01 WEAVER Ellison Corporate
8-Mar-13 1903 3/23/2013 First Class DA-GA-01 DANIELS Gastineau Home Office
9-Mar-13 1904 3/24/2013 Standard Class ST-HA-01 STEPHENS Hastings Corporate
10-Mar-13 1905 3/25/2013 Second Class GA-CH-01 GARDNER Chapman Consumer
11-Mar-13 1906 3/26/2013 Second Class PA-TR-01 PAYNE Tron Consumer
12-Mar-13 1542 3/27/2013 First Class KE-HO-01 KELLEY Hopkins Corporate
13-Mar-13 1907 3/28/2013 Second Class DU-FI-01 DUNN Fisher Corporate
14-Mar-13 1543 3/29/2013 Second Class PI-JU-01 PIERCE Jumper Consumer
15-Mar-13 1908 3/30/2013 Standard Class AR-HU-01 ARNOLD Hughsby Corporate
16-Mar-13 1544 3/31/2013 First Class TR-LU-01 TRAN Luxemburg Home Office
17-Mar-13 1909 4/1/2013 Second Class SP-CA-01 SPENCER Carroll Consumer
18-Mar-13 1545 4/2/2013 First Class PE-BR-01 PETERS Braxton Corporate
19-Mar-13 1910 4/3/2013 First Class HA-GR-01 HAWKINS Grady Corporate
20-Mar-13 1546 4/4/2013 First Class GR-BR-01 GRANT Brockman Consumer
21-Mar-13 1547 4/5/2013 First Class HA-ST-01 HANSEN Stevenson Home Office
22-Mar-13 1548 4/6/2013 Standard Class CA-BO-01 CASTRO Bowman Corporate
23-Mar-13 1549 4/7/2013 Second Class HO-GO-01 HOFFMAN Gordon Consumer
24-Mar-13 1550 4/8/2013 Standard Class HA-PI-01 HART Pistek Consumer
25-Mar-13 1938 4/9/2013 Second Class EL-ZA-01 ELLIOTT Zandusky Home Office
26-Mar-13 1939 4/10/2013 Standard Class CU-PE-01 CUNNINGHAM percer Home Office
27-Mar-13 1940 4/11/2013 Same Day KN-ZA-01 KNIGHT Zandusky Consumer
28-Mar-13 1941 4/12/2013 Standard Class BR-HA-01 BRADLEY Hart Corporate
29-Mar-13 1942 4/13/2013 First Class CA-BR-01 CARROLL Brandow Consumer
30-Mar-13 1578 4/14/2013 Standard Class HU-CO-01 HUDSON Company Home Office
31-Mar-13 1943 4/15/2013 Second Class DU-MC-01 DUNCAN McFarland Consumer
1-Apr-13 1579 4/16/2013 Second Class AR-CO-01 ARMSTRONG Coram Corporate
2-Apr-13 1944 4/17/2013 Standard Class BE-ST-01 BERRY Stevenson Corporate
3-Apr-13 1580 4/18/2013 Standard Class AN-ST-01 ANDREWS Stewart Corporate
4-Apr-13 1945 4/19/2013 Same Day JO-CA-01 JOHNSTON Carlisle Consumer
5-Apr-13 1581 4/20/2013 Second Class RA-LE-01 RAY Lebron Consumer
6-Apr-13 1946 4/21/2013 Same Day LA-PE-01 LANE percer Home Office
7-Apr-13 1582 4/22/2013 Standard Class RI-FR-01 RILEY Fritzler Consumer
8-Apr-13 1583 4/23/2013 Standard Class CA-SH-01 CARPENTER Shillingsburg Consumer
9-Apr-13 1584 4/24/2013 Standard Class PE-LU-01 PERKINS Ludwig Home Office
10-Apr-13 1585 4/25/2013 Standard Class AG-HA-01 AGUILAR Hawley Corporate
11-Apr-13 1586 4/26/2013 Standard Class SI-TR-01 SILVA Tron Consumer
12-Apr-13 1973 4/27/2013 Standard Class RI-NO-01 RICHARDS Norvell Corporate
13-Apr-13 1609 4/28/2013 Standard Class WI-PA-01 WILLIS Patterson Consumer
14-Apr-13 1974 4/29/2013 Second Class JA-MI-01 James Miller Corporate
15-Apr-13 1610 4/30/2013 First Class DA-TO-01 David Toch Consumer
16-Apr-13 1975 5/1/2013 Second Class TO-MI-01 Tom Alter Miller Home Office
17-Apr-13 1611 5/2/2013 Same Day JA-MC-01 James McVee Home Office
18-Apr-13 1976 5/3/2013 Second Class AR-ST-01 Armando Stivers Corporate
19-Apr-13 1612 5/4/2013 Standard Class AU-SW-01 AUBREY Swindell Consumer
20-Apr-13 1977 5/5/2013 Second Class BA-MC-01 BASIL McFarland Consumer
21-Apr-13 1613 5/6/2013 First Class AU-SM-01 AUSTIN Smith Consumer
22-Apr-13 1978 5/7/2013 First Class BE-RA-01 BERNARD Raglin Home Office
23-Apr-13 1614 5/8/2013 Second Class BL-WI-01 BLAKE Wilson Home Office
24-Apr-13 1979 5/9/2013 Second Class SM-FO-01 SMITH Foster Consumer
25-Apr-13 1615 5/10/2013 Second Class JO-MC-01 JOHNSON McMahon Corporate
26-Apr-13 1980 5/11/2013 Second Class WI-GA-01 WILLIAMS Gastineau Home Office
27-Apr-13 1616 5/12/2013 Standard Class BR-NU-01 BROWN Nunn Home Office
28-Apr-13 1981 5/13/2013 Same Day JO-BL-01 JONES Blumstein Consumer
29-Apr-13 1617 5/14/2013 First Class MI-MC-01 MILLER McGarr Consumer
30-Apr-13 1982 5/15/2013 First Class DA-MI-01 DAVIS Mitchell Home Office
1-May-13 1618 5/16/2013 First Class GA-BR-01 GARCIA Braxton Corporate
2-May-13 1619 5/17/2013 Standard Class RO-SM-01 RODRIGUEZ Smith Consumer
3-May-13 1620 5/18/2013 Same Day WI-MC-01 WILSON McFarland Consumer
4-May-13 1621 5/19/2013 First Class MA-FO-01 MARTINEZ Foster Consumer
5-May-13 1622 5/20/2013 Second Class AN-MC-01 ANDERSON McFarland Consumer
6-May-13 1992 5/21/2013 Standard Class TA-FO-01 TAYLOR Fortune- Consumer
7-May-13 1993 5/22/2013 First Class TH-HE-01 THOMAS Herrera Consumer
8-May-14 1994 5/23/2014 Standard Class HE-LE-01 HERNANDEZ Leinenbach Consumer
9-May-14 1995 5/24/2014 Standard Class MO-NO-01 MOORE Nockton Corporate
10-May-14 1996 5/25/2014 First Class MA-VI-01 MARTIN Vittorini Consumer
11-May-14 1632 5/26/2014 Standard Class JA-DO-01 JACKSON Dominguez Corporate
12-May-14 1997 5/27/2014 First Class TH-SC-01 THOMPSON Schmidt Corporate
13-May-14 1633 5/28/2014 Standard Class WH-MU-01 WHITE Murray Consumer
14-May-14 1998 5/29/2014 First Class LO-CO-01 LOPEZ Cox Consumer
15-May-14 1634 5/30/2014 Standard Class LE-MA-01 LEE Magee Consumer
16-May-14 1999 5/31/2014 Standard Class GO-SH-01 GONZALEZ Shifley Corporate
17-May-14 1635 6/1/2014 First Class MO-WA-01 MORENO Watters Corporate
18-May-14 2000 6/2/2014 Same Day SC-EP-01 SCHMIDT Epp Corporate
19-May-14 1636 6/3/2014 First Class PA-HW-01 PATEL Hwang Consumer
20-May-14 2001 6/4/2014 Second Class FE-KR-01 FERGUSON Krohn Consumer
21-May-14 1637 6/5/2014 First Class NI-MI-01 NICHOLS Miller Home Office
22-May-14 2002 6/6/2014 Standard Class HE-JU-01 HERRERA Jumper Consumer
23-May-14 1638 6/7/2014 Same Day ME-RO-01 MEDINA Rosenberg Corporate
24-May-14 2003 6/8/2014 Standard Class RY-SU-01 RYAN Sumrall Corporate
25-May-14 1639 6/9/2014 First Class FE-HU-01 FERNANDEZ Huffman Home Office
26-May-14 2004 6/10/2014 Second Class WE-MA-01 WEAVER MacIntyre Corporate
27-May-14 1640 6/11/2014 Same Day DA-WI-01 DANIELS Williamson Consumer
28-May-14 2005 6/12/2014 Second Class ST-MC-01 STEPHENS McVee Home Office
29-May-14 1641 6/13/2014 Standard Class GA-HW-01 GARDNER Hwang Consumer
30-May-14 2006 6/14/2014 First Class PA-MU-01 PAYNE Murray Consumer
31-May-14 1642 6/15/2014 Standard Class KE-MC-01 KELLEY McGuire Consumer
1-Jun-14 2007 6/16/2014 First Class DU-CH-01 DUNN Chung Consumer
2-Jun-14 1643 6/17/2014 First Class PI-PH-01 PIERCE Phonely Corporate
3-Jun-14 2008 6/18/2014 Standard Class AR-FE-01 ARNOLD Ferguson Consumer
4-Jun-14 1644 6/19/2014 Second Class TR-SA-01 TRAN Sayre Consumer
5-Jun-14 2009 6/20/2014 First Class SP-RE-01 SPENCER Reiter Consumer
6-Jun-14 1645 6/21/2014 First Class PE-HO-01 PETERS Hopkins Corporate
7-Jun-14 2010 6/22/2014 Standard Class HA-MU-01 HAWKINS Murry Corporate
8-Jun-14 1646 6/23/2014 Same Day GR-HA-01 GRANT Hawkins Corporate
9-Jun-14 2011 6/24/2014 Standard Class HA-GJ-01 HANSEN Gjertsen Corporate
10-Jun-14 1647 6/25/2014 Same Day CA-NO-01 CASTRO Norvell Corporate
11-Jun-14 2012 6/26/2014 Same Day HO-WI-01 HOFFMAN Willingham Corporate
12-Jun-14 1648 6/27/2014 Same Day HA-GA-01 HART Gayman Consumer
13-Jun-14 2013 6/28/2014 First Class EL-WA-01 ELLIOTT Ward Corporate
14-Jun-14 1649 6/29/2014 First Class CU-SA-01 CUNNINGHAM Sachs Consumer
15-Jun-14 2014 6/30/2014 First Class KN-KN-01 KNIGHT Knutson Consumer
16-Jun-14 1650 7/1/2014 First Class BR-PE-01 BRADLEY Pelletier Home Office
17-Jun-14 2015 7/2/2014 Standard Class CA-GA-01 CARROLL Gainer Consumer
18-Jun-14 1651 7/3/2014 Standard Class HU-JO-01 HUDSON Jones Consumer
19-Jun-14 2016 7/4/2014 Second Class DU-CR-01 DUNCAN Crier Consumer
20-Jun-14 1652 7/5/2014 Second Class AR-FO-01 ARMSTRONG Fortune- Consumer
21-Jun-14 2017 7/6/2014 Second Class BE-RI-01 BERRY Rittenbach Corporate
22-Jun-14 2028 7/7/2014 Second Class AN-MO-01 ANDREWS Morse Consumer
23-Jun-14 1664 7/8/2014 Second Class JO-JA-01 JOHNSTON Jacobs Consumer
24-Jun-14 2029 7/9/2014 Second Class RA-SC-01 RAY Schnelling Consumer
25-Jun-14 1665 7/10/2014 Second Class LA-JA-01 LANE Jacobs Corporate
26-Jun-14 2030 7/11/2014 First Class RI-HU-01 RILEY Huffman Home Office
27-Jun-14 1666 7/12/2014 Standard Class CA-MA-01 CARPENTER Mautz Home Office
28-Jun-14 2031 7/13/2014 First Class PE-EN-01 PERKINS Engle Corporate
29-Jun-14 1667 7/14/2014 First Class AG-TH-01 AGUILAR Thornton Consumer
30-Jun-14 2032 7/15/2014 Second Class SI-BE-01 SILVA Bern Consumer
1-Jul-14 1668 7/16/2014 First Class RI-MO-01 RICHARDS Moren Home Office
2-Jul-14 2033 7/17/2014 First Class WI-TA-01 WILLIS Takahito Home Office
3-Jul-14 1669 7/18/2014 Second Class JA-ST-01 James Stevenson Consumer
4-Jul-14 2034 7/19/2014 First Class DA-CA-01 David Castell Home Office
5-Jul-14 1670 7/20/2014 Second Class TO-FJ-01 Tom Alter Fjeld Home Office
6-Jul-14 2035 7/21/2014 Second Class JA-CA-01 James Carlisle Home Office
7-Jul-14 1671 7/22/2014 First Class AR-HA-01 Armando Haberlin Consumer
8-Jul-14 2036 7/23/2014 Second Class AU-BR-01 AUBREY Bradley Consumer
9-Jul-14 1672 7/24/2014 First Class BA-SO-01 BASIL Soltero Consumer
1-Jan-12 2037 1/16/2012 Standard Class AU-WA-01 AUSTIN Watters Corporate
2-Jan-12 1673 1/17/2012 Second Class BE-MC-01 BERNARD McAfee Consumer
3-Jan-12 2038 1/18/2012 Second Class BL-WO-01 BLAKE Workman Corporate
5-Jan-12 1674 1/20/2012 Same Day SM-DO-01 SMITH Dowd Consumer
6-Jan-12 2039 1/21/2012 First Class JO-ST-01 JOHNSON Stevenson Consumer
7-Jan-12 1675 1/22/2012 Standard Class WI-TH-01 WILLIAMS Thompson Consumer
8-Jan-12 2040 1/23/2012 Same Day BR-GO-01 BROWN Gordon Consumer
9-Jan-12 1676 1/24/2012 First Class JO-CO-01 JONES Cox Consumer
10-Jan-12 2041 1/25/2012 First Class MI-BO-01 MILLER Boland Corporate
11-Jan-12 1677 1/26/2012 Standard Class DA-DO-01 DAVIS Dominguez Corporate
12-Jan-12 2042 1/27/2012 First Class GA-HI-01 GARCIA Hirsh Consumer
13-Jan-12 1678 1/28/2012 Second Class RO-CR-01 RODRIGUEZ Crestani Consumer
14-Jan-12 2043 1/29/2012 Standard Class WI-PR-01 WILSON Preis Consumer
15-Jan-12 1679 1/30/2012 Standard Class MA-SU-01 MARTINEZ Sumrall Corporate
16-Jan-12 2044 1/31/2012 Standard Class AN-LA-01 ANDERSON LaWare Consumer
17-Jan-12 1680 2/1/2012 First Class TA-YE-01 TAYLOR Yedwab Corporate
18-Jan-12 2045 2/2/2012 Standard Class TH-TR-01 THOMAS Trevino Consumer
19-Jan-12 1681 2/3/2012 First Class HE-ST-01 HERNANDEZ Stugart Consumer
20-Jan-12 1682 2/4/2012 Same Day MO-LO-01 MOORE Lomonaco Home Office
21-Jan-12 1683 2/5/2012 Standard Class MA-CO-01 MARTIN Coram Corporate
22-Jan-12 1684 2/6/2012 Second Class JA-AD-01 JACKSON Adams Corporate
23-Jan-12 1685 2/7/2012 Standard Class TH-JO-01 THOMPSON Jones Corporate
24-Jan-12 2055 2/8/2012 Standard Class WH-EI-01 WHITE Eichhorn Consumer
25-Jan-12 2056 2/9/2012 First Class LO-PR-01 LOPEZ Prescott Corporate
26-Jan-12 2057 2/10/2012 Same Day LE-KA-01 LEE Kamberova Consumer
27-Jan-12 2058 2/11/2012 First Class GO-ZY-01 GONZALEZ Zydlo Consumer
28-Jan-12 2059 2/12/2012 Standard Class MO-RA-01 MORENO Ratner Consumer
29-Jan-12 1695 2/13/2012 Second Class SC-HE-01 SCHMIDT Hernandez Home Office
30-Jan-12 2060 2/14/2012 Standard Class PA-RU-01 PATEL Rupert Consumer
31-Jan-12 1696 2/15/2012 Same Day FE-LU-01 FERGUSON Lucas Home Office
1-Feb-12 2061 2/16/2012 Standard Class NI-CO-01 NICHOLS Coyne Corporate
2-Feb-12 1697 2/17/2012 First Class HE-GR-01 HERRERA Greer Corporate
3-Feb-12 2062 2/18/2012 First Class ME-WI-01 MEDINA Williams Corporate
4-Feb-12 1698 2/19/2012 Same Day RY-LI-01 RYAN liebe Corporate
5-Feb-12 2063 2/20/2012 Standard Class FE-CH-01 FERNANDEZ Chand Consumer
6-Feb-12 1699 2/21/2012 First Class WE-CA-01 WEAVER Cano Consumer
7-Feb-12 2064 2/22/2012 Standard Class DA-BA-01 DANIELS Barreto Consumer
8-Feb-12 1700 2/23/2012 First Class ST-PH-01 STEPHENS Phonely Corporate
9-Feb-12 2065 2/24/2012 Second Class GA-BE-01 GARDNER Bern Consumer
10-Feb-12 1701 2/25/2012 Second Class PA-PR-01 PAYNE Prescott Corporate
11-Feb-12 2066 2/26/2012 First Class KE-MA-01 KELLEY Matthias Consumer
12-Feb-12 1702 2/27/2012 Standard Class DU-RA-01 DUNN Radford Consumer
13-Feb-12 2067 2/28/2012 Standard Class PI-MC-01 PIERCE McCrossin Consumer
14-Feb-12 1703 2/29/2012 Standard Class AR-LA-01 ARNOLD Lacy Consumer
15-Feb-12 2068 3/1/2012 Standard Class TR-ME-01 TRAN Merwin Home Office
16-Feb-12 1704 3/2/2012 Second Class SP-PH-01 SPENCER Philippe Consumer
17-Feb-12 2069 3/3/2012 Second Class PE-KE-01 PETERS Kelty Consumer
18-Feb-12 1705 3/4/2012 First Class HA-HU-01 HAWKINS Huthwaite Home Office
19-Feb-12 2070 3/5/2012 Standard Class GR-MC-01 GRANT McGarr Consumer
20-Feb-12 1706 3/6/2012 Second Class HA-MA-01 HANSEN MacIntyre Corporate
21-Feb-12 2071 3/7/2012 Second Class CA-PR-01 CASTRO Prost Home Office
22-Feb-12 1707 3/8/2012 First Class HO-WA-01 HOFFMAN Waldorf Consumer
23-Feb-12 2072 3/9/2012 Second Class HA-MO-01 HART Morse Consumer
24-Feb-12 1708 3/10/2012 First Class EL-ET-01 ELLIOTT Etezadi Home Office
25-Feb-12 2073 3/11/2012 Standard Class CU-SC-01 CUNNINGHAM Schnelling Corporate
26-Feb-12 1709 3/12/2012 Same Day KN-HA-01 KNIGHT Hansen Home Office
27-Feb-12 2074 3/13/2012 Standard Class BR-ET-01 BRADLEY Etezadi Home Office
28-Feb-12 1710 3/14/2012 Second Class CA-CL-01 CARROLL Clasen Corporate
1-Mar-12 2075 3/16/2012 Standard Class HU-TA-01 HUDSON Takahito Home Office
2-Mar-12 1711 3/17/2012 First Class DU-BR-01 DUNCAN Brown Consumer
3-Mar-12 2076 3/18/2012 Same Day AR-JO-01 ARMSTRONG Jordon Consumer
4-Mar-12 1712 3/19/2012 Standard Class BE-DA-01 BERRY Daly Consumer
5-Mar-12 2077 3/20/2012 Standard Class AN-AS-01 ANDREWS Ashbrook Home Office
6-Mar-13 1713 3/21/2013 Second Class JO-JO-01 JOHNSTON Joy Corporate
7-Mar-13 2078 3/22/2013 Second Class RA-PO-01 RAY Poirier Corporate
8-Mar-13 1714 3/23/2013 Standard Class LA-MA-01 LANE MacKendrick Consumer
9-Mar-13 2079 3/24/2013 Standard Class RI-RO-01 RILEY Roberts Consumer
10-Mar-13 1715 3/25/2013 Standard Class CA-HO-01 CARPENTER Howell Consumer
11-Mar-13 2080 3/26/2013 Second Class PE-CH-01 PERKINS Chand Home Office
12-Mar-13 1716 3/27/2013 Standard Class AG-MC-01 AGUILAR McAfee Consumer
13-Mar-13 2081 3/28/2013 Second Class SI-KA-01 SILVA Kane Consumer
14-Mar-13 1717 3/29/2013 Second Class RI-MU-01 RICHARDS Murray Consumer
15-Mar-13 1718 3/30/2013 Standard Class WI-GR-01 WILLIS Grady Consumer
16-Mar-13 1719 3/31/2013 First Class JA-HA-01 James Hart Corporate
17-Mar-13 1720 4/1/2013 Standard Class DA-KA-01 David Kaydos Consumer
18-Mar-13 1721 4/2/2013 Standard Class TO-ST-01 Tom Alter Steele Home Office
19-Mar-13 2091 4/3/2013 Same Day JA-LU-01 James Ludwig Consumer
20-Mar-13 2092 4/4/2013 Standard Class AR-AN-01 Armando Anderson Consumer
21-Mar-13 2093 4/5/2013 Second Class AU-FO-01 AUBREY Fox Consumer
22-Mar-13 2094 4/6/2013 Standard Class BA-BU-01 BASIL Budd Corporate
23-Mar-13 2095 4/7/2013 Standard Class AU-CH-01 AUSTIN Chand Home Office
24-Mar-13 1731 4/8/2013 Standard Class BE-SU-01 BERNARD Sundaresam Consumer
25-Mar-13 2096 4/9/2013 Same Day BL-LU-01 BLAKE Ludtke Consumer
26-Mar-13 1732 4/10/2013 Standard Class SM-RA-01 SMITH Raglin Home Office
27-Mar-13 2097 4/11/2013 Standard Class JO-RA-01 JOHNSON Radford Consumer
28-Mar-13 1733 4/12/2013 Same Day WI-FR-01 WILLIAMS Franzsisch Home Office
29-Mar-13 2098 4/13/2013 Second Class BR-FR-01 BROWN Fritzler Corporate
30-Mar-13 1734 4/14/2013 Same Day JO-MC-01 JONES McGrath Consumer
31-Mar-13 2099 4/15/2013 Standard Class MI-BA-01 MILLER Barreto Consumer
1-Apr-13 1735 4/16/2013 Second Class DA-BE-01 DAVIS Bern Corporate
2-Apr-13 2100 4/17/2013 Standard Class GA-AV-01 GARCIA Avila Consumer
3-Apr-13 1736 4/18/2013 First Class RO-HU-01 RODRIGUEZ Huston Consumer
4-Apr-13 2101 4/19/2013 Same Day WI-VA-01 WILSON Van Consumer
5-Apr-13 1737 4/20/2013 Second Class MA-WA-01 MARTINEZ Wasserman Consumer
6-Apr-13 2102 4/21/2013 Second Class AN-AR-01 ANDERSON Armstrong Corporate
7-Apr-13 1738 4/22/2013 First Class TA-MC-01 TAYLOR McAdams Corporate
8-Apr-13 2103 4/23/2013 Standard Class TH-GL-01 THOMAS Glantz Consumer
9-Apr-13 1739 4/24/2013 Second Class HE-WA-01 HERNANDEZ Wasserman Corporate
10-Apr-13 2104 4/25/2013 First Class MO-ST-01 MOORE Staebel Consumer
11-Apr-13 1740 4/26/2013 Second Class MA-CO-01 MARTIN Collins Consumer
12-Apr-13 2105 4/27/2013 Standard Class JA-CL-01 JACKSON Clasen Corporate
13-Apr-13 1741 4/28/2013 First Class TH-RO-01 THOMPSON Roper Home Office
14-Apr-13 2106 4/29/2013 Second Class WH-FE-01 WHITE Ferguson Consumer
15-Apr-13 1742 4/30/2013 First Class LO-HW-01 LOPEZ Hwang Consumer
16-Apr-13 2107 5/1/2013 Same Day LE-HU-01 LEE Hughes Consumer
17-Apr-13 1743 5/2/2013 Second Class GO-MC-01 GONZALEZ McVee Home Office
18-Apr-13 2108 5/3/2013 Standard Class MO-OB-01 MORENO Ober Home Office
19-Apr-13 1744 5/4/2013 First Class SC-GA-01 SCHMIDT Gastineau Corporate
20-Apr-13 2109 5/5/2013 First Class PA-MI-01 PATEL Mills Consumer
21-Apr-13 1745 5/6/2013 Standard Class FE-DU-01 FERGUSON Ducich Consumer
22-Apr-13 2110 5/7/2013 Same Day NI-ST-01 NICHOLS Staebel Consumer
23-Apr-13 1746 5/8/2013 Standard Class HE-RO-01 HERRERA Roberts Consumer
24-Apr-13 2111 5/9/2013 Second Class ME-GO-01 MEDINA Gonzalez Consumer
25-Apr-13 1747 5/10/2013 Standard Class RY-CA-01 RYAN Carlisle Consumer
26-Apr-13 2112 5/11/2013 Standard Class FE-JO-01 FERNANDEZ Joy Corporate
27-Apr-13 1748 5/12/2013 Second Class WE-KI-01 WEAVER Kirkland Corporate
28-Apr-13 2113 5/13/2013 Standard Class DA-JU-01 DANIELS Jumper Consumer
29-Apr-13 1749 5/14/2013 Standard Class ST-RI-01 STEPHENS Ritter Consumer
30-Apr-13 2114 5/15/2013 Same Day GA-HO-01 GARDNER Holden Corporate
1-May-13 1750 5/16/2013 Second Class PA-HO-01 PAYNE Holloman Corporate
2-May-13 2115 5/17/2013 First Class KE-VI-01 KELLEY Visinsky Consumer
3-May-13 1751 5/18/2013 Second Class DU-RA-01 DUNN Rawles Corporate
4-May-13 2116 5/19/2013 Second Class PI-VI-01 PIERCE Vittorini Consumer
5-May-13 1752 5/20/2013 Standard Class AR-PH-01 ARNOLD Phan Corporate
6-May-13 2117 5/21/2013 Standard Class TR-FR-01 TRAN Fritzler Consumer
7-May-13 1753 5/22/2013 Standard Class SP-MO-01 SPENCER Monton Corporate
8-May-14 1754 5/23/2014 Same Day PE-RY-01 PETERS Ryan Corporate
9-May-14 1755 5/24/2014 Standard Class HA-RA-01 HAWKINS Raglin Home Office
10-May-14 1756 5/25/2014 Second Class GR-FE-01 GRANT Ferguson Consumer
11-May-14 1757 5/26/2014 Standard Class HA-MC-01 HANSEN McGrath Consumer
12-May-14 2127 5/27/2014 Standard Class CA-GR-01 CASTRO Grady Corporate
13-May-14 2128 5/28/2014 First Class HO-KA-01 HOFFMAN Kargatis Home Office
14-May-14 2129 5/29/2014 First Class HA-SA-01 HART Savely Corporate
15-May-14 2130 5/30/2014 Standard Class EL-KO-01 ELLIOTT Koutras Consumer
16-May-14 2131 5/31/2014 First Class CU-DU-01 CUNNINGHAM Ducich Home Office
17-May-14 1767 6/1/2014 Same Day KN-WI-01 KNIGHT Wilson Corporate
18-May-14 2132 6/2/2014 First Class BR-HE-01 BRADLEY Henry Consumer
19-May-14 1768 6/3/2014 First Class CA-LI-01 CARROLL Lichtenstein Corporate
20-May-14 2133 6/4/2014 Second Class HU-FA-01 HUDSON Farhat Home Office
21-May-14 1769 6/5/2014 Second Class DU-BE-01 DUNCAN Bertelson Consumer
22-May-14 2134 6/6/2014 First Class AR-RO-01 ARMSTRONG Rozendal Home Office
23-May-14 1770 6/7/2014 Standard Class BE-BL-01 BERRY Blumstein Consumer
24-May-14 2135 6/8/2014 First Class AN-NG-01 ANDREWS Nguyen Corporate
25-May-14 1771 6/9/2014 Standard Class JO-RE-01 JOHNSTON Redmond Home Office
26-May-14 2136 6/10/2014 First Class RA-KI-01 RAY Kinney Corporate
27-May-14 1772 6/11/2014 First Class LA-BR-01 LANE Breyer Corporate
28-May-14 2137 6/12/2014 Second Class RI-CO-01 RILEY Cox Consumer
29-May-14 1773 6/13/2014 Same Day CA-ME-01 CARPENTER Medina Corporate
30-May-14 2138 6/14/2014 Second Class PE-AL-01 PERKINS Allen Consumer
31-May-14 1774 6/15/2014 Same Day AG-BA-01 AGUILAR Ballard Corporate
1-Jun-14 2139 6/16/2014 Same Day SI-O'-01 SILVA O'Brian Consumer
2-Jun-14 1775 6/17/2014 First Class RI-MI-01 RICHARDS Miller Consumer
3-Jun-14 2140 6/18/2014 Second Class WI-RE-01 WILLIS Reese Home Office
4-Jun-14 1776 6/19/2014 First Class JA-PI-01 James Pistek Consumer
5-Jun-14 2141 6/20/2014 Same Day DA-NA-01 David Nazzal Consumer
6-Jun-14 1777 6/21/2014 First Class TO-HU-01 Tom Alter Hunt Consumer
7-Jun-14 2142 6/22/2014 Standard Class JA-BA-01 James Ballard Corporate
8-Jun-14 1778 6/23/2014 Standard Class AR-HO-01 Armando Hood Consumer
9-Jun-14 2143 6/24/2014 Second Class AU-VO-01 AUBREY Voltz Corporate
10-Jun-14 1779 6/25/2014 Standard Class BA-KL-01 BASIL Klamczynski Corporate
11-Jun-14 2144 6/26/2014 First Class AU-BI-01 AUSTIN Bierner Consumer
12-Jun-14 1780 6/27/2014 Second Class BE-GE-01 BERNARD Gerbode Corporate
13-Jun-14 2145 6/28/2014 First Class BL-RU-01 BLAKE Russell Corporate
14-Jun-14 1781 6/29/2014 Standard Class SM-WE-01 SMITH Webber Consumer
15-Jun-14 2146 6/30/2014 Standard Class JO-HW-01 JOHNSON Hwang Consumer
16-Jun-14 1782 7/1/2014 Second Class WI-CA-01 WILLIAMS Carlisle Home Office
17-Jun-14 2147 7/2/2014 Standard Class BR-LA-01 BROWN LaWare Consumer
18-Jun-14 1783 7/3/2014 Second Class JO-HO-01 JONES House Corporate
19-Jun-14 2148 7/4/2014 Second Class MI-BO-01 MILLER Boland Corporate
20-Jun-14 1784 7/5/2014 Standard Class DA-WI-01 DAVIS Willingham Home Office
21-Jun-14 2149 7/6/2014 Standard Class GA-TH-01 GARCIA Thompson Consumer
22-Jun-14 1785 7/7/2014 Standard Class RO-NO-01 RODRIGUEZ Nockton Corporate
23-Jun-14 2150 7/8/2014 Standard Class WI-DA-01 WILSON Dahlen Home Office
24-Jun-14 1786 7/9/2014 First Class MA-CA-01 MARTINEZ Catlett Corporate
25-Jun-14 2151 7/10/2014 First Class AN-EA-01 ANDERSON Eason Home Office
26-Jun-14 1787 7/11/2014 Second Class TA-CO-01 TAYLOR Collins Consumer
27-Jun-14 2152 7/12/2014 Standard Class TH-SA-01 THOMAS Sachs Consumer
28-Jun-14 1788 7/13/2014 Same Day HE-ET-01 HERNANDEZ Etezadi Home Office
29-Jun-14 2153 7/14/2014 First Class MO-WI-01 MOORE Williamson Consumer
30-Jun-14 1789 7/15/2014 First Class MA-HU-01 MARTIN Huthwaite Consumer
1-Jul-14 1790 7/16/2014 First Class JA-RE-01 JACKSON Reiten Home Office
2-Jul-14 1791 7/17/2014 First Class TH-MA-01 THOMPSON Marie Corporate
3-Jul-14 1792 7/18/2014 Second Class WH-CH-01 WHITE Chapman Consumer
4-Jul-14 1793 7/19/2014 Second Class LO-MA-01 LOPEZ Martin Consumer
5-Jul-14 1794 7/20/2014 First Class LE-ST-01 LEE Stevenson Home Office
6-Jul-14 2159 7/21/2014 Same Day GO-ME-01 GONZALEZ Melton Consumer
7-Jul-14 1795 7/22/2014 Second Class MO-JO-01 MORENO Jones Corporate
8-Jul-14 2160 7/23/2014 Standard Class SC-SA-01 SCHMIDT Sayre Consumer
9-Jul-14 1796 7/24/2014 Standard Class PA-DE-01 PATEL Deggeller Corporate
1-Jan-12 2161 1/16/2012 Second Class FE-SC-01 FERGUSON Schnelling Consumer
2-Jan-12 1797 1/17/2012 Same Day NI-MI-01 NICHOLS Miller Consumer
3-Jan-12 2162 1/18/2012 Standard Class HE-AP-01 HERRERA Applegate Consumer
5-Jan-12 1798 1/20/2012 Second Class ME-BR-01 MEDINA Brown Consumer
6-Jan-12 2163 1/21/2012 First Class RY-TR-01 RYAN Tran Home Office
7-Jan-12 1799 1/22/2012 Second Class FE-FE-01 FERNANDEZ Ferguson Consumer
8-Jan-12 2164 1/23/2012 First Class WE-TR-01 WEAVER Tran Home Office
9-Jan-12 1800 1/24/2012 Same Day DA-SM-01 DANIELS Smith Consumer
10-Jan-12 2165 1/25/2012 Standard Class ST-MU-01 STEPHENS Murray Home Office
11-Jan-12 1801 1/26/2012 Same Day GA-BL-01 GARDNER Blume Corporate
12-Jan-12 2166 1/27/2012 Standard Class PA-ST-01 PAYNE Stevenson Home Office
13-Jan-12 1802 1/28/2012 Standard Class KE-BE-01 KELLEY Bern Corporate
14-Jan-12 2167 1/29/2012 Second Class DU-FE-01 DUNN Ferguson Consumer
15-Jan-12 1803 1/30/2012 Standard Class PI-CO-01 PIERCE Cousins Corporate
16-Jan-12 2168 1/31/2012 Standard Class AR-CA-01 ARNOLD Carroll Consumer
17-Jan-12 1804 2/1/2012 First Class TR-HI-01 TRAN Hildebrand Home Office
18-Jan-12 2169 2/2/2012 First Class SP-MA-01 SPENCER Maddox Consumer
19-Jan-12 1805 2/3/2012 Standard Class PE-ST-01 PETERS Stugart Consumer
20-Jan-12 2170 2/4/2012 Standard Class HA-MI-01 HAWKINS Miller Home Office
21-Jan-12 1806 2/5/2012 Second Class GR-AR-01 GRANT Arnett Home Office
22-Jan-12 2171 2/6/2012 First Class HA-BR-01 HANSEN Brooks Consumer
23-Jan-12 1807 2/7/2012 Second Class CA-SH-01 CASTRO Shariari Consumer
24-Jan-12 2172 2/8/2012 Second Class HO-MO-01 HOFFMAN Moss Corporate
25-Jan-12 1808 2/9/2012 First Class HA-CR-01 HART Creighton Consumer
26-Jan-12 2173 2/10/2012 First Class EL-CH-01 ELLIOTT Chand Corporate
27-Jan-12 1809 2/11/2012 Standard Class CU-WE-01 CUNNINGHAM Wendt Home Office
28-Jan-12 2174 2/12/2012 Standard Class KN-WA-01 KNIGHT Waco Corporate
29-Jan-12 1810 2/13/2012 Second Class BR-AR-01 BRADLEY Arnett Home Office
30-Jan-12 2175 2/14/2012 Standard Class CA-MA-01 CARROLL MacIntyre Corporate
31-Jan-12 1811 2/15/2012 Second Class HU-SA-01 HUDSON Sayre Corporate
1-Feb-12 2176 2/16/2012 Second Class DU-O'-01 DUNCAN O'Connel Home Office
2-Feb-12 1812 2/17/2012 First Class AR-RE-01 ARMSTRONG Reiter Consumer
3-Feb-12 2177 2/18/2012 Standard Class BE-YE-01 BERRY Yedwab Corporate
4-Feb-12 1813 2/19/2012 Standard Class AN-SE-01 ANDREWS Seite Consumer
5-Feb-12 2178 2/20/2012 Standard Class JO-WA-01 JOHNSTON Ward Corporate
6-Feb-12 1814 2/21/2012 Standard Class RA-GO-01 RAY Goldwyn Corporate
7-Feb-12 2179 2/22/2012 First Class LA-GA-01 LANE Gastineau Home Office
8-Feb-12 1815 2/23/2012 Standard Class RI-CA-01 RILEY Catini Consumer
9-Feb-12 2180 2/24/2012 Second Class CA-LA-01 CARPENTER Latchford Consumer
10-Feb-12 1816 2/25/2012 Standard Class PE-HO-01 PERKINS House Corporate
11-Feb-12 2181 2/26/2012 Standard Class AG-BR-01 AGUILAR Brooks Consumer
12-Feb-12 1817 2/27/2012 Second Class SI-KI-01 SILVA Kimmel Consumer
13-Feb-12 2182 2/28/2012 Standard Class RI-SA-01 RICHARDS Savely Corporate
14-Feb-12 1818 2/29/2012 First Class WI-HW-01 WILLIS Hwang Home Office
15-Feb-12 2183 3/1/2012 Standard Class JA-TO-01 James Tom Consumer
16-Feb-12 1819 3/2/2012 Standard Class DA-PI-01 David Pistek Consumer
17-Feb-12 2184 3/3/2012 Standard Class TO-HA-01 Tom Alter Haberlin Corporate
18-Feb-12 1820 3/4/2012 Second Class JA-CH-01 James Chen Consumer
19-Feb-12 2185 3/5/2012 Standard Class AR-SA-01 Armando Sayre Corporate
20-Feb-12 2190 3/6/2012 Same Day AU-WE-01 AUBREY Webber Corporate
21-Feb-12 1821 3/7/2012 First Class BA-SW-01 BASIL Sweed Corporate
22-Feb-12 2186 3/8/2012 Second Class AU-KR-01 AUSTIN Kriz Consumer
23-Feb-12 2191 3/9/2012 Second Class BE-OR-01 BERNARD Ordway Consumer
24-Feb-12 1822 3/10/2012 Second Class BL-GI-01 BLAKE Gilcrest Corporate
25-Feb-12 2187 3/11/2012 Same Day SM-UL-01 SMITH Ulpright Home Office
26-Feb-12 2192 3/12/2012 First Class JO-CR-01 JOHNSON Creighton Corporate
27-Feb-12 1823 3/13/2012 Second Class WI-GR-01 WILLIAMS Grady Corporate
28-Feb-12 2188 3/14/2012 Standard Class BR-BR-01 BROWN Brumley Home Office
1-Mar-12 2193 3/16/2012 Second Class JO-DA-01 JONES Daniels Consumer
2-Mar-12 1824 3/17/2012 First Class MI-MA-01 MILLER Martin Consumer
3-Mar-12 2189 3/18/2012 Second Class DA-VI-01 DAVIS Visinsky Consumer
4-Mar-12 2194 3/19/2012 First Class GA-HA-01 GARCIA Hawkins Corporate
5-Mar-12 2195 3/20/2012 Same Day RO-BR-01 RODRIGUEZ Brown Consumer
6-Mar-13 1825 3/21/2013 Same Day WI-PI-01 WILSON Pisteka Corporate
7-Mar-13 1826 3/22/2013 Standard Class MA-GR-01 MARTINEZ Grady Consumer
8-Mar-13 1827 3/23/2013 Standard Class AN-CO-01 ANDERSON Coyne Corporate
9-Mar-13 1828 3/24/2013 First Class TA-RA-01 TAYLOR Radford Consumer
10-Mar-13 1829 3/25/2013 Standard Class TH-KE-01 THOMAS Kelly Corporate
11-Mar-13 1830 3/26/2013 First Class HE-DO-01 HERNANDEZ Dominguez Corporate
12-Mar-13 1831 3/27/2013 Second Class MO-HO-01 MOORE Hopkins Home Office
13-Mar-13 1832 3/28/2013 First Class MA-DA-01 MARTIN Dahlen Home Office
14-Mar-13 1833 3/29/2013 Second Class JA-PI-01 JACKSON Pippenger Consumer
15-Mar-13 1834 3/30/2013 Same Day TH-CO-01 THOMPSON Coyne Corporate
16-Mar-13 1835 3/31/2013 Standard Class WH-LE-01 WHITE Lee Consumer
17-Mar-13 1836 4/1/2013 Second Class LO-MO-01 LOPEZ Monton Corporate
18-Mar-13 1837 4/2/2013 First Class LE-KE-01 LEE Kennedy Consumer
19-Mar-13 1838 4/3/2013 First Class GO-CA-01 GONZALEZ Carreira Consumer
20-Mar-13 1839 4/4/2013 Standard Class MO-CH-01 MORENO Chand Corporate
21-Mar-13 1840 4/5/2013 First Class SC-BA-01 SCHMIDT Badders Corporate
22-Mar-13 1841 4/6/2013 Second Class PA-MA-01 PATEL Martinez Consumer
23-Mar-13 2196 4/7/2013 Standard Class FE-GO-01 FERGUSON Gonzalez Consumer
24-Mar-13 2562 4/8/2013 Standard Class NI-GO-01 NICHOLS Goranitis Consumer
25-Mar-13 2197 4/9/2013 Second Class HE-AD-01 HERRERA Adams Corporate
26-Mar-13 2563 4/10/2013 Standard Class ME-GR-01 MEDINA Granlund Home Office
27-Mar-13 2198 4/11/2013 Same Day RY-AB-01 RYAN Abelman Home Office
28-Mar-13 2564 4/12/2013 Standard Class FE-MO-01 FERNANDEZ Morse Consumer
29-Mar-13 2199 4/13/2013 Same Day WE-GL-01 WEAVER Glocke Consumer
30-Mar-13 2565 4/14/2013 Second Class DA-CO-01 DANIELS Conant Consumer
31-Mar-13 2200 4/15/2013 First Class ST-CH-01 STEPHENS Chung Consumer
1-Apr-13 2566 4/16/2013 Second Class GA-SE-01 GARDNER Sewall Home Office
2-Apr-13 2201 4/17/2013 First Class PA-BR-01 PAYNE Brandow Consumer
3-Apr-13 2567 4/18/2013 First Class KE-HA-01 KELLEY Hallsten Corporate
4-Apr-13 2202 4/19/2013 Standard Class DU-TY-01 DUNN Tyler Corporate
5-Apr-13 2568 4/20/2013 Standard Class PI-JA-01 PIERCE Jackson Consumer
6-Apr-13 2203 4/21/2013 Second Class AR-CH-01 ARNOLD Chen Consumer
7-Apr-13 2569 4/22/2013 Same Day TR-GA-01 TRAN Gastineau Corporate
8-Apr-13 2204 4/23/2013 Standard Class SP-AP-01 SPENCER Applegate Consumer
9-Apr-13 2570 4/24/2013 Standard Class PE-TA-01 PETERS Taslimi Corporate
10-Apr-13 2205 4/25/2013 Second Class HA-HO-01 HAWKINS House Corporate
11-Apr-13 2571 4/26/2013 First Class GR-MA-01 GRANT Martin Consumer
12-Apr-13 2206 4/27/2013 Standard Class HA-GO-01 HANSEN Gonzalez Consumer
13-Apr-13 2572 4/28/2013 Standard Class CA-WA-01 CASTRO Wasserman Consumer
14-Apr-13 2207 4/29/2013 Standard Class HO-CA-01 HOFFMAN Carroll Consumer
15-Apr-13 2573 4/30/2013 First Class HA-FR-01 HART Fritzler Consumer
16-Apr-13 2208 5/1/2013 First Class EL-WE-01 ELLIOTT Webber Consumer
17-Apr-13 2574 5/2/2013 First Class CU-WA-01 CUNNINGHAM Wasserman Corporate
18-Apr-13 2209 5/3/2013 Second Class KN-PR-01 KNIGHT Preis Home Office
19-Apr-13 2575 5/4/2013 Standard Class BR-SH-01 BRADLEY Shariari Consumer
20-Apr-13 2210 5/5/2013 Standard Class CA-EL-01 CARROLL Elijah Consumer
21-Apr-13 2576 5/6/2013 First Class HU-GR-01 HUDSON Grove Consumer
22-Apr-13 2211 5/7/2013 Same Day DU-CA-01 DUNCAN Carroll Consumer
23-Apr-13 2577 5/8/2013 Standard Class AR-ST-01 ARMSTRONG Stugart Consumer
24-Apr-13 2212 5/9/2013 First Class BE-WA-01 BERRY Wallace Consumer
25-Apr-13 2578 5/10/2013 Second Class AN-MC-01 ANDREWS McAdams Corporate
26-Apr-13 2213 5/11/2013 Second Class JO-KI-01 JOHNSTON Kiefer Home Office
27-Apr-13 2579 5/12/2013 Same Day RA-GL-01 RAY Glassco Consumer
28-Apr-13 2214 5/13/2013 Standard Class LA-FU-01 LANE Fuller Consumer
29-Apr-13 2580 5/14/2013 Standard Class RI-LO-01 RILEY Lomonaco Home Office
30-Apr-13 2215 5/15/2013 Second Class CA-CA-01 CARPENTER Cartwright Consumer
1-May-13 2581 5/16/2013 Second Class PE-AN-01 PERKINS Anderson Consumer
2-May-13 2216 5/17/2013 Standard Class AG-BO-01 AGUILAR Bowman Corporate
3-May-13 2582 5/18/2013 First Class SI-MU-01 SILVA Murray Consumer
4-May-13 2217 5/19/2013 Standard Class RI-GE-01 RICHARDS Gerbode Corporate
5-May-13 2583 5/20/2013 Standard Class WI-LU-01 WILLIS Lucas Home Office
6-May-13 2218 5/21/2013 Second Class JA-BE-01 James Bergman Consumer
7-May-13 2584 5/22/2013 Standard Class DA-SA-01 David Sayre Consumer
8-May-14 2219 5/23/2014 Standard Class TO-GO-01 Tom Alter Gockenbach Consumer
9-May-14 2585 5/24/2014 Standard Class JA-MA-01 James Martinez Consumer
10-May-14 2220 5/25/2014 Second Class AR-DO-01 Armando Dowd Consumer
11-May-14 2586 5/26/2014 Second Class AU-WI-01 AUBREY Willingham Home Office
12-May-14 2221 5/27/2014 First Class BA-JO-01 BASIL Jones Corporate
13-May-14 2587 5/28/2014 Standard Class AU-DA-01 AUSTIN Dahlen Consumer
14-May-14 2222 5/29/2014 First Class BE-B-01 BERNARD Bhler Consumer
15-May-14 2588 5/30/2014 Standard Class BL-BI-01 BLAKE Bixby Consumer
16-May-14 2223 5/31/2014 Second Class SM-KE-01 SMITH Kelly Corporate
17-May-14 2589 6/1/2014 Second Class JO-CO-01 JOHNSON Cooley Consumer
18-May-14 2224 6/2/2014 Same Day WI-CH-01 WILLIAMS Chapman Consumer
19-May-14 2590 6/3/2014 Standard Class BR-OR-01 BROWN Ordway Consumer
20-May-14 2225 6/4/2014 Standard Class JO-SC-01 JONES Schneider Consumer
21-May-14 2591 6/5/2014 First Class MI-CO-01 MILLER Cortes Consumer
22-May-14 2226 6/6/2014 Second Class DA-ST-01 DAVIS Stivers Corporate
23-May-14 2592 6/7/2014 Standard Class GA-MI-01 GARCIA Mitchum Home Office
24-May-14 2227 6/8/2014 Second Class RO-ZY-01 RODRIGUEZ Zypern Consumer
25-May-14 2593 6/9/2014 Same Day WI-LU-01 WILSON Luxemburg Home Office
26-May-14 2228 6/10/2014 Standard Class MA-GI-01 MARTINEZ Gibson Consumer
27-May-14 2594 6/11/2014 Standard Class AN-PA-01 ANDERSON Pak Corporate
28-May-14 2229 6/12/2014 Same Day TA-ZA-01 TAYLOR Zandusky Consumer
29-May-14 2595 6/13/2014 Standard Class TH-ME-01 THOMAS Meade Corporate
30-May-14 2230 6/14/2014 First Class HE-SH-01 HERNANDEZ Shonely Corporate
31-May-14 2596 6/15/2014 Standard Class MO-CO-01 MOORE Coyne Corporate
1-Jun-14 2231 6/16/2014 Same Day MA-MI-01 MARTIN Miller Consumer
2-Jun-14 2597 6/17/2014 First Class JA-MC-01 JACKSON McGarr Consumer
3-Jun-14 2232 6/18/2014 First Class TH-HO-01 THOMPSON Hood Consumer
4-Jun-14 2598 6/19/2014 Same Day WH-FI-01 WHITE Fisher Corporate
5-Jun-14 2233 6/20/2014 Standard Class LO-MO-01 LOPEZ Moray Consumer
6-Jun-14 2599 6/21/2014 Standard Class LE-FR-01 LEE Fritzler Consumer
7-Jun-14 2234 6/22/2014 Standard Class GO-BU-01 GONZALEZ Buch Consumer
8-Jun-14 2600 6/23/2014 First Class MO-CA-01 MORENO Cano Consumer
9-Jun-14 2235 6/24/2014 First Class SC-RO-01 SCHMIDT Rosenberg Corporate
10-Jun-14 2601 6/25/2014 Standard Class PA-SU-01 PATEL Sumrall Corporate
11-Jun-14 2236 6/26/2014 Standard Class FE-NG-01 FERGUSON Nguyen Home Office
12-Jun-14 2602 6/27/2014 First Class NI-LE-01 NICHOLS Leinenbach Consumer
13-Jun-14 2237 6/28/2014 Same Day HE-PE-01 HERRERA Peterman Corporate
14-Jun-14 2603 6/29/2014 Second Class ME-GA-01 MEDINA Garza Consumer
15-Jun-14 2238 6/30/2014 Standard Class RY-JA-01 RYAN Jackson Corporate
16-Jun-14 2604 7/1/2014 Standard Class FE-YO-01 FERNANDEZ Yotov Corporate
17-Jun-14 2239 7/2/2014 First Class WE-PH-01 WEAVER Phan Corporate
18-Jun-14 2605 7/3/2014 First Class DA-PA-01 DANIELS Packer Home Office
19-Jun-14 2240 7/4/2014 Standard Class ST-JO-01 STEPHENS Johnson Consumer
20-Jun-14 2606 7/5/2014 Standard Class GA-CA-01 GARDNER Cano Consumer
21-Jun-14 2241 7/6/2014 Standard Class PA-VE-01 PAYNE Venier Corporate
22-Jun-14 2607 7/7/2014 First Class KE-WO-01 KELLEY Workman Corporate
23-Jun-14 2242 7/8/2014 Standard Class DU-OD-01 DUNN Odegard Consumer
24-Jun-14 2608 7/9/2014 Second Class PI-JO-01 PIERCE Joy Corporate
25-Jun-14 2243 7/10/2014 First Class AR-BA-01 ARNOLD Ballard Corporate
26-Jun-14 2609 7/11/2014 First Class TR-GO-01 TRAN Gordon Consumer
27-Jun-14 2244 7/12/2014 Standard Class SP-OB-01 SPENCER Ober Home Office
28-Jun-14 2610 7/13/2014 Second Class PE-SA-01 PETERS Sayre Corporate
29-Jun-14 2245 7/14/2014 Standard Class HA-BL-01 HAWKINS Black Corporate
30-Jun-14 2611 7/15/2014 Standard Class GR-MO-01 GRANT Moren Home Office
1-Jul-14 2246 7/16/2014 Same Day HA-NO-01 HANSEN Nockton Corporate
2-Jul-14 2612 7/17/2014 Second Class CA-LU-01 CASTRO Luxemburg Home Office
3-Jul-14 2247 7/18/2014 First Class HO-CA-01 HOFFMAN Carter Corporate
4-Jul-14 2613 7/19/2014 Standard Class HA-MC-01 HART McGuire Consumer
5-Jul-14 2248 7/20/2014 Standard Class EL-ZR-01 ELLIOTT Zrebassa Corporate
6-Jul-14 2614 7/21/2014 Same Day CU-KO-01 CUNNINGHAM Koutras Consumer
7-Jul-14 2249 7/22/2014 First Class KN-SH-01 KNIGHT Shillingsburg Consumer
8-Jul-14 2615 7/23/2014 Standard Class BR-KO-01 BRADLEY Koutras Consumer
9-Jul-14 2250 7/24/2014 Second Class CA-NO-01 CARROLL Norris Home Office
1-Jan-12 2616 1/16/2012 Standard Class HU-ST-01 HUDSON Stewart Corporate
2-Jan-12 2251 1/17/2012 Same Day DU-HI-01 DUNCAN Hildebrand Home Office
3-Jan-12 2617 1/18/2012 Standard Class AR-GA-01 ARMSTRONG Gainer Consumer
5-Jan-12 2252 1/20/2012 Second Class BE-BI-01 BERRY Bixby Consumer
6-Jan-12 2618 1/21/2012 Second Class AN-SW-01 ANDREWS Sweed Corporate
7-Jan-12 2253 1/22/2012 Second Class JO-BR-01 JOHNSTON Braxton Corporate
8-Jan-12 2619 1/23/2012 First Class RA-PE-01 RAY Peterman Corporate
9-Jan-12 2254 1/24/2012 Standard Class LA-HO-01 LANE Hoffman Consumer
10-Jan-12 2620 1/25/2012 Standard Class RI-SA-01 RILEY Savely Corporate
11-Jan-12 2622 1/26/2012 Standard Class CA-MA-01 CARPENTER MacKendrick Consumer
12-Jan-12 2623 1/27/2012 Standard Class PE-CA-01 PERKINS Calhoun Consumer
13-Jan-12 2624 1/28/2012 Standard Class AG-ET-01 AGUILAR Etezadi Home Office
14-Jan-12 2625 1/29/2012 First Class SI-PR-01 SILVA Prichep Consumer
15-Jan-12 2626 1/30/2012 Standard Class RI-VA-01 RICHARDS Van Corporate
16-Jan-12 2262 1/31/2012 Standard Class WI-CH-01 WILLIS Chong Corporate
17-Jan-12 2627 2/1/2012 First Class JA-PE-01 James Pelletier Home Office
18-Jan-12 2263 2/2/2012 Same Day DA-BR-01 David Brennan Corporate
19-Jan-12 2628 2/3/2012 First Class TO-TU-01 Tom Alter Turnell Home Office
20-Jan-12 2264 2/4/2012 Standard Class JA-ST-01 James Stobb Consumer
21-Jan-12 2629 2/5/2012 First Class AR-RE-01 Armando Reed Corporate
22-Jan-12 2265 2/6/2012 Standard Class AU-CR-01 AUBREY Crouse Corporate
23-Jan-12 2630 2/7/2012 First Class BA-PI-01 BASIL Pippenger Consumer
24-Jan-12 2266 2/8/2012 Second Class AU-GL-01 AUSTIN Glotzbach Home Office
25-Jan-12 2631 2/9/2012 First Class BE-GO-01 BERNARD Gonzalez Consumer
26-Jan-12 2267 2/10/2012 Second Class BL-RO-01 BLAKE Rozendal Home Office
27-Jan-12 2632 2/11/2012 First Class SM-RI-01 SMITH Ritter Consumer
28-Jan-12 2268 2/12/2012 First Class JO-CH-01 JOHNSON Chance Corporate
29-Jan-12 2633 2/13/2012 Standard Class WI-AR-01 WILLIAMS Arntzen Consumer
30-Jan-12 2269 2/14/2012 First Class BR-TH-01 BROWN Thompson Consumer
31-Jan-12 2634 2/15/2012 Standard Class JO-TH-01 JONES Thompson Home Office
1-Feb-12 2270 2/16/2012 First Class MI-CO-01 MILLER Conant Consumer
2-Feb-12 2635 2/17/2012 First Class DA-GI-01 DAVIS Gillingham Corporate
3-Feb-12 2271 2/18/2012 First Class GA-CA-01 GARCIA Catini Consumer
4-Feb-12 2636 2/19/2012 Second Class RO-EA-01 RODRIGUEZ Eaton Consumer
5-Feb-12 2272 2/20/2012 First Class WI-BR-01 WILSON Braden Consumer
6-Feb-12 2637 2/21/2012 First Class MA-SC-01 MARTINEZ Schmidt Corporate
7-Feb-12 2273 2/22/2012 Same Day AN-NO-01 ANDERSON Norvell Corporate
8-Feb-12 2638 2/23/2012 Second Class TA-EP-01 TAYLOR Eplett Home Office
9-Feb-12 2274 2/24/2012 Second Class TH-HU-01 THOMAS Huthwaite Consumer
10-Feb-12 2639 2/25/2012 First Class HE-SE-01 HERNANDEZ Seite Consumer
11-Feb-12 2275 2/26/2012 Standard Class MO-BL-01 MOORE Blumstein Consumer
12-Feb-12 2658 2/27/2012 Second Class MA-WI-01 MARTIN Willingham Home Office
13-Feb-12 2659 2/28/2012 Second Class JA-WE-01 JACKSON Weimer Consumer
14-Feb-12 2660 2/29/2012 First Class TH-CA-01 THOMPSON Cartwright Consumer
15-Feb-12 2661 3/1/2012 Second Class WH-RA-01 WHITE Radford Consumer
16-Feb-12 2662 3/2/2012 First Class LO-HO-01 LOPEZ Hooks Corporate
17-Feb-12 2298 3/3/2012 First Class LE-BR-01 LEE Breyer Corporate
18-Feb-12 2383 3/4/2012 Standard Class GO-SO-01 GONZALEZ Sorensen Corporate
19-Feb-12 2748 3/5/2012 Same Day MO-OL-01 MORENO Olsen Consumer
20-Feb-12 2384 3/6/2012 Standard Class SC-VA-01 SCHMIDT Van Corporate
21-Feb-12 2749 3/7/2012 Standard Class PA-FE-01 PATEL Ferguson Consumer
22-Feb-12 2385 3/8/2012 First Class FE-AN-01 FERGUSON Andreada Consumer
23-Feb-12 2750 3/9/2012 Second Class NI-KE-01 NICHOLS Kelty Consumer
24-Feb-12 2386 3/10/2012 Standard Class HE-SH-01 HERRERA Shifley Corporate
25-Feb-12 2751 3/11/2012 Standard Class ME-PH-01 MEDINA Phan Corporate
26-Feb-12 2387 3/12/2012 First Class RY-BE-01 RYAN Bellavance Home Office
27-Feb-12 2752 3/13/2012 Standard Class FE-MI-01 FERNANDEZ Mitchell Home Office
28-Feb-12 2388 3/14/2012 Standard Class WE-TH-01 WEAVER Thompson Consumer
1-Mar-12 2753 3/16/2012 First Class DA-BR-01 DANIELS Bradley Consumer
2-Mar-12 2389 3/17/2012 Standard Class ST-WE-01 STEPHENS Weiss Consumer
3-Mar-12 2754 3/18/2012 Second Class GA-RO-01 GARDNER Roberts Consumer
4-Mar-12 2390 3/19/2012 Second Class PA-GA-01 PAYNE Gainer Consumer
5-Mar-12 2755 3/20/2012 First Class KE-BL-01 KELLEY Blume Corporate
6-Mar-13 2391 3/21/2013 First Class DU-ST-01 DUNN Stevenson Corporate
7-Mar-13 2756 3/22/2013 Standard Class PI-HA-01 PIERCE Haushalter Consumer
8-Mar-13 2392 3/23/2013 First Class AR-BE-01 ARNOLD Bern Corporate
9-Mar-13 2757 3/24/2013 First Class TR-AN-01 TRAN Andreada Consumer
10-Mar-13 2393 3/25/2013 Standard Class SP-MA-01 SPENCER Martin Consumer
11-Mar-13 2758 3/26/2013 Second Class PE-LA-01 PETERS Lanier Home Office
12-Mar-13 2394 3/27/2013 First Class HA-MU-01 HAWKINS Murdock Consumer
13-Mar-13 2759 3/28/2013 Standard Class GR-SC-01 GRANT Schoenberger Corporate
14-Mar-13 2395 3/29/2013 Standard Class HA-ST-01 HANSEN Stevenson Corporate
15-Mar-13 2760 3/30/2013 Standard Class CA-CO-01 CASTRO Coram Corporate
16-Mar-13 2396 3/31/2013 Standard Class HO-DR-01 HOFFMAN Dryer Consumer
17-Mar-13 2761 4/1/2013 Second Class HA-LU-01 HART Lucas Consumer
18-Mar-13 2397 4/2/2013 Second Class EL-WE-01 ELLIOTT West Consumer
19-Mar-13 2762 4/3/2013 First Class CU-LE-01 CUNNINGHAM Leatherbury Consumer
20-Mar-13 2398 4/4/2013 Standard Class KN-HE-01 KNIGHT Hendricks Consumer
21-Mar-13 2763 4/5/2013 First Class BR-CR-01 BRADLEY Crier Consumer
22-Mar-13 2399 4/6/2013 Same Day CA-GE-01 CARROLL Gelder Consumer
23-Mar-13 2764 4/7/2013 Second Class HU-LA-01 HUDSON LaWare Consumer
24-Mar-13 2400 4/8/2013 Standard Class DU-DA-01 DUNCAN Dana Corporate
25-Mar-13 2765 4/9/2013 Standard Class AR-CO-01 ARMSTRONG Connell Corporate
26-Mar-13 2401 4/10/2013 Standard Class BE-LA-01 BERRY Lacy Consumer
27-Mar-13 2402 4/11/2013 Same Day AN-KA-01 ANDREWS Karlsson Consumer
28-Mar-13 2403 4/12/2013 First Class JO-DR-01 JOHNSTON Drucker Consumer
29-Mar-13 2404 4/13/2013 First Class RA-CA-01 RAY Carroll Consumer
30-Mar-13 2405 4/14/2013 Standard Class LA-PR-01 LANE Prescott Corporate
31-Mar-13 2775 4/15/2013 First Class RI-BE-01 RILEY Beltran Home Office
1-Apr-13 2411 4/16/2013 Second Class CA-NG-01 CARPENTER Nguyen Corporate
2-Apr-13 2776 4/17/2013 First Class PE-MO-01 PERKINS Molinari Consumer
3-Apr-13 2412 4/18/2013 First Class AG-SA-01 AGUILAR Sayre Consumer
4-Apr-13 2777 4/19/2013 Standard Class SI-HO-01 SILVA Hood Consumer
5-Apr-13 2413 4/20/2013 First Class RI-DO-01 RICHARDS Donovan Corporate
6-Apr-13 2778 4/21/2013 Same Day WI-PE-01 WILLIS Pelletier Consumer
7-Apr-13 2414 4/22/2013 Standard Class JA-AN-01 James Andreada Consumer
8-Apr-13 2779 4/23/2013 First Class DA-RO-01 David Roper Home Office
9-Apr-13 2415 4/24/2013 Second Class TO-KE-01 Tom Alter Kendrick Corporate
10-Apr-13 2780 4/25/2013 Second Class JA-DA-01 James Dawkins Corporate
11-Apr-13 2416 4/26/2013 Same Day AR-BO-01 Armando Bowman Corporate
12-Apr-13 2781 4/27/2013 Second Class AU-VO-01 AUBREY Voltz Corporate
13-Apr-13 2417 4/28/2013 First Class BA-NO-01 BASIL Norvell Corporate
14-Apr-13 2782 4/29/2013 Second Class AU-ME-01 AUSTIN Meador Consumer
15-Apr-13 2418 4/30/2013 Second Class BE-KN-01 BERNARD Knutson Consumer
16-Apr-13 2783 5/1/2013 Second Class BL-EL-01 BLAKE Elias Consumer
17-Apr-13 2419 5/2/2013 First Class SM-MI-01 SMITH Miller Consumer
18-Apr-13 2784 5/3/2013 First Class JO-BL-01 JOHNSON Blumstein Consumer
19-Apr-13 2420 5/4/2013 Standard Class WI-CR-01 WILLIAMS Creighton Corporate
20-Apr-13 2785 5/5/2013 Standard Class BR-O'-01 BROWN O'Rourke Consumer
21-Apr-13 2421 5/6/2013 Standard Class JO-SM-01 JONES Smith Consumer
22-Apr-13 2786 5/7/2013 Same Day MI-MA-01 MILLER MacIntyre Consumer
23-Apr-13 2422 5/8/2013 Standard Class DA-SK-01 DAVIS Skach Consumer
24-Apr-13 2787 5/9/2013 Standard Class GA-AS-01 GARCIA Ashbrook Consumer
25-Apr-13 2423 5/10/2013 First Class RO-SU-01 RODRIGUEZ Sundaresam Consumer
26-Apr-13 2788 5/11/2013 Second Class WI-WO-01 WILSON Wooten Consumer
27-Apr-13 2424 5/12/2013 Standard Class MA-PR-01 MARTINEZ Prescott Corporate
28-Apr-13 2789 5/13/2013 Second Class AN-MO-01 ANDERSON Moss Corporate
29-Apr-13 2425 5/14/2013 Standard Class TA-FO-01 TAYLOR Fox Consumer
30-Apr-13 2790 5/15/2013 First Class TH-ST-01 THOMAS Stewart Corporate
1-May-13 2426 5/16/2013 Second Class HE-KR-01 HERNANDEZ Kriz Home Office
2-May-13 2791 5/17/2013 Second Class MO-MC-01 MOORE McClure Consumer
3-May-13 2427 5/18/2013 First Class MA-BR-01 MARTIN Brooks Consumer
4-May-13 2792 5/19/2013 First Class JA-SC-01 JACKSON Schwarz Corporate
5-May-13 2428 5/20/2013 Second Class TH-CH-01 THOMPSON Chapman Consumer
6-May-13 2793 5/21/2013 Second Class WH-FR-01 WHITE Freymann Home Office
7-May-13 2429 5/22/2013 Standard Class LO-SA-01 LOPEZ Sayre Corporate
8-May-14 2794 5/23/2014 First Class LE-GO-01 LEE Goldwyn Corporate
9-May-14 2430 5/24/2014 Same Day GO-CA-01 GONZALEZ Carreira Consumer
10-May-14 2795 5/25/2014 Same Day MO-MU-01 MORENO Murray Home Office
11-May-14 2431 5/26/2014 First Class SC-RY-01 SCHMIDT Ryan Corporate
12-May-14 2796 5/27/2014 First Class PA-DU-01 PATEL Ducich Home Office
13-May-14 2432 5/28/2014 First Class FE-BL-01 FERGUSON Blumstein Consumer
14-May-14 2797 5/29/2014 Standard Class NI-WE-01 NICHOLS Webber Consumer
15-May-14 2433 5/30/2014 First Class HE-HA-01 HERRERA Haberlin Consumer
16-May-14 2798 5/31/2014 Standard Class ME-BR-01 MEDINA Braxton Corporate
17-May-14 2434 6/1/2014 Standard Class RY-NG-01 RYAN Nguyen Consumer
18-May-14 2799 6/2/2014 First Class FE-MA-01 FERNANDEZ MacKendrick Consumer
19-May-14 2435 6/3/2014 First Class WE-P-01 WEAVER Plking Consumer
20-May-14 2800 6/4/2014 Second Class DA-BI-01 DANIELS Bickford Consumer
21-May-14 2436 6/5/2014 Standard Class ST-BE-01 STEPHENS Beltran Home Office
22-May-14 2801 6/6/2014 Same Day GA-KN-01 GARDNER Knutson Home Office
23-May-14 2437 6/7/2014 Standard Class PA-SO-01 PAYNE Southworth Corporate
24-May-14 2802 6/8/2014 Standard Class KE-LU-01 KELLEY Ludtke Consumer
25-May-14 2438 6/9/2014 First Class DU-KA-01 DUNN Kamberova Consumer
26-May-14 2803 6/10/2014 Standard Class PI-FR-01 PIERCE Frazer Consumer
27-May-14 2439 6/11/2014 First Class AR-SU-01 ARNOLD Sundaresam Consumer
28-May-14 2804 6/12/2014 Same Day TR-WI-01 TRAN Williamson Consumer
29-May-14 2440 6/13/2014 First Class SP-TY-01 SPENCER Tyler Corporate
30-May-14 2805 6/14/2014 Standard Class PE-HW-01 PETERS Hwang Consumer
31-May-14 2441 6/15/2014 Second Class HA-CR-01 HAWKINS Crebagga Consumer
1-Jun-14 2806 6/16/2014 Second Class GR-ZA-01 GRANT Zandusky Home Office
2-Jun-14 2442 6/17/2014 First Class HA-FR-01 HANSEN Fritzler Consumer
3-Jun-14 2807 6/18/2014 Same Day CA-SH-01 CASTRO Shariari Consumer
4-Jun-14 2443 6/19/2014 Second Class HO-HO-01 HOFFMAN Hoffmann Consumer
5-Jun-14 2808 6/20/2014 First Class HA-KN-01 HART Knutson Consumer
6-Jun-14 2444 6/21/2014 Standard Class EL-CA-01 ELLIOTT Cazamias Corporate
7-Jun-14 2809 6/22/2014 Standard Class CU-SA-01 CUNNINGHAM Sayre Corporate
8-Jun-14 2445 6/23/2014 Second Class KN-HA-01 KNIGHT Hansen Corporate
9-Jun-14 2810 6/24/2014 First Class BR-MA-01 BRADLEY MacKendrick Consumer
10-Jun-14 2446 6/25/2014 Standard Class CA-GR-01 CARROLL Granlund Home Office
11-Jun-14 2811 6/26/2014 Standard Class HU-LU-01 HUDSON Lucas Home Office
12-Jun-14 2447 6/27/2014 Second Class DU-AR-01 DUNCAN Arnett Home Office
13-Jun-14 2812 6/28/2014 Standard Class AR-PH-01 ARMSTRONG Phelps Corporate
14-Jun-14 2448 6/29/2014 Standard Class BE-WA-01 BERRY Waldorf Consumer
15-Jun-14 2813 6/30/2014 First Class AN-HA-01 ANDREWS Hart Corporate
16-Jun-14 2449 7/1/2014 Standard Class JO-HA-01 JOHNSTON Halladay Consumer
17-Jun-14 2814 7/2/2014 Standard Class RA-O'-01 RAY O'Brill Consumer
18-Jun-14 2450 7/3/2014 Second Class LA-BR-01 LANE Braun Consumer
19-Jun-14 2815 7/4/2014 Standard Class RI-DA-01 RILEY Daniels Consumer
20-Jun-14 2451 7/5/2014 Second Class CA-FO-01 CARPENTER Fortune- Consumer
21-Jun-14 2816 7/6/2014 Second Class PE-CA-01 PERKINS Carroll Consumer
22-Jun-14 2452 7/7/2014 Standard Class AG-LU-01 AGUILAR Ludwig Home Office
23-Jun-14 2817 7/8/2014 Standard Class SI-DE-01 SILVA Delaney Home Office
24-Jun-14 2453 7/9/2014 Second Class RI-CO-01 RICHARDS Coakley Corporate
25-Jun-14 2818 7/10/2014 Second Class WI-WE-01 WILLIS Weimer Consumer
26-Jun-14 2454 7/11/2014 First Class JA-TI-01 James Tillman Consumer
27-Jun-14 2819 7/12/2014 Second Class DA-ED-01 David Edelman Corporate
28-Jun-14 2455 7/13/2014 Same Day TO-MI-01 Tom Alter Minnotte Home Office
29-Jun-14 2820 7/14/2014 Second Class JA-WI-01 James Wilson Home Office
30-Jun-14 2456 7/15/2014 Standard Class AR-CA-01 Armando Carroll Home Office
1-Jul-14 2821 7/16/2014 Second Class AU-HU-01 AUBREY Huthwaite Consumer
2-Jul-14 2457 7/17/2014 Second Class BA-GR-01 BASIL Grady Corporate
3-Jul-14 2822 7/18/2014 First Class AU-LE-01 AUSTIN Leatherbury Consumer
4-Jul-14 2458 7/19/2014 Standard Class BE-VA-01 BERNARD Van Home Office
5-Jul-14 2823 7/20/2014 Second Class BL-OV-01 BLAKE Overcash Home Office
6-Jul-14 2459 7/21/2014 Same Day SM-HA-01 SMITH Hansen Home Office
7-Jul-14 2824 7/22/2014 First Class JO-SC-01 JOHNSON Schwarz Corporate
8-Jul-14 2460 7/23/2014 First Class WI-HU-01 WILLIAMS Hughsby Corporate
9-Jul-14 2825 7/24/2014 First Class BR-HA-01 BROWN Hart Corporate
1-Jan-12 2461 1/16/2012 First Class JO-BE-01 JONES Bern Consumer
2-Jan-12 2826 1/17/2012 Standard Class MI-FE-01 MILLER Ferguson Consumer
3-Jan-12 2462 1/18/2012 First Class DA-KO-01 DAVIS Koutras Consumer
5-Jan-12 2827 1/20/2012 Second Class GA-AR-01 GARCIA Armstrong Consumer
6-Jan-12 2463 1/21/2012 Second Class RO-PR-01 RODRIGUEZ Preis Consumer
7-Jan-12 2828 1/22/2012 Same Day WI-TH-01 WILSON Thornton Consumer
8-Jan-12 2464 1/23/2012 Second Class MA-AN-01 MARTINEZ Andreada Consumer
9-Jan-12 2829 1/24/2012 Second Class AN-RY-01 ANDERSON Ryan Consumer
10-Jan-12 2465 1/25/2012 Standard Class TA-FO-01 TAYLOR Fortune- Consumer
11-Jan-12 2830 1/26/2012 Standard Class TH-WI-01 THOMAS Witt Consumer
12-Jan-12 2466 1/27/2012 Standard Class HE-GA-01 HERNANDEZ Gayman Consumer
13-Jan-12 2831 1/28/2012 Standard Class MO-JA-01 MOORE Jackson Corporate
14-Jan-12 2467 1/29/2012 Standard Class MA-DA-01 MARTIN Dahlen Consumer
15-Jan-12 2832 1/30/2012 First Class JA-GA-01 JACKSON Garverick Home Office
16-Jan-12 2468 1/31/2012 Standard Class TH-EN-01 THOMPSON Engle Consumer
17-Jan-12 2833 2/1/2012 Same Day WH-MO-01 WHITE Moffitt Corporate
18-Jan-12 2469 2/2/2012 First Class LO-MA-01 LOPEZ Martin Consumer
19-Jan-12 2834 2/3/2012 First Class LE-LU-01 LEE Lucas Consumer
20-Jan-12 2470 2/4/2012 First Class GO-PR-01 GONZALEZ Preis Home Office
21-Jan-12 2835 2/5/2012 Second Class MO-BA-01 MORENO Barnett Home Office
22-Jan-12 2471 2/6/2012 Standard Class SC-DO-01 SCHMIDT Dominguez Corporate
23-Jan-12 2836 2/7/2012 First Class PA-MA-01 PATEL Matthias Consumer
24-Jan-12 2472 2/8/2012 Standard Class FE-CH-01 FERGUSON Christensen Consumer
25-Jan-12 2837 2/9/2012 First Class NI-CA-01 NICHOLS Catlett Corporate
26-Jan-12 2473 2/10/2012 First Class HE-O'-01 HERRERA O'Carroll Consumer
27-Jan-12 2838 2/11/2012 Standard Class ME-PR-01 MEDINA Preis Consumer
28-Jan-12 2474 2/12/2012 Second Class RY-MO-01 RYAN Moren Home Office
29-Jan-12 2839 2/13/2012 First Class FE-OV-01 FERNANDEZ Overcash Home Office
30-Jan-12 2475 2/14/2012 Standard Class WE-KI-01 WEAVER Kirkland Corporate
31-Jan-12 2840 2/15/2012 Standard Class DA-HE-01 DANIELS Hernandez Home Office
1-Feb-12 2476 2/16/2012 Standard Class ST-GN-01 STEPHENS Gnade Consumer
2-Feb-12 2841 2/17/2012 Second Class GA-PR-01 GARDNER Pryor Home Office
3-Feb-12 2477 2/18/2012 Standard Class PA-EN-01 PAYNE Engle Consumer
4-Feb-12 2842 2/19/2012 Same Day KE-KL-01 KELLEY Klamczynski Corporate
5-Feb-12 2478 2/20/2012 Second Class DU-KE-01 DUNN Kennedy Consumer
6-Feb-12 2843 2/21/2012 Standard Class PI-JA-01 PIERCE Jacobs Consumer
7-Feb-12 2479 2/22/2012 Second Class AR-MA-01 ARNOLD Maddox Consumer
8-Feb-12 2844 2/23/2012 First Class TR-WI-01 TRAN Wilson Corporate
9-Feb-12 2480 2/24/2012 Same Day SP-BE-01 SPENCER Bell- Consumer
10-Feb-12 2845 2/25/2012 Standard Class PE-FE-01 PETERS Ferguson Consumer
11-Feb-12 2481 2/26/2012 Second Class HA-FE-01 HAWKINS Ferguson Consumer
12-Feb-12 2846 2/27/2012 Standard Class GR-MI-01 GRANT Mitchum Home Office
13-Feb-12 2482 2/28/2012 First Class HA-PI-01 HANSEN Pippenger Consumer
14-Feb-12 2847 2/29/2012 First Class CA-TI-01 CASTRO Tillman Consumer
15-Feb-12 2483 3/1/2012 Second Class HO-FO-01 HOFFMAN Folk Consumer
16-Feb-12 2848 3/2/2012 First Class HA-MA-01 HART MacKendrick Consumer
17-Feb-12 2484 3/3/2012 Standard Class EL-WE-01 ELLIOTT Weiss Consumer
18-Feb-12 2849 3/4/2012 First Class CU-OD-01 CUNNINGHAM Odegard Consumer
19-Feb-12 2485 3/5/2012 Standard Class KN-PH-01 KNIGHT Phelps Corporate
20-Feb-12 2850 3/6/2012 Standard Class BR-JO-01 BRADLEY Jones Corporate
21-Feb-12 2486 3/7/2012 Second Class CA-ME-01 CARROLL Meador Consumer
22-Feb-12 2851 3/8/2012 Standard Class HU-WI-01 HUDSON Wiediger Home Office
23-Feb-12 2487 3/9/2012 Standard Class DU-KO-01 DUNCAN Kotsonis Corporate
24-Feb-12 2852 3/10/2012 Standard Class AR-MC-01 ARMSTRONG McAfee Consumer
25-Feb-12 2488 3/11/2012 Second Class BE-FO-01 BERRY Foster Consumer
26-Feb-12 2853 3/12/2012 Standard Class AN-PA-01 ANDREWS Packer Home Office
27-Feb-12 2489 3/13/2012 Second Class JO-TO-01 JOHNSTON Toch Consumer
28-Feb-12 2854 3/14/2012 First Class RA-NE-01 RAY Nelson Corporate
1-Mar-12 2490 3/16/2012 Standard Class LA-PA-01 LANE Patt Corporate
2-Mar-12 2855 3/17/2012 First Class RI-SH-01 RILEY Shonely Consumer
3-Mar-12 2491 3/18/2012 Same Day CA-BR-01 CARPENTER Brown Consumer
4-Mar-12 2856 3/19/2012 Second Class PE-PI-01 PERKINS Pistek Consumer
5-Mar-12 2492 3/20/2012 First Class AG-BL-01 AGUILAR Blanton Consumer
6-Mar-13 2857 3/21/2013 Second Class SI-DE-01 SILVA Deggeller Corporate
7-Mar-13 2493 3/22/2013 Standard Class RI-DA-01 RICHARDS Davis Consumer
8-Mar-13 2858 3/23/2013 Standard Class WI-BE-01 WILLIS Bern Corporate
9-Mar-13 2494 3/24/2013 Standard Class JA-DE-01 James Derr Consumer
10-Mar-13 2859 3/25/2013 Second Class DA-BE-01 David Beltran Home Office
11-Mar-13 2495 3/26/2013 Same Day TO-RO-01 Tom Alter Rosenberg Corporate
12-Mar-13 2860 3/27/2013 Standard Class JA-CO-01 James Conant Consumer
13-Mar-13 2496 3/28/2013 Second Class AR-MA-01 Armando Maxwell Corporate
14-Mar-13 2861 3/29/2013 Standard Class AU-FO-01 AUBREY Foster Consumer
15-Mar-13 2497 3/30/2013 First Class BA-O'-01 BASIL O'Brill Consumer
16-Mar-13 2862 3/31/2013 Second Class AU-DA-01 AUSTIN Daly Consumer
17-Mar-13 2498 4/1/2013 Standard Class BE-DA-01 BERNARD Daly Consumer
18-Mar-13 2863 4/2/2013 First Class BL-WA-01 BLAKE Wasserman Corporate
19-Mar-13 2499 4/3/2013 Second Class SM-DE-01 SMITH DeCherney Consumer
20-Mar-13 2864 4/4/2013 Second Class JO-ZA-01 JOHNSON Zandusky Corporate
21-Mar-13 2500 4/5/2013 Standard Class WI-TY-01 WILLIAMS Tyler Corporate
22-Mar-13 2865 4/6/2013 First Class BR-BI-01 BROWN Bierner Consumer
23-Mar-13 2501 4/7/2013 Standard Class JO-EL-01 JONES Ellison Consumer
24-Mar-13 2866 4/8/2013 First Class MI-HI-01 MILLER Hirsh Consumer
25-Mar-13 2502 4/9/2013 Standard Class DA-IR-01 DAVIS Irving Consumer
26-Mar-13 2867 4/10/2013 Standard Class GA-HA-01 GARCIA Haberlin Corporate
27-Mar-13 2503 4/11/2013 Same Day RO-BR-01 RODRIGUEZ Brooks Consumer
28-Mar-13 2868 4/12/2013 First Class WI-BR-01 WILSON Braden Consumer
29-Mar-13 2504 4/13/2013 Standard Class MA-MU-01 MARTINEZ Murray Consumer
30-Mar-13 2869 4/14/2013 First Class AN-SA-01 ANDERSON Sayre Corporate
31-Mar-13 2505 4/15/2013 Second Class TA-MO-01 TAYLOR Moss Corporate
1-Apr-13 2870 4/16/2013 Second Class TH-CR-01 THOMAS Creighton Consumer
2-Apr-13 2506 4/17/2013 Second Class HE-EL-01 HERNANDEZ Ellison Corporate
3-Apr-13 2871 4/18/2013 Standard Class MO-LI-01 MOORE liebe Corporate
4-Apr-13 2507 4/19/2013 Second Class MA-HW-01 MARTIN Hwang Consumer
5-Apr-13 2872 4/20/2013 Second Class JA-SM-01 JACKSON Smith Corporate
6-Apr-13 2508 4/21/2013 Same Day TH-VA-01 THOMPSON Van Corporate
7-Apr-13 2873 4/22/2013 First Class WH-KE-01 WHITE Kendrick Corporate
8-Apr-13 2509 4/23/2013 First Class LO-CH-01 LOPEZ Chung Consumer
9-Apr-13 2874 4/24/2013 Same Day LE-HA-01 LEE Hamilton Consumer
10-Apr-13 2510 4/25/2013 First Class GO-CL-01 GONZALEZ Clark Home Office
11-Apr-13 2875 4/26/2013 Same Day MO-GI-01 MORENO Gilpin Corporate
12-Apr-13 2511 4/27/2013 Second Class SC-ED-01 SCHMIDT Edelman Corporate
13-Apr-13 2876 4/28/2013 Standard Class PA-P-01 PATEL Plking Consumer
14-Apr-13 2512 4/29/2013 Same Day FE-JO-01 FERGUSON Jordon Consumer
15-Apr-13 2877 4/30/2013 First Class NI-FE-01 NICHOLS Ferguson Home Office
16-Apr-13 2513 5/1/2013 First Class HE-RA-01 HERRERA Rawles Corporate
17-Apr-13 2878 5/2/2013 Second Class ME-HU-01 MEDINA Huston Consumer
18-Apr-13 2514 5/3/2013 Standard Class RY-MI-01 RYAN Mills Consumer
19-Apr-13 2879 5/4/2013 Standard Class FE-DA-01 FERNANDEZ Dahlen Home Office
20-Apr-13 2515 5/5/2013 First Class WE-PA-01 WEAVER Patel Consumer
21-Apr-13 2880 5/6/2013 Standard Class DA-AL-01 DANIELS Allen Consumer
22-Apr-13 2516 5/7/2013 Same Day ST-CO-01 STEPHENS Collins Consumer
23-Apr-13 2881 5/8/2013 Second Class GA-BL-01 GARDNER Black Corporate
24-Apr-13 2517 5/9/2013 Standard Class PA-O'-01 PAYNE O'Connel Home Office
25-Apr-13 2882 5/10/2013 Standard Class KE-DA-01 KELLEY Daniels Consumer
26-Apr-13 2518 5/11/2013 First Class DU-YE-01 DUNN Yedwab Corporate
27-Apr-13 2883 5/12/2013 Standard Class PI-HE-01 PIERCE Hernandez Home Office
28-Apr-13 2519 5/13/2013 Standard Class AR-FO-01 ARNOLD Foster Consumer
29-Apr-13 2884 5/14/2013 Standard Class TR-HO-01 TRAN Howell Consumer
30-Apr-13 2520 5/15/2013 Same Day SP-CH-01 SPENCER Chapman Corporate
1-May-13 2885 5/16/2013 Standard Class PE-JO-01 PETERS Joy Corporate
2-May-13 2521 5/17/2013 Second Class HA-FE-01 HAWKINS Ferguson Corporate
3-May-13 2886 5/18/2013 Second Class GR-KN-01 GRANT Knutson Consumer
4-May-13 2522 5/19/2013 Same Day HA-D'-01 HANSEN D'Ascenzo Consumer
5-May-13 2887 5/20/2013 First Class CA-ED-01 CASTRO Edelman Corporate
6-May-13 2523 5/21/2013 First Class HO-CA-01 HOFFMAN Cazamias Corporate
7-May-13 2888 5/22/2013 Same Day HA-MU-01 HART Murray Consumer
8-May-14 2524 5/23/2014 Standard Class EL-WI-01 ELLIOTT Wiener Corporate
9-May-14 2889 5/24/2014 Second Class CU-DA-01 CUNNINGHAM Daniels Consumer
10-May-14 2525 5/25/2014 First Class KN-DA-01 KNIGHT Dartt Consumer
11-May-14 2890 5/26/2014 Second Class BR-WA-01 BRADLEY Wasserman Corporate
12-May-14 2526 5/27/2014 Same Day CA-CA-01 CARROLL Carlisle Consumer
13-May-14 2891 5/28/2014 Second Class HU-PI-01 HUDSON Pippenger Consumer
14-May-14 2527 5/29/2014 Second Class DU-LE-01 DUNCAN Leslie Home Office
15-May-14 2892 5/30/2014 Standard Class AR-DR-01 ARMSTRONG Drucker Consumer
16-May-14 2528 5/31/2014 Same Day BE-VI-01 BERRY Vittorini Consumer
17-May-14 2893 6/1/2014 First Class AN-VA-01 ANDREWS Van Corporate
18-May-14 2529 6/2/2014 First Class JO-D'-01 JOHNSTON D'Ascenzo Consumer
19-May-14 2894 6/3/2014 Standard Class RA-MO-01 RAY Moore Consumer
20-May-14 2530 6/4/2014 First Class LA-DU-01 LANE Duston Consumer
21-May-14 2895 6/5/2014 Standard Class RI-VE-01 RILEY Vernon Consumer
22-May-14 2531 6/6/2014 First Class CA-SA-01 CARPENTER Saunders Consumer
23-May-14 2896 6/7/2014 Same Day PE-AR-01 PERKINS Armstrong Corporate
24-May-14 2532 6/8/2014 Second Class AG-DO-01 AGUILAR Dortch Corporate
25-May-14 2897 6/9/2014 Second Class SI-MO-01 SILVA Moss Corporate
26-May-14 2533 6/10/2014 First Class RI-BE-01 RICHARDS Becker Corporate
27-May-14 2898 6/11/2014 Second Class WI-LE-01 WILLIS Lee Consumer
28-May-14 2534 6/12/2014 Second Class JA-CA-01 James Carroll Home Office
29-May-14 2899 6/13/2014 Standard Class DA-CH-01 David Childs Corporate
30-May-14 2535 6/14/2014 Second Class TO-HU-01 Tom Alter Hughes Consumer
31-May-14 2900 6/15/2014 Second Class JA-MA-01 James Matthias Consumer
1-Jun-14 2536 6/16/2014 Second Class AR-FR-01 Armando Fritzler Corporate
2-Jun-14 2901 6/17/2014 Standard Class AU-GE-01 AUBREY Gelder Consumer
3-Jun-14 2537 6/18/2014 First Class BA--01 BASIL Consumer
4-Jun-14 2902 6/19/2014 Standard Class AU-HI-01 AUSTIN Hirsh Consumer
5-Jun-14 2538 6/20/2014 Second Class BE-SU-01 BERNARD Sumrall Corporate
6-Jun-14 2903 6/21/2014 Second Class BL-BO-01 BLAKE Boeckenhauer Consumer
7-Jun-14 2539 6/22/2014 Standard Class SM-CO-01 SMITH Coyne Corporate
8-Jun-14 2904 6/23/2014 Second Class JO-ME-01 JOHNSON Merwin Home Office
9-Jun-14 2540 6/24/2014 Same Day WI-FO-01 WILLIAMS Foulston Corporate
10-Jun-14 2905 6/25/2014 Same Day BR-MU-01 BROWN Murray Home Office
11-Jun-14 2910 6/26/2014 Second Class JO-GO-01 JONES Gonzalez Consumer
12-Jun-14 2541 6/27/2014 Standard Class MI-SH-01 MILLER Shariari Consumer
13-Jun-14 2906 6/28/2014 Second Class DA-PE-01 DAVIS Pelletier Home Office
14-Jun-14 2911 6/29/2014 Same Day GA-HO-01 GARCIA Hoffman Consumer
15-Jun-14 2542 6/30/2014 Same Day RO-MI-01 RODRIGUEZ Mitchum Home Office
16-Jun-14 2907 7/1/2014 First Class WI-SC-01 WILSON Schnelling Consumer
17-Jun-14 2912 7/2/2014 First Class MA-FE-01 MARTINEZ Federle Corporate
18-Jun-14 2543 7/3/2014 First Class AN-BA-01 ANDERSON Bavinger Home Office
19-Jun-14 2908 7/4/2014 Same Day TA-O'-01 TAYLOR O'Rourke Consumer
20-Jun-14 2913 7/5/2014 Standard Class TH-VE-01 THOMAS Vernon Consumer
21-Jun-14 2544 7/6/2014 Same Day HE-WI-01 HERNANDEZ Wiediger Home Office
22-Jun-14 2909 7/7/2014 First Class MO-IR-01 MOORE Irving Consumer
23-Jun-14 2914 7/8/2014 First Class MA-CA-01 MARTIN Cacioppo Consumer
24-Jun-14 2915 7/9/2014 Standard Class JA-LO-01 JACKSON Lonsdale Consumer
25-Jun-14 2545 7/10/2014 First Class TH-CA-01 THOMPSON Cazamias Corporate
26-Jun-14 2546 7/11/2014 Standard Class WH-PA-01 WHITE Pak Corporate
27-Jun-14 2547 7/12/2014 Same Day LO-DE-01 LOPEZ Degenhardt Consumer
28-Jun-14 2548 7/13/2014 First Class LE-BU-01 LEE Buch Consumer
29-Jun-14 2549 7/14/2014 First Class GO-OL-01 GONZALEZ Olsen Consumer
30-Jun-14 2550 7/15/2014 Second Class MO-WI-01 MORENO Wilson Corporate
1-Jul-14 2551 7/16/2014 Second Class SC-MA-01 SCHMIDT Manning Consumer
2-Jul-14 2552 7/17/2014 Standard Class PA-DO-01 PATEL Donovan Corporate
3-Jul-14 2553 7/18/2014 First Class FE-DA-01 FERGUSON Dana Corporate
4-Jul-14 2554 7/19/2014 First Class NI-HO-01 NICHOLS Hood Consumer
5-Jul-14 2555 7/20/2014 Second Class HE-BI-01 HERRERA Bixby Consumer
6-Jul-14 2556 7/21/2014 First Class ME-EP-01 MEDINA Epp Corporate
7-Jul-14 2557 7/22/2014 Same Day RY-LU-01 RYAN Ludwig Home Office
8-Jul-14 2558 7/23/2014 Standard Class FE-WI-01 FERNANDEZ Wilson Corporate
9-Jul-14 2559 7/24/2014 Standard Class WE-MC-01 WEAVER McCrary Corporate
8-Jul-14 2560 7/23/2014 Second Class DA-GE-01 DANIELS Gerbode Corporate
9-Jul-14 2561 7/24/2014 Standard Class ST-CA-01 STEPHENS Carroll Consumer
Product Product ID Salesman Designation Region No. Customers Net Sales Profit / Loss
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate North 8 7,164.0 844.2
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate North 8 6,528.0 3,376.6
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate West 8 2,520.0 2,280.0
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate West 10 9,660.0 1,737.4
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate Middle 10 11,550.0 854.7
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate Middle 7 7,896.0 2,565.4
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate Middle 7 8,095.5 1,063.2
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate North 8 12,180.0 1,864.0
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate North 6 4,900.5 2,653.6
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate North 9 2,277.0 1,931.4
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate West 6 8,032.5 994.4
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate West 9 8,046.0 4,092.7
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate West 6 11,250.0 1,900.8
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate Middle 7 6,189.8 2,722.9
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate Middle 7 2,908.5 1,140.7
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate Middle 6 2,214.0 2,828.6
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate North 9 8,829.0 4,189.4
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate North 10 9,120.0 3,569.3
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate North 6 2,173.5 3,709.1
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate West 10 5,600.0 4,516.4
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate West 6 4,608.0 2,575.4
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate West 8 5,508.0 1,965.3
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate Middle 9 12,735.0 3,907.1
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate Middle 10 13,575.0 1,992.8
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate Middle 9 8,892.0 3,084.6
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate North 9 6,196.5 3,112.7
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate North 7 4,063.5 709.7
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate North 9 4,464.0 2,483.5
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate West 10 10,350.0 4,514.7
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate West 10 8,680.0 2,494.6
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate West 9 13,050.0 2,179.4
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate Middle 8 2,312.0 999.9
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate Middle 6 3,060.0 461.6
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate Middle 8 9,810.0 744.8
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate North 10 8,120.0 2,571.8
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate North 7 6,520.5 1,443.6
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate North 6 12,060.0 4,258.6
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate West 8 8,544.0 3,347.1
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate West 7 7,024.5 2,027.7
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate West 7 14,017.5 3,352.4
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate Middle 8 4,056.0 1,843.5
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate Middle 7 2,730.0 4,393.1
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate Middle 6 6,804.0 3,755.8
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate North 7 8,778.0 1,690.6
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate North 8 2,304.0 1,475.9
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate North 10 9,150.0 1,103.1
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate West 8 7,584.0 1,378.8
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate West 10 14,900.0 985.5
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate West 6 8,964.0 877.4
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate Middle 9 2,079.0 2,799.2
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate Middle 6 2,412.0 2,078.2
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate Middle 7 4,189.5 2,660.3
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate North 8 10,080.0 1,541.4
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate North 9 5,076.0 1,053.3
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate North 6 9,315.0 4,057.6
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate West 10 11,280.0 4,693.9
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate West 7 8,946.0 909.8
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate West 8 8,568.0 3,129.0
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate Middle 8 2,178.0 2,062.8
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate Middle 9 8,100.0 2,295.9
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate Middle 9 2,106.0 4,223.6
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate North 10 8,480.0 1,349.2
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate North 6 5,220.0 1,052.9
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate North 6 4,410.0 1,489.3
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate West 9 2,524.5 2,069.6
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate West 9 8,505.0 4,672.1
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate West 8 10,224.0 941.9
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate Middle 6 12,330.0 1,667.5
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate Middle 9 4,914.0 4,085.5
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate Middle 7 8,032.5 3,396.1
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate North 7 8,757.0 1,824.1
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate North 6 12,330.0 909.7
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate North 10 8,440.0 4,225.3
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate West 9 7,074.0 2,610.3
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate West 10 8,040.0 1,930.8
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate West 8 11,070.0 3,935.4
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate Middle 9 5,913.0 3,893.1
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate Middle 6 10,440.0 2,468.6
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate Middle 7 1,648.5 2,758.3
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate North 9 13,770.0 1,198.8
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate North 6 1,647.0 702.4
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate North 9 7,911.0 4,922.0
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate West 6 6,804.0 2,912.8
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate West 9 7,965.0 703.8
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate West 10 3,960.0 1,772.9
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate Middle 10 5,130.0 2,639.4
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate Middle 9 2,205.0 3,743.2
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate Middle 9 7,749.0 4,714.0
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate North 7 13,702.5 4,461.5
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate North 6 2,232.0 2,587.3
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate North 6 7,560.0 724.8
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate West 7 2,094.8 792.2
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate West 7 1,669.5 1,459.1
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate West 10 3,330.0 1,439.9
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate Middle 9 2,970.0 1,062.4
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate Middle 10 2,180.0 978.8
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate Middle 9 7,290.0 2,436.3
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate North 8 13,740.0 2,186.9
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate North 6 8,820.0 2,685.5
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate North 6 3,132.0 472.5
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate West 9 2,207.3 3,782.1
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate West 10 6,075.0 623.7
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate West 9 14,445.0 1,257.6
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate Middle 10 5,670.0 1,449.6
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate Middle 8 1,998.0 666.7
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate Middle 10 6,540.0 1,144.5
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate North 10 2,940.0 1,210.1
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate North 8 10,020.0 1,214.0
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate North 6 2,088.0 1,942.5
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate West 10 3,270.0 992.4
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate West 6 6,075.0 3,074.0
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate West 8 2,352.0 1,022.9
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate Middle 7 5,775.0 6,108.5
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate Middle 7 2,037.0 815.8
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate Middle 6 3,996.0 1,616.8
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate North 9 13,837.5 4,455.7
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate North 7 1,848.0 1,815.7
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate North 9 4,464.0 2,679.3
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate West 7 8,316.0 3,597.7
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate West 8 4,920.0 4,207.6
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate West 10 5,780.0 952.0
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate Middle 8 3,600.0 1,298.9
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate Middle 10 4,920.0 2,483.4
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate Middle 8 5,616.0 1,053.6
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate North 7 7,497.0 1,202.5
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate North 7 8,190.0 1,560.2
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate North 7 6,300.0 830.6
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate West 9 2,367.0 1,017.8
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate West 10 4,220.0 3,501.5
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate West 8 10,360.0 878.5
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate Middle 8 8,172.0 1,119.3
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate Middle 8 6,456.0 1,560.2
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate Middle 6 4,995.0 3,698.8
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate North 7 3,192.0 653.4
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate North 7 1,811.3 1,176.2
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate North 8 8,940.0 1,266.3
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate West 7 4,882.5 593.7
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate West 10 8,370.0 1,056.3
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate West 6 3,078.0 1,099.5
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate Middle 8 2,256.0 2,038.5
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate Middle 10 2,385.0 3,506.9
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate Middle 6 13,410.0 1,887.6
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate North 10 10,000.0 1,642.0
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate North 7 6,363.0 663.0
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate North 8 2,712.0 1,825.2
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate West 9 4,644.0 912.1
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate West 9 1,795.5 677.4
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate West 9 6,318.0 1,817.5
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate Middle 10 13,050.0 2,962.1
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate Middle 7 3,717.0 1,329.2
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate Middle 9 7,722.0 1,851.2
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate North 10 9,000.0 3,937.5
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate North 8 14,580.0 2,174.8
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate North 10 5,520.0 864.4
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate West 9 13,050.0 2,286.4
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate West 10 6,750.0 2,286.9
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate West 6 5,562.0 2,667.0
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate Middle 7 3,129.0 1,555.4
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate Middle 8 5,688.0 5,102.1
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate Middle 10 1,545.0 532.1
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate North 7 8,599.5 5,433.5
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate North 9 5,094.0 3,623.9
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate North 6 8,775.0 1,370.7
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate West 9 7,830.0 1,201.1
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate West 7 10,920.0 4,396.4
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate West 8 14,280.0 4,829.5
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate Middle 9 6,804.0 1,510.0
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate Middle 10 4,920.0 1,835.7
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate Middle 7 1,716.8 2,249.6
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate North 10 1,680.0 1,224.0
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate North 6 3,168.0 2,715.8
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate North 9 5,913.0 2,707.4
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate West 10 2,410.0 2,333.8
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate West 10 11,640.0 3,691.0
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate West 9 2,268.0 1,944.6
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate Middle 7 10,158.8 729.6
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate Middle 6 9,576.0 1,473.7
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate Middle 10 6,720.0 722.0
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate North 7 1,701.0 2,878.8
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate North 10 4,800.0 3,392.6
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate North 9 7,938.0 5,806.6
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate West 7 11,025.0 3,356.0
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate West 10 11,840.0 4,792.8
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate West 8 4,536.0 3,642.4
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate Middle 10 5,040.0 3,469.5
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate Middle 9 6,156.0 1,305.7
Product2 P00002 Adam Associate Middle 8 3,960.0 647.3
Product3 P00003 Adam Associate North 10 5,680.0 2,226.0
Product1 P00001 Adam Associate North 8 7,680.0 1,638.5
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate North 7 4,998.0 2,362.3
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate West 7 2,152.5 1,987.6
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate West 6 6,358.5 2,738.6
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate West 9 5,292.0 2,858.5
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 10 11,000.0 5,031.1
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 8 11,640.0 2,975.9
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 10 13,050.0 1,787.3
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate North 7 7,812.0 1,340.5
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate North 10 14,800.0 5,459.7
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate North 8 13,020.0 4,005.0
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate West 8 9,000.0 688.9
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate West 10 7,155.0 4,222.6
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate West 9 2,227.5 962.3
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 8 6,240.0 3,458.0
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 10 10,840.0 3,327.6
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 8 6,288.0 3,818.9
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate North 10 4,815.0 2,963.6
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate North 9 4,014.0 3,576.5
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate North 10 8,520.0 1,722.7
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate West 6 3,321.0 1,405.8
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate West 9 6,021.0 669.3
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate West 8 3,912.0 3,793.7
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 8 5,640.0 4,190.5
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 8 2,214.0 3,838.2
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 7 4,130.0 3,244.5
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate North 10 4,995.0 534.8
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate North 9 8,343.0 1,025.9
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate North 10 5,610.0 6,250.9
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate West 9 5,022.0 3,887.0
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate West 6 6,426.0 1,378.7
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate West 9 6,682.5 1,449.7
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 6 3,969.0 2,043.2
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 7 11,760.0 2,367.3
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 7 2,740.5 4,874.0
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate North 9 5,292.0 2,046.4
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate North 8 6,264.0 628.1
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate North 8 9,408.0 4,139.5
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate West 6 12,465.0 2,679.0
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate West 6 6,075.0 1,844.4
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate West 7 5,922.0 2,894.7
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 6 8,325.0 614.9
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 10 2,020.0 1,382.9
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 7 3,801.0 2,510.9
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate North 8 5,568.0 1,955.5
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate North 8 5,292.0 3,085.2
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate North 10 6,540.0 1,282.2
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate West 10 7,920.0 3,198.9
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate West 10 2,280.0 2,978.1
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate West 7 8,741.3 1,502.8
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 6 3,168.0 2,526.8
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 6 11,475.0 4,240.0
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 9 4,333.5 1,783.2
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate North 9 5,778.0 1,758.8
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate North 9 12,285.0 1,560.7
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate North 6 1,782.0 3,026.7
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate West 9 14,310.0 4,742.9
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate West 6 1,962.0 2,316.7
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate West 9 12,465.0 4,464.5
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 7 7,182.0 3,926.2
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 8 1,548.0 683.8
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 6 3,906.0 1,462.4
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate North 7 1,753.5 2,914.3
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate North 9 5,994.0 2,626.6
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate North 9 6,480.0 4,390.2
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate West 6 3,078.0 2,534.7
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate West 9 6,858.0 1,755.2
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate West 10 10,080.0 3,171.2
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 10 5,520.0 2,378.0
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 9 11,016.0 892.8
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 8 2,232.0 969.1
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate North 8 6,792.0 907.2
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate North 6 8,707.5 1,919.0
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate North 7 5,796.0 3,440.5
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate West 10 9,000.0 2,616.3
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate West 6 10,192.5 1,763.7
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate West 6 7,074.0 594.0
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 10 2,260.0 3,598.8
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 7 8,568.0 980.2
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 8 8,856.0 5,951.2
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate North 6 1,692.0 2,789.8
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate North 6 5,022.0 3,700.4
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate North 10 8,160.0 3,942.9
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate West 7 2,509.5 858.8
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate West 7 1,732.5 1,503.8
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate West 9 2,340.0 2,488.6
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 10 10,960.0 3,741.7
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 7 8,111.3 597.8
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 6 4,878.0 4,765.8
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate North 8 14,940.0 5,294.7
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate North 8 8,280.0 4,222.8
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate North 6 2,065.5 2,443.3
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate West 8 8,028.0 4,016.7
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate West 9 8,280.0 3,315.1
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate West 7 2,215.5 2,866.0
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 7 12,022.5 2,547.1
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 10 3,600.0 3,808.8
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 8 5,136.0 2,781.9
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate North 9 2,430.0 5,209.9
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate North 10 10,160.0 3,020.6
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate North 7 8,379.0 4,688.1
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate West 10 3,420.0 1,141.6
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate West 7 2,572.5 1,882.6
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate West 7 12,652.5 807.7
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 6 8,856.0 4,363.8
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 7 8,820.0 2,115.6
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 9 13,230.0 2,437.0
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate North 6 6,358.5 2,668.0
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate North 9 13,095.0 1,701.3
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate North 7 3,822.0 3,359.5
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate West 10 13,600.0 5,811.3
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate West 8 8,640.0 4,520.9
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate West 9 2,421.0 3,976.5
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 6 7,290.0 3,423.6
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 8 6,192.0 2,479.9
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 6 2,146.5 2,718.8
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate North 7 7,528.5 769.7
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate North 6 2,106.0 1,447.7
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate North 10 8,480.0 2,146.5
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate West 6 4,266.0 665.9
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate West 10 7,245.0 3,210.3
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate West 9 1,552.5 2,023.8
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 6 2,151.0 3,784.9
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 6 7,222.5 1,295.7
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 6 7,632.0 2,415.5
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate North 9 10,476.0 4,955.1
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate North 7 6,930.0 703.7
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate North 8 10,380.0 2,044.7
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate West 7 11,088.0 3,463.9
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate West 6 5,535.0 3,875.4
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate West 9 5,058.0 1,083.9
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 8 11,680.0 1,725.8
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 6 9,684.0 833.6
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 8 4,176.0 1,383.9
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate North 10 6,345.0 724.8
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate North 9 9,126.0 1,822.5
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate North 9 11,205.0 4,979.5
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate West 10 6,150.0 1,254.6
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate West 8 10,860.0 3,725.0
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate West 10 8,775.0 3,239.7
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 6 7,317.0 3,698.5
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 9 6,885.0 2,968.1
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 8 4,608.0 2,087.4
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate North 8 6,960.0 1,524.9
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate North 10 4,940.0 3,269.3
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate North 9 4,644.0 840.8
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate West 9 5,040.0 3,241.7
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate West 10 3,390.0 601.7
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate West 7 2,740.5 1,859.2
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 9 5,454.0 3,256.9
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 7 12,337.5 3,086.8
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 6 9,756.0 1,684.9
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate North 7 4,851.0 4,334.9
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate North 6 2,016.0 3,302.2
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate North 9 4,806.0 1,068.6
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate West 9 4,716.0 3,319.1
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate West 9 11,115.0 2,680.3
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate West 6 5,224.5 2,312.7
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 6 4,131.0 2,968.5
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 6 2,808.0 2,322.2
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 7 1,564.5 2,080.8
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate North 8 11,088.0 3,958.4
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate North 10 11,640.0 2,337.3
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate North 6 6,804.0 2,270.3
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate West 10 7,860.0 1,799.9
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate West 8 7,296.0 696.0
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate West 9 9,585.0 1,396.3
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 6 4,860.0 584.2
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 9 3,267.0 1,181.0
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 8 6,984.0 1,797.2
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate North 9 1,539.0 3,237.3
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate North 7 3,465.0 1,443.2
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate North 9 14,512.5 2,066.6
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate West 7 5,733.0 4,751.2
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate West 6 8,316.0 1,538.9
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate West 9 7,938.0 4,969.2
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 6 6,129.0 2,691.0
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate West 6 1,755.0 1,776.9
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 6 7,956.0 2,942.1
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate West 8 5,940.0 1,407.8
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 9 13,972.5 4,783.1
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate West 6 6,300.0 1,132.4
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate North 8 6,096.0 723.0
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate Middle 9 2,045.3 1,783.9
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate North 8 5,436.0 733.1
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate North 10 8,880.0 1,985.1
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate North 6 5,328.0 2,967.4
Product2 P00002 Calvin Sr. Associate North 7 9,345.0 1,182.7
Product3 P00003 Calvin Sr. Associate West 10 11,925.0 2,510.0
Product1 P00001 Calvin Sr. Associate West 9 8,505.0 1,404.2
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate West 6 2,200.5 1,727.8
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate North 6 3,888.0 850.9
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate Middle 7 5,985.0 3,432.4
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate North 9 7,047.0 984.5
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate Middle 7 5,575.5 737.6
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate North 9 8,221.5 2,760.0
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate Middle 7 5,071.5 3,292.2
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate West 10 7,200.0 702.9
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate North 6 7,074.0 1,647.8
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate West 9 5,220.0 1,927.2
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate North 9 13,050.0 5,495.4
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate West 8 8,388.0 1,038.4
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate North 7 9,240.0 987.3
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate Middle 6 1,989.0 1,436.9
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate West 8 2,436.0 3,756.3
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate Middle 9 8,221.5 2,519.9
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate West 8 6,048.0 2,732.2
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate Middle 7 2,037.0 1,801.1
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate West 7 2,394.0 3,850.7
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate North 9 10,044.0 2,253.4
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate Middle 7 2,614.5 1,091.8
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate North 6 5,062.5 1,708.6
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate Middle 8 2,052.0 2,596.2
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate North 10 1,755.0 2,730.8
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate Middle 8 4,496.0 4,094.7
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate West 9 2,929.5 1,156.3
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate North 10 14,550.0 3,128.0
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate West 7 4,158.0 2,585.9
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate North 8 10,440.0 3,660.3
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate West 6 6,561.0 3,494.8
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate North 8 8,496.0 4,378.6
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate Middle 7 4,515.0 786.1
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate West 9 5,143.5 733.8
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate Middle 9 12,195.0 3,248.0
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate West 10 10,560.0 5,089.9
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate Middle 9 11,475.0 1,964.1
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate West 9 2,146.5 4,820.0
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate North 7 7,014.0 2,304.8
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate Middle 7 5,386.5 3,228.3
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate North 9 1,809.0 672.2
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate Middle 6 7,344.0 1,633.8
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate North 7 8,426.3 1,156.1
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate Middle 6 7,533.0 4,375.4
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate West 9 7,695.0 1,579.0
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate West 9 5,886.0 2,674.3
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate West 7 9,345.0 3,895.9
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate Middle 8 8,256.0 3,389.1
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate Middle 8 4,356.0 3,644.9
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate Middle 8 14,880.0 5,200.6
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate North 6 1,674.0 576.9
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate North 10 13,050.0 877.2
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate North 7 11,214.0 3,310.4
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate West 8 3,168.0 2,676.3
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate West 7 13,860.0 1,744.7
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate West 6 1,728.0 2,136.8
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate North 6 6,507.0 2,487.6
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate Middle 10 2,505.0 919.6
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate North 10 11,700.0 898.1
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate Middle 6 10,710.0 3,991.6
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate North 6 7,290.0 3,225.1
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate Middle 9 2,085.8 839.3
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate West 9 2,358.0 970.1
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate North 9 8,829.0 833.9
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate West 8 4,288.0 4,340.5
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate North 9 8,977.5 1,609.1
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate North 6 2,232.0 2,974.8
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate North 9 13,365.0 5,565.2
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate West 7 2,220.8 982.7
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate West 6 5,616.0 4,112.8
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate North 9 1,984.5 4,042.4
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate West 6 7,344.0 3,077.9
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate North 9 7,587.0 4,446.0
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate Middle 6 3,834.0 3,564.7
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate North 8 14,940.0 1,164.7
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate Middle 8 2,280.0 737.6
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate West 10 13,800.0 1,811.7
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate Middle 8 4,048.0 3,422.2
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate West 8 2,106.0 2,157.0
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate West 8 7,920.0 2,503.5
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate Middle 9 10,044.0 984.8
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate Middle 8 3,144.0 3,420.7
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate Middle 10 10,020.0 3,834.7
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate North 7 2,016.0 1,776.1
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate North 10 7,335.0 3,707.6
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate North 10 5,310.0 2,214.6
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate West 6 7,812.0 666.2
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate West 10 7,785.0 4,436.4
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate North 8 6,876.0 1,720.8
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate West 9 2,646.0 1,056.8
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate North 7 1,533.0 2,004.2
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate Middle 7 7,140.0 1,653.1
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate North 7 2,030.0 771.4
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate Middle 10 2,310.0 944.1
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate West 7 5,386.5 1,577.9
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate Middle 6 7,938.0 1,496.3
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate West 10 10,400.0 2,102.9
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate West 10 2,295.0 938.0
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate Middle 10 6,120.0 1,800.9
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate Middle 6 10,395.0 1,761.7
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate Middle 6 13,365.0 3,555.1
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate Middle 9 14,647.5 1,078.3
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate West 6 8,820.0 2,244.5
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate North 10 7,020.0 1,829.4
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate West 6 3,645.0 747.6
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate North 9 2,439.0 2,932.7
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate Middle 6 7,560.0 2,169.7
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate North 7 7,308.0 1,176.2
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate Middle 6 1,741.5 1,614.4
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate West 6 3,492.0 2,941.1
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate Middle 10 2,850.0 3,530.3
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate West 8 2,520.0 3,844.3
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate North 8 3,408.0 1,704.3
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate West 7 7,812.0 2,902.9
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate North 10 9,600.0 1,070.2
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate Middle 6 4,950.0 4,145.1
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate North 9 6,075.0 850.1
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate Middle 10 11,880.0 3,659.0
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate West 8 2,964.0 889.5
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate Middle 10 13,275.0 1,865.9
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate West 10 11,760.0 3,227.2
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate West 8 9,216.0 806.4
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate Middle 6 3,888.0 1,395.0
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate Middle 10 5,000.0 4,843.8
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate Middle 6 7,128.0 783.5
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate North 6 3,726.0 745.0
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate North 8 6,144.0 1,320.7
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate North 8 2,232.0 869.1
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate West 8 7,860.0 1,054.2
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate West 10 3,330.0 1,313.4
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate North 6 4,725.0 651.7
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate West 8 3,408.0 2,123.9
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate North 10 11,560.0 4,369.7
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate Middle 10 7,320.0 798.6
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate North 10 5,130.0 1,311.6
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate Middle 8 8,864.0 723.3
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate West 8 2,064.0 817.6
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate Middle 7 2,226.0 2,221.8
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate West 6 5,319.0 586.3
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate North 6 3,096.0 655.4
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate West 7 5,481.0 2,782.5
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate North 7 5,460.0 894.6
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate Middle 9 4,657.5 2,321.9
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate North 6 7,020.0 3,597.0
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate Middle 7 2,635.5 3,538.2
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate West 8 4,080.0 2,063.1
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate Middle 9 4,900.5 992.5
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate West 6 2,610.0 3,298.0
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate North 9 1,593.0 2,850.8
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate West 6 5,724.0 2,687.4
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate North 10 6,930.0 3,246.9
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate Middle 9 11,790.0 4,036.9
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate North 6 2,556.0 3,082.5
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate Middle 6 4,410.0 876.9
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate West 7 2,856.0 3,148.7
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate Middle 9 6,318.0 2,062.2
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate West 7 4,186.0 2,015.6
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate North 6 9,000.0 1,546.6
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate West 9 11,448.0 5,098.7
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate North 9 14,850.0 923.1
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate Middle 9 4,941.0 998.7
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate North 9 9,288.0 4,353.8
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate Middle 7 8,064.0 2,389.0
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate West 9 5,751.0 718.5
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate Middle 7 3,360.0 3,539.8
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate West 7 5,229.0 2,625.8
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate North 7 1,732.5 690.4
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate West 7 9,828.0 1,585.7
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate North 10 9,375.0 647.3
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate Middle 10 8,560.0 2,731.1
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate North 9 2,331.0 3,305.4
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate Middle 7 10,878.0 3,198.9
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate North 8 2,832.0 5,053.7
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate West 7 2,425.5 953.0
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate North 7 2,100.0 4,363.8
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate Middle 10 2,740.0 1,167.5
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate North 10 7,470.0 4,834.3
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate Middle 7 2,184.0 3,318.6
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate West 9 5,386.5 3,093.6
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate Middle 6 11,295.0 2,857.2
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate West 10 10,125.0 4,255.5
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate North 7 1,669.5 3,289.7
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate West 8 6,888.0 784.8
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate North 8 1,872.0 1,362.8
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate Middle 10 6,615.0 3,328.4
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate North 8 8,960.0 3,458.6
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate Middle 9 6,507.0 935.1
Product3 P00003 Daniel Associate West 6 1,764.0 1,461.3
Product2 P00002 Daniel Associate Middle 9 1,512.0 2,084.1
Product1 P00001 Daniel Associate West 6 12,285.0 1,660.9
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate North 7 10,552.5 2,601.0
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate West 8 6,528.0 3,850.4
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate North 7 10,710.0 1,105.5
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate Middle 10 10,000.0 1,871.4
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate North 9 9,045.0 546.0
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate Middle 10 10,800.0 5,366.3
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate West 8 9,248.0 985.1
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate Middle 8 4,496.0 2,527.0
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate West 9 7,074.0 3,631.6
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate North 6 2,223.0 1,443.2
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate West 10 1,920.0 1,381.2
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate North 9 4,428.0 2,357.2
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate Middle 9 3,834.0 2,080.7
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate North 8 7,704.0 1,808.5
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate Middle 7 4,788.0 3,173.6
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate West 8 6,696.0 1,755.2
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate Middle 10 4,500.0 1,598.4
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate West 8 11,280.0 3,959.3
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate West 10 8,175.0 2,451.8
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate Middle 8 6,912.0 3,209.0
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate Middle 10 9,525.0 3,089.0
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate Middle 10 8,955.0 1,049.2
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate North 10 10,100.0 1,452.8
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate North 10 8,280.0 3,417.6
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate North 9 6,831.0 4,264.8
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate West 6 1,444.5 1,412.7
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate West 8 8,688.0 1,366.6
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate North 10 4,545.0 1,736.2
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate West 6 7,605.0 948.8
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate North 9 2,497.5 1,824.7
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate Middle 9 12,510.0 754.4
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate North 7 2,404.5 1,045.5
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate Middle 9 10,665.0 868.1
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate West 7 1,685.3 1,372.5
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate Middle 9 10,692.0 2,301.5
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate West 8 1,512.0 1,312.4
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate North 8 4,428.0 3,605.5
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate West 10 2,580.0 2,085.2
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate North 7 5,712.0 1,753.0
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate Middle 7 8,379.0 4,282.2
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate North 7 8,662.5 5,223.5
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate Middle 6 12,285.0 4,660.9
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate West 8 9,600.0 739.9
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate Middle 10 12,825.0 2,907.9
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate West 10 6,780.0 2,981.8
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate North 10 4,420.0 1,985.9
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate West 7 8,925.0 3,200.5
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate North 6 5,643.0 3,086.3
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate Middle 6 3,132.0 1,762.2
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate North 10 1,830.0 2,663.0
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate Middle 8 1,608.0 1,651.3
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate West 10 4,160.0 1,432.3
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate Middle 10 8,240.0 1,837.5
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate West 8 11,040.0 2,812.1
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate North 6 10,890.0 4,779.6
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate West 8 12,480.0 2,013.3
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate North 6 2,196.0 927.4
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate Middle 9 11,655.0 2,583.2
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate North 10 8,520.0 2,055.0
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate Middle 8 7,680.0 713.1
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate West 9 13,050.0 2,082.8
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate Middle 9 11,745.0 871.2
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate West 6 13,005.0 2,521.9
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate North 10 10,640.0 2,523.3
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate West 9 12,375.0 2,340.4
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate North 10 11,280.0 5,097.2
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate Middle 10 5,220.0 2,862.6
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate North 9 9,108.0 4,848.9
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate Middle 8 7,176.0 834.8
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate West 9 2,605.5 794.9
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate Middle 10 10,600.0 4,454.1
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate West 7 2,415.0 724.7
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate West 9 6,588.0 2,554.8
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate Middle 7 4,063.5 1,466.1
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate Middle 10 14,850.0 5,103.9
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate Middle 10 4,560.0 2,971.3
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate North 6 6,642.0 3,600.0
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate North 6 4,428.0 973.9
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate North 8 1,812.0 578.8
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate West 7 5,544.0 1,490.2
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate West 8 4,688.0 2,016.8
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate North 9 7,128.0 1,762.5
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate West 6 7,344.0 2,931.2
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate North 6 4,698.0 676.2
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate Middle 9 3,294.0 3,128.5
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate North 9 5,832.0 3,346.8
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate Middle 8 2,508.0 3,452.0
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate West 6 5,265.0 544.9
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate Middle 7 1,533.0 673.8
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate West 7 7,770.0 2,367.1
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate North 6 1,719.0 1,526.8
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate West 7 4,018.0 772.9
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate North 9 10,395.0 922.7
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate Middle 10 11,100.0 4,928.4
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate North 9 5,940.0 1,273.8
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate Middle 7 12,442.5 4,404.6
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate West 7 6,132.0 3,357.3
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate Middle 7 10,500.0 1,850.1
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate West 10 14,650.0 5,070.4
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate North 9 14,985.0 4,501.5
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate West 8 2,214.0 4,702.5
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate North 10 8,370.0 1,087.0
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate Middle 6 7,560.0 4,897.6
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate North 6 1,512.0 1,825.3
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate Middle 8 1,812.0 2,564.3
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate West 10 11,220.0 924.2
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate Middle 8 6,768.0 983.6
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate West 6 11,002.5 1,825.1
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate North 10 4,120.0 1,627.0
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate West 8 14,580.0 6,256.3
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate North 7 10,867.5 4,205.7
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate Middle 6 7,092.0 2,235.6
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate North 6 10,732.5 3,605.3
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate Middle 10 8,580.0 1,138.9
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate West 8 4,824.0 2,411.0
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate Middle 9 8,208.0 1,264.4
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate West 8 4,256.0 2,694.0
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate North 6 7,308.0 1,987.4
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate West 8 9,300.0 2,842.1
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate North 10 9,840.0 1,549.8
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate Middle 6 5,346.0 2,876.9
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate North 9 10,440.0 1,611.4
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate Middle 6 12,060.0 3,905.5
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate West 9 8,383.5 3,595.7
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate Middle 8 2,988.0 5,837.1
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate West 7 12,075.0 1,492.5
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate West 6 6,885.0 2,666.6
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate Middle 7 12,075.0 3,560.7
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate Middle 8 9,312.0 2,769.2
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate Middle 10 1,515.0 1,805.3
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate North 9 9,247.5 3,758.2
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate North 7 6,237.0 2,047.0
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate North 8 7,056.0 617.6
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate West 8 7,152.0 3,874.6
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate West 8 2,844.0 2,884.7
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate North 9 4,347.0 4,315.5
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate West 9 10,764.0 3,164.6
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate North 9 1,755.0 1,889.1
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate Middle 7 1,701.0 1,430.9
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate North 8 6,240.0 1,462.5
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate Middle 9 7,533.0 3,037.3
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate West 8 2,604.0 1,796.8
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate Middle 6 9,216.0 3,578.6
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate West 7 8,400.0 1,268.0
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate North 8 9,900.0 2,139.0
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate West 10 7,980.0 2,863.2
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate North 6 5,292.0 1,144.1
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate Middle 6 8,280.0 2,036.9
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate North 6 2,583.0 4,184.5
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate Middle 9 11,790.0 2,415.1
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate West 8 7,632.0 1,537.6
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate Middle 6 9,585.0 3,308.7
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate West 8 8,340.0 3,338.5
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate North 9 7,398.0 2,918.5
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate West 8 5,232.0 4,387.6
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate North 7 2,063.3 2,027.8
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate Middle 8 4,096.0 846.4
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate North 6 1,764.0 2,071.3
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate Middle 8 4,224.0 1,312.0
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate West 8 9,720.0 1,168.7
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate Middle 7 1,984.5 887.3
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate West 8 1,848.0 2,184.3
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate North 9 12,330.0 2,632.9
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate West 9 5,751.0 3,659.9
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate North 9 4,770.0 3,885.2
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate Middle 10 2,280.0 2,545.2
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate North 7 13,702.5 2,810.1
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate Middle 10 7,740.0 819.3
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate West 6 5,040.0 2,804.8
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate Middle 8 6,372.0 3,768.0
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate West 9 2,160.0 4,688.3
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate North 10 7,680.0 3,141.6
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate West 10 4,320.0 3,841.3
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate North 10 11,700.0 2,947.5
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate Middle 6 4,428.0 1,409.9
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate North 8 11,280.0 819.4
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate Middle 6 4,333.5 2,646.3
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate West 10 6,360.0 937.9
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate Middle 6 4,932.0 2,954.0
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate West 10 5,220.0 1,821.3
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate West 7 6,709.5 3,329.7
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate Middle 9 10,170.0 2,013.0
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate Middle 6 5,004.0 3,896.1
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate Middle 6 8,955.0 543.7
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate North 8 6,840.0 957.8
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate West 6 1,530.0 2,558.8
Product1 P00001 Henry Associate North 8 10,080.0 1,385.0
Product3 P00003 Henry Associate Middle 6 10,755.0 1,669.2
Product2 P00002 Henry Associate North 10 14,025.0 2,904.0
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 7 9,870.0 1,342.7
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate West 9 2,092.5 1,782.8
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 7 4,158.0 816.8
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate West 6 7,506.0 2,502.5
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate North 10 4,470.0 841.3
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate West 8 8,496.0 1,601.1
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate North 10 5,860.0 3,560.0
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 9 14,107.5 5,919.5
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate North 10 5,670.0 3,617.5
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 9 12,555.0 1,511.6
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate West 8 4,160.0 3,684.7
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 7 1,974.0 2,703.6
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate West 9 4,819.5 1,896.0
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate North 8 6,912.0 1,589.3
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate West 7 5,811.8 4,338.5
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate North 7 9,502.5 634.6
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 8 9,720.0 1,332.0
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate North 10 5,400.0 3,489.3
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 6 8,032.5 2,061.5
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate West 6 2,133.0 4,209.5
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 10 4,980.0 1,633.4
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate West 6 3,582.0 765.7
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate North 8 12,540.0 1,075.7
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate West 10 7,335.0 2,410.3
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate North 10 2,265.0 4,442.8
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 7 7,812.0 2,996.7
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate North 8 2,484.0 874.1
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 6 6,156.0 757.4
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate West 8 9,936.0 910.1
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 6 1,620.0 2,450.7
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate West 8 4,176.0 4,690.7
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate North 6 5,548.5 2,380.3
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate West 6 7,641.0 1,739.6
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate North 8 9,696.0 3,047.5
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 7 7,087.5 2,957.9
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate North 6 1,539.0 1,813.6
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 7 4,998.0 2,040.2
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate West 7 4,410.0 3,461.9
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 9 7,249.5 3,633.2
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate West 10 1,635.0 3,072.2
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate North 8 2,376.0 1,641.3
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate West 10 8,175.0 1,896.3
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate North 9 13,140.0 4,216.4
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 7 5,811.8 3,467.7
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate North 8 2,400.0 976.8
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 9 6,237.0 919.1
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate West 7 2,268.0 827.8
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 10 8,880.0 4,450.0
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate West 6 4,770.0 976.4
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate West 6 11,925.0 3,905.7
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate North 8 3,072.0 2,750.7
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate West 10 2,660.0 5,040.7
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate West 10 2,660.0 4,032.6
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate North 10 2,475.0 1,058.8
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 9 2,097.0 867.9
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 9 2,097.0 3,471.8
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate North 6 7,627.5 1,443.9
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 7 3,045.0 2,037.7
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 7 1,522.5 509.4
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate West 6 13,230.0 5,757.7
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 9 6,378.8 2,721.6
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 9 4,252.5 3,402.0
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate North 8 4,776.0 2,532.5
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate West 9 11,295.0 3,438.2
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate West 9 5,697.0 4,106.4
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 7 10,001.3 2,616.3
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 6 9,045.0 2,658.5
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 7 7,980.0 1,240.4
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate North 10 1,725.0 1,082.6
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate North 10 4,080.0 3,821.9
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate North 8 14,880.0 1,169.9
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate West 9 6,925.5 2,930.9
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate West 9 6,831.0 4,097.7
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate West 9 1,957.5 1,549.9
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 9 10,260.0 3,351.9
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 6 7,668.0 1,401.7
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 6 4,482.0 1,761.0
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate North 7 6,048.0 503.8
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate North 6 1,791.0 3,220.9
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate North 8 2,604.0 4,309.1
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 6 8,172.0 2,018.3
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate West 6 7,020.0 2,369.3
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 6 3,978.0 735.5
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate West 8 7,920.0 3,519.5
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 9 11,178.0 4,783.1
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate West 6 3,150.0 2,264.9
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate North 8 6,096.0 1,446.0
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 9 6,135.8 1,783.9
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate North 8 7,248.0 3,665.7
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 7 3,108.0 605.9
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate North 6 1,935.0 637.8
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 9 7,411.5 4,191.9
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate West 7 8,568.0 5,873.4
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate North 10 8,880.0 4,962.8
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate West 10 6,255.0 3,148.4
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate North 6 7,992.0 3,956.6
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate West 10 6,660.0 1,923.0
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate North 7 5,607.0 591.4
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 9 13,410.0 2,911.0
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate West 10 4,770.0 2,510.0
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 6 2,673.0 2,986.3
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate West 9 6,378.8 702.1
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 7 4,882.5 687.9
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate West 6 4,401.0 2,591.7
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate North 6 9,720.0 3,403.6
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 7 3,990.0 1,373.0
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate North 9 2,349.0 3,937.9
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 7 9,292.5 737.6
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate North 9 13,702.5 920.0
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 7 6,762.0 1,316.9
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate West 10 5,400.0 2,108.7
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate North 6 9,432.0 3,295.5
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate West 9 2,610.0 3,854.4
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate North 9 5,220.0 1,099.1
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate West 8 8,388.0 1,038.4
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate North 7 11,550.0 1,974.6
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 6 5,967.0 3,592.1
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate West 8 7,308.0 2,817.2
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 9 5,481.0 1,679.9
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate West 8 3,024.0 1,639.3
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 7 4,074.0 3,602.2
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate West 7 7,182.0 3,080.6
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate North 9 12,555.0 2,253.4
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 7 5,229.0 1,091.8
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate North 6 8,437.5 2,847.7
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 8 10,260.0 649.0
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate North 10 1,755.0 682.7
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 8 2,248.0 2,456.8
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate West 9 2,929.5 2,312.5
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate North 10 2,910.0 1,042.7
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate West 7 10,395.0 862.0
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate North 8 10,440.0 2,196.2
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate West 6 4,374.0 2,795.9
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate North 8 2,124.0 2,627.2
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 7 4,515.0 3,930.3
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate West 9 1,714.5 3,669.0
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 9 2,439.0 5,413.4
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate West 10 5,280.0 1,018.0
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 9 11,475.0 1,964.1
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate West 9 2,146.5 2,892.0
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate North 7 3,507.0 1,728.6
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 7 5,386.5 4,035.4
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate North 9 1,809.0 672.2
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 6 9,792.0 2,450.7
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate North 7 5,055.8 2,312.2
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 6 10,044.0 2,625.3
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate West 9 10,260.0 1,579.0
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate North 6 7,236.0 1,536.9
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate West 9 2,943.0 2,674.3
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate North 9 5,643.0 5,301.6
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate West 7 1,869.0 1,558.4
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate North 6 3,474.0 1,250.3
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 8 2,064.0 1,355.6
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate West 7 2,068.5 907.9
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 8 4,356.0 1,458.0
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate West 6 9,900.0 2,066.1
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 8 11,904.0 4,160.4
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate West 6 7,357.5 914.7
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate North 8 4,728.0 4,931.3
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 9 8,869.5 1,227.2
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate North 9 9,864.0 3,500.7
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 9 10,548.0 4,388.0
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate North 10 6,120.0 710.1
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 6 1,737.0 1,066.2
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate West 6 2,011.5 1,330.0
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate North 6 5,022.0 1,730.6
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate West 9 7,627.5 1,917.1
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate North 10 13,050.0 4,386.1
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate West 10 10,450.0 4,505.0
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate North 7 5,607.0 2,206.9
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 8 5,256.0 2,346.3
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate West 8 1,584.0 3,345.4
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 8 6,426.0 1,597.1
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate West 7 5,544.0 872.3
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 8 9,312.0 1,458.7
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate West 6 6,912.0 2,849.1
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate North 6 8,676.0 4,146.0
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 10 10,020.0 919.6
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate North 10 9,360.0 2,694.3
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 6 4,284.0 3,193.3
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate North 6 7,290.0 645.0
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 9 4,171.5 4,196.5
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate West 9 9,432.0 3,880.3
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate North 9 2,207.3 1,667.8
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate West 8 2,144.0 868.1
Product1 P00001 Justin Sr. Associate North 6 5,157.0 2,928.3
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate West 9 11,178.0 3,189.1
Product2 P00002 Justin Sr. Associate North 8 5,568.0 4,292.9
Product3 P00003 Justin Sr. Associate Middle 7 9,324.0 834.7
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate West 8 9,744.0 904.7
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate Middle 8 9,600.0 741.1
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate West 10 14,450.0 2,875.8
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate Middle 10 10,750.0 928.6
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate West 8 2,520.0 2,920.4
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate North 6 1,674.0 571.2
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate Middle 8 6,084.0 4,072.2
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate North 7 11,466.0 5,305.9
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate Middle 9 2,529.0 1,095.3
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate North 9 5,386.5 2,413.7
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate North 6 8,928.0 3,718.5
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate North 9 5,346.0 5,565.2
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate West 7 11,103.8 2,948.0
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate West 6 1,872.0 1,645.1
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate North 9 1,984.5 1,617.0
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate West 6 7,344.0 5,129.8
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate North 9 12,645.0 2,667.6
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate Middle 6 5,751.0 3,564.7
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate North 8 11,952.0 2,329.4
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate Middle 8 9,120.0 1,475.2
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate West 10 5,520.0 4,529.2
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate Middle 8 4,048.0 3,422.2
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate West 8 2,106.0 719.0
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate North 9 10,215.0 2,739.1
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate West 8 3,960.0 1,251.8
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate North 10 10,200.0 3,237.5
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate Middle 9 5,022.0 1,969.6
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate North 9 2,349.0 732.9
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate Middle 8 4,716.0 3,420.7
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate West 10 8,460.0 4,686.8
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate Middle 10 7,515.0 1,917.3
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate West 7 4,772.3 2,592.1
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate North 10 4,140.0 706.1
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate West 10 5,880.0 4,880.4
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate North 9 8,464.5 2,866.1
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate Middle 10 8,360.0 3,410.0
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate North 10 12,300.0 4,463.7
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate Middle 9 1,741.5 1,337.1
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate West 7 1,932.0 4,193.4
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate Middle 10 2,085.0 822.3
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate West 10 5,640.0 2,078.3
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate North 7 2,016.0 1,776.1
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate North 10 4,890.0 926.9
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate North 10 8,850.0 2,768.3
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate West 6 5,859.0 3,330.8
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate West 10 7,785.0 1,109.1
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate North 8 6,876.0 4,302.1
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate West 10 11,000.0 811.6
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate North 8 14,160.0 1,010.7
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate West 7 4,851.0 2,858.9
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate North 7 10,500.0 872.8
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate Middle 10 13,700.0 2,335.0
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate North 10 12,450.0 4,834.3
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate Middle 7 4,368.0 3,318.6
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate West 9 1,795.5 1,237.5
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate Middle 6 9,036.0 3,571.5
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate West 10 8,100.0 1,702.2
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate North 7 1,669.5 3,289.7
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate West 8 6,888.0 1,569.5
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate North 8 3,744.0 681.4
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate Middle 10 2,205.0 665.7
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate North 8 11,200.0 1,729.3
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate Middle 9 8,676.0 2,805.2
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate West 6 5,292.0 3,653.2
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate Middle 9 6,048.0 1,563.1
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate West 6 7,371.0 2,491.4
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate North 7 4,221.0 4,335.0
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate West 8 10,880.0 2,310.3
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate North 7 10,710.0 5,527.7
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate Middle 10 2,000.0 623.8
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate North 9 9,045.0 546.0
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate Middle 10 5,400.0 5,366.3
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate West 8 9,248.0 985.1
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate Middle 8 4,496.0 842.3
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate West 9 8,842.5 1,452.6
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate North 6 4,446.0 2,164.8
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate West 10 5,760.0 2,762.5
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate North 9 2,214.0 3,928.7
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate Middle 9 9,585.0 1,387.1
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate North 8 1,926.0 1,205.7
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate Middle 7 6,384.0 3,173.6
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate West 8 11,160.0 4,388.1
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate Middle 10 11,250.0 2,397.6
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate West 8 5,640.0 2,969.5
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate West 10 1,635.0 613.0
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate Middle 8 9,216.0 2,406.8
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate Middle 10 7,620.0 1,853.4
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate Middle 10 5,970.0 5,246.1
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate North 10 6,060.0 1,452.8
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate West 8 5,724.0 849.4
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate North 10 10,350.0 683.5
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate Middle 6 11,475.0 3,490.2
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate North 9 6,831.0 853.0
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate Middle 6 5,062.5 1,971.8
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate West 6 5,778.0 2,354.5
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate Middle 9 13,432.5 2,267.4
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate West 8 6,516.0 683.3
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate North 10 7,575.0 578.7
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate West 6 6,084.0 1,423.2
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate North 9 12,487.5 912.3
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate Middle 9 7,506.0 754.4
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate North 7 12,022.5 4,181.9
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate Middle 9 4,266.0 1,736.3
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate West 7 3,370.5 2,058.7
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate Middle 9 2,673.0 4,602.9
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate West 8 6,048.0 3,281.0
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate North 8 4,428.0 721.1
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate West 10 5,160.0 2,085.2
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate North 7 14,280.0 4,382.5
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate Middle 7 11,172.0 2,141.1
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate North 7 11,550.0 2,089.4
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate Middle 6 9,828.0 4,660.9
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate West 8 7,200.0 2,219.8
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate Middle 10 5,130.0 969.3
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate West 10 6,780.0 1,490.9
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate North 10 2,210.0 2,978.9
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate West 7 5,355.0 1,920.3
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate North 6 3,762.0 3,857.9
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate Middle 6 4,698.0 587.4
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate North 10 3,660.0 2,663.0
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate Middle 8 1,608.0 1,651.3
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate West 10 4,160.0 3,580.7
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate Middle 10 4,120.0 1,837.5
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate West 8 4,416.0 2,109.1
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate North 6 2,178.0 2,867.8
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate West 8 2,496.0 5,033.2
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate North 6 8,784.0 2,782.1
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate Middle 9 9,324.0 1,722.1
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate North 10 4,260.0 1,370.0
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate Middle 8 5,760.0 2,139.3
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate West 9 10,440.0 3,124.2
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate Middle 9 9,396.0 3,485.0
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate West 6 13,005.0 2,521.9
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate North 10 13,300.0 4,205.5
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate West 9 2,475.0 780.1
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate North 10 14,100.0 3,058.3
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate Middle 10 10,440.0 1,908.4
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate North 9 9,108.0 969.8
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate Middle 8 11,960.0 4,174.0
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate West 9 10,422.0 2,384.8
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate Middle 10 2,650.0 3,340.6
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate West 7 9,660.0 2,899.0
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate North 9 9,990.0 5,395.8
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate West 9 10,980.0 851.6
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate North 9 10,935.0 3,368.9
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate Middle 7 8,127.0 1,466.1
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate North 7 4,914.0 3,646.2
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate Middle 10 8,910.0 5,103.9
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate West 8 10,560.0 915.8
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate Middle 10 2,280.0 3,961.7
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate West 7 2,131.5 3,615.0
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate North 7 4,046.0 2,198.2
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate West 7 7,612.5 609.6
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate North 10 9,080.0 3,489.4
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate Middle 6 1,458.0 653.8
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate North 7 3,129.0 687.0
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate Middle 7 1,858.5 3,535.8
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate West 10 8,370.0 3,657.7
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate Middle 8 10,416.0 3,102.9
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate West 8 8,064.0 2,483.7
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate North 6 2,214.0 1,800.0
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate West 10 2,900.0 3,108.5
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate North 6 2,214.0 1,947.9
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate Middle 9 10,044.0 2,862.5
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate North 8 5,436.0 578.8
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate Middle 10 13,850.0 1,676.4
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate West 7 5,544.0 1,490.2
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate Middle 9 10,584.0 2,676.7
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate West 8 4,688.0 5,041.9
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate North 9 2,376.0 881.3
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate West 6 9,180.0 1,172.5
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate North 6 1,566.0 2,028.6
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate Middle 9 3,294.0 1,251.4
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate North 9 1,944.0 1,673.4
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate Middle 8 7,524.0 4,315.0
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate West 6 3,510.0 2,724.6
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate Middle 7 4,599.0 2,021.3
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate West 7 9,712.5 2,367.1
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate North 6 6,876.0 3,053.6
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate West 7 2,009.0 3,864.3
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate North 9 8,316.0 3,690.6
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate Middle 10 5,550.0 1,232.1
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate North 9 11,880.0 5,095.3
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate Middle 7 9,954.0 1,101.2
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate West 7 2,044.0 671.5
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate Middle 7 2,625.0 2,775.2
Product1 P00001 Sindy Associate West 10 14,650.0 3,042.2
Product3 P00003 Sindy Associate North 9 2,997.0 5,626.9
Product2 P00002 Sindy Associate West 8 11,070.0 940.5
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate North 10 8,370.0 3,261.0
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate Middle 6 10,080.0 2,938.6
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate North 6 7,560.0 2,281.6
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate Middle 8 7,248.0 1,923.3
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate West 10 14,025.0 1,848.5
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate Middle 8 2,256.0 1,967.2
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate West 6 11,002.5 4,562.7
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate North 10 10,300.0 2,440.5
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate West 8 5,832.0 1,251.3
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate North 7 2,173.5 3,364.6
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate Middle 6 3,546.0 2,980.8
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate North 6 6,439.5 901.3
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate Middle 10 14,300.0 5,694.3
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate West 8 12,060.0 2,411.0
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate Middle 9 4,104.0 632.2
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate West 8 10,640.0 2,694.0
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate North 6 3,654.0 2,649.9
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate West 8 7,440.0 1,705.2
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate North 10 9,840.0 3,874.5
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate Middle 6 7,128.0 2,157.6
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate North 9 10,440.0 3,222.8
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate Middle 6 2,412.0 2,929.1
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate West 9 2,794.5 5,992.8
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate Middle 8 2,988.0 1,167.4
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate West 7 4,830.0 3,731.2
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate North 8 8,760.0 1,515.8
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate West 6 1,377.0 533.3
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate North 8 10,704.0 1,048.2
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate Middle 7 4,830.0 3,560.7
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate North 9 2,268.0 990.2
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate Middle 8 4,656.0 4,615.3
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate West 6 3,510.0 591.3
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate Middle 10 6,060.0 601.8
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate West 10 2,100.0 2,436.8
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate North 6 4,302.0 921.3
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate West 6 4,950.0 3,771.9
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate North 9 8,586.0 6,004.5
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate Middle 8 4,176.0 2,659.7
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate North 7 6,615.0 1,713.1
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate Middle 8 7,668.0 3,252.0
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate West 9 4,887.0 3,844.8
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate Middle 9 3,753.0 780.2
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate West 9 3,861.0 3,315.6
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate North 9 9,247.5 751.6
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate West 8 8,424.0 1,465.8
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate North 7 4,158.0 3,411.6
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate Middle 9 4,212.0 2,483.0
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate North 8 8,820.0 1,235.2
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate Middle 8 2,040.0 793.4
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate West 8 7,152.0 774.9
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate Middle 6 4,734.0 3,942.5
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate West 8 11,376.0 3,846.2
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate North 9 2,173.5 1,726.2
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate West 9 8,073.0 2,109.7
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate North 9 7,020.0 3,148.5
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate Middle 7 5,103.0 715.4
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate North 8 7,800.0 487.5
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate Middle 9 7,533.0 1,518.7
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate West 8 13,020.0 898.4
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate Middle 6 11,520.0 3,578.6
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate West 7 8,400.0 2,536.0
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate North 8 3,960.0 713.0
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate West 10 13,300.0 1,908.8
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate North 6 8,820.0 2,288.3
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate Middle 6 6,624.0 2,715.8
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate North 6 12,915.0 1,046.1
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate Middle 9 2,358.0 3,220.1
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate West 8 2,544.0 3,075.2
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate Middle 6 9,585.0 827.2
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate West 8 1,668.0 3,338.5
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate North 9 7,398.0 729.6
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate West 8 7,848.0 3,290.7
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate North 7 2,063.3 1,351.8
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate Middle 8 8,192.0 3,385.8
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate North 6 1,764.0 2,071.3
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate Middle 8 4,224.0 3,279.9
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate West 8 7,776.0 1,168.7
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate Middle 7 7,938.0 887.3
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate West 8 3,696.0 1,456.2
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate North 9 7,398.0 3,510.6
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate West 9 14,377.5 4,574.9
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate North 9 4,770.0 1,554.1
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate Middle 10 11,400.0 3,393.6
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate North 7 10,962.0 936.7
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate Middle 10 3,870.0 3,277.1
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate West 6 2,520.0 2,804.8
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate Middle 8 4,248.0 4,710.0
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate West 9 8,640.0 1,875.3
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate North 10 10,240.0 3,927.0
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate West 10 8,640.0 2,881.0
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate North 10 2,340.0 3,684.3
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate Middle 6 11,070.0 2,114.8
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate North 8 6,768.0 3,277.5
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate Middle 6 7,222.5 529.3
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate West 10 4,240.0 3,751.6
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate Middle 6 12,330.0 3,938.7
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate West 10 6,960.0 3,035.4
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate North 8 2,952.0 3,958.6
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate West 7 2,236.5 2,497.3
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate North 6 2,160.0 3,587.8
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate Middle 9 2,034.0 1,342.0
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate North 9 8,437.5 3,468.7
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate Middle 6 12,510.0 4,870.1
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate West 6 7,209.0 3,841.0
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate Middle 6 1,791.0 1,631.2
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate West 9 6,264.0 1,817.4
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate North 8 2,280.0 2,873.5
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate West 6 1,530.0 1,919.1
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate North 8 2,016.0 1,385.0
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate Middle 6 4,302.0 2,503.8
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate North 10 11,220.0 4,840.0
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate Middle 7 5,922.0 2,014.1
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate West 9 6,277.5 4,457.0
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate Middle 7 4,158.0 1,633.7
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate West 6 7,506.0 3,336.7
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate North 10 4,470.0 841.3
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate West 8 8,496.0 3,202.1
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate North 10 5,860.0 3,560.0
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate Middle 9 2,821.5 4,735.6
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate North 10 2,835.0 904.4
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate Middle 9 7,533.0 2,267.4
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate West 8 6,240.0 2,210.8
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate Middle 7 1,974.0 2,703.6
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate West 9 4,819.5 3,160.0
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate North 8 6,912.0 1,589.3
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate West 7 1,937.3 1,735.4
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate North 7 5,701.5 2,538.3
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate Middle 8 5,832.0 666.0
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate North 10 7,200.0 2,791.4
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate Middle 6 4,819.5 2,576.8
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate West 6 2,133.0 3,367.6
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate Middle 10 4,980.0 816.7
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate West 6 7,164.0 3,062.6
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate North 8 12,540.0 2,151.4
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate West 10 2,445.0 1,606.9
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate North 10 4,530.0 2,665.7
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate Middle 7 3,906.0 2,996.7
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate North 8 4,968.0 874.1
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate Middle 6 4,104.0 757.4
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate West 8 12,420.0 4,550.7
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate Middle 6 3,240.0 1,838.1
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate West 8 6,264.0 938.1
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate North 6 7,398.0 2,380.3
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate West 6 7,641.0 4,349.0
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate North 8 7,272.0 2,285.6
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate Middle 7 2,362.5 2,218.4
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate North 6 1,539.0 2,418.1
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate Middle 7 2,499.0 3,060.3
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate West 7 2,205.0 1,384.7
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate Middle 9 7,249.5 3,633.2
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate West 10 4,905.0 1,843.3
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate North 8 7,128.0 3,282.7
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate West 10 3,270.0 632.1
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate North 9 7,884.0 1,054.1
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate Middle 7 3,874.5 4,334.6
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate North 8 2,400.0 2,930.4
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate Middle 9 8,316.0 1,838.3
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate West 7 6,804.0 2,483.5
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate Middle 10 4,440.0 1,780.0
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate West 6 7,155.0 1,952.8
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate West 6 11,925.0 976.4
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate North 8 6,144.0 687.7
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate West 10 10,640.0 2,016.3
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate West 10 7,980.0 4,032.6
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate North 10 9,900.0 4,235.2
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate Middle 9 10,485.0 2,603.8
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate Middle 9 4,194.0 4,339.7
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate North 6 4,576.5 2,406.5
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate Middle 7 6,090.0 2,547.1
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate Middle 7 6,090.0 2,547.1
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate West 6 5,292.0 3,454.6
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate Middle 9 4,252.5 680.4
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate Middle 9 4,252.5 2,041.2
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate North 8 4,776.0 2,532.5
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate West 9 6,777.0 2,062.9
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate West 9 5,697.0 1,026.6
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate Middle 7 4,000.5 2,616.3
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate Middle 6 5,427.0 2,658.5
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate Middle 7 3,192.0 1,860.6
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate North 10 5,175.0 541.3
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate North 10 10,200.0 3,057.6
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate North 8 5,952.0 4,679.5
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate West 9 2,308.5 4,884.8
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate West 9 6,831.0 5,122.1
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate West 9 5,872.5 775.0
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate Middle 9 10,260.0 2,514.0
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate Middle 6 5,751.0 2,803.4
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate Middle 6 8,964.0 2,641.5
Product3 P00003 Paul Associate North 7 4,536.0 503.8
Product1 P00001 Paul Associate North 6 1,791.0 805.2
Product2 P00002 Paul Associate North 8 13,020.0 4,309.1

Mean 8.0181132
Standard Error 0.0389655
Median 8
Mode 9
Standard Deviation 1.4183639
Sample Variance 2.0117563
Kurtosis -1.299794
Skewness -0.054277
Range 4
Minimum 6
Maximum 10
Sum 10624
Count 1325
Largest(1) 10
Smallest(1) 6
Confidence Level(95.0%) 0.0764408
Product Sum - Net Sales Sum - Profit / Loss
Product1 3,011,632.5 1,088,653.3
Product2 2,871,622.0 1,066,865.4 #REF!
Product3 2,816,115.0 1,047,292.6
Total Result 8,699,369.5 3,202,811.3
Product Product1 Product2
Net Sales 3,011,633 2,871,622 2,816,115

Percentage Share -10.0%

Profit Requirement - <---- 8,00,000
Q1. What is the average no. of customers covered by salesmen?
Q2. What was the highest sales in the dataset provided?

Q3. How much the profit/loss vary in the dataset?

Q4. Is there a strong correlation between No. of customer and profit/loss?

Q5. Who (salesman) has a strong hold in Home Office segment in terms of net sales?

Q6. Why the above person has the strong hold in Home Office segment? (based on the given data)

Q7. For the given data, can we do regression analysis?

Q8. Why does the regression model fails?

Q9. What should be the %age change in the Net Sales to obtain 8 lakh Profit/loss value?

he given data)

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