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SJK (C) __________



NAME : ________________ ( ) MARKS : ___________________%

CLASS : 3 ( ) DATE : ______ / _ / 201_

PARENTS SIGNATURE : _____________________


1) Answer all the questions in the space provided.

Section A
Questions 1-12 (24 marks)

Fill in the missing letters with the correct spelling.

1. p __ __ 2. cl __ __ d 3. p __ __ 4. pl __ __

5. c __ __ ch 6. french fr __ __ s 7. br __ __ 8. sh __ __ t

9. neck t __ __ 10. birthd __ __ 11. pr __ __ d 12. magp __ __

Section B

Questions 1-6 (12 marks)

Find the common nouns in the sentences. Write your answer in the bracket


1. I respect my father and mother.

A. I, respect B. I, mother C. father, mother ( )

2. A boy is flying a kite.

A. boy, kite B. flying, kite C. boy, flying ( )

3. A nurse works in a hospital.

A. works, hospital B. nurse, works C. nurse, hospital ( )

4. The princess lives in a big castle.

A. The, princess B. princess, castle C. big, castle ( )

5. The kind woman cares for the cats.

A. kind, woman B. woman, cares C. woman, cats ( )

6. The girl is reading a book.

A. girl, book B. girl, reading C. reading, book ( )

Section C

Questions 1-6 (12 marks)

Find the proper nouns in the sentences. Write your answer in the bracket


1. Brian lives near SJK (C) Chung Hwa.

A. SJK (C), lives B. Brian, SJK (C) Chung Hwa C. Brian, near ( )

2. Miss Chan is my English teacher.

A. Miss, Chan B. Miss Chan, English C. English, teacher ( )

3. We celebrate our National Day in August.

A. We, August B. We, National C. National Day, August ( )

4. They jog at Taman Tun Fuad Park on Sunday.

A. They, Sunday B. Taman Tun Fuad, Sunday C. They, jog ( )

5. Madam Selvarani drives a Honda City to work.

A. Madam Selvarani, Honda City B. Madam, Selvarani

C. Honda, City ( )

6. Chong is a bank manager in Kuala Lumpur.

A. Chong, Kuala Lumpur B. Chong, bank C. Kuala, Lumpur ( )

Section D

Questions 1-6 (12 marks)

Underline the correct personal pronouns.

Siti and I are good friends. (We, She, They) are also

The acrobat dancer balances three bowls on her head.
(He, She, I) is walking carefully.

The cat is sleeping under the chair. (He, She, It) is
sleeping soundly.

My grandfather is old. (He, She, We) walks slowly.


Voon and Teo like to play football. (They, He, We)

play every evening.

Lee lives near his school. (He, She, It) cycles to
school every morning.

Section E
Questions 1-4 (12 marks)

Rearrange the words below with correct punctuations.

painting the David is bench

rubbish up Jesslyn picking is


swings Mr Gopal the repairing is

Mr Abu cutting bushes the is

Section F
Questions 1-4 (8 marks)

Read the passage below. Answer the questions that follow.

It was a hot day. A fox and a goat were walking in the forest. They
were very thirsty. So they went around looking for some water to quench
their thirst. They found a well with little water in it and immediately got
down to drink the water.
It was only after the drink that they realised the well was very deep.
They wondered how they could get out. The fox said, How about you stand
firm first while I climb up on your back. Once I get out, Ill pull you up. The
goat agreed and soon the fox was out. Once the fox was out, it went away
and left the poor goat bleating helplessly in the well.

1. Where were the fox and the goat?

A. B.

2. What did the fox and the goat see when they were looking for water?

A. B.

3. Which animal stood firm while helping the other out?

A. B.

4. Which animal is tricky?

A. B.

Section G
Questions 1-5 (10 marks)

Look at the picture and fill in the blanks with the phrases given.

looks after play with helps with four members respect and care about

This is my family. There are (1) ____________________________ in

my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother and I.

When I am sick, my mother (2) ____________________________ me.

My father always (3) ____________________________ my schoolwork. I

(4) _________________________________ my little brother when my

mother is busy.

I love my family. We (5) _______________________________ each

other. We are a very close family.

Section H
Questions 1-5 (10 marks)
Look at the picture and fill in the blanks with the phrases given.

the pupils in a school kind and hardworking Dianas mother by car

This is (1) ____________________________. Her name is Madam Lisa.

She is a teacher. She works (2) ____________________________. She

teaches (3) ____________________________.

She goes to work (4) _________________________________. She is

a very (5) _______________________________ teacher.

Prepared By :_________________ Verified By : _________________

( ) ( )

Certified By :_________________

( )

Section A Section B

1. pay 1. C (father, mother)
2. cloud 2. A (boy, kite)
3. pie 3. C (nurse, hospital)
4. play 4. B (princess, castle)
5. couch 5. C (woman, cats)
6. cried 6. A (girl, book)
7. bray Section C
8. shout 1. B (Brian, SJK (C) Chung Hwa)
9. necktie 2. B (Miss Chan, English)
10. birthday 3. C (National Day, August)
11. proud 4. B (Taman Tun Fuad Park, Sunday)
12. magpie 5. A (Madam Selvarani, Honda City)
6. A (Chong, Kuala Lumpur)
Section D Section E
1. We 1. David is painting the bench.
2. She 2. Jesslyn is picking up rubbish.
3. It 3. Mr Gopal is repairing the swings.
4. He 4. Mr Abu is cutting the bushes.
5. We
6. He Section G
1. four members
Section F 2. looks after
1. A 3. helps with
2. B 4. play with
3. B 5. respect and care about
4. A

Section H
1. Dianas mother
2. in a school
3. the pupils
4. by car
5. kind and hardworking

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