Thanksgivig Day

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Early in the 17th century a group of people called the Pilgrims wanted to reform and
purify Englands churches. As a result of their efforts they were persecuted so they
sailed to the Netherlands also known as Holland seeking religious freedom. After 12
years in Holland where they struggled to make a living and felt threatened by the
permissive Dutch society the Pilgrims decided to seek refuge in a place where they
could create a society that matched their religious ideas. In exchange for seven
years of work the Puritans persuaded a London stock company to finance their
journey to the New World.
In September 1620, 102 passengers set sail from Plymouth, England on a ship
called the Mayflower. The journey took 65 days and was filled with much difficulty.
Bad storms weakened the ship and caused many leaks. Many passengers were cold
and damp for much of the journey and others were concerned that they wouldnt
even survive. Though many were sick and one person died they did make it.
On December 11 1620, the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock and began to explore
the surrounding are for a suitable place to build their colony. They chose Plymouth
because it had an excellent harbor and a large brook in which to catch fish to eat.
While living on the Mayflower and ferrying back and forth to land, the Pilgrims built
their houses and barns. Construction was hindered by exceptionally heavy snow and
intense cold, but the settlement was completed in late March, 1621. Their success
was dampened by the great sorrow nearly half of their original group died that first
Besides survival the Pilgrims were concerned that the Native American Indians
would attack them . TO their surprise , an Indian named Samoset, walked right into
the Colony and welcomed them in broken English. Samoset was from an Indian tribe
in Maine ad had picked up a few English words from the fishermen who came into
the harbors there. He told them also of another Indian named Squanto, a native of
that place, who had been in England and could speak better English than he. The
Pilgrims use the opportunity to negotiate a peace treaty and to establish trading
Squantos importance to the Pilgrims was enormous and it can be said that they
would not have survived without his help. It was Squanto who taught the Pilgrims
how to tap the maple trees for sap, how to plant Indian corn and other crops and
how to tell which plants were poisonous and which could be used as medicine.
As a result they had a bountiful harvest that provided food for the coming winter.
The Pilgrims had much to celebrate, although nearly half of their people died. They
had successfully built homes in the wilderness, raised enough crops to keep them
alive during the long coming winter and they were at peace with their Indian
neighbors. It was time to give thanks.
The Pilgrim Governor William Bradford proclaimed a day of thanksgiving to God for
helping them survive the brutal winter. They invited Squanto ad other Indians to join
them in their celebration. Their chief, Massasoit, and 90 braves came to the
celebration which lasted for 3 days.
Two years later the colony suffered a drought and Governor Bradfort ordered a day
of fasting and prayer. It is reported that soon after it began to rain. To celebrate
Gods answer to prayer November 29th was proclaimed a day of thanksgiving. This
date is believed to be the beginning of the present Thanksgiving Day, which is held
of the 4th Thursday of November.
The custom of an annual thanksgiving celebration held after the harvest continued
but it became a national observance under Presidents George Washington (1789)
and Abraham Lincoln (1863). Only after Lincoln did Thanksgiving become an annual
Thanksgiving weekend has become one of the busiest travel period of the year
because it is a 4 to 5 day vacation for many schools and some businesses. It has
also become the beginning of the Christmas buying season. Many people today
observe the holiday by watching professional football games, Thanksgiving TV
programs and the Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade held in New York City.
Thanksgiving is a time when families gather and enjoy time together. Many families
give thanks to God for his goodness and faithfulness to them. Regardless of ones
religious beliefs most families will share a large meal together of turkey, stuffing,
mashed potatoes with gravy, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, sweet corn and
pumpkin pie. Afterwards, family members may share what they are thankful for
from that year.
What are some things you are thankful for?
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more.
It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a
meal into a fest, a house into a home , a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes
sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.
(Melody Beattie)

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