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Jackson Kincaid One Nation, Under God

Mrs. Theiss
Honors English 2
1st period

The significant debate on religion in schools is becoming more and more heated. Many

people say that banning religion in schools would be unconstitutional, which in some aspects is

understandable since the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects freedom of religion.

Since September 11th there has been a greater tendency of Americans to want to pray together in

public, especially students in public schools. Some say that praying is a way to declare their

freedom and independency, but now they are being told that they cant express what they feel

about the events happening around them through prayer or religious activity. Although there are

legal and moral obstacles, all religions should be allowed in schools, due to the fact that

Americans have the right to practice their religion freely, moral standards should be kept, and by

restricting the freedom to practice religion in schools, they are forcing young minds to adhere to

an ideology they don't believe in.

All Americans are protected by the First Amendment of the U.S Constitution which states

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free

exercise thereof. The first amendment of the U. S. Constitution provides the freedom of speech,

freedom of religion, freedom of the press and other freedoms that are of importance to
Americans today. The debate over religion being banned from schools is raising some questions

about whether or not that would violate the first amendment of the U. S. Constitution. An

amendment to protect religious expression in public schools, was introduced to Congress in 1994

after the Republicans won the majority vote in both houses since most of the Americans not in

favor of banning religion from public schools are Republicans. This amendment, currently in

Congress, has yet to be passed, but is still being considered. I believe that everyone deserves the

right to practice whatever they want and that schools should realize that students are different.

We need an approach to steer away from state-sponsored secularism and helping students cope

with what they believe. Also, students need to learn and respect all religions to help understand

everyones views and where they come from.

Firstly, a factor contributing to bringing religion back in is moral standards. Without

religion, there wouldnt be any social morals and standards to live by. People live by a moral

code which is often influenced by religion. If it is pushed out of our school systems, we would

see our ethics decline. Author David Myers created an essay titled Godliness and

Goodliness, According to Myers, studies have demonstrated that the most charitable people of

our society are the ones who are involved in religious activity. Americans who never attend

church give about 1.1% of their income to charity. Those who are weekly church-goers (who

constitute only 24% of the population) give two and one-half times as much as the non-religious,

and account for almost half (48%) of all charitable contributions given. These facts prove that

religion serves as a barrier between right and wrong. This questions everything about what this

country was founded and built on. When we say the pledge of allegiance we say one nation

under God. There are schools that are not allowing students to say that because of separation of
church and state. Morals are based on religion and if we start telling kids that there isnt such

thing called God, they will believe they have no morals and society itself would change. We

would have a massive social change and kids will be raised thinking there is no God. There

needs to be religion in public schools to we can keep a social order years down the road.

Lastly, religion should be taught in public schools because the government is restricting

our freedom. In school, we are supposed to focus on learning and thats fine, but they are

teaching us how to reject religion and learn about evolution. The state wants us to adhere to what

they think is right and not what the students want. There should be classes allowing religious

groups in the school to help understand their own and others around them. For students who do

not believe, they can refer to not participate in these groups as it is their choice. This would allow

students to do what they want religiously or otherwise.

People can be opposed to the religion in school argument and it will have to do with

students that choose not to believe in religion at all. It is important to understand not everyone

agrees and thats fine. People have the right to decide whats right. They wouldnt support

religion because it could single them out and thats not the right way to achieve this goal. We

must do everything in unity to make sure everyone is respected.

As seen throughout the United States, religion in the schools has been a heated debate

ever since it was created in the Amendment because of how personal and sensitive the topic is.

No matter what country you live in or how religion is to be seen in the eyes of the public or

parochial sector, it is a part of our history, our present, and our future which cannot be denied.
We are a world built upon religion, even if we choose no religion at all, in one form or another.

Religion has been and will always be a sensitive issue. Whether our opinions of various religions

are our own or shared by those around us; issues that are not of our own religion must be

respected for a population of well-rounded, open-minded, tolerant, and informed leaders and

citizens to emerge.

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