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Emergency Outbreak

Plan for Ebola

Signatures of Approval

Brenna Mason leader

Corynn Keller Task Manager

Shay Garwood Leusion

Katlin Angle Rubric manager

Table of Contents
Quarantine- Pg. 2-3
Where to quarantine.. Pg.2
Set up of quarantine...Pg.2-3
How we disinfect .Pg.3

Disposal of Remains - Pg. 3-4

Cremate bodies .Pg.3
Where to burn bodies ...Pg.4

Communication -- Pg. 4
How to the patients communicate ..Pg.4
What we use to communicate.Pg.4
How we let the public know..Pg.4

Lab Testing- Pg.5

Where we test .Pg. 5
What we use to test ...Pg.5
How we test .Pg. 5

Work Safety Guidelines - Pg.5

What doctors wear and how they clean off..Pg. 5
Disinfectant ..Pg. 5

Role/ Responsibility public figures- Pg.6

Mayor ..Pg. 6
Police officer. ..Pg. 6
Fire rescue...Pg. 6
Doctor/nurses .Pg. 6

Non-pharmaceutical Interventions..Pg. 6

Where to Quarantine:
We will quarantine in the Kmart and the old Marsh building because
they are the biggest abandoned buildings in Huntington county. The Kmart
is for the most serious cases of ebola and the Marsh building is for the not
so serious cases. We have section for adult and children so we can
assess them differently. We also will clean the rooms with disinfectants.

Set up of Quarantine:
` Our quarantine is set up in sectioned for adult and children so they
each will have separate rooms. Each room will have a bathroom, bed,
nightstand with pictures of their family, a dresser full of cloths, a small
couch and a little coffee table. Each room has two windows in each room
with a wireless microphone so they can talk to their families when they
come. Each quarantine building will have many rooms. Both building have
a kitchen so the patients can have food when they wish. Both of the
buildings have lab for lab testing to figure out cures. When the doctors go
into a room they always have to be wearing a spacesuit. In each building
there is a room where they can dress themselves into the appropriate
attire. Then after words there are showers they must take afterwards to
make sure they are clean.

How we Disinfect:

We will disinfect by a bleach and water solution authorized by the

CDC. When we disinfect is after someone is not in their rooms and we go
in and clean the whole room and wipe down every object in the room.
There is also the option of viroChem and that is also a very strong cleaning

Disposal of Remains
Cremate Bodies
We will be cremating (burning) the bodies in a contained area. We
will cremate the victims bodies in a very respectful and gentle way. The
cremated bodies will then be placed in a special jar( i think its called an
urn), and then be brought to a special graveyard and places in a stone
grave. The families of the deceased will be freely welcome to visit their
graves at any time.

Where to Burn the Bodies

We would burn the bodies in an area where no human lives and is
some what contained area to burn the body, the virus will not go airborne if
the bodies are cremated.


What we use to communicate:

The things we found most reasonable to use so patients don't infect
anyone else was bulletproof sealed glass and wireless microphones. Using
these they will not actually touch anyone so they won't infect their families
but still be able to connect with them.

How do the patients communicate:

How the patient communicates with anybody will be with a bulletproof
glass and a microphone. Each room will have these two things. The
patients will be able to stand by the window in their room and have a
microphones so they can see and talk to each other. There will be a
designated time when patients can see their families to avoid bad timing.
Example like if the patient was showering, eating

How we let the public know:

When there is a virus outbreak you have to let the public know. The
ways we would do it by is over the radio, in the newspaper, on the news,
and a text alerts. All of this ways would have he same type of messenger
we are trying to get through quickly to the public.

Lab Testing
Where we test:
Where we test is the Kmart building and the Marsh building. In those
buildings there are separate labs where they will test. They will test a
possible cure for Ebola and provide as much help as possible for the
What we use to test:
What we will use to test is multiple testing instruments which includes
test tubes, microscopes, glass slide, glass beakers,and syringes. All these
will help in the process of find out cures, different medicines, and possibly
cures (maybe not for Ebola).
How we test:

The way we will test Ebola is we will take a patient and take a vial of
blood to test it. Then the way we will test the blood is by look at it under a
microscope to make a possible antidote to Ebola.

Work Safety Guidelines

What doctors wear and how they clean off
When doctors go to check on the patient they will have to be wearing
a medical grade space suit to protect them from the virus. They will have to
go through multiple stages to get dressed for going into the patient's room.
Then after they are done treating the patients they will come out and go
through multiple stages to get undressed and then they will shower. Each
person that is there to visit someone will have to gin through that same
Since there are Ebola patients in each facility there will have to be a
way to disinfect the building. The way we will do that is by a industrial
strength bleach and water solution cleared by the CDC. We also have the
opportunity to use viroChem that I have seen through many trustworthy
Role/ Responsibility for Public Figures
The mayor will be responsible for attending to the public and making
sure everyone is under control and making them calm. And trying to help as
much as he can, by bringing in some of the best doctors and nurses out
there and getting all of the supplies for the patients.

Police Department:
The police department will be responsible for keeping the public
under control. For example, when things happen people get scared and
they could start riots, vandalising, and could cause potential damage to the
city but the police department will be there to calm the public down, so they
don't get infected with the virus. We will contact the police department at
260-358-2308. The location for the police department is 300 Cherry St.

Fire Rescue:
The fire rescuer is the same principle with the police department. They
are there to calm the public down if something happens. The fire rescue
also is there just in case if there is any accidents or any fires.
We will contact the fire rescue at 260-356-3620. The fire department
location is 747 condent St.

Doctors and Nurses:

The doctors and nurses will be there to help the patients in need and
be there to comfort them in this time of crisis . There will specialist to apply
their skills to the patients that require special attention, example extreme
cases of Ebola. The nurses will help some of the patients that might not
cooperate with us, and help them understand more about what is wrong
with them.

Non-pharmaceutical Interventions
Non-pharmaceutical Interventions:
The non-pharmaceutical thing we will use are banks, cloths, rooms, and
food. The way this would help the patients is by making the patients maids
comfortable for them, except for the banks. The bank is for the extra money
we may need to buy supplies and to help so set up the quarantines, and for
any other thing that they would need money for. But for the other things that
may help them help them as well. For instance, the cloths, room, and food
will help them feel better, the cloths and rooms will make then feel more at
home and to stay calm. Staying calm is always the best. If they dont
cooperate the doctors will try to make them understand whats going on,
and why the patients are there.

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