Profile Nairfamily

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The Daily Prophet

Friday, February 24, 2017


America, the land of the free Waiting For a New Life
and home of the brave. To The process to come to this
many this nation is known for its country was somewhat difficult.
many opportunities and benefits Kalis older sister was the first
that other countries may not one in the family to move to
have. I had the privilege to America in the 1970s. Later,
interview the Nair family and Kali and Pushpa sent in the
their experience moving to the application for their family to
United States. From the small immigrate to the United States.
islands of Fiji to the many states It took roughly five and a half
of the US it was a big change years to be approved but they
for this family of four. were finally allowed to start their
new life. Everyone in the family Time For Change
was excited for their fresh start
In the month of September
in the land of freedom. This
1985, the Nair family packed all
would be their first trip to
their belongings and headed to
America as they have never
the airport. They sat on a plane
been before. I asked Janice
for ten and a half hours to their
Nair, who was eleven at the
new life in the States. When
time, what she can remember
finally reaching their destination,
feeling when she was told that
The flag of Fiji Kalis sister was there to
they would be moving to an
embrace them with loving arms
Kali, father of the family and entirely new country, my sister
and bring them to her house in
who was 39 when they moved, and I were very excited to move
Concord, California until they
recalls the thinking process that to America. We knew this was
were able to settle down and
took place as the family chose going to be a good change in
adjust to this new country they
why they were moving. We our lives.
now call home. They moved
wanted a better life for our many times throughout those
children. We knew the first few years. Mostly
opportunities in America far throughout different cities in
exceeded the ones found in California such as San
Fiji. Life in Fiji for the Nair Francisco as well as different
family was fair and pleasant for states like Washington.
Fiji standards but they knew
they wanted something better
for their two daughters.
A Childs View on
Life in Washington Change
Kali, Pushpa, and their two Janice, the youngest,
daughters (Jeanette and remembers her thoughts on
Janice) lived in Seattle for a changing and living in a new
country. Her and her sister were
time. This was because Pushpa
excited to start this new life but
had many family members living it wasnt until they were flying
in Canada and as such wanted that they realized how major of
to live near the US and a change this decision was.
Canadian border so they could They were leaving behind
cross it and say hello to her friends, many family members,
family. They would take many school, and their house. This
brought her and Jeanette, her When asked how hard it was to
trips to Canada while staying in older sister, to tears and adapt, buy a house, and get a
Seattle. It wasnt until It snowed became very homesick. job Kali began to tell me that it
for the first time that they knew wasnt as hard as it seemed.
they wouldnt live there for long. We are a very social family and
Janice recalls seeing snow fall very outgoing. It might just be
the hospitality of the people of
for the first time as the
Fiji but I could talk to the
landscape changed to a wintery American people perfectly fine
wonderland before her eyes. and made friends very easily.
After two years of living in He also stated that in California
Washington and deciding they (From Left to Right) Janice, Jeanette,
it is a very culturally diverse
didnt really care much for the Pushpa, and Kali place and there were many
snow they decided to move to Indians to relate to and speak
It took me and my sister a with. Many Indians continued to
California where it was sunnier come to the United States later
couple of years to adjust and
and closer to Kalis sister. become comfortable with this on because of the dramatic
new change. One of the hardest changes in Fiji. Two years after
things we had to adapt to was the Nair family left Fiji for the
the food. All the food that was United States there was a
here in America was very bland military coup that led to a strong
and the spices we used in our divide between native Fijians
curries were never the same as and Fijian Indians as well as
the ones found in Fiji. harsher rules against Indians.
Differences in Schools Continuing to Live Life
Shed come home each day Towards the end of the
When finding out that Janice crying and sad that these kids interview I asked each of them
was eleven when she moved, I would make fun of her. She told the same question, would you
proceeded to ask the question her parents that she didnt want ever go back? All of them said
on the differences between to go to school in order to avoid no way. They love to visit their
Fijian and US school systems being made fun of by her fellow small little islands and visiting
and there were very intriguing students. It wasnt until she family for vacation but would
started to make friends and never go back to live
answers. One of the first
become more outgoing that the permanently. Kali and Pushpa
differences is in the way the teasing and bullying ceased are now grandparents to seven
teachers handled the and she began to want to go to children and have lived (and are
classroom. The teachers in Fiji school again. still living) very eventful lives.
were allowed to hit the students Janice is a flight attendant with
if they were misbehaving or not one son and three step children
who love her and her whole
paying attention. I remember
family as their own. Each
one time I misbehaved and as person interviewed can not be
such the teacher slapped my more grateful for their chance to
hand hard with a ruler. The leave the small islands of Fiji to
teacher had more respect in Fiji a land full of opportunities and
and everyone was intimidated to benefits.
give any kind of resistance or
talk back. Another difference is
that every school had a very
strict dress code that was
followed 100% of the time.
Coming to the United States
where you could wear anything
led to a lot of confusion the first
few months of school for Janice.
She also talked a little on some
of the rude and horrible things
that many kids said to her
because she came from a
different country. In the
beginning months of school
many kids would make fun of
the way in which she dressed
and the accent she possessed.

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